SwiftUI - avoid AnyPublisher the first time - ios

I've created publishers to validate the user input, in this case just validate they have 32 chars length.
import UIKit
import Combine
class ConnectionVM: ObservableObject {
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
#Published var uuid1: String = ""
#Published var uuid2: String = ""
#Published var uuid1Message = ""
#Published var uuid2Message = ""
init() {
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { valid in
valid ? "" : "UUID1 must have 32 characters"
.assign(to: \.uuid1Message, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { valid in
valid ? "" : "UUID2 must have 32 characters"
.assign(to: \.uuid2Message, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
private var isUUID1ValidPublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
.debounce(for: 0.8, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.map { input in
return input.count == 32
private var isUUID2ValidPublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
.debounce(for: 0.8, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.map { input in
return input.count == 32
private var isFormValidPublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
Publishers.CombineLatest(isUUID1ValidPublisher, isUUID2ValidPublisher)
.map { uuid1IsValid, uuid2IsValid in
return uuid1IsValid && uuid2IsValid
import SwiftUI
let lightGreyColor = Color(red: 239.0/255.0, green: 243.0/255.0, blue: 244.0/255.0, opacity: 1.0)
struct ConnectionView: View {
#ObservedObject var keyboardResponder = KeyboardResponder()
#ObservedObject var viewModel = ConnectionVM()
// #State var uuid1: String = ""
// #State var uuid2: String = ""
#State var authenticationDidFail: Bool = false
var body: some View {
return VStack {
UUIDTextField(uuid: $viewModel.uuid1)
if !viewModel.uuid1Message.isEmpty {
.offset(y: -10)
UUIDTextField(uuid: $viewModel.uuid2)
if !viewModel.uuid2Message.isEmpty {
.offset(y: -10)
Button(action: {
print("Button tapped")
}) {
.offset(y: -keyboardResponder.currentHeight*0.5)
struct WelcomeText : View {
var body: some View {
return Text("Welcome!")
.padding(.bottom, 20)
struct LogoImage : View {
var body: some View {
return Image("logo")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)
.padding(.bottom, 75)
struct UUIDTextField : View {
#Binding var uuid: String
var body: some View {
return TextField("UUID", text: $uuid)
.padding(.bottom, 20)
struct LoginButtonContent : View {
var body: some View {
return Text("LOGIN")
.frame(width: 220, height: 60)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
The problem is the first time when the screen is just opened, the error messages appear automatically.

You basically need another condition to guard whether to display the message.
That condition could be that the field has first changed, so you'd count the number of times each field has changed, and produce a Bool on whether it has changed more than once (i.e. beyond the initial assignment of "")
let hasUUID1Changed = $uuid1.scan(0, { a, _ in a + 1}).map { $0 > 1 }
let hasUUID2Changed = $uuid2.scan(0, { a, _ in a + 1}).map { $0 > 1 }
Publishers.Scan acts as the counter / accumulator in this case. The lifetime would be the lifetime of the view model.
Then you could use this publisher in combination with the isUUID1ValidPublisher to determine whether to display the message:
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.combineLatest(hasUUID1Changed) // here
.map { (valid, changed) in
valid && !changed ? "" : "UUID1 must have 32 characters"
.sink { [weak self] self?.uuid1Message = $0 }
.store(in: &cancellableSet)


How to show random array's items only once in SwiftUI?

