Is there any alternative to HTMLPane in SmartGWT with setContentsType as PAGE which is internally using iframe? - smartgwt

Is there any alternative to HTMLPane in SmartGWT, as the HTMLPane is internally using iframe when the setContentsType is as page
Sample code would be
HTMLPane myPane = new HTMLPane();


Is there a way to call MVC Controller from Angular Typescript without using Ajax?

I'm planning to develop an web application wherein there's an WYSIWYG text editor which you can save to database and export the output into DOCX/MS WORD. I could only find word automation/export on c#, but I need the text editor to be real time so that number of clients can edit at the same time.
I'm thinking of using core with angular typescript and ms sql to build this app. And unfortunately I'm struggling on how I can generate the Word Document on c# when the page is rendered in Angular Typescript.
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using System.Reflection;
private void Generate()
object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object oEndOfDoc = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */
//Start Word and create a new document.
Word._Application oWord;
Word._Document oDoc;
oWord = new Word.Application();
oWord.Visible = true;
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oMissing, ref oMissing,
ref oMissing, ref oMissing);}
//so on and so forth
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-md" (click)="Generate()">
Show Message
I'm new to angular, but if there's a better a approach rather than core and angular typescript or different language / library I could use feel free to comment.
Also if I can get this working I would be much easier for me.

Vaadin : How to get Element by ID?

How to get HTML Elmement (or DOM) in Vaadin ?In GWT I can use as DOM.getElementById("myId");
I can set id attribute on my Vaadin components by setId() method. For example:
Button button = new Button("Say Hello");
So, how can I retrieve this DOM Element in Vaadin ?
You can use this:
public static Component findComponentById(HasComponents root, String id) {
for (Component child : root) {
if (id.equals(child.getId())) {
return child; // found it!
} else if (child instanceof HasComponents) { // recursively go through all children that themselves have children
Component result = findComponentById((HasComponents) child, id);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null; // none was found
Vaadin 10 (Vaadin Flow)
The new Vaadin Flow generation replaces the internal use of GWT for Web Components.
This new architecture provides us with easy direct access to the DOM from the Java-based server-side, if you so desire. You can read the DOM, and you can manipulate elements in the DOM. Read about the new Element API in the manual.
Vaadin 6, 7, & 8 (Vaadin Framework)
This Answer expands on the comment by Vaadin expert, Henri Kerola.
Vaadin is a server-side app framework. It's purpose is to shield the app developer from the details of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, GWT, HTTP, WebSocket, and such web technologies. The app developer writes in pure Java (and maybe a tiny touch of CSS for tweaking). Vaadin transparently and auto-magically generates the HTML-CSS-JavaScript-GWT-DOM necessary to render a representation of the app’s user-interface within a web browser.
So there is no way to access the DOM from that Java server-side, nor any need to do so generally.
If you want to take control of the web technologies then Vaadin is probably not the best framework for you.
In Vaadin8 you may try this:

What does the PF function do in Primefaces?

On many places one can find usage of a function PF with Primefaces. For example in this answer
From what I have seen so far it seems to be a magic "make it work a little better" function. But I don't believe in this kind of stuff so:
What does this function do?
And where can I find documentation about it?
PF is a Javascript function.
In Primefaces 4.0 the Javascript scope of widgets changed. Prior to version 4.0 you could open a dialog widget with;.
In Primefaces 4.0 and above the widgets are stored in a Javascript widget array. When you call PF('widgetVar') it is looking for the widget in the array and returning it.
var c=b.widgets[d];
console.log("Widget for var '"+d+"' not available!")
b.error("Widget for var '"+d+"' not available!")
return c
I could not find much on this either this is what I was able to decipher using Chrome's developer tools.
The PF function is a part of PrimeFaces's JavaScript API. It looks up a Javascript object that is the backbone of the JSF component on the client-side. Here is its definition (source):
PF = function(widgetVar) {
var widgetInstance = PrimeFaces.widgets[widgetVar];
if (!widgetInstance) {
PrimeFaces.error("Widget for var '" + widgetVar + "' not available!");
return widgetInstance;
PF is a shortcut for PrimeFaces.widgets['someWidgetId'], which just looks-up a Javascript object in global scope, and so the Javascript object can also be retrieved using window['someWidgetId'].
The PrimeFaces's Javascript API has no official documentation online, so to understand what you can really "do" with the Javascript object, you'll need to take a deep dive into PrimeFaces.
See also
"Intro To PrimeFaces widgetVar" blog post
PrimeFaces source code
For other Primefaces users coming here when upgrading to version 4.0 and above, it's possible to bypass the need to use PF('yourWidgetVar').someFunction() and just use yourWidgetVar.someFunction() directly as you would have before version 4.0. You just need the following configuration in web.xml:
From the Primefaces User Guide:
Enables window scope so that widgets can be accessed using
widgetVar.method() in addition to default PF namespace approach like
Obviously you'd be susceptible to the namespace clash/pollution this feature was created to avoid, but it's useful if you want to migrate to a new version in little steps and isolate what incompatibilities the new version has introduced.

jquery mobile trigger('create') callback function

I am using jquery mobile and using the $().trigger('create') function to initiate it. I need a callback after this function is done modifying the html with the new styling. Is this possible?
I need this because i need the new dimensions of the screen after an ajax load of new content.
I would use TriggerHandler(). You can bind to your custom event...
See the DEMO at the bottom of the link:
I found that the "updatelayout" event gets fired when I do a x$.trigger("create"). This from some js using Backbone...
var content$ = this.$el.find("#somediv");
content$.on('updatelayout', function () { alert("woo hoo"); });
content$.trigger("create"); // add some JQM magic, wait for the 'woo hoo'
From the jQuery api:
"This event is triggered by components within the framework that dynamically show/hide content, and is meant as a generic mechanism to notify other components that they may need to update their size or position."
It turns out that there is a devil in the detail. Not all triggered JQM content leads to a JQ "updatelayout" event. I had to add a wrapper div with 'data-role="controlgroup" in another case to get it to fire. More digging required...

How to select current page or by page id using jqmData

I have a multi-page document and I'm binding to the pageshow event of page "myId":
$('#myId').live('pageshow', renderMyIdTempalates);
I'm applying my JSON templates with PURE like this
function renderMyIdTempalates(event) {
var $page = $("#myId");
// do ajax call
$page.children( ":jqmData(role=header)" ).directives(...).render(data);
$page.children( ":jqmData(role=content)" ).directives(...).render(data);
Initially I was using
to apply my templates. This caused problems since the selector didn't include the jqm attributes. So I used the jqmData method to grab the header and content to apply my templates. This works fine, but how do I select the entire document that I'm working with? I would prefer to apply my templates to the entire document once.
I tried:
$(":jqmData(role=page)") // selects all pages
$(":jqmData(id=myId)") // no luck
Any ideas?
the selector
should work. just remember that myID should not be the id of that div.That page div should have a parameter data-id="myID"
