Incompatible pointer types initializing 'dispatch_source_t' (aka 'NSObject<OS_dispatch_source> *') with an expression of type 'NSString *' - ios

Hi I am learner in Objective-c Having a warning of Incompatible pointer types initializing 'dispatch_source_t' (aka 'NSObject<OS_dispatch_source> *') with an expression of type 'NSString *'
- (void)stopAnimating {
pause = YES;
if (timerArray) {
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [timerArray count]; i++) {
dispatch_source_t _timer = [[timerArray objectAtIndex:i] source];
_timer = nil;
timerArray = nil;
[self removeAllFlakesWithAnimation:YES];
in dispatch_source_t _timer = [[timerArray objectAtIndex:i] source]; this line, how to solve, timeArray is a NSMutableArray NSMutableArray *timerArray;

We can't tell you what is wrong with your code, there is not enough information for that, but we can tell you what the compiler is doing and why it produces the error it does – then you'll have to resolve it from there.
In your line:
dispatch_source_t _timer = [[timerArray objectAtIndex:i] source];
The LHS declares are variable, _timer, of type dispatch_source_t so the RHS needs to return a value of this type. Let's look at the RHS:
[timerArray objectAtIndex:i]
which BTW you can write more succinctly as:
this indexes into an array which you have declared as:
NSMutableArray *timerArray;
the elements of an array like this have type id – which means a reference to any object. The actual type of the objects in the array in this case will not be known until runtime. The next part of the RHS is:
[<a reference so some object> source]
Objective-C allows this and will perform a check at runtime to determine that the reference object does indeed have a method source. However at compile time the compiler can look up the definition of methods called source, it does, and finds that the method returns an NSString *.
So the RHS returns an NSString * and the LHS requires an dispatch_source_t and therefore the compiler reports:
Incompatible pointer types initializing 'dispatch_source_t' (aka 'NSObject<OS_dispatch_source> *') with an expression of type 'NSString *'
Now you have to figure out whether you intended to call source or some other method which does return a value of the right type, etc. HTH
As another BTW to someone learning Objective-C: You are using a for loop to produce an index value for an array, and you only use that value to index the array once. A better way to do this is to use a for/in loop:
for (<YourObjectType> element in timerArray) {
dispatch_source_cancel([element source]);
You need to replace <YourObjectType> with the type of object references you've stored in timerArray, and as above the source method needs to return a dispatch_source_t value.

Objective-C has a for ... but there are other really nice ways in which you can iterate through elements of an array. I give one example for array a, in this case of NSString *
[a enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^ ( NSString * i, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop ) {
// do something with NSString * i
// its index into the array is idx if you need it
// to exit out of the loop do
* stop = YES;


Objective-C passing object to function is always by reference or or by value?

