I have a system where I'm trying to run the docker logincommand, it is a headless linux system, but unfortunately only the Docker Credentials Helper docker-credential-secretservice is installed.
This means that I get the following error:
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY`
It makes sense that I get this as:
By default, Docker looks for the native binary on each of the
platforms, i.e. “osxkeychain” on macOS, “wincred” on windows, and
“pass” on Linux. A special case is that on Linux, Docker will fall
back to the “secretservice” binary if it cannot find the “pass”
binary. If none of these binaries are present, it stores the
credentials (i.e. password) in base64 encoding in the config files
described above.
And since secretservice helper uses a GUI credentials store it tries to open a window, which it can't on the headless system.
I've no control over the system, so I can't remove the /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice file to force docker login to fall back to the config file rather than using the secretservice helper.
What I can do is create and list files in my user's home folder. I've tried to run the command as such:
docker --config ./docker login -u <user-name> -p <password> <repository>
I was under the impression that the login command would then create a config.json in the ./docker (I've noticed docker login will create the folder if it doesn't exist). This works on a system that doesn't have any helpers installed, but not on the system in question.
I've also tried to create a ~/.docker/config.json with something like:
echo '{"credStore":""}' > ~/.docker/config.json
Hoping that docker login would get the hint not to use any helpers for the credential store.
Is there a way for a non-admin to force docker login to fall back to:
stores the credentials (i.e. password) in base64 encoding in the config files described above.
Without deleting the credentials helper?
(as a side note, I'll of course ask to have the /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice removed but, in case it's not possible or for future reference, are there any alternative solutions?)
Logging out the current user, before logging in with a different user name worked for me. Logging out removed the saved docker credentials.
docker logout <reponame>
docker login <reponame>
To avoid using a credsStore and to store a plaintext auth token in your docker config (e.g. ~/.docker/config.json), delete the "credsStore" key from your docker config file and rerun docker login.
When you run docker login, it will give a warning but will save the auth token into the file.
$ docker login
Username: someuser
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in ~/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
The resulting docker config file should look like this:
"auths": {
"your.docker.registry": {
"auth": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQK="
The auth token is simply a base64 encoded string of the form username:password.
This worked for Docker Engine versions 19 and 20.
Unfortunately, Docker (as of 18.06) first looks for the docker-credential-* binaries, and if it finds any of them, it will automatically overwrite the "credsStore" value in ~/.docker/config.json.
Your only workaround would be to install docker-credential-pass in your home directory so that Docker will use that instead of docker-credential-secretservice. docker-credential-pass does not require a GUI.
Steps to install docker-credential-pass:
docker login fails on a server with no X11 installed
You can just ignore all the output by sending everything to /dev/null like:
echo $TOKEN|docker login -u=user --password-stdin > /dev/null 2>&1
where $TOKEN will be your previously exported token or password.
This will be useful as well with CI's when using some automation
I've looked through the code and there appears to be no way to generally disable the use of credential helpers. But you can skip the code path on a per-registry basis. will look up the helper to use (just the suffix after docker-credential-) in credHelpers from the registry host name. If it is "" it will use the normal unencrypted file store. As far as I can tell, this is undocumented and likely unintended behavior.
With that, in order to bypass the credential helpers for a specific registry, do
mkdir ./docker
echo "{\"credHelpers\": {\"$REGISTRY_HOST\": \"\"}}" > ./docker/config.json
docker --config ./docker login -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD $REGISTRY_HOST
I believe the cause why {"credsStore":""} isn't working is the omitempty serialization tag on that field. Setting it to empty is the same as not setting it.
Not an answer to the question, but maybe to the problem:
We can launch dbus ourselves then unlock/lock/query the keyring from the cli.
