iOS App Crashing on launch when users updated to iOS 13.6 - ios

I have an iOS app in the store written in Swift that seemed to be working fine for the last 2 years. However, in the recent past, users reported that the app was crashing after they updated to iOS 13.5.1.
During this time, several other notable apps like Spotify, Pinterest, Tiktok ad Instagram were crashing as well due to some Facebook SDK bug which they claimed to have fixed.
None the less, I removed the Facebook SDK from the app and resubmitted the app as an update hoping to fix this issue.
Users have installed the new updated and some users have even updated to iOS 13.6. A few users have reported crashes again on app launch.
The problem is I am unable to reproduce the crash on a device or a simulator.
I was wondering and hoping someone ran into this issue and has any ideas on how to resolve this ?
Here are the crash logs I see from the app store after the advice from Benjamin below: - when I click open in project: - it leads me to this line of code in the project
let classification = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "classification") as! String
I know it is not a lot of code to work with but this issue never occurred before the latest iOS 13.4 update that I know off.

Issues like this - where a user reports a crash that you cannot replicate locally - are why remote logging is important.
The best way to solve an issue like this is to enable remote logging/crash reporting BEFORE the issue arises. That way you have logs and stack traces that can help you see what caused the crash.
For more info, take a look at services like Google Crashlytics, Datadog, or New Relic. I’m not advocating for any. There are many services out there. But those are some common examples.


Can't see any app data or crash reports on NewRelic platform

I am a new iOS developer, and I was attempting to implement NewRelic as my crash reporting platform for a test application before I use it with a different application, but I cannot seem to receive any data on NewRelic. I went through the Cocoapods installation here: with my own app on Swift. After that didn't work, I used a coworkers test app, who had the crash reporting working, and it still wouldn't work for me.
One difference that we have noticed is that I receive this notification from Apple when crashing my test app on XCode simulator...
We figure the data isn't being sent because something is getting in the way of the process, but we can't figure out why. I have tried disabling debugging on XCode. I have tried almost everything that NewRelic suggests on their website and through their technical support. Has this happened to anyone else before?

Iphone App developed with KivyMD Crashing

I've created a game with KivyMD and currently I am testing it on iOS. I have tested the game on Android and it works flawlessly. The game builds successfully in XCode and once built, the game works fine on an iPhone. However, few days later, something seems to be going wrong and app starts to crash in iPhone. As soon as I launch the game, I see a black screen which appears to be a pre-splash. However, I haven't set a pre-splash for the game. If I rebuild the game in XCode again, it builds successfully with no errors and the app starts to work fine again for few more days and then it starts to crash. Can someone help me with the following?
Is there a way to look at the error message in some log file on iPhone when the app crashes?
Is there a debugging tool that I can use to troubleshoot when the app crashes?
Is there an iOS simulator app that I can use on my iMac to test the app?
XCode shows the build log as successful always. So, the app crashing appears to be a run-time error. Unfortunately, I am new to this and needs some help.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: You'll probably want to find a solution that is specific to Kivy. This answer may help. In fact, your question may be considered a duplicate:
Generally, I recommend Firebase Crashlytics for crash logs. If a crash occurs in your app, the stack trace and other helpful info will be uploaded to your Firebase console the next time the app is started. You can see all your crashes in the console. You will need to follow the instructions to integrate crashlytics into your app and then release a new build, but it's well worth it. This will allow you to get crash logs from all devices (testers, users, etc).
For crashes you can reproduce on your dev device, you can also retrieve the log directly:

Ionic 3 Cordova - Apple sign in sometimes throws ASAuthorizationErrorUnknown on first login attempt leading to apps getting rejected

I have a Ionic 3 white label application and i am using this plugin:
Everything seems to be working fine and there don't seem to be any issues while testing the application as i never experienced the error but when submitted to the AppStore, the reviewer sometimes blocks the application as having a bug related to Apple Sign in.
I added a logging system to the app that helped me identify the error thrown by Apple sign in plugin on occasion is: ASAuthorizationErrorUnknown.
Not all apps get rejected, even though they have the same code.
A app in particular has been repeatedly rejected. The apps don't have any differences in how the login is handled.
I tested the App on both an emulator and a physical phone with the exact same iOS version the reviewer tested on.
My questions are:
Could it be the plugin? (I previously tried other plugins that didn't work). Considering the answer is coming straight from Apple, and it works in 99.9% of the time its probably not the plugin, right?
Do you know what could cause that error?
Do you know of an alternative of implementing apple login on a Ionic 3 app that worked for you?
Fingers crossed :)

Fabric/Crashlytics - No data and crash reports for iOS

I followed all the Fabric documentation concerning crash reports for iOS.
I can see my first crash test on the dashboard, but now the App is on the AppStore, and I see no crashes, no active users, no data at all on the Fabric App.
But I know there are a lot of users right now, we can see all the stats for Android.
How can we make this solution working for iOS ?
you might want to check 3 things:
missing dYSIM

App store app submission issue in ios

My app got rejected from app store with a reason that it crashes on launch screen. However, I've searched tremendously for any possibility that could cause the crash on launch, but unfortunately I am not able to reproduce the issue at all.
I've tried all steps mentioned by apple's team: symbolicated the crash logs, changed region of the device from India to US, tried keep the internet connection off/on while launching and so many things.
I have successfully uploaded more than 30 apps on app store and dealt with rejection several times... this time it is really killing me. I would really appreciate any help in this matter.
one thing I just noticed in the log: the app crashed when it was using 9.0.2 and now I've upgraded to 9.1 and it looks impossible to degrade again to 9.0.2 so is there any possibility that issue only occurs in 9.0.2 and if so, how can I resolve it without being able to reproduce it?
You should analyze the crash reports before submitting the app to app store.
You can find the guidelines to submit crash reports in Apple's documentation.
