Why can't I install this aqueduct - dart

Why can't I install this aqueduct?
Although I have installed dart before as shown in the picture:

It's important to ensure that the dart SDK is in the PATH. You can easily test it by trying to use pub or dart.
One way to ensure it's in the PATH is by creating a .bashrc file in your user's folder.
Then add the following:
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dart/installation/bin/folder"

First of all check if dart is installed using dart --version if it gives a command not found error that means it is not installed (hence why you cannot install aqueduct since it requires pub which is shipped with the dart sdk).
To install dart on macOS first install brew and the follow the instruction here https://dart.dev/get-dart (don't run brew switch dart 2.1.0 as shown in the screenshot since it makes no sense because current the latest stable is 2.9.1 and 2.1.0 is pretty old).
If you don't want to install brew you can download the sdk here (for your system) extract it, and update your path variable as #gabriel-octávio says.


Buildozer not using correct kivy version when packaging for android

I am having a couple of problems packaging my Kivy app for android which may, or may not be related:
The only packages my app imports other than Kivy, are the time, and math modules. When I add either or both of them to the requirements in the buildozer spec file, I get a "pip._internal.exceptions.DistributionNotFound: No matching distribution for time." error. When I don't include them in my requirements, the build is successful, but crashes upon open with the error:
"Exception: The version of Kivy installed on this system is too old. (You have 1.11.1, but the application requires 2.0.0)"
I am doing the install in a VirutalBox on Ubuntu, and have followed the installation procedure outlined in the Kivy, and Buildozer documentation, as well as following a tutorial by Eric Sandberg on YouTube. I have set the Kivy version in the buildozer spec file, and installed Kivy 2.0.0 on the VM using pip. When I pip freeze, it shows the correct version of Kivy. One thing I have noticed is the when I try and install it with "apt-get install python3-kivy", it says kivy 1.10 is installed and that this is the most up to date version.
This seems like an easy problem to address but I have cannot figure out why it is trying to use this version of Kivy! Please let me know if any other information is required to debug. The spec file is hardly changed, other then specifying Kivy=2.0.0 in requirements.
Here are the logs:
Here are the requirements:
You don't have to add math and time in requirements of your buildozer.spec file as they are inbuild modules in python. So, they will automatically get added when you add python3 in your requirements.
To use a newer versio version of kivy you have to specify it in your requirements. In requirements you have to add like requirements=python3,kivy==2.0.0rc4 or any other version you want to use. Also, after changing requirements you might have to rebuild you package. You have to delete .buildozer directory and again run the buildozer using buildozer android debug deploy run

Change Dart VM version

I want to use the stable release of the sdk, which should be 2.2.0, but when I in the console check the version with the command "dart --version", it says I am running "Dart VM version: 2.1.0".
I have tried to upgrade via choco, and it says that I already have 2.2.0 installed.
Do I have multiple versions av Dart installed and can switch between them?
If so, can I set a default version?
I'll just mark this as answered with the comment of jamsdlin, as it was the correct answer for me.
When you run dart, you'll run whichever dart binary is found first in your search PATH. You have multiple versions installed. Uninstall the old version or modify PATH so that the location for 2.2.0 occurs first.

how do you set your version of dart via pub?

I wasnt sure if i need to update it through their website or something, or if it is possible do call some sort of dart version command which will update DART to be a particular version.
Example: Dart is either 1.14, or 1.16. If i want to do it through pub, is there a way to do something like: pub set dart 1.15 or something. I know set isnt a valid command, but i think you get the jist.
This depends on your operating system and what system you use to install Dart.
For Debian you can use apt-get install dart. apt-get allows to pass a specific version number.
For installation options see https://www.dartlang.org/downloads/
In pubspec.yaml you can only specify what DART SDK version and dependency versions are supported by a package but it doesn't have and influence which Dart SDK version gets installed.

Change path to MPICH installed by macport in mac osx 10.9

I'm trying to install a library on my mac and one of the requirements of this library that I should install MPICH and ensure that the system paths are configured to point to it instead of the default OpenMPI installation.
So I installed MPICH2 using macport and I want to make sure that the system is using that one, how can I do that?
You need to do it the same way you would with any other library/program. Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH variables appropriately so that the MPICH path is in front of Open MPI.
However, I would point out that on Mavericks, I don't think Open MPI is still distributed as part of the operating system anymore.
You're also welcome to use Homebrew to install MPICH. The MPICH project has moved on from being called MPICH2 since it went to version 3.0. The latest version is 3.1.2. You can either download it and install it yourself at www.mpich.org/downloads or via Homebrew on Mac. I believe it's also in Macports but I don't know enough about that.
It should have given you directions on completion of the install. Use 'port notes mpich-default' (assuming mpich-default is what you installed) to see them again. They will be something like; 'sudo port select mpich mpich-default-fortran'.
Use 'mpicc -show' and make sure it looks correct after the above command to verify your PATH is correct.