I'm trying to recreate a popular game: Heads up, basically the user has to try to guess the name putting the phone on his head, with friends' suggestions...if he raises the head he skips the word, if he lowers the head it means he guessed the name and he earns a point. He has limited time. I need that every time the user raises/lowers his head, the array's name changes, and each name must appear only once. Any suggestions?
This is my code:
import SwiftUI
import CoreMotion
struct ContentView: View {
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let queue = OperationQueue()
#State private var roll = Double.zero
#State private var people = ["John", "Marcus", "Steve", "Eric", "Philip"].shuffled()
#State private var randomPerson = Int.random(in: 0...4)
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, tolerance: 0.5, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
#State private var timeRemaining = 10
#State private var score = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
//Show a red background and "SKIP" if the user raises head
if roll < 1 {
} else if roll > 2.1 {
//Show a green background and "CORRECT" if user lowers head
.onAppear {
score += 1
} else {
//Otherwise show a cyan back with array's name
.font(.system(size: 39))
.padding(.bottom, 200)
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
if timeRemaining > 0 {
timeRemaining -= 1
Text("Score: \(score)")
.padding(.top, 200)
.onAppear {
//Detect device motion
self.motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: self.queue) { (data: CMDeviceMotion?, error: Error?) in
guard let data = data else {
print("Error: \(error!)")
let attitude: CMAttitude = data.attitude
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.roll = attitude.roll
You can do like this:
a state variable for current selected person
#State private var currerntPerson : String = ""
a function to get random person
change TextView show selected person name:
.onAppear {
All code here:
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let queue = OperationQueue()
#State private var roll = Double.zero
#State private var people = ["John", "Marcus", "Steve", "Eric", "Philip"].shuffled()
#State private var randomPerson = Int.random(in: 0...4)
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, tolerance: 0.5, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
#State private var timeRemaining = 10
#State private var score = 0
#State private var currerntPerson : String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
//Show a red background and "SKIP" if the user raises head
if roll < 1 {
} else if roll > 2.1 {
//Show a green background and "CORRECT" if user lowers head
.onAppear {
score += 1
} else {
//Otherwise show a cyan back with array's name
.onAppear {
.font(.system(size: 39))
.padding(.bottom, 200)
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
if timeRemaining > 0 {
timeRemaining -= 1
Text("Score: \(score)")
.padding(.top, 200)
.onAppear {
//Detect device motion
self.motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: self.queue) { (data: CMDeviceMotion?, error: Error?) in
guard let data = data else {
print("Error: \(error!)")
let attitude: CMAttitude = data.attitude
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.roll = attitude.roll
func getRandomPerson() {
if people.count > 0 {
let index = Int.random(in: 0..<people.count)
currerntPerson = people[index]
people.remove(at: index)

SwiftUI: How to select multi items(image) with ForEach?

I'm working on my project with the feature of select multiple blocks of thumbnails. Only selected thumbnail(s)/image will be highlighted.
For the ChildView, The binding activeBlock should be turned true/false if a use taps on the image.
However, when I select a thumbnail, all thumbnails will be highlighted.I have come up with some ideas like
