Quasar does not run on localhost:8080 - quasar-framework

I run a quasar project "quasar dev" and it run without any error (see the log), but in the browser "http://localhost:8080" shows an empty screen. No calls, no result.
If I open "" it tries to start but without success.
Why does it happen? How to run the project on "localhost:8080"?


Expo Classic/Turtle CLI standalone and offline iOS build still trying to contact development server: "Could not connect to development server"

I am using Expo Classic and Turtle CLI to make local standalone iOS builds of my React Native app.
I want my app to be “offline”: not do over the air updates, have all assets bundled with it, and generally have everything needed bundled into the simulator or binary build and not reach out to any servers to run the app.
I have been referencing the following Expo pages to create this type of build:
"Building Standalone Apps on Your CI"
"Hosting Updates on Your Servers"
"Offline Support"
My understanding from the Expo documentation is that while I need to run a local server to build my app locally, I shouldn’t need this server to be running after the build is done if I configure my app to not do over the air updates and have bundled assets. I am using the following settings in my app.json file to accomplish this:
"expo": {
"updates": {
"enabled": false,
"checkAutomatically": "ON_ERROR_RECOVERY"
"fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
"assetBundlePatterns": [
The problem is that after I finish my build, kill my local server, and install/run my build in either the iOS Simulator or binary build on a device, I immediately see an error message that says “Could not connect to development server” rather than my app loading. The problem doesn’t happen if I keep my local server that I used to create the build running.
Am I misunderstanding the documentation and it is not possible to have a totally standalone build with all required files/assets bundled? Or are the app.json settings not actually working as expected?
This is how I am making my build:
From the expo project folder run: expo export --public-url http://MY.IP.ADDRESS:8000 1 --dev
dist directory is successfully created.
From the dist directory run: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
From the project folder run:
turtle build:ios
–team-id MY.TEAM.ID
–dist-p12-path …/…/Certificates.p12
–provisioning-profile-path …/…/…/Downloads/PROJECT_Ad_Hoc_Provisioning_Profile.mobileprovision
–public-url http://MY.IP.ADDRESS:8000/ios-index.json
Build binary is successfully created.
Kill server running on port 8000.
Install and run build; see error, app will not load.
Restart server on port 8000 and run build; app will load.

How can I correctly view my Vue.js app after using npm run build

I have a Vue.js app, which runs correctly when I execute npm run serve
After running npm run build, I get a "dist" directory which container the minified html, css, images, etc.
However, I can't seem to view the html files in the browser correctly.
I've tried running a simple python server to serve the directory.
python3 -m http.server 8080
However, this causes a huge amount of 404 errors and nothing is displayed.
The app does work correctly after npm run serve.
What am I missing?
I'm doing this, so in my Dockerfile, I can have a multistage build, where I only need to push the minified files.
You could map npm run start (usual naming to run a built project) to serve

How to run multiple execute windows batch in jenkins

I am trying to open appium, avd, and ride to run a test in Jeninks. I have the following in execute windows batch command:
cd C:\Users\Gebruiker
adb start-server
cd C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator
emulator -avd Pixel_3_API_23
cd D:\RIDE - testproject\Avans-One
robot -d Open_settings_connect_wifi AvansOne
It keeps loading after opening Appium, the first step. I have tried seperating the steps but it still doesnt work. It completes the first step and then just keeps loading. How do i fix this?
Most probably, this is happening because the command used to start the app is not returning while the app is running. So you will have to use a command that allows you to run the application in the background.
Check with something like below.
START /B title program
cd C:\Users\Gebruiker
START /B "" appium
You can read more about the background process here

Is there a way to see in cypress electron browser some logging?

I am using cypress to test my web site. Everything works great but there is one page that opens fine when I am running the test using chrome but if I try to run that against headless or regular electron the lhes simply don’t open.
I am assuming that there must be something on my code that is not working on the chromium version that electron uses (61) that do works the version that chromes uses (75).
Is there a way to debug or check some logging on what is not being able to execute? The console for electron does not display anything.
Any ideas?
You can show console.log messages from Electron by enabling a subset of DEBUG logs.
Like so:
npm i -g cross-env
cross-env DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress run...
macOS or Linux:
DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress run...
After adding these two env variables Cypress started showing console.log output on the terminal:
ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=true DEBUG=cypress:electron $(npm bin)/cypress run ...

Electron package no window

I run electron-packager to make a distributable from my app, but when I start the App.app, no window is shown, only the top menu.
Question: How do I best debug / troubleshoot this?
The app starts a web server and makes a tcp connection to another server. The html for the electron app is served from the local web server.
This is the output when building:
$ npx electron-packager ./ App --overwrite
Packaging app for platform darwin x64 using electron v1.8.4
Wrote new app to /Users/user/www/app/App-darwin-x64
I tried to run the node app manually in package, but got this:
$ cd App-darwin-x64/App.app/Contents/Resources/app/
$ npm start
electron not found
From package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"electron": "^1.8.4",
"electron-packager": "^12.0.1"
$ node -v
You can't run the app like that, you need to run it without the Content/Resources/app, as thats not where its stored. You need to run it from App-darwin-x64/App.app. You also don't call npm-start, as that's only called for running in dev.
Maybe try having a look at some example electron apps with build processes, try electron-vue as that has some good examples
