FSharp.Data.JsonProvider optional property - f#

I'm using the FSharp.Data.TypeProvider but I have an optional property that is not rendered as such.
I have this example JSON:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired on Friday, 24-Jul-20 16:00:00 PDT. The current time is Friday, 24-Jul-20 16:06:14 PDT.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"error_subcode": 463,
"fbtrace_id": "A0yQG8l8ggauD5PMbYSnEyA"
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired on Friday, 24-Jul-20 16:00:00 PDT. The current time is Friday, 24-Jul-20 16:06:14 PDT.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"error_subcode": 463,
"fbtrace_id": "A0yQG8l8ggauD5PMbYSnEyA"
"data": [
"id": "17841511906082530"
The field error is read as Optional<Error> meanwhile the field data is Datum [], It should be Optional<Data>, this error seems to have something to do with the array, if I change the value of data to another type, like a number, it correctly infers the type.
Maybe is some cache that's wrong? How could I reset the TypeProvider cache?
OR am I doing something else wrong?
This issue is also reported in the github project: https://github.com/fsharp/FSharp.Data/issues/1322

That's expected behavior.
In your JSON string, data is an array, an empty array indicates None, thus the field Data is read as array. That makes sense.
The fact that each element of that array belongs to type Datum also makes sense because Datum is the single form of Data (plural form). Indeed, if you rename data to dogs you will see it is read as Dog [].
Update: I don’t think we can tell the type provider to infer the field data as Option<Datum[]>. To check whether it is actually an empty array or not existed, we need to examine the JsonValue field:
match node.JsonValue with
| JsonValue.Record [|("data", _)|] ->
// yep, we have field data here
| _ ->
// nope, field data is missed


Quicktype option parameter handling

I have an optional parameter in my web-service response which can or can not return null. What will be the best what to manage those?
As if I pass null in creator lets say for this structure:
"email": "test#test.com",
"profilePicture": null,
"firstTime": true,
"preference1": {
"$id": "26",
"$values": []
"Preference2": {
"$id": "27",
"$values": []
Now profilePicture is set to JSONNull and next time when I actually get profile URL it will not parse that and my response data to LNUser is nil. If I set this variable to String and null received response get set to nil.
You need
let profilePicture:URL?
quicktype needs an exhaustive set of examples, so make sure one of your samples includes a non-null value. Like this: https://app.quicktype.io?share=ldXiDP9cIKB1Q7CPJ7Id

How to hide properties with null values in FSharp.Data JsonProvider?

This piece of code:
open FSharp.Data
type ColorProvider = JsonProvider<"""
"color": "Red",
"code": 15
"color": "Green"
""", SampleIsList=true>
let value = ColorProvider.Root(color = "Blue", code = None)
printf "%A" value
Produces this JSON:
"color": "Blue",
"code": null
I'm passing the json to an external service which doesn't handle nulls. Either it must be an integer or the whole property must be missing.
Is there a way to hide the code property when it's null?
You are using FSharp's object printing feature for generating JSON. It produces JSON-like output, but in my opinion it is not meant for that task. I'd suggest using a JSON library for that, personally I like using https://github.com/Microsoft/fsharplu/wiki/fsharplu.json for that task, as it produces beautiful JSON for Discriminate Unions.