#State var selectedBlocks:[Bool]
// which should contain wether or not a certain block is selected.
But I don't know how to implement it.
Here are my codes:
#Binding var activeBlock:Bool
var thumbnail: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 80, height: 80)
if activeBlock {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.stroke(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 2))
.frame(width: 80, height: 80)
struct VideoData: Identifiable{
var id = UUID()
var thumbnails: String
struct BlockView: View {
var videos:[VideoData] = [
VideoData(thumbnails: "test"), VideoData(thumbnails: "test2"), VideoData(thumbnails: "test1")
#State var activeBlock = false
var body: some View {
HStack {
ForEach(0..<videos.count) { _ in
Button(action: {
}, label: {
ChildView(activeBlock: $activeBlock, thumbnail: "test")
Thank you for your help!
Here is a demo of possible approach - we initialize array of Bool by videos count and pass activated flag by index into child view.
Tested with Xcode 12.1 / iOS 14.1 (with some replicated code)
struct BlockView: View {
var videos:[VideoData] = [
VideoData(thumbnails: "flag-1"), VideoData(thumbnails: "flag-2"), VideoData(thumbnails: "flag-3")
#State private var activeBlocks: [Bool] // << declare
init() {
// initialize state with needed count of bools
self._activeBlocks = State(initialValue: Array(repeating: false, count: videos.count))
var body: some View {
HStack {
ForEach(videos.indices, id: \.self) { i in
Button(action: {
self.activeBlocks[i].toggle() // << here !!
}, label: {
ChildView(activeBlock: activeBlocks[i], // << here !!
thumbnail: videos[i].thumbnails)
struct ChildView: View {
var activeBlock:Bool // << value, no binding needed
var thumbnail: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 80, height: 80)
if activeBlock {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.stroke(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 2))
.frame(width: 80, height: 80)
Final result
Build your element and it's model first. I'm using MVVM,
class RowModel : ObservableObject, Identifiable {
#Published var isSelected = false
#Published var thumnailIcon: String
#Published var name: String
var id : String
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(id: String, name: String, icon: String) {
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.thumnailIcon = icon
//Equivalent to your BlockView
struct Row : View {
#ObservedObject var model: RowModel
var body: some View {
Label(model.name, systemImage: model.thumnailIcon)
.foregroundColor(model.isSelected ? Color.orange : .gray)
) {
HStack {
.fill(model.isSelected ? Color.orange : .gray)
.onTapGesture {
model.isSelected = !model.isSelected
//Two way binding
Toggle("", isOn: $model.isSelected)
Prepare data and handle action in your parent view
struct ContentView: View {
private let layout = [GridItem(.flexible()),GridItem(.flexible())]
#ObservedObject var model = ContentModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: layout) {
ForEach(model.rowModels) { model in
Row(model: model)
if model.selected.count > 0 {
HStack {
Text(model.selected.joined(separator: ", "))
Button(action: {
}, label: {
.onAppear(perform: prepare)
func prepare() {
class ContentModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var rowModels = [RowModel]()
//I'm handling by ID for futher use
//But you can convert to your Array of Boolean
#Published var selected = Set<String>()
func prepare() {
for i in 0..<20 {
let row = RowModel(id: "\(i)", name: "Block \(i)", icon: "heart.fill")
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink(receiveValue: { [weak self] selected in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
if selected {
}).store(in: &row.cancellables)
func clearSelection() {
for r in rowModels {
r.isSelected = false
Don't forget to import Combine framework.