These are the bash functions I use:
function unlock-keyring () {
export $(dbus-launch)
read -rsp "Password: " pass
export $(echo -n "$pass" | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock)
unset pass
function lock-keyring () {
dbus-send --dest=org.gnome.keyring --print-reply /org/freedesktop/secrets org.freedesktop.Secret.Service.LockService
function query-keyring-locked () {
busctl --user get-property org.freedesktop.secrets /org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection Locked
Simply rename ~/.docker/config.json to something different, or remove it if you won't need it anymore.
mv ~/.docker/config.json ~/.docker/backup-config.json
I want to run a Ruby on Rails application. When I tried to run it, it shows me this,
The program 'rails' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install ruby-railties
So, I figured out the problem and I found that the problem is due to not login into bash shell. My terminal could not execute 'ruby' or 'ruby on rails' scripts. I checked .bashrc and .bash_profile files if PATH variable is set to point to rvm file.
When I did,
/bash/bin -l
it shows me ruby or rails are installed on system and I could start Rails server successfully. But if I opened another Terminal window, same problem occurs. Basically, I want to log into bash shell by default. Please correct and help me to sort out this. Thanks!
If you are sure the location of your bash shell is /bin/bash you could use this command (replacing "username" with your username):
chsh -s /bin/bash username
That will change your default shell in most unix like operating systems.
Afterwards you can verify it checking /etc/passwd where you will see the default shell at the end of the line of your username.
Warning: Try it first with a new user, in order to avoid losing your shell access if the path to bash is different :-)
I am installing Jenkins 2 on windows,after installing,a page is opened,URL is:
content of the page is like this:
How to "Unlock Jenkins"?
PS:I have looked for the answer in documentation and google.
Starting from version 2.0 of Jenkins you may use
to prevent this screen.
Accroding to documentation
jenkins.install.runSetupWizard - Set to false to skip install wizard. Note that this leaves Jenkins unsecured by default.
Development-mode only: Set to true to not skip showing the setup wizard during Jenkins development.
More details about Jenkins properties can be found on this Jenkins Wiki page.
Check to see where Jenkins is logging its files.
e.g. for Linux, use the command: less /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
And scroll down to the part: "Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created ... to proceed to installation:
[randompasswordhere] <--- Copy and paste
By default logs should be made available in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log, unless customized in /etc/default/jenkins (for *.deb) or via /etc/sysconfig/jenkins (for */rpm)
By default logs should be at %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.out and %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.err, unless customized in %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.xml
Mac OS X
Log files should be at /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log, unless customized in org.jenkins-ci.plist
open file: e:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword
copy content file: 47c5d4f760014e54a6bffc27bd95c077
paste in input: http://localhost:8080/login?from=%2F
Some of the above instructions seem to have gone out of date. As of the released version 2.0, creating the following file will cause Jenkins to skip the unlock screen:
This file must contain the string 2.0 without any line terminators. I'm not sure if this is required but Jenkins also sets the owner/group to be the same as the Jenkins server, so that's probably a good thing to mimic as well.
I did not need to create the upgraded or .last_exec_version files.
I assume you were running jenkins.war manually with java -jar jenkins.war, then all logging information by default is output to standard out, just type the token to unlock jenkins2.0.
If you were not running jenkins with java -jar jenkins.war, then you can always follow this Official Document to find the correct log location.
Open your terminal and type code below to find all the containers.
docker container list -a
You will find jenkinsci/blueocean and/or docker:dind if not than
docker container run --name jenkins-docker --rm --detach ^
--privileged --network jenkins --network-alias docker ^
--env DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs ^
--volume jenkins-docker-certs:/certs/client ^
--volume jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home ^
--volume "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%":/home ^
docker container run --name jenkins-blueocean --rm --detach ^
--network jenkins --env DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker:2376 ^
--env DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/certs/client --env DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 ^
--volume jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home ^
--volume jenkins-docker-certs:/certs/client:ro ^
--volume "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%":/home ^
--publish 8080:8080 --publish 50000:50000 jenkinsci/blueocean
run command
docker run jenkinsci/blueocean
docker run docker:dind
Copy and Paste the secret key.
One method to prevent the installation wizard is to do the following in $JENKINS_HOME:
Create an empty file named .last_exec_version
Create a file named upgraded
If left empty, a banner will prompt you to "upgrade" to 2.0 (which just means install a bunch of new plugins like Pipeline)
If the contents of that file is 2.0, you'll receive no banner and it will act like an regular old Jenkins install
Remember, this wizard is in place to prevent unauthorized access to Jenkins during setup. However, bypassing this wizard can be useful if, for example, you want to deploy automated installations of Jenkins with something like Ansible/Puppet/etc.
