Match by preferred relationship attribute in Cypher - neo4j

In a large graph I would like to select the recursive paths, where the relationship matches either value B or value C, like here below
match path=(a:item)-[rel:refers*]->(aa:item) where 'B' or'C' return path
The above statement returns all the items when the relationship matches both values, I would like to choose the = 'B' relationship and only if'B' does not exist go for'C'
Is there a way to define this in Cypher, rather than returning everything and then filtering out the unwanted items ?


Can we make cypher field query Case-Insensitive

It may seem duplicate of this but it is not. Can we make cypher query case insensitive based on fields. I know we can use regex for values but we need it based on fields.
Above query returns a result, but following does not
MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE c.CustomerNumber = '1088' RETURN c
Here lable Customer and property CustomerNumber are having different cases.
You can use PROPERTIES to get a map representation of a node, and then use KEYS so that you can iterate over them. Because "Name", "NAME", and "Prop1" are all equally unique property names, and they can all or none exist, as far as the DB is concerned. You will have to iterate every property of the node to find a field that matches your criteria.
WHERE ANY(key in KEYS(n) WHERE lower(key)="name" AND n[key]="Neo")
This is more flexible than simple case insensitivity, but it is also expensive.

Is there a way to return data according to properties in Neo4j?

In each of my nodes I have a selection of properties like education_id , work_id, locale etc etc. All these properties can have one or more than one values of the sort of education_id:112 or education_id:165 i.e. Node A might have education_id:112 and Node B might have education_id:165 and again Node C might have education_id:112 and so on.
I want a cypher query that return all nodes for a particular value of the property and I don't care about the value of the property beforehand.
To put it into perspective, in the example I have provided, it must return Node A and Node C under education_id:112 and Node B under education_id:165
Note: I am not providing multiple cypher queries specifying the values of properties each time. The whole output must be dynamic.
The output to the query should be something like
education_id:112 Node A, Node C
education_id:165 Node B
These are the results of a single query statement.
Not quite sure I understand your question, but based on the expected output:
MATCH (n) RETURN n.education_id,collect(n)
will group nodes by distinct values of education_id
You should probably take a look at the cypher refcard. What you are looking for is the WHEREclause:
Match (a) WHERE a.education_id = 112 return a
You can also specify property directly in the MATCH clause.
Match (a{education_id: 112}) RETURN a

Cypher Access Nodes of Variable Length Path

I have the following problem:
I have a MATCH clause like this one:
MACTH (A)-[*1..]->(B)
Now, if this pattern matches, I need to somehow duplicate the -[*1..]-> part and replace all node in it tat have a specific type with nodes of another type.
for example if I had this graph:
I might want to get this graph after applying a rule MACTH (A:A)-[*1..]->(B:A) something something
(X1:A)-[:r]->(X2:B)-[:r]->(X3:E)-[:r]->(X4:A) , (X1)-[:r]->(X5:C)-[:r]->(X3)-[:r]->(X4)
by duplicating the path between (A) and (B) and replacing all nodes of type B with type C
But how can I access the -[*1..]-> part of the query?
Try this
Match (p:Person)-[:RELATED*1..]->(e)
with collect(distinct(id(e))) as ids Match (c:Country) where id(c) in ids
remove c:Country set c:NewLabel
return *
on data
Create (p:Person)-[:RELATED]->(b:Person)-[:RELATED]->(c:Client)-[:RELATED]->(e:Country) return *