Why does my array get cleared out when observedobject gets updated?

I'm new to SwiftUI and MVVM and have been working on a podcast app and can't figure out for the life of me how to resolve this issue.
I have a list of podcast episodes with a button assigned to each in a VStack, when pressed, updates the userStore and presents a minimized player. When this happens, my list disappears and I get the ActivityIndicator and the list never reappears. I'm guessing the array gets cleared out whenever the state is updated. I don't want this behavior. What am I doing wrong?
struct PodcastDetailView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var userStore: UserStore
#ObservedObject var minimizableViewHandler: MinimizableViewHandler
#ObservedObject var player: Player = Container.player
#ObservedObject var podcastViewModel: PodcastViewModel
init(podcast: Podcast, player: Player = Container.player, minimizableViewHandler: MinimizableViewHandler) {
self.podcastViewModel = PodcastViewModel(podcast: podcast)
self.player = player
self.minimizableViewHandler = minimizableViewHandler
var body: some View {
Color(hex: "1B1D26")
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
PodcastDetailHeader(podcast: podcastViewModel.podcast)
if podcastViewModel.episodes.isEmpty {
.frame(width: 120, height: 120)
.foregroundColor(Color(hex: "813F97"))
} else {
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10)
ForEach(podcastViewModel.episodes, id: \.self) { episode in
Button(action: {
if (self.player.state == .empty) {
self.userStore.selectedEpisode = episode
var newEpisodeData = self.podcastViewModel.episodes
if let selectedEpisodeIndex = newEpisodeData.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == episode.id}) {
newEpisodeData.remove(at: selectedEpisodeIndex)
newEpisodeData.insert(episode, at: newEpisodeData.startIndex)
self.player.setup(for: newEpisodeData)
} else {
// item could not be found
} else {
print("new episode is " + episode.title)
self.userStore.selectedEpisode = episode
var newEpisodeData = self.podcastViewModel.episodes
if let selectedEpisodeIndex = newEpisodeData.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == episode.id}) {
newEpisodeData.remove(at: selectedEpisodeIndex)
newEpisodeData.insert(episode, at: newEpisodeData.startIndex)
self.player.setup(for: newEpisodeData)
}) {
PodcastRowView(episode: episode)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
.padding(.top, 8)
.padding(.leading, 20)
.padding(.trailing, 10)
.navigationBarTitle(Text(self.podcastViewModel.podcast.title), displayMode: .inline)
.onAppear {
import Combine
import SwiftUI
class PodcastViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let apiService: APIService
private var episodesCancelable: Cancellable?
#Published var podcast: Podcast
#Published var episodes: [Episode] = []
init(podcast: Podcast, apiService: APIService = APIService()) {
self.podcast = podcast
self.apiService = apiService
deinit {
func loadEpisodes() {
episodesCancelable = apiService.episodes(for: podcast)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.replaceError(with: [])
.assign(to: \.episodes, on: self)
I took FarouK's advice and used #StateObject. I had to change a couple of things but got it working.
struct PodcastDetailView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var userStore: UserStore
#ObservedObject var minimizableViewHandler: MinimizableViewHandler
#ObservedObject var player: Player = Container.player
#StateObject var podcastViewModel: PodcastViewModel
var podcast: Podcast
var body: some View {
Color(hex: "1B1D26")
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
PodcastDetailHeader(podcast: podcastViewModel.podcast)
if podcastViewModel.episodes.isEmpty {
.frame(width: 120, height: 120)
.foregroundColor(Color(hex: "813F97"))
} else {
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10)
ForEach(podcastViewModel.episodes, id: \.self) { episode in
Button(action: {
if (self.player.state == .empty) {
self.userStore.selectedEpisode = episode
var newEpisodeData = self.podcastViewModel.episodes
if let selectedEpisodeIndex = newEpisodeData.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == episode.id}) {
newEpisodeData.remove(at: selectedEpisodeIndex)
newEpisodeData.insert(episode, at: newEpisodeData.startIndex)
self.player.setup(for: newEpisodeData)
} else {
// item could not be found
} else {
print("new episode is " + episode.title)
self.userStore.selectedEpisode = episode
var newEpisodeData = self.podcastViewModel.episodes
if let selectedEpisodeIndex = newEpisodeData.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == episode.id}) {
newEpisodeData.remove(at: selectedEpisodeIndex)
newEpisodeData.insert(episode, at: newEpisodeData.startIndex)
self.player.setup(for: newEpisodeData)
}) {
PodcastRowView(episode: episode)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
.padding(.top, 8)
.padding(.leading, 20)
.padding(.trailing, 10)
.navigationBarTitle(Text(self.podcastViewModel.podcast.title), displayMode: .inline)
.onAppear {
self.podcastViewModel.podcast = self.podcast
import Combine
import SwiftUI
class PodcastViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let apiService: APIService
private var episodesCancelable: Cancellable?
#Published var podcast: Podcast = Podcast(id: "", title: "", image: URL(string: ""), thumbnail: URL(string: ""), totalEpisodes: 0, explicitContent: true, description: "", language: "", country: "", rss: URL(string: ""), latestPubDateMs: Date(), earliestPubDateMs: Date(), publisher: "")
#Published var episodes: [Episode] = []
init(apiService: APIService = APIService()) {
self.apiService = apiService
deinit {
func loadEpisodes() {
episodesCancelable = apiService.episodes(for: podcast)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.replaceError(with: [])
.assign(to: \.episodes, on: self)

