Microsoft Visual Studio extension (VSIX) lower case $safeprojectname$ - visual-studio-2019

I'm developing a Microsoft Visual Studio extension, for which I've seen there are:
$projectname$ variable to get the name given to the project,
$safeprojectname$ variable to get the name given to the project with all unsafe characters and spaces replaced by underscore.
For example with project name "Tata yoyo" variables will be:
$projectname$ = "Tata Yoyo SWIG",
$safeprojectname$ = "Tata_Yoyo_SWIG".
The extension I'm building is for SWIG projects that will generate Java from C++, and in this context there is a swig.exe call that, among others, takes the Java package as parameter, for which I want it to be all lower case, but for now it is$safeprojectname$, then, not necessarily lower case (pointing the obvious: if project name is not lower case, package will not be lower case) and I then have to convert it manually to lower case.
What I'm looking for
From source page above (and other documentation pages) I've already seen there is no $lowercasesafeprojectname$ for example, then if anybody knows a way to do it from a function, script or any other way I would be glad.
Edit: while I want for this purpose a lower case safe project name I still want to keep the original $safeprojectname$, then even if #Ed Dore answer is relevant it is not the solution for me.
In any case, do not hesitate if this is not clear or you want more information.

If you implement a custom wizard (IWizard) with your template, you can replace the respective token values in the ReplacementsDictionary passed to your IWizard.RunStarted method, with lowercased equivalents.


Xamarin ios - import library

I need help importing a library to Xamarin. I included the library and inserted it into a new folder named BarcodeScanner, and the name of the library is libBarcodeScanner.a.
gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lBarcodeScanner -force_load ${ProjectDir}/libBarcodeScanner.a”
But it shows an error:
Error: Could not parse additional mtouch arguments: No matching quote found.
What should i do ?
Do i need to create a binding project to use a library like BarcodeScanner ?
Error: Could not parse additional mtouch arguments: No matching quote found.
That does not look like a Xamarin.iOS (mtouch) error message. Those start with a MT prefix followed by 4 numbers, e.g. MT2001. Could it be Xamarin Studio giving you this error ?
What should i do ?
Review the flags: are they identical to what's pasted above ?
No matching quote found. makes is sound there's an extra quote in there. Maybe one of the " is wrong (e.g. a autocorrection giving you a smart quote) ?
Or maybe your project directory (replaced from ${ProjectDir} contains a quote character ?
Also can you edit your question to add which version of Xamarin Studio you're using ?
Do i need to create a binding project to use a library like BarcodeScanner ?
No, but it's the preferred ways to link static libraries. Using a binding project removed the need to add Additional mtouch arguments inside every projects and every build configuration (e.g. Debug, Release...) of your applications.
I will answer my own question, maybe it will help someone. I declared in my MainController that i needed:
using MonoTouch.CoreVideo;
using MonoTouch.CoreMedia;
using MonoTouch.CoreGraphics;
using MonoTouch.CoreFoundation;
And after that i referenced only the static library with:
-gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lBarcodeScanner -force_load ${ProjectDir}/libBarcodeScanner.a"
#poupou's "maybe" was spot on, but I'll be pedantic and explain exactly.
Look closely at this line I just quoted from your original question. I've marked it down using code (four spaces prefix per line), and broke it into two lines. Nothing else has been changed. Hopefully the error should be obvious now:
- gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lBarcodeScanner
-force_load ${ProjectDir}/libBarcodeScanner.a”
Essentially, you used different types of double quotes. The first double-quote character above is Unicode 0x0022, which is the regular Quotation Mark. The second double-quote character above is Unicode 0x8221, or Right Double Quotation Mark. It might be that you had copied & pasted all or part of the line above from a web page, rather than typing it in.
For command-line processing, mixing your styles of double quotes simply won't work. You'll need to use balanced regular quotation marks, as you wrote in your own answer just now (but might not have specifically noticed?) FWIW, the right- and left- variants of the quotation mark are usually used for word processing, web pages, etc. where the style aesthetic matters.
Since you didn't use code-markup when quoting that line originally (while I noticed you did, in your recently posted answer) it looks like Stack Overflow "helpfully" tried to render the quotes as similar in style, fooling us into looking elsewhere for the problem, when it was right in front of us.
Anyway, next time you get an error about mismatched quotes, I suggest you carefully check their type. If they look the least bit different, they may not be the right kind of quotes.

How to use sc_static() while programming

I am trying to display some Images which are in my local folder. I am getting the image name from a server through JSON. Based on that, I am constructing the Image path dynamically. However, the final image path will be changed by SC build tools. I know that we can use sc_static() in css or view's specifications to map it to the final path. How can I achieve that mapping (to final path from local path) while programmatically constructing my url.
Any ideas, suggestions and thoughts?
sc_static is not a javascript function, but rather a convention used to tell Abbot (Sproutcore's build tool, written in ruby) to replace it at runtime with a path pointing to the resource passed as first argument to sc_static.
Note that this substitution is done by Abbot when the page is refreshed (in dev mode) or when the app is built (in prod mode). It is not a js function at all (use Chrome inspector to see it by yourself).
If you want to use sc_static in JS you can define all resource references as such:
and then reference the
YourApp.loadingIcon , YourApp.greenIcon
variables in your code.
Finally I found the answer with the help of my friends. sc_static is not javascript function it is a function targeted for build tools(Abbot) of Sproutcore to replace the actual production path after build. Hence we can not use sc_static in programming.
If we want similar function we have develop our own.

