Stack view within a scroll view doesn't scroll - ios

I've been having such a hard time with this issue for the past 2 days. The structure I'm looking for is as follows:
I want to have a scroll view take up the entire screen so that it's scrollable vertically.
I want the image view to be added at the top of the scroll view and a vertical stack view to be added to below.
The key point is for the vertical stack view to increase in its height dynamically depending on the content.
First, I just tried adding the stack view without the image view just to test out the dynamic scrollable height. Followed the SO answer from here:
Added the scroll view with 0, 0, 0, 0 constraints.
Added the stack view to the scroll view. Set the constraints to the Content Layout Guide, 0, 0, 0, 0 constraints.
Set the width of the stack view to be equal the scroll view.
This gave me a constraint error saying I need to set a fixed height for the scroll view. Adding the constraint doesn't let me scroll. I tried pinning the stack view to the scroll view directly, and not to the Content Layout Guide, but still doesn't work.
I followed Apple's documentation on the scroll view and added a content view within the scroll view before pinning the stack view to the content view:
This doesn't scroll either.
The stack view's distribution was either set at equal spacing or fill.
Please help.

This answer did work for me.
Add the scroll view and pin four edges to safe area. Make sure value of constraints is 0.
Add the stackview inside scrollview and pin four edges to scrollview with constraint value 0.
Set stack view's width equal to scroll view's width.
Add as many views inside stackview.
To test if scrolling works, set fixed height for views inside stackview to make sure that scrollview has scrollable height. Then with the stackview selected, drag with two fingers inside the viewcontroller. The stackview should scroll within the scrollview.
This is how the constraints are set:


Scrollview in storyboard does not scroll

I created a scrollview in storyboard with multiple views but the scrollview does not scroll. See the screenshot. I have a scrollview with images and another view embedded that spans outside the view area. I would like the scroll view to scroll down but it does not when I see the code in the simulator.
You need to add a UIView with 1000(or whatever you want) height constant to scrollView and make the UIView equal width to view
ScrollView needs to know its scrollable area, so you need to provide information about width and height for ScrollView's content:
width - you can create empty view (with height constraint equal to 1), place it inside scrollView, set its leading and trailing constraints to scrollView and set width constraint equal to main view. Then, scrollView will know that its scrollable area has the same width as screen.
height - you need to provide top and bottom constraints for first and last components inside scrollView (and all components should have specified height). I guess you forgot about setting bottom constraint for the last item.

How to set an empty UIStackView inside a UIScrollView so that i can fill it on runtime?

I'm trying to set an empty vertical UIStackView inside a UIScrollView so that I can fill the UIStackView dynamically on runtime
I tried the solution given by apple here but when I do that, the Auto Layout tool tells me that there is a missing constraint which is either the Y position or the height of the UIStackView.
The only difference I have between my UIScrollView and the one from the example is that I don't add a button inside the UIStackView.
When I fill the UIStackView on runtime, the logs say it has to break some constraints and then the UIScrollView fills the screen all the way to the bottom, pushing other views I had there out of sight.
Is this the right way to accomplish what I want? Or is there any other solution?
This is what I have, the logo constraint is only aspect ratio relative to itself
Set up your constraints as you have them, but without the empty stack view in the scroll view.
add a UIStackView to the scroll view
constrain all 4 sides of the stack view to the scroll view
constrain the stack view width equal to the scroll view width
constrain the stack view height equal to the scroll view height
IB should show all constraints satisfied.
Then - and here's the key - edit the stack view's Height constraint and set it to be a Placeholder:
This Height constraint will now be removed at Build-Time. Any elements you add via code as arrangedSubviews will determine the height of the stack view, which will, in turn, define the vertical scrollable area (the .contentSize) --- all handled by auto-layout.

Objective-c: Dynamic size of UIStackView, depending of it's content

I have an UIStackView which is inside a scrollview. the content of the stackView is dynamic, depending of how much views created and added with the methode "addArrangedSubview". if I have a few subviews, there is so much spacing between them, and if I have too much views, they become compressed.
I have:
|__ view
|______stackView (dynamic content)
I set the stackview to:
Alignement: fill
Distribution: equal spacing
Spacing: 5
and of course the constrains top/bottom/leading/trailing
I want to increase the size of the UIStackview every time a view is added, and keep the size of my added subviews.
Maybe something is missing or I have a bad understanding.. someone can explain to me how to do it ?
I'm working with objective-c
I've a detailed Medium post on this topic. You can take a look there for a step-by-step guide. But I'm also adding a brief explanation here as well:
You should have all of the necessary constraints set-up for the scroll view to it's super view. Then comes your stack view that is the sub-view of this scroll view. You might have pinned all the four edges of this stack view to the scroll view as well. But here comes the actual concern.
UIScrollView doesn't work as like other views. It has a contentView. This content view is responsible for scrolling behavior. If there are more content that don't fit in the frame of the scroll view than the scroll is enabled.
So for setting up the content view correctly, the scroll view must know the size of the content view so it knows when to stop scrolling. Here size means the actual width and height. But this size can't be determined from the constraint's setup because they are calculated dynamically by the auto layout engine.
In your case, the stack view acts as the content view of the scroll view. You might have pinned all the edges of the stack view to it's superview - UIScrollView. But that isn't enough for the scroll view to calculate the content size. You must also provide the:
width & height - if your scroll view is scrollable on both axes
width - if you want to scroll vertically and restrict scrolling horizontally
height - if you want to scroll horizontally and restrict scrolling vertically
As you need horizontal scrolling, you must restrict the vertical scrolling by providing the height of the stack view equal to the scroll view (it doesn't always need to be the same height as the scroll view, but should cover the whole height of the scroll view by other means). And you will also need a placeholder x-axis constraint to make the Interface Builder happy. The actual width of the content view will be covered by the sub views that will be added to the stack view.
Important: You should add a Horizontally in Container constraint to the stack view and make this a place holder that will be removed at build time. You can do this by selecting the constraint in the document outline and opening size inspector where you will get a Remove at build time check box. You check that box, you are ready to go.