SwiftUI => AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute after updating one model in list

I've got a list of custom views. The array is stored a #ObservableObject as #Published.
My custom view has a function which detects when the View is touched (I did it because it's triggered only after an animation). This event activates, through my #ObservableObject, an event that shows a View which is in ZStack with my list. There I could update my passed object through a TextField, and when I come back I have everything updated.
However, when I try to re-show one of every element in my list, my debug shows this error:
AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute.
Instead, if I show the detail without updating my model's data, I have not any leak.
Any suggestion?
here's the code:
struct ProcedureList: View {
#ObservedObject var procedureManager = ProcedureManager()
#State private var showModal = false
var isEmpty:Bool {
return procedureManager.procedures.isEmpty
init() {
let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack {
if !self.isEmpty {
List {
ForEach(self.procedureManager.procedures.indices, id: \.self) { index in
ProcedureCell(procedure: self.$procedureManager.procedures[index]){ procedure, position, size in
self.procedureManager.selectedProcedure = procedure
self.procedureManager.cardSize = size
self.procedureManager.cardPosition = position
self.procedureManager.size = size
self.procedureManager.position = position
self.procedureManager.isPressed = true
withAnimation(Animation.default.delay(0.1)) {
self.procedureManager.size.width = geometry.frame(in: .local).width
self.procedureManager.size.height = geometry.frame(in: .local).size.height
self.procedureManager.position.x = geometry.frame(in: .global).origin.x
self.procedureManager.position.y = geometry.frame(in: .global).origin.y
pressed procedure: \(procedure.title)
at position: \(position)
and with size: \(size)
// .tag(self.procedureManager.procedures[index])
.onDelete(perform: self.onDelete)
.environment(\.defaultMinListRowHeight, 120)
}else {
Text("Non hai ancora creato una procedura!")
.padding(.bottom, 30)
Button(action: {
Text("Creane una nuova!")
.sheet(isPresented: self.$showModal) {
NewProcedure(showModal: self.$showModal) { procedure in
self.procedureManager.newProcedure = procedure
.zIndex(self.procedureManager.isPressed ? 0 : -1)
.opacity(self.procedureManager.isPressed ? 0.7 : 0)
.animation(Animation.easeInOut(duration: 0.5))
ProcedureDetail(action: { procedure in
self.procedureManager.update(procedure: procedure)
}, procedure: self.$procedureManager.selectedProcedure, isShowingDetail: self.$procedureManager.isPressed)
.frame(width: self.procedureManager.correctSize.width, height: self.procedureManager.correctSize.height)
.position(x: self.procedureManager.correctPosition.x, y: self.procedureManager.correctPosition.y - (geometry.frame(in: .global).origin.y))
.offset(x: self.procedureManager.correctSize.width / 2, y: self.procedureManager.correctSize.height / 2)
.animation(Animation.easeInOut.delay(self.procedureManager.isPressed ? 0 : 0.2))
.onAppear {
UITableView.appearance().separatorStyle = .none
.onDisappear() {
UITableView.appearance().separatorStyle = .singleLine
.navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)
!self.isEmpty && !self.procedureManager.isPressed ?
Button(action: {
Image(systemName: "plus.circle.fill")
.font(Font.system(size: 40))
.sheet(isPresented: self.$showModal) {
NewProcedure(showModal: self.$showModal) { procedure in
self.procedureManager.newProcedure = procedure
} : nil
private func onDelete(offsets: IndexSet) {
self.procedureManager.procedures.remove(atOffsets: offsets)
struct ProcedureCell: View {
#Binding var procedure: Procedure
#State var position:CGPoint = .zero
#State var size:CGSize = .zero
var action:(_ procedure:Procedure, _ position: CGPoint, _ size:CGSize)->Void
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
Button(action: {
let position = geometry.frame(in: .global).origin
let size = geometry.frame(in: .global).size
self.action(self.procedure, position, size)
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.padding([.top, .bottom])
struct MyButtonStyle:ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
.fill(configuration.isPressed ? Color.red : Color.orange)
.shadow(radius: configuration.isPressed ? 5 : 0)
.scaleEffect(configuration.isPressed ? 1.1 : 1)
struct Procedure: Identifiable {
var title: String
var subtitle: String
var id: String
static var empty:Procedure {
return Procedure(title: "", subtitle: "")
init (title:String, subtitle:String) {
self.id = UUID().uuidString
self.title = title
self.subtitle = subtitle
class ProcedureManager: ObservableObject {
#Published var procedures: [Procedure]
#Published var newProcedure = Procedure.empty
#Published var selectedProcedure = Procedure.empty
#Published var cardSize:CGSize = .zero
#Published var cardPosition:CGPoint = .zero
#Published var size:CGSize = .zero
#Published var position:CGPoint = .zero
#Published var isPressed:Bool = false
var correctSize:CGSize {
if isPressed {
return size
return cardSize
var correctPosition:CGPoint {
if isPressed {
return position
return cardPosition
var correctOpacity: Double {
return isPressed ? 1 : 0
func update(procedure:Procedure) {
if let index = procedures.compactMap({$0.id}).firstIndex(of: procedure.id) {
procedures[index].title = procedure.title
procedures[index].subtitle = procedure.subtitle
func createProcedure(){
newProcedure = .empty
func createProcedure(with title:String, andSubtitle subtitle:String) {
let procedure = Procedure(title: title, subtitle: subtitle)
procedures = [
Procedure(title: "test1", subtitle: "subtitletest1"),
Procedure(title: "test2", subtitle: "subtitletest2"),
Procedure(title: "test3", subtitle: "subtitletest3"),
Procedure(title: "test4", subtitle: "subtitletest4"),
Procedure(title: "test5", subtitle: "subtitletest5"),

