Error TF401444 when calling TFS Server REST API with a PAT (personal access token) - tfs

I have created a PAT token for my user account in TFS Server 2017 (on-premises, not VSTS). Using Postman I am attempting to call the following REST API with Basic Auth:
GET http://{server:port}/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/projects?api-version=1.0
In response I get the following error:
TF401444: Please sign-in at least once as {Well Known SID for my user account} in a web browser to enable access to the service. - Microsoft Team Foundation Server
I have tried opening the same URL in Chrome and attempting to login with the PAT but with no success (the login is not completed). Any suggestions as to what I am missing here?
TFS seems to be recognising the PAT token as I receive a different error if I revoke it.

The issue here was the use of 'DefaultCollection' in the URI. I didn't have permissions on the default project collection in our TFS instance and needed to replace 'DefaultCollection' with the name of the collection I actually did have access to.
It seems obvious now, but the documentation didn't make it clear that this was a variable part of the URI so I had assumed the API was always hosted as part of the DefaultCollection.


DocuSign Power Apps Custom Connector not working

I am setting up the DocuSign rest connector in power apps. I have other API's that working well this same way.
I want to get this setup to sweep completed files on a scheduled.
I started by going through this tutorial and tried the same setup. But when I try to test the connector I don't get prompted for credentials. We use SSO - so the window comes up and goes away without an error message.
I then tried to create a connection in in power automate Data/Connections and get an error message after entering my dev credentials. The clientid (integration key) and the secret match.
OAuth2 authorization flow failed for service 'Generic Oauth 2'. OAuth 2 sign in failed to exchange code for access token. Client ID and secret sent in form body.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" } Client ID and secret sent in Basic authorization header.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" }
The setup looks correct. It seems like a reference problem = like the production account and the developer account are not in sync or something. I have the same email address for both production and developer accounts and we use SSO - maybe its trying to reference production and not the developer account when its logging in? Just guessing.
I have a ticket with them, but they have note been able to help so far and they are on AEST time and I won't be able to get a response back from them for another couple of days :(
(I tried using the DocuSign Git repo API to create the connection as well - same problem)
Anyone have problems like this or know a solution? Anything else I can look at. This seems all straight forward -standard OAuth setup.
Using this setup like in the article for the demo (dev) account.
IKey: Integration Key [captured earlier]
Secret Key: Secret Key [captured earlier]
Authorization URL (DEMO):
Token URL (DEMO):
Refresh URL (DEMO):
Scope: signature extended
This will connect to a single DocuSign user (like a "service account"). It will not prompt each user for their credentials. You will need 1 generic user setup within your DocuSign account, without SSO (you can setup an exception user in DocuSign admin. This is best practice when setting up SSO as a fallback in case SSO fails to login as well).
The envelope will be sent from that generic user, not the actual user. This is common practice with some "system level" integrations.
Also, are you connecting a DocuSign "demo" or production account?
I ask because there's two connectors for power automate - "DocuSign" (for production) and "Docusign Demo" (for demo). I would recommend doing it all in demo first, as the "client id" (aka "integration key") needs to go through a go-live process to be promoted from demo to prod (see the link in the guide).

How to simply get a bearer token to send requests to Azure DevOps API?