Getting user's complete information using TwitterKit

I'm using this API to get a user's followers list, and returns the followers in JSON format as described in the documentation. Here is a snippet of a returned object:
"users": [
"id": 2960784075,
"id_str": "2960784075",
"name": "Jesus Rafael Abreu M",
"screen_name": "chuomaraver",
"location": "",
"profile_location": null,
"url": null,
"description": "",
"protected": false,
"followers_count": 1,
"friends_count": 101,
"listed_count": 0,
"created_at": "Sun Jan 04 19:58:06 +0000 2015",
"default_profile": true,
"default_profile_image": false,
"following": false,
"follow_request_sent": false,
"notifications": false,
"muting": false
"next_cursor": 1489467234237774933,
"next_cursor_str": "1489467234237774933",
"previous_cursor": 0,
"previous_cursor_str": "0"
As you notice, the user object has a lot of properties, and I don't want to
parse them one by one or use a library to do that for me.
The TwitterKit has a class named TWTRUser, and here is it's documentation. To initialize an object of this class, you can just use a constructor that takes a JSON dictionary like this:
let follower = TWTRUser(jsonDictionary: jsonDictionary)
This way I can get the JSON Object the is returned to me parsed and initialize a TWTRUser object.
The problem is that TWTRUser doesn't have all the properties listed in the JSON returned, it only has these properties as listed in the documentation:
userID property
name property
screenName property
isProtected property
profileImageURL property
profileImageMiniURL property
profileImageLargeURL property
formattedScreenName property
profileURL property
I tried to use valueForKey method that takes a key and returns it value like this:
let createdAt = follower.value(forKey: "created_at")
I thought it would work, but it didn't. When I use it the application crashes and gives me the following message:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException',
reason: '[ valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class
is not key value coding-compliant for the key contributors_enabled.'
What could I do to get all the user's properties using TWTRUser class?
value(forKey:) is a method inherited with NSObject and it is used for Key-Value Coding so it doesn't return results of the JSON. The TWTRUser class only defines 10 properties and that's all you can get with it. If you want to get other properties, you would have to parse the JSON yourself with the following line of code (using the standard library)
let user = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonDictionary) as? [String: Any]
First of all, like it's already been mentioned, don't use value(for key), if the object had that value it probably would expose it through a public property.
My suggestion would be to subclass TWTRUser, add the properties you want to your new class (you can call it something like TwitterUser) and override init(json), there you can see if the dictionary contains the values you want and add them to the object.
After that you'll be able to access those properties like you would with any other properties in the TWTRUser class.

Google Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP Protocol Payload Data json key

I have problem with sending some key in data Payload to iOS device
Here's my json to send https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send -> #POST
"time_to_live": 216000,
"registration_ids": [
"device token"
"content-available" : true,
"notification": {
"body": "Some msg",
"title": "title"
"data": {
"orderStatus": {
"status": 1,
"id": 5102
Headers in POST request:
Problem with key orderStatus, in client side I get this key as a String
orderStatus = "{\"id\":5102,\"status\":1}";
Can I tell Firebase to send this key as an Object?
Or all keys in data must be simple key=value keys?
I mean value only string integer etc...?
The documentation for downstream JSON message syntax says this about the key-value pairs in the data object:
The key should not be a reserved word ("from" or any word starting
with "google" or "gcm"). Do not use any of the words defined in this
table (such as collapse_key).
Values in string types are recommended. You have to convert values in
objects or other non-string data types (e.g., integers or booleans) to

restassured - parsing response and searching by value

I have following REST API response:
"empid": "1234",
"name": "Santosh",
"hiredby": "Mark",
"date": "2017-01-31,00:19:41 PST",
"empid": "5678",
"name": "Kumar",
"hiredby": "Bob",
"date": "2017-01-31,08:30:31 PST"
My query is : - How do i get empid based on querying name as Kumar.
For example: I need to find "Kumar" name and get his empid. (that is, search by name and get his empid as response) I'm able to get the response and store it in Response object. but, from response object how can i traverse and query to get the required value.
I tried by retrieving as:
String name = get(REST_ENDPOINT).then().body("items.name",hasItems("Kumar")).extract().path("items.empid").toString();
when i print the response i get collection of the empid like [1234,5678], where as my expectation is to get only 5678.
Do I need to parse via JSONArray and JSONObject and iterate the response?
Please suggest.
You can use something like this
response1.jsonPath().getList("collect { it.credentials.findAll { it.credentialType == 'Ban User Name'}.credentialId }.flatten()")