In objective-c I am passing NSMutableDictionary to function and modifying it inside function it returns modified mutable dictionary :
NSMutableDictionary *obj2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:#"hello",#"fname",nil];
[self callerDictionary:obj2];
NSLog(#"%#",obj2[#"fname"]);//printing "Hi"
obj[#"fname"] = #"Hi";
Technically, Objective C always passes parameter by value, as does C, but practically when you pass an object you need to pass a pointer. While this pointer is passed by value, the semantics of Objective-C give the same effect as if you had passed an object reference; if you modify the objected that is pointed to by the pointer then you are modifying the same object instance that is pointed to in the calling context. The common terminology used in Objective C programming is "object reference" even though it is really a pointer value.
You can see from the * in the method signature that it is a pointer (or object reference in the common usage). If you are passing an intrinsic type, such as an int then it is passed by value unless you explicitly declare the method as requiring a reference:
For example:
-(void) someFunction:(int *)intPointer {
*intPointer = 5;
would be called as
int someInteger = 0;
[self someFunction: &someInteger];
// someInteger is now 5
The distinction between a pointer value and a true object reference can be seen in comparison to Swift which uses true references;
If I have
-(void)someFunction:(NSString *)someString {
int length = [someString length];
and then do
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray new];
[someFunction: (NSString *)array];
I will get a runtime exception since array doesn't have a length method, but the compiler can't confirm the type I am passing since it is a pointer.
If I attempted the equivalent in Swift then I will get a compile time error since it knows that the type coercion will always fail
All objects in Objective C passed by reference.
All C types such as NSUInteger, double etc. passed by value
C and Objective-C always pass parameters by value. Objective-C objects are always accessed through a reference (i.e. a pointer). There is a difference between a variable type (int, pointer, etc.) and the way variables are passed as function parameters. The use of the term reference in both scenarios can cause confusion.
void f(int a) {
a = 14;
int a = 5;
NSLog(#"%d", a); // prints: 5
NSLog(#"%d", a); // prints: 5
The value 5 is printed both times because the function f() is given a copy of the value of a, which is 5. The variable referenced within the function is not the same variable that was passed in; it is a copy.
In C++, you can have functions that take parameters by reference.
void f(int &a) {
a = 14;
int a = 5;
NSLog(#"%d", a); // prints: 5
NSLog(#"%d", a); // prints: 14
Note the & in the function signature. In C++ (but not C, nor Objective-C), this means that the parameter is passed by reference. What this means is that a reference (pointer) to a is passed to the function. Within the function, the a variable is implicitly dereferenced (remember, it's really a pointer, but you don't treat it as one), and the original a variable declared outside the function is changed.
In C and Objective-C, passing a pointer to a function is functionally equivalent to using a reference parameter in C++. This is because a copy of the address is given to the function (remember, the parameter is still passed by value), and that address points to the same object instance that the original pointer does. The reason you don't see any explicit pointer dereferencing within the function (similar to the C++ reference) is because Objective-C syntax for object access always implicitly dereferences -- being within a function doesn't change this behavior.

Error: indexing expression is invalid because subscript type 'char *(*)(const char *, int)' is not an integral or OBjective-C pointer type

I have a simple drawRandom card method...which will return a pointer to a card
-(Card *)drawRandomCard{
Card * randomCard = nil;
if ([ count]){
unsigned index = arc4random_uniform ([ count]);
//return it
randomCard =[index]; // if I return randomCard I won't get an error!
[ removeObjectAtIndex:index];
-If I write my code as such, I get the error mentioned.
-If I return randomCard instead, I won't get any error.
-I tried changing index to NSInteger, int, NSUInteger, but none worked.
-Though only thing that worked for me was to define my index as a pointer, like this #property (nonatomic,assign) NSUInteger index. I can't understand why that helps and also I think I should be able to do it the way I intended to do.
I saw this question and this question, but the problem their was that their index was not a primitive type, rather it was a pointer, but my index here is an int, so I am still confused.
Any help is appreciated.
Your index in the return statement isn't in the same scope as your index in the if statement. It's a pointer to the global function index() which isn't a valid subscript.
Making index a property works because it pulls it out to a scope where your return can see it.

Float array to float *

What is the difference between float[] and float*?
Also, how can I convert a float array to float *? I need to get a float * and open it, then apply a filter and send it as a float * into my FFT method, but I don't know how to do it because I don't know the real difference between them.
An array usually is a pointer to the first member of the list. When using Array[Identifier], you are accessing to *(p+Identifier).
Making a new array will define a series of pointer next to another, which will make it's use way easier.
You can set your float array in the following ways:
float array1[100] = { 0 };
float *dataArray = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * 100);
float *pointerToFloatArray = array1;
These points all relate to C:
the name of an array can be decomposed — i.e. implicitly converted — to a pointer to its first element;
in an array, elements are stored contiguously;
the syntax a[8] is just shorthand for *(a + 8); and
adding n to a pointer, p, is defined to add n * sizeof(*p).
So an array differs from a pointer by being a semantically different thing. But you can supply the name of an array anywhere a pointer is required as it'll be converted.
Separately, you can also add an offset to any pointer using subscript syntax.
Objective-C is a strict superset of C. So these rules also apply to the use of the primitive types in Objective-C.
To understand the distinction, think in terms of mutability. The following is invalid:
char array[];
char value;
array = &value;
You can't reassign array. It is the name of an array. array itself is not mutable at runtime, only the things within it are. Conversely the following is valid:
char *pointer;
char value;
pointer = &value;
You can reassign pointer as often as you like. There's a mutable pointer and you can use it to point to anything.
You can use C-style arrays, like described in this answer:,
but better way - is using Objective-C containers and Objective-C objects, for example NSNumber * :
NSArray *array = [#1, #2, #3];
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
NSNumber *number1 = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:20.f];
NSNumber *number2 = #(20.f);
[array addObject:number1];
[array addObject:number2];