This was tested against Jenkins 2.0-beta-1 – so these instructions may not work in future beta or stable releases.
In the mac use:
sudo more /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
I have seen a lot of response to the question, most of them were actually solution to it but they solve the problem when jenkins is actually run as a standalone CI without Application container using the command:
java -jar jenkins.war
But when running on Tomcat as it is the case in this scenario, Jenkins logs are displayed on the catalina logs since the software is running on a container.
So you need to go to the logs folder:
C:\Program Files\tomcat_folder\Tomcat 8.5\logs\catalina.log
in my own case. Just scroll almost to the middle to look for a generated password which is essentially a token and copy and paste it to unlock jenkins.
I hope this fix your problem.
Step 1: Open the terminal on your mac
Step 2: Concatenate or Paste
sudo cat **/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword**
Step 3: It will ask for password, type your mac password and enter
Step 4: A key would be generated.
Step 5: Copy and paste the security token in Jenkins
Step 6: Click continue
I found the token in the following file in the installation dir:
<jenkins install dir>\users\admin\config.xml
and the element
<key> THE KEY </key>
You might see it in the catalina.out. I installed Jenkins war in tomcat and I can see this in the catalina.out
The below method does not work anymore on 2.42.2
Create an empty file named .last_exec_version
Create a file named upgraded
If left empty, a banner will prompt you to "upgrade" to 2.0 (which just means install a bunch of new plugins like Pipeline)
If the contents of that file is 2.0, you'll receive no banner and it will act like an regular old Jenkins install
mostly jenkins will show you the path for initialAdminPassword if you dont find it there, then you have to check jenkins logs
in log you will see
05-May-2017 01:01:41.854 INFO [Jenkins initialization thread] jenkins.install.SetupWizard.init
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
This may also be found at: /opt/tomcat/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Use a lil shortcut to get to the folder:
cmd + shift + g
then insert /Users/Shared/Jenkins
there u can see the secrets folder - probably shows that it's locked.
to unlock it: right click on the folder and click info + click on the lock at the bottom. now u can change the rights shown at the bottom of the window
hope that helped :)
Greetings, Stefanie ^__^
If unable to find Jenkins password in the location C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword
by installing Jenkins generic war on Tomcat server, try below
Set environmental variable JENKINS_HOME to your jenkins path say
JENKINS_HOME ="C:/users/username/apachetomcat/webapps/jenkins"
Place Jenkins.war in the webapp folder of Tomcat and start Tomcat,
initial admin password gets generated in the path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword
Yet another way to bypass the unlock screen is to copy the UpgradeWizard state to the InstallUtil last execution version, add an install.runSetupWizard file with the contents 'false', and update the config.xml installStateName from NEW to RUNNING.
docker exec -it jenkins bash
sed -i s/NEW/RUNNING/ /var/jenkins_home/config.xml
echo 'false' > /var/jenkins_home/jenkins.install.runSetupWizard
cp /var/jenkins_home/jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.state /var/jenkins_home/jenkins.install.InstallUtil.lastExecVersion
docker restart jenkins
For reference, this is the command I use to run jenkins:
docker run --rm --name jenkins --network host -u root -d -v jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean:1.16.0
You will also want to update the config with the Root URL:
echo "<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?><jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration><jenkinsUrl>http://<IP>:8080/</jenkinsUrl></jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration>" > jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml
docker restart jenkins
In case, if you installed/upgraded new versions of jenkins and unable to find admin credentials on server then, ...
if you are using old version of jenkins and on the top of it you are trying to reinstall/upgrade new version of jenkins then,
the files under "JENKINS_HOME", namely -
will cause jenkins to skip the unlock (or admin credentials screen) and webpage directly ask you for username and password. even on server you will not able to find "${JENKINS_HOME}/secrets/initialAdminPassword".
In such case, don't get panic. just try to use old admin user creds in newly installed/upgraded jenkins server.