UIScrollView with Content View

I've been trying to create a UIScrollView for user registry but with no success. I'm using auto layout and all of the fields that go inside the scroll view are static. Because of the usual ambiguous height issue, I've added a UIView inside the scroll view, set the constraints to the margins of the scroll view and centered aligned it. After that I added all of the fields inside that Content View, in the storyboard.
The content fields have their constraints setup as you would expect, but when I get to the lowest field and set the bottom constraint to the bottom of the Content View then everything breaks.
I'm asked by Xcode to set the priority of some views, and when I do as is says, the Content View size stays the same and the views are shrunken.
I tried not to put the last bottom constraint and resize the Content View by code but the height is not resized as is should.
I'm looking for a good solution to do this in storyboards and auto layout.
Update: I added a bottom constraint with a low priority, but the content scroll view is not expanding to show all of the fields.
Add&Set ScrollView(UIScrollView)
Add&Set ContentView(UIView) with subviews
! Set ContentView Width equal to View Width
Set all subviews constraints
View1 should be tied to the top of the ContentView
View4 should be tied to the bottom of the ContentView
All SubView (View1, View2, View3, View4 ...) must have a height and distance between each other
P.s. In your case, if iOS > 9.0 you can replace ContentView with UIStackView
You are using auto layout so the size of the content view is determined by constraints. Follow the below steps to provide proper constraints:
Drag the Scroll View inside main view and provide constraints Top, Bottom, Leading and Trailing in align with Super View (Main View) as
per screenshot.
Take View which will contain your content and drag inside Scroll View. and provide the constraints Center X, Center Y, Top, Bottom,
Leading and Trailing in align with Scroll View as per screenshot
Put all the element inside content view which is a subview of scroll view and provide Top constraint relative to the element above
it, to make equal space between the elements (eg. label, button etc.)
(Make sure you provide required constraint for X-position)
Last element is "Register Account" button make sure you provide the Top Constraint relative to country and Bottom constraint relative to
superview (content view) and change the priority for Top or Bottom
constraint as per screenshot, otherwise it gives error.

Setting UIScrollView Width

I have a UIScrollView added to my ViewController. And a View on top of that Scrollview. I have done the following:
Placed scroll view inside my original View and set top, left, right, and bottom constraints. Unchecking Constrain to margins.
Added a UIView within the scrollView (to hold my labels and such) and added the top, left, right, and bottom constraints, constrain to margins unchecked. And set equal widths to the original View
I then add an image view and three labels inside the view placed within the scroll view. And add top, left, right, bottom, and height constraints for them.
The scroll view works and my view does scroll and my labels and image view are centered but everything is very wide.
I am wondering how I make it so the View is not wide and I cannot scroll horizontally, only vertically.
Add an equal-widths constraint between the view inside the scroll view, and the root-level view of the view controller.
I just recently figured this out. Try doing this:
Make a scroll view
Put all of your labels and buttons into a stack view (If you don't know about stack views, check this out:
Constrain the stack view's width and make sure the Allignment and Distribution are set to fill
Put the Stack View inside of the scroll view
Constrain the Scroll view to your hearts desire
Putting the labels and what you want in the scroll view should help with the width boundaries. Here's a picture of my successful scroll view. Hope this helps :)
In short, the contentsize is no effect while you use autolayout.
if you want you scrollview can scroll, uou should add a container inside scrollview and add origin subviews to the container.
For example, use snapkit (maybe some typos here):
you have a scrollview.set it's equal self.view's frame by autolayout
[import]then you add a containerView as scrollview's subview. set contraints:
make.edges.equalTo(scrollview) // mean its frame equal to scrollview
make.width.equalTo(self.view) // set width equal to self.view
make.height.equalTo(yourheight).priorityLow() // the actual height,if no changes,you can ingore .priorityLow()
add your sunviews to containerView,add the contraints must set to containerView,can't set to scrollview's.forexample,:
myview.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in
Read this official doc -
Technical Note TN2154 UIScrollView And Autolayout.