Comparing in objective C - Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id' is disallowed with ARC

I i'm getting the error "Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id' is disallowed with ARC" at the line marked with "faulty line". I guess it have something to do with that i'm checking for an integer in an array, that contains objects instead of integers.
#import "RandomGenerator.h"
#implementation RandomGenerator
NSMutableArray *drawnNumbers;
-(int) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return arc4random_uniform(upperNumber);
-(NSMutableArray*) lotteryNumbers :(int)withMaximumDrawnNumbers :(int)andHighestNumber {
for (int i = 1; i <= withMaximumDrawnNumbers; i++)
int drawnNumber = [self randomNumber:andHighestNumber];
if ([drawnNumbers containsObject:drawnNumber]) { //faulty line
return drawnNumbers;
NSArrays can only contain objective-c objects. So actually the method containsObject: is expecting an object, not an int or any other primitive type.
If you want to store number inside an NSArray you should pack them into NSNumber objects.
NSNumber *someNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:3];
In your case, if we assume that drawnNumbers is already an array of NSNumbers, you should change the randomNumber: generation to:
-(NSNumber*) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:arc4random_uniform(upperNumber)];
And then when picking it up on the lotteryNumbers method, you should:
NSNumber *drawnNumber = [self randomNumber:andHighestNumber];
Another note would go for the method you defined for lotteryNumbers. You used a really strange name for it, I think you misunderstood how the method naming works in objective-c. You were probably looking for something more like:
-(NSMutableArray*) lotteryNumbersWithMaximumDrawnNumbers:(int)maximumDrawnNumbers andHighestNumber:(int)highestNumber;
Late edit:
Objective-C now allows a way more compact syntax for creating NSNumbers. You can do it like:
NSNumber *someNumber = #(3);
And your method could be rewritten as:
-(NSNumber*) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return #(arc4random_uniform(upperNumber));
You are using an int where an object (presumably NSNumber) is expected. So convert before use:
if ([drawnNumbers containsObject:#( drawnNumber )])

"Incompatible pointer type.." when trying to sort using `sortedArrayUsingFunction`

I am trying to sort an NSMutableArray of NSMutableDictionarys basing on a price field.
NSString* priceComparator(NSMutableDictionary *obj1, NSMutableDictionary *obj2, void *context){
return #"just for test for the moment";
//In other function
arrayProduct = (NSMutableArray*)[arrayProduct sortedArrayUsingFunction:priceComparator context:nil];//arrayProduct is NSMutableArray containing NSDictionarys
On the statement above, I am getting the following warning which I want to fix:
Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSString*(NSMutableDictionary *__strong,NSMutableDictionary *__strong,void*)' to parameter of type 'NSInteger (*)(__strong id, __strong id, void*)'
As the error states, your priceComparator function needs to be declared as returning NSInteger, not NSString *:
NSInteger priceComparator(NSMutableDictionary *obj1, NSMutableDictionary *obj2, void *context){
if (/* obj1 should sort before obj2 */)
return NSOrderedAscending;
else if (/* obj1 should sort after obj2 */)
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
Better yet, you could use NSSortDescriptors if the price you need to sort by is a simple numeric value that's always at a given key in these dictionaries. I think this is the syntax:
id descriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"price" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sortedProducts = [arrayProduct sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:#[descriptor]];
Also note that all of the sortedArray... methods return a new, plain NSArray object, not a NSMutableArray. Thus the sortedProducts declaration in the sample code above. If you really do need your sorted array to still be mutable, you could use the sortUsingFunction:context: or sortUsingDescriptors: method of NSMutableArray to sort the array in-place. Note that these methods return void, so you wouldn't assign the result to any variable, it would modify your arrayProduct object in-place.