How do install libraries for both Lua5.2 and 5.1 using Luarocks?

I am writing a small Lua project and using Luarocks to install my 3rd-party dependencies. The default Lua version on my machine is 5.2 and up to this point everything is working just fine.
However, today I have stumbled across a problem that is confusing me. I want to run my program on Lua 5.1 and Luajit to see if it would also work on those versions but I am having a hard time getting Luarocks to download the appropriate versions of the dependencies. As a last resort hack, I have tried to tell Lua5.1 to use the 5.2 libraries that Luarocks installed (by setting the LUA_PATH environment variable to the same value as LUA_PATH_5_2) but unfortunately that is not enough: my project depends on LuaFileSystem, a C-based module, so I'm going to need to have separate versions of it installed for 5.1 and 5.2.
What do I have to do to install both the 5.1 and 5.2 versions of my dependencies? Do I need to pass some parameters to theluarocks install command? Do I need to have multiple instances of Luarocks installed on my machine? One thing that confuses me is that the inside the .luarocks folder things are classified under a 5.2 subfolder (~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/), suggesting that maybe there could be a way to install things in a sibling 5.1 folder but at the same time there is only one bin folder, suggesting that luarocks is only able to handle one version of Lua at a time...
Based on your reference to ~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/, you seem to be running a Unix system (Linux or Mac). You can install the latest version of LuaRocks twice, for both Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2 like this:
./configure --lua-version=5.1 --versioned-rocks-dir
make build
sudo make install
And then again for 5.2:
./configure --lua-version=5.2 --versioned-rocks-dir
make build
sudo make install
This will get you /usr/local/bin/luarocks-5.1 and /usr/local/bin/luarocks-5.2. If you installed Lua 5.1 and 5.2 in /usr/local/, and each of them will use its own ~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.x/ entry for the user tree (and /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.x for the system tree), and install modules to the right location at /usr/share/lua/5.x/ and ~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.x/ (and likewise for lib) appropriately.
As suggested by moteus, I decided to install a second version of Luarocks for Lua 5.1. But he is using Windows and I am using Linux so here is what I did:
Download the source for the latest version of Luarocks on the Luarocks website
From the source directory, run the ./configure script:
/configure --prefix="${HOME}/.luarocks51" --lua-suffix=5.1
The prefix setting tells Luarocks to put its stuff on the .luarocks51 folder, next to the existing .luarocks folder from my 5.2 install of Luarocks. The lua-suffix parameter tells Luarocks to use Lua 5.1 instead of the default lua version in my machine (5.2). This depends on me having named the interpreter for Lua 5.1 as lua5.1 (Debian installed mine on /usr/bin/lua5.1). Finally, Luarocks managed to automatically detect where the 5.1 headers and libraries are installed (/usr/include/lua5.1/) but if it didn't I guess I could have specified that with the --with-lua-include and --with-lua-lib parameters.
Compile Luarocks with make
Install it with make isntall (no need for Sudo since I'm installing it in a local directory).
Configure my 5.1 environment to use the libraries downloaded by Luarocks. I added the following to my .bashrc:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.luarocks/bin:~/.luarocks51/bin
export LUA_CPATH=";;${HOME}/.luarocks51/lib/lua/5.1/?.so"
export LUA_PATH=";;${HOME}/.luarocks51/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;${HOME}/.luarocks51/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua"
export LUA_CPATH_5_2=";;${HOME}/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.so"
export LUA_PATH_5_2=";;${HOME}/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;${HOME}/.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua"
The 5.1 configuration also works for Luajit.
The executable for the 5.1 version of luarocks is named luarocks-5.1:
luarocks-5.1 install lfs
You have to mention both lua version and lua dir in the latest versions:
luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua#5.1 --lua-version=5.1 install lua-cassandra
Using homebrew, you can do:
brew install lua51 # Lua 5.1
brew install lua # Lua latest
Luarocks comes with Lua, so you can do:
# Install Lua 5.1 version of any package
luarocks-5.1 install moonscript
# Install Lua latest version of any package
luarocks install moonscript