In simple language, if you have admin creds as admin/admin in old version of jenkins server then, after upgrading jenkins server, the new server won't ask you set password for admin user again. in fact it will use old creds only.
I have found the password in C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jenkins.err. Open jenkins.err text file and scroll down, and you will find the password.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets
then with notepad ++ open file initail Admin Password and paste its content.
thats it
-->if you are using linux machine, then login as root user: sudo su
-->then go to the below path: cd /var/lib/jenkins/secrets
-->just view the IntialAdminPassword file ,you can see the secret key.
-->paste the secret key into jenkins window,it will be unlocked.
Try this %2Fjenkins%2F instead of %2Fjenkins in the browser
Open the terminal on your mac and open new window (command+T)
Paste sudo cat /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
It will ask for password, type your password(i gave my mac password, i haven't check if any other password would work) and enter
A key would be generated.
Copy the key and paste it where it asks you to enter admin password
click continue
The problem can be fixed in latest version: mine is 2.4. The error comes because of %2fjenkins%2f in URL. The previous version was coming with %2fjenkins and the same error used to come. They have resolved the issue, but the URL has been changed from %2fjenkins to %2fjenkins%. So as a summary in the URL currently %2fjenkins% is coming. before passing the admin password change it to %2fjenkins. Along with that add a .last_exec_version empty file.
If someone chooses running Jenkins as a Docker container, may face the same problem with me.
Because accessing-the-jenkins-blue-ocean-docker-container is quite different,
Common problem is /var/lib/jenkins/secrets: No such file or directory
You need to access through Docker, the link Jenkins provide is quite helpful.
Except <docker-container-name> maybe not specified, then you may need to use the container ID.
docker exec -it jenkins-blueocean bash
docker exec -it YOUR_JENKINS_CONTAINER_ID bash
The /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword would be accessible.
The password would be there.
I have setup Jenkins using Brew, But when I restarted Mac Jenkins was asking for initialAdminPassword(The screenshot attached in question)
And the problem was it was not generated under sercret directory.
So I'd found the Jenkins process which was running on port: 8080 using: $ sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP and killed it using $ sudo kill 66(66 was process id).
Then I downloaded the latest jenkins .war file from:
And executed command: $ java -jar jenkins.war (Make sure you are in jenkins.war directory).
And that's it everything is working fine.
This works well when you are stuck with Docker on Windows and are using Git-Bash
Presuming something like:
# docker run --detach --publish 8080:8080 --volume jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins:lts
Execute to get the Container ID, for example "d56686cb700d"
# docker ps -l
Now tell Docker to return the password written in the logs for that Container ID:
# docker logs d56686cb700d 2>&1 | grep -A5 -B5 Admin
2>&1 redirects stderr to stdout
-A5 includes 5 lines AFTER the line with "Admin" in it
-B5 includes 5 lines BEFORE the line with "Admin" in it
Output example:
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
I found it under below directory. Full issue detail
Open jenkins.err file in C:\Program Files\Jenkins\.
In that file check for a hash key after this line
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
And paste it there in the jenkins prompt. Worked for me.
To solve this problem for docker container in Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver) - Ubuntu Releases
1- connect to your docker server or ubuntu server witch ssh or other method
2- run sudo docker ps
3- copy the container name parameter ("NAMES")
4- run sudo docker logs "your_parameters_NAMES_VALUES"
5- Find the folowing sentence "Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:" and copy the password
I have a problem with jenkins, setting "git", shows the following error:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: Authentication failed
I have tested with ssh:
This is error:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: Host key verification failed.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I've also done these steps with "SSH key".
Login under Jenkins
sudo su jenkins
Copy your github key to Jenkins .ssh folder
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github* /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/
Rename the keys
mv id_rsa_github id_rsa
but still not working git repository in jenkins.
thanks by help!.
Change to the jenkins user and run the command manually:
git ls-remote -h HEAD
You will get the standard SSH warning when first connecting to a new host via SSH:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 97:8c:1b:f2:6f:14:6b:5c:3b:ec:aa:46:46:74:7c:40.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Type yes and press Enter. The host key for will now be added to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and you won't get this error in Jenkins anymore.
