How to solve SP2-0027: Input is too long error for the ddl script generated using Liquibase? - sqlplus

I am generating my DDL script for Oracle using Liquibase (using the liquibase in offline mode as specified here). When running the generated CREATE TABLE sql through sql plus, I am getting the following error
Regarding SP2-0027: Input is too long
This explains that we have to break the single line sql to multiple lines so that we can run such long sqls through sql plus.
Is there a way to break the single line sql in Liquibase?
The Sql plus version is Version
Edit : When I split the sql into two lines, it is successfully


Is there a way to configure the filename for a Neo4j Desktop database dump file to exclude timestamp?

I'm a first time user of Neo4j and following a training course to install and learn the basics.
I've installed Neo4j Desktop on a Windows machine and can see that it comes with a demo DB called "Movie DBMS". I'm trying to follow steps to dump the database, by stopping the database, clicking on "..." and then "Dump".
The dump errors with the following error in the log file:
[2022-01-31 12:54:36.022] [error] Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.8+10-LTS, Name:OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Azul Systems, Inc.
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 128: C:\Users<me>.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\projects<my project name>\movie-dbms-neo4j-31-Jan-2022-12:54:31.dump
It would appear that the automatic configuration for the dump file is adding a timestamp with includes colons (hh:mm:ss). How can I configure the file name to either exclude the timestamp or avoid using ":"?
I had no responses. But I've figured it out myself.
The answer was to use the command line to dump the database manually. At that point I can specify my own "--to=" filename which doesn't include a ":".
Details in this section of the manual:

Execute informix content from file

I need to execute a script (Informix code) in a .sql file for migration purposes. The thing is, I want to load it from a function to be able to use the exception, therefore being able to do a rollback in case of an error.
So, this is the code (still experimenting):
DEFINE lv_execute lvarchar(32739);
DEFINE li_errnum, li_eisam INT;
DEFINE lv_errtxt CHAR(200);
ON EXCEPTION SET li_errnum, li_eisam, lv_errtxt
CALL regista_log('script_migration', get_session_user(), li_errnum, lv_errtxt);
CALL set_isolation_level();
LET lv_execute = 'LOAD FROM ''C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ConstaWeb_Stuff\test.sql'' DELIMITER ''+'' INSERT INTO SCRIPT_MIGRATION_TEMP_TABLE;';
That's because we apparently can't execute the load command inside functions. So I'm trying to execute it. But I'm not getting it right, apparently...
The objective here is to execute the script (not a shell command script! it's an Informix script, like creates, loads, unloads, drops...) on a file. I'm open to other ways of doing this.
I'm relatively new to Informix so I'm sure there is still a lot I don't know about it.
As already noted, the LOAD command is not a command recognized by the Informix server. Client products emulate an SQL statement by recognizing the syntax and reading the file and executing appropriate SQL statements. Changing the way you (try to) execute it in a function executing in the server will not help.
Using a shell script instead may help.
If you're migrating an existing Informix database to a new location (machine, version of Informix), then using DB-export and DB-Import may be a good way to go.
The DB-Access command is the 'standard' way to execute scripts from a shell script. You'd need to ensure you set the DBACCNOIGN environment variable to 1. That will then stop if there's an error during the LOAD and rollback the transaction. There's also the DB-Load command, but it will be harder to rollback DDL statements since it does not handle those.
Alternatively, you might find my SQLCMD* program useful — though it too isn't perfect. However, unlike DB-Access, it allows you to control which statements can generate errors that are ignored and which are not (continue [on|off|push|pop]; before and after as appropriate).
With careful packaging, you can use it to create your migration, assuming the DB-Export and DB-Import won't do the job for you automatically.
* You may have to subscribe to the IIUG to get at this. The registration is not onerous, and neither is the email load.

Error while trying to run an andhoc insert query using voltQueueSQLExperimental

I am getting an error while trying to execute a dynamic insert query in volt db using the voltQueueSQLExperimental() function. The SQL is fine as i ran it separately on the volt web studio. The error is as follows:
Error: VOLTDB ERROR: USER ABORT Attempted to queue DML adhoc sql
'insert into volt_temp_constraints
(asset_id,config_id,session_id,sam_id) values (12,13,'abc',12)' from
read only procedure at
Please note that the SQL generated is dynamic and adhoc and this cannot be generated statically before hand.
Documentation is not their strength... ;), but I could reproduce your bug.
As I see it VoltDB marks compiled Procedures as read-writer or read-only. As one can infer from here. Unfortunately there currently does not seem to be any other way around it other than creating a INSERT/UPDTE/UPSERT SQLStatement as a Object Property and simply not using it.
Maybe you can contact one of the developers to add a some way on confutation for this.
By the way, the Exception can be found here: in line 620

View formatted sqlite results

So I code using ruby on rails and the default database is sqlite, which is amazing for development. there is no setup time, no need for connection etc. What really sucks is the output on the command line. when i do a query to list all the contents of a table for example. I just get a dump of text, unlike when you use MySql, the CLI formats the results of the queries nicely (with headers in a table). I am also aware of "headers on" and the commands you can type to format the results of sqlite but those are temporary and I am looking for a more permanent way to format the results so i do not have to do it every-time.
It appears that you can specify SQL statements and metadata statements in an init file and pass this file as the -init parameter.