I need to create an organizational feed to host nuget packages shared among projects on our Azure DevOps environment.
After several unsuccesful attempts and research, I discovered that the only way to create an organizational feed is, by design from Microsoft mouth, the Azure DevOps API.
Source for the claim : This question on VS dev community
and The MS docs on project-scoped feeds
Basically, I just need to be able to perform a POST here :{organization}/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=5.1-preview.1
with the body :
"name": "{myfeedname}",
"hideDeletedPackageVersions": true,
"upstreamEnabled": true
And of course, a Bearer token to authenticate myself. That's the point where I'm confused.
What is the simplest way to obtain one ? I'm logged in through my company Microsoft AD account on my computer browser on Azure DevOps. I don't see any Bearer token that I can "steal" to use in PostMan in my browser dev tools.
The API docs described some relevant info, but I'm confused on how to use it in Postman :
Security oauth2
Type: oauth2
Flow: accessCode
Authorization URL:
Token URL:
Scopes Name Description
vso.packaging_write Grants the ability to
create and read feeds and packages.
Here is the interface in Postman for OAuth2:
Ican see how the info in the docs relates to the fields 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, but then, what callback url should I use ? What credentials ? my Microsoft email + password from AD ?
I tried this, and all I seem to get is this from Postman :
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).","typeName":"System.Web.HttpException, System.Web","typeKey":"HttpException","errorCode":0,"eventId":0}
How do I properly proceed to get a token with Postman, or other tool to manually execute my one-time request to Azure DevOps REST API ?
notes :
Following info here : Unable to get Authorization code for Devops using Postman oAuth2.0
, leading here : , I understand that I have to register and run a whole web application. Am I understanding this correctly ? I there a simpler way ?
I understand that I have to register and run a whole web application. Am I understanding this correctly ? I there a simpler way ?
Yes, you are right. You have to register whole web application.
As the interface in Postman for OAuth2, we need provide the CallbackUrl, ClientID, ClientSecret and so on. Then, we check the document Requesting an OAuth 2.0 token, we could to know the Callback URL is:
The client application callback URL redirected to after auth, and that
should be registered with the API provider.
So, we have to register an OAuth client app in Azure DevOps (, then we could get the following information, like:
You could check the document Authorize access to VSTS REST APIs with OAuth 2.0 for some more details.
AFAIK, there is currently no simpler way to get a bearer token to send requests to the Azure DevOps API.
Hope this helps.

Always getting "code_already_used" when exchanging code for access token w/Slack API

I'm writing a Slack app that adds Slash commands.
Every time I go through the OAuth flow, when I try to exchange a temporary auth code for an access token, I get the following JSON response:
{"ok"=>false, "error"=>"code_already_used"}
and despite that error message, the two slash commands provided by my app do get installed on the target Slack team.
The desired outcome is: I get a successful response from Slack's API, which contains the access_token and scopes for which the token is valid.
Troubleshooting I've tried so far:
Revoked permissions from my app & uninstalling from target team before trying again
Requesting additional scopes (e.g, commands,channels:history,users.profile:read which I don't need, instead of just commands) to see if that would cause the API to return an access token.
I am able to install on other teams outside of the original team I used when creating the app, but with the same api failure
Any suggestions for how to get the API to return an access token? Thanks in advance!

identity server token for webapi authorization error

I have a number of web api services created that need to get the authenticated user.
I have gotten the id server v3 working such that I can enter /core and /connect/token and my client gets a token and is passing it back to the server.
single iis server running all of the web app and web services and id server.
when I add the token authentication package I am getting an error that the well known configuration can not be found.
I am looking for what I need to change to make this work so that api calls get an authenticated identity.
I think this is a startup problem but I have my first and then the app.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication() after.
so do I make it wait fro the first to complete ? async ? await ?
ok I am slow, I found an option to delay load the metadata and that fixed that.
now the api calls show that the user is authenticated.

Google OAuth 2 authorization - swapping code for token

I'm trying to implement Google OAuth 2 to get access to Google APIs. I follow this guide, using server-side scenario.
I have no problem with getting the code, server redirects to localhost (which is the only server allowed in redirect URIs for now).
To achieve this, I go to page.
Then, I tried using curl (as in guide) to test, if Google's server responds with access token. However, it seems to fail very hard. Only response I can get is {"error":"invalid_client"}. I'm sure I provide everything Google wants me to provide - code, client ID, client secret, redirect URI (localhost) and grant_type=authorization_code.
Whole curl command line is:
curl -d "code=<code>&<won't tell!>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&grant_type=authorization_code"
Am I missing something? How can I exchange code for access token?
Did you urlencode your client secret and redirect url? That works for me.
Should be http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost instead of https://localhost.
I had the same error until I realized that I was trying to connect with a client ID which I created for iOS. So for me the solution was to create a new API key-secret pair on the API Console with the platform set to "other".
Now I'm getting other errors but that's another story. ;)
Happens when you use wrong Client secret. Make sure you are using correct Client secret from Google API console. I was using Email address since API console displays the information in the following order:
Client ID
Email address
Client secret