Jenkins is a service account, it doesn't have a shell by design. It is generally accepted that service accounts. shouldn't be able to log in interactively.
To resolve "Jenkins Host key verification failed", do the following steps. I have used mercurial with jenkins.
1)Execute following commands on terminal
$ sudo su -s /bin/bash jenkins
provide password
2)Generate public private key using the following command:
you can see output as ::
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
3)Press Enter --> Do not give any passphrase--> press enter
Key has been generated
4) go to --> cat /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/
5) Copy key from
6)Exit from bash
7) ssh#yourrepository
8) vi .ssh/authorized_keys
9) Paste the key
10) exit
11)Manually login to mercurial server
Note: Pls do manually login otherwise jenkins will again give error "host verification failed"
12)once manually done, Now go to Jenkins and give build
Good Luck
Or you can use:
ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no host
This will be insecure (man in the middle attacks) but easiest solution.
The better way to do that is to generate correct mappings between host and ip address, so ssh will not complain:
for domain in "" ""; do
sed -i "/$domain/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
line=$(ssh-keyscan $domain,`nslookup $domain | awk '/^Address: / { print $2 ; exit }'`)
echo $line >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Excerpt from gist.
I think, that many people didnt recognize, at least available since jenkins 2.361:
btw. No Verification is for sure not the best option.
Had same problem, i fix it like that :
reset permission on id_rsa* only for current user no group no other
chmod o-rwx ~/.ssh/id*
chmod G-rwx ~/.ssh/id*
ls -lart ~/.ssh/
-rw------- 1 jenkins nogroup 398 avril 3 09:34
-rw------- 1 jenkins nogroup 1675 avril 3 09:34 id_rsa
And clear ~/.ssh/know_hosts
Now Connect as jenkins
sudo su jenkins
Try the jenkins commands
git ls-remote -h HEAD
If no problem appears, now jenkins will be able to connect the repo (for me ^^ at least)
As for the workaround (e.g. Windows slave), define the following environment variable in global properties:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
Note: If you don't see the option, you probably need EnvInject plugin for it.
login as jenkins using: "sudo su -s /bin/bash jenkins"
git clone the desired repo which causes the key error
it will ask you to add the key by showing Yes/No (enter yes or y)
that's it!
you can now re-run the jenkins job.
I hope you this will fix your issue.
you shoud delete username#
Make sure we are not editing any of the default sshd_config properties to skip the error
Host Verification Failed - Definitely a missing entry of hostname in known_hosts file
Login to the server where the process is failing and do the following:
Sudo to the user running the process
ssh-copy-id destinationuser#destinationhostname
It will prompt like this for the first time, say yes and it will also ask password for the first time:
The authenticity of host ' (205.214.640.91)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 97:8c:1b:f2:6f:14:6b:5c:3b:ec:aa:46:46:74:7c:40.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? *yes*
Password prompt ? give password
Now from the server where process is running, do ssh destinationuser#destinationhostname. It should login without a password.
Note: Do not change the default permissions of files in the user's .ssh directory, you will end up with different issues
I ran into this issue and it turned out the problem was that the jenkins service wasn't being run as the jenkins user. So running the commands as the jenkins user worked just fine.
Copy host keys from both bitbucket and github:
ssh root#deployserver 'echo "$(ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa" >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts'
ssh root#deployserver 'echo "$(ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa" >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts'
Best way you can just use your "git url" in 'https" URL format in the Jenkinsfile or wherever you want.
git url: ''
If you are trying it with SSH, then the Host key Verification error can come due to several reasons.Follow these steps to overcome all the reasons.
Set the Environment variable as HOME and provide the address as the root directory of .ssh folder. e.g:- If your .ssh is kept inside Name folder.
Now make sure that the public SSH key is being provided in the repository link also. Either it is github or bitbucket or any other.
Open git bash. And try cloning the project from the repository. This will help in adding your repository URL in the known_host file, which is being auto created in the .ssh folder.
Now open jenkins and create a new job. Then click on configure.
provide the cloning URL in Source code management under Git. The URL should be start with or ssh://proje........
Under the Credential you need to add the username and password of your repository form which you are cloning the project. Select that credential.
And now apply and save the configuration.