How to refer to #Published var within: class NetworkManager: ObservableObject

I need to define testData:[Test] that refers to #Published var tests:[Test] within
class NetworkManager: ObservableObject (see code).
I have tried the following definition:
/// The app does not compile with this definition
//let testData:[Test] = NetworkManager(tests: Test)
/// The app works with this definition, but shows no remote json data
let testData:[Test] = NetworkManager().tests
class NetworkManager: ObservableObject {
#Published var tests:[Test] = [Test]()
func getAllTests() {
let file = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://my-url/remote.json")!)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: file) { (data, _, error) in
guard error == nil else { return }
do {
let tests = try JSONDecoder().decode([Test].self, from: data!)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.tests = tests
} catch {
print("Failed To decode: ", error)
init() {
init(tests: [Test]) {
self.tests = tests
The code below works fine
/// The app works with this definition and shows the local json data
let testData:[Test] = load("local.json")
func load<T:Decodable>(_ filename:String, as type:T.Type = T.self) -> T {
let data:Data
guard let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil)
else {
fatalError("Couldn't find \(filename) in main bundle.")
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: file)
} catch {
fatalError("Couldn't load \(filename) from main bundle:\n\(error)")
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch {
fatalError("Couldn't parse \(filename) as \(T.self):\n\(error)")
However, for the first part I get the error message:
"Cannot convert value of type 'Test.Type' to expected argument type '[Test]'"
What am I missing here? Any help is highly appreciated.
Additional info in response to the answer and question that shows how testData is used:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct Test: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id:Int
var imageName:String
var imageUrl:String
var category:Category
var description:String
enum Category: String, CaseIterable, Codable, Hashable {
case t1 = "test1"
case t2 = "test2"
case t3 = "test3"
class NetworkManager: ObservableObject {
#Published var tests:[Test] = [Test]()
private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func getAllTests() {
let file = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://my-url/remote.json")!)
.dataTaskPublisher(for: file)
.decode(type: [Test].self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.replaceError(with: [])
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.tests, on: self)
.store(in: &subscriptions)
init() {
init(tests: [Test]) {
self.tests = tests
let testData:[Test] = NetworkManager().tests
struct ContentView: View {
var categories:[String:[Test]] {
grouping: testData,
by: {$0.category.rawValue}
var body: some View {
List (categories.keys.sorted(), id: \String.self) {key in TestRow(categoryName: "\(key) - Case".uppercased(), tests: self.categories[key]!)
.frame(height: 320)
struct TestRow: View {
var categoryName:String
var tests:[Test]
var body: some View {
VStack {
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
ForEach(self.tests, id: \.self) { tests in
TestDetail(test: tests)) {
TestItem(test: tests)
.frame(width: 300)
.padding(.trailing, 30)
struct TestDetail: View {
var test:Test
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(height: 80.0)
.blur(radius: 10)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
// .color(.white)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
// .padding(.bottom)
// .color(.primary)
HStack {
}.padding(.top, 50)
struct TestItem: View {
var test:Test
var body:some View{
VStack(spacing: 16.0)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: 300, height: 170)
.shadow(radius: 10)
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5.0)
// .color(.primary)
// .color(.secondary)
.frame(height: 40)
struct OrderButton : View {
var body: some View {
Button(action: {}) {
Text("Order Now")
}.frame(width: 200, height: 50)
class ImageLoader:ObservableObject
#Published var data:Data = Data()
func getImage(imageURL:String) {
guard let test = URL(string: imageURL) else { return }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: test) { (data, response, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let data = data {
self.data = data
print(data as Any)
init(imageURL:String) {
getImage(imageURL: imageURL)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
#ObservedObject var imageLoader: ImageLoader
imageLoader = ImageLoader(imageURL: test)
static var previews: some View {
// local.json
// remote.json
As of iOS 13 URLSession has been extended with a publisher, so idiomatically your code becomes:
import UIKit
import Combine
struct Test: Codable {
var name: String
class NetworkManager: ObservableObject {
#Published var tests:[Test] = [Test]()
private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func getAllTests() {
let file = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://my-url/remote.json")!)
.dataTaskPublisher(for: file)
.decode(type: [Test].self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.replaceError(with: [])
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \.tests, on: self)
.store(in: &subscriptions)
init() {
init(tests: [Test]) {
self.tests = tests
Replacing "grouping: testData" with "grouping: networkManager.tests" and by using "#ObservedObject var networkManager: NetworkManager = NetworkManager()" makes the definition of testData redundant and thus solves the problem. Thanks to #Josh Homann for his answer and comment which helped me to overcome this issue.