Creating macros using DWScript

I read this paragraph from the Delphi Tools Site
Changes since the last SVN update are:
Added support for FreePascal-like compile-time $INCLUDE “macros”:
%FILE% and %LINE% insert the current filename and line number into the source
%FUNCTION% inserts the current function name, or class.method name into the source
%DATE% and %TIME% allow inserting the compile date/time
Is there a way we can define macros in DWScript (other than these functions) just like people define macors in excel (using VBscript) in a simple way, where the name of the script will be the name of the function that will be used later, without adding {$Include XXX} in the executed script?
N.B.: I konw this can be done by managing the written script to be saved in a certain file called functions for ex. then save the added function with its name to be used (Add), then the user will write Add(1,2) to get the result; but my boss at work wants it to be something that looks like vbscript in excel.
I'm not sure to understand the question, so I'll list various answers to various possible interpretations...
If you want to declare functions that are implicitly supported by the scripting engine without having to "{$include}" or "uses" them, you can declare them via a TdwsUnit component, and attach it to the script component. If you don't have the "coExplicitUses" option set, they'll be available automatically, and you get design-time support in the IDE.
If you want to add internal functions (that are always there), use one of the RegisterInternalFunction overloads, you can check any of the "dwsXxxxFunctions.pas" units for examples. That's potentially more efficient, but also more cumbersome.
If you want to pre-process custom source-level macros in the source code (ala C's macros), you can use the filters functionality (check the HTML or JS filters as example of how a filter can be implemented).
If you want to react dynamically to "unknown" names, so you can declare them on the spot or bind them to something dynamically, you can use TdwsLanguageExtension.FindUnknownName, that's how the RTTI environment works f.i. (see TRTTIEnvironment in dwsRTTIConnector).
If you want to parse completely custom areas of code in a completely custom way, you can use language extensions too, override ReadInstr and check how asmLib & the JSLibModule do it to support "asm".

What are the rules for file extensions in Windows and Unix?

i'm currently using File::Basename fileparse to separate out a file's directory, base file name and it's extension using something like this:
my($myfile_name,$mydirectory, $file_extension) = fileparse($$rhash_params{'storage_full_path_location'},'\..{1,4}');
But see that there's a variation where you can actually provide a array of suffixes to the function, the array would contains all the known file extension.
So i'm trying to find a safe way to do this as i've seen that i've got some strange file names to process, i.e. file.0f1.htm, etc.
Is there a list of commonly used
extension for Windows and Unix
systems? But in my case it's mainly
for Windows.
And is it safe to
assume that all file names in
Windows should have an extension
ending with three letter characters?
And if there's an even better way to do this, please share.
So obviously i must be drunk to forgot about those other extension. :)
Thus i've updated the current regex to allow from 1-4chars.
In this case, how should i change my regex line to properly match it?
Or is it an even better idea to look for all those commonly used extension from google and put them into an array to be passed to the function instead? My users are usually either students or teachers.
1. Is there a list of commonly used extension for Windows and Unix
systems? But in my case it's mainly
for Windows.
Yes, loads, all over the internet:
2. And is it safe to assume that all file names in Windows should have
an extension ending with three letter
No, it's perfectly possible to use '.c', '.java', etc in Windows.
There are several fault assumptions in your code:
files need not have extensions. For example most binary executables on Unix/Linux/... don't have an extension at all. They are simply calls "bash", "wget", "sed", "Xorg", ...
extensions need not be three characters long, as #Alnitak already told you: ".c", ".java", ".mpeg", ".jpeg", ".html" are all perfectly fine and rather wide-spread extensions
cutting at the last "." is probably saver, but can still fail for files with no extensions or with multiple (or multi-part) extensions such as ".tar.gz", "tar.bz2", which occur rather often in the Unix/Linux/...-World

HelpInsight documentation in Delphi 2007

I am using D2007 and am trying to document my source code, using the HelpInsight feature (provided since D2005). I am mainly interested in getting the HelpInsight tool-tips working. From various Web-surfing and experimentation I have found the following:
Using the triple slash (///) comment style works more often than the other documented comment styles. i.e.: {*! comment *} and {! comment }
The comments must precede the declaration that they are for. For most cases this will mean placing them in the interface section of the code. (The obvious exception is for types and functions that are not accessible from outside the current unit and are therefore declared in the implementation block.)
The first comment cannot be for a function. (i.e. it must be for a type - or at least it appears the parser must have seen the "type" keyword before the HelpInsight feature works)
Despite following these "rules", sometimes the Help-insight just doesn't find the comments I've written. One file does not produce the correct HelpInsight tool-tips, but if I include this file in a different dummy project, it works properly.
Does anyone have any other pointers / tricks for getting HelpInsight to work?
I have discovered another caveat (which in my case was what was "wrong")
It appears that the unit with the HelpInsight comments must be explicitly added to the project. It is not sufficient to simply have the unit in a path that is searched when compiling the project.
In other words, the unit must be included in the Project's .dpr / .dproj file. (Using the Project | "Add to Project" menu option)