Bingo! Start building the project. I hope now you will not get any Host Key verification error!
ssh-keygen -R hostname
-R hostname Removes all keys belonging to hostname from a known_hosts file. This option is useful to delete hashed hosts
Use ssh-keyscan should be much more easier:
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
This command will put all required hosts to ~/.ssh/known_hosts. You will need to run this command inside your Jenkins machine. You can also create a job and put that command into the "Execute shell" section of the Configure of that job and then execute the job.
issue is with the /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts. It exists in the first case, but not in the second one. This means you are running either on different system or the second case is somehow jailed in chroot or by other means separated from the rest of the filesystem (this is a good idea for running random code from jenkins).
Next steps are finding out how are the chroots for this user created and modify the known hosts inside this chroot. Or just go other ways of ignoring known hosts, such as ssh-keyscan, StrictHostKeyChecking=no or so.
After ssh-keygen probably one only needs to copy the public key to remote host with:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey user#host
There is a safe and (relative easy) way to accomplish this, which should also work if you have separate worker nodes/clouds (like docker/kubernetes).
Adding host keys to Jenkins configuration
First go to a console and execute ssh-keyscan your_git_server.url
Copy the output of that command
Then navigate to https://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/manage/configureSecurity/
Scroll down to Git Host Key Verification Configuration
Paste the output of the command into the window. it should look like this:
Both bitbucket and github have pages about their keys and servers. Read them and ensure that you are adding the proper keys and not some random keys
Getting the ssh-keyscan via your Jenkins installation
If you for some reason do not have ssh-keyscan, you can go to the script console ( https://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/manage/script ) and paste in the following script:
def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
def proc = 'ssh-keyscan'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "copy this to jenkins>\n$sout"
//println "err> $serr"
I downloaded and installed Jenkins for Mac OSX on my Macbook Pro (OS: Mountain Lion). I now want to set it up to pull down a project from bitbucket and do an automatic build.
I created the ssh key, added it to bitbucket and tried to setup a build job. However, I get the error:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: Host key verification failed.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I tried to remove the domain causing the problem from known_hosts but am still getting this error.
Please advise.
I think I've found a possible solution in this post:
Jenkins on Mac OS X I just finished setting up a build server on Mac
OS X using Jenkins (formerly Hudson). The company I’m working for
(GradeCam) uses git and gitolite for our source control and so I
expected no trouble using Jenkins to build our tools using the git
However, I quickly ran into a snag: the source control server is on a
public address and so our source code is not available except via ssh,
and gitolite ssh access uses private key authentication. Well, I’m an
experience unix sysadmin, so that didn’t sound like a big issue —
after all, setting up public key authentication is childs play, right?
Default install
The default installation of Jenkins on Mac OS X (at the time of this
writing) installs a Launch Agent plist to
/Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist. This plist file causes
Jenkins to load as user “daemon”, which sounds fine — except that the
home directory for the “daemon” user is /var/root, same as for user
root. This means that the .ssh dir in there will never have the right
permissions for a private key to be used.
Creating a new hidden user
My solution was to create a new “hidden” user for Jenkins to run
under. Following instructions I found on a blog post, I created a user
“jenkins” with a home directory “/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home”:
sudo dscl . create /Users/jenkins
sudo dscl . create /Users/jenkins PrimaryGroupID 1
sudo dscl . create /Users/jenkins UniqueID 300
sudo dscl . create /Users/jenkins UserShell /bin/bash
sudo dscl . passwd /Users/jenkins $PASSWORD
sudo dscl . create /Users/jenkins home /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/
I then stopped Jenkins: “sudo launchctl unload -w
/Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist” and edited the plist file
to set the username to jenkins instead of daemon.
“chown -R jenkins: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home”
sets the permissions how they need to be, and then “sudo launchctl
load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist” should get you up
and running!
To get git over ssh running, “sudo su – jenkins” to get a console as
the jenkins user and set up the ssh keys and such. Make sure you can
ssh to where you want to go (or even do a test git clone) because you
need to save the keys so it doesn’t ask for them when jenkins tries to
do the clone.
That should do you! Hope it helps someone.