Unable to Generate Script for 3 Views in SQL server management studio 2008

I have a strange problem
When I create Object Script (script to drop and create Stored Procedures, Views, Functions) from Sql Server 2008 it misses 3 Views don't know why?
I am performing Following steps to create object script
1) Open Sql Server 2008 Management Studio
2) Connect to server
3) Right click on selected database then click on Tasks -> Generate Script, then select database from list, click Next.
4) It gives options I am changing three options i.e. Include If Not Exists = true, Script Drop = true, Script Use Database = false and clicing Next button
4) Now selecting SP, Views and Functions and clicking Next,
5) clicking Select All for All the coming screens
6) Finally clicking Finish button.
Is there any limitation or special condition or convention that I am not following and causing Views not to include in Generate Script?
Please let me know if I am missing something , I have tried many ways.
I also found that this problem not only exists with Views but it also exists with Functions and Stored Procedures.
If we rename them it works fine , for example a Function earlier named dbo.SeperateElementsInt was working fine, but strangely, Generate Script ignored this function, later we renamed it to dbo.SeperateElementsInteger and it started generating script.
We cannot change the View names as it is used at many places.
Views which are giving problem are dbo.DivisionInfo and dbo.CustomerDivisonOfficeInfo
Stored Procedure which is giving problem is dbo.procsync_get_zVariable
The problem exists with SSMS 2005 too.
We didn't understand each other on INFORMATION_SCHEMA-profiler issue. I was suggesting to turn profiler on, because SSMS does a SELECT on INFORMATION_SCHEMA with some where clauses. I suspect that the query itself cuts off your views. Once You have a query that SSMS executes to get the list of objects You should find why it doesn't see some views.
Here are the scripts that SSMS executes when You select all views and start scripting. Check if any of them doesn't return DivisionInfo view. (I've created DivisionInfo view in my database to reproduce your case). For quick check execute them one by one and read my comments after each query. Please note that You should actually catch queries on your environment with Profiler, because they may differ on your environment.
Before showing screen to select views, procedures, ... SSMS executes following script to get the list of views:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
''Server[#Name='' + quotename(CAST(
AS sysname),'''''''') + '']'' + ''/Database[#Name='' + quotename(db_name(),'''''''') + '']'' + ''/View[#Name='' + quotename(,'''''''') + '' and #Schema='' + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(v.schema_id),'''''''') + '']'' AS [Urn], AS [Name],
SCHEMA_NAME(v.schema_id) AS [Schema]
sys.all_views AS v
(v.type = #_msparam_0)and(CAST(
when v.is_ms_shipped = 1 then 1
when (
major_id = v.object_id and
minor_id = 0 and
class = 1 and
name = N''microsoft_database_tools_support'')
is not null then 1
else 0
AS bit)=0)
[Schema] ASC,[Name] ASC',N'#_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000)',#_msparam_0=N'V'
Is your view listed? You can add condition WHERE = 'DivisionInfo' to filter it. If there is no DivisionInfo listed check what part of this query eliminates it from result set.
Once You select objects to script and start scripting, SSMS creates temp table, store objects in it and executes scripts to find related objects.
Create temp table and insert DivisionInfo view in it:
CREATE TABLE #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objname sysname NOT NULL, objschema sysname NULL, objdb sysname NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO #tempdep
v.object_id AS [ID], AS [Name],
SCHEMA_NAME(v.schema_id) AS [Schema],
sys.all_views AS v
(v.type = #_msparam_0)and( and SCHEMA_NAME(v.schema_id)=#_msparam_2)',N'#_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000),#_msparam_1 nvarchar(4000),#_msparam_2 nvarchar(4000)',#_msparam_0=N'V',#_msparam_1=N'DivisionInfo',#_msparam_2=N'dbo'
Did this query insert anything in #tempdep? If not, check why. Once again, You have to use Profiler to get queries from your environment instead of using queries I put here because they are from my environment.
When You start profiling, there should be many inserts like the one above. You need to find the one that relates to DivisionInfo. You can use Find option to find it because You will see many queries in Profiler because You have a lot of other views. To make profiler log smaller, script only views.
As You can see, idea is to start profiling and start scripting. Once scripting is finished, stop profiler and check scripts executed by SSMS. You should find why it doesn't see DivisionInfo. If there is no DivisionInfo in profiler log but You can check it for scripting in wizard, then take scripts for DivisionInfo and for one view that scripting works for and see the differences between them. Take a close look at differences between them in regards to scripts that SMSS uses to retrieve them.
for some reason SSMS discards this view
according to data he extracted with queries (catched from profiler)
I just ran into the exact issue. We were trying to script out the schema of one database (Call it Database_A) and many views wouldn't script out.
We'd decommissioned another database (Call it Database_B) and all the views that wouldn't script (in Database_A) pointed out to that database (Database_B) - which was accessed through a linked server, and was offline. Since all the connection strings were now pointing to the new server that Database_A was now on, I brought Database_A on the old server online in read_only for just long enough to script out the views, and it worked. Took the database offline again, and we had what we needed.
The script I threw together to find the linked server reference in the views was this:
use Database_B
select, sc.text
from sysobjects so, syscomments sc
where =
and sc.text like '%Database_A%'
That's what worked for me, I hope it works for you as well.
Take care,