Add Unique Nodes and relationship between them from Existing Setup in Neo4j

This is in continuation of the problem defined here
Query case-specific nodes in Neo4j
So the situation looks like the image below(please bear with the crappy image)
The blue links denotes the [:RELATES_TO] relationship with the number in black boxes denoting the value of Length property. Similar values also exists for all such other [:RELATES_TO] relationship which is not shown here.
Now I would like to find and create unique Nodes based on 'Name' property of Performer Nodes. Continuing with the example in the link there will be only 4 New Unique Nodes [A,B,C,D]. Lets Call them NewUniqueNodes with name as a property.
Then I would like to query each case in turn. Within each case, I need to query [:RELATES_TO] relationship in increasing order of Length property. For any such pair of nodes (x,y) I need to add a relationship [:FINALRESULT{strength:0}] from NewUniqueNode(Name:x) to NewUniqueNode(name:y) with strength being updated to (strength + value). The value is the number associated with value property of [:RELATES_TO] for the pair of nodes(x,y).
[Example and Expected Output]
In case1, the order of visiting nodes will be
Node(ID:3) to Node(ID:4)
Node(ID:1) to Node(ID:2)
Node(ID:1) to Node(ID:3)
On processing these nodes, the result would be
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:D)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:B)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)
On processing the full set of cases(case1 + case2 + case3), the result would be something like
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:D)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 3}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:B)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 2}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)
NewUniqueNode(name:C)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)
According to this Neo4j console setup, based on the previous question
I have the following query :
MATCH (n:Performer)
WITH collect(DISTINCT ( AS names
UNWIND names as name
MERGE (nn:NewUniqueNode {name:name})
WITH names
MATCH (c:Case)
MATCH (p1)-[r:RELATES_TO]->(p2)<-[:RELATES]-(c)-[:RELATES]->(p1)
ORDER BY r.length
MATCH (nn1:NewUniqueNode {name:startNode(r).name})
MATCH (nn2:NewUniqueNode {name:endNode(r).name})
MERGE (nn1)-[rf:FINAL_RESULT]->(nn2)
SET rf.strength = CASE WHEN rf.strength IS NULL THEN r.value ELSE rf.strength + r.value END
Explanations :
First we match all performer nodes and collect the distinct name values in the names variable.
Secondly, we iterate the names with the UNWIND clause, creating a NewUniqueNode for each name in the names collection
Then we match all cases, within each case we look for the :RELATES_TO relationships that are inside this case and ordering them by the relationship length value
Then for each relationship found, we match the NewUniqueNode corresponding to the startNode name value, and same for the NewUniqueNode corresponding to the endNode name value
Lastly we merge the :FINAL RESULT relationship between those two unique nodes, we then set the strength property on the relationship depending of the :RELATES_TO relationship length value, for this part I guess you could do the same with ON CREATE and ON MATCH on the MERGE

Return node if relationship is not present

I'm trying to create a query using cypher that will "Find" missing ingredients that a chef might have, My graph is set up like so:
(ingredient) would have a key/value of name="dye colors". (ingredient_value) could have a key/value of value="red" and "is part of" the (ingredient, name="dye colors").
I'm using this query to get all the ingredients, but not their actual values, that a recipe requires, but I would like the return only the ingredients that the chef does not have, instead of all the ingredients each recipe requires. I tried
but this returned nothing.
Is this something that can be accomplished by cypher/neo4j or is this something that is best handled by returning all ingredients and sorted through them myself?
Bonus: Also is there a way to use cypher to match all values that a chef has to all values that a recipe requires. So far I've only returned all partial matches that are returned by a chef-[:has_value]->ingredient_value<-[:requires_value]-recipe and aggregating the results myself.
Update 01/10/2013:
Came across this in the Neo4j 2.0 reference:
Try not to use optional relationships.
Above all,
don’t use them like this:
MATCH a-[r?:LOVES]->() WHERE r IS NULL where you just make sure that they don’t exist.
Instead do this like so:
MATCH (a) WHERE NOT (a)-[:LOVES]->()
Using cypher for checking if relationship doesn't exist:
MATCH source-[r?:someType]-target
WHERE r is null
RETURN source
The ? mark makes the relationship optional.
In neo4j 2 do:
OPTIONAL MATCH source-[r:someType]-target
WHERE r is null
RETURN source
Now you can check for non-existing (null) relationship.
For fetching nodes with not any relationship
This is the good option to check relationship is exist or not
MATCH (player)
WHERE NOT(player)-[:played]->()
RETURN player
You can also check multiple conditions for this
It will return all nodes, which not having "played" Or "notPlayed" Relationship.
MATCH (player)
WHERE NOT (player)-[:played|notPlayed]->()
RETURN player
To fetch nodes which not having any realtionship
MATCH (player)
WHERE NOT (player)-[r]-()
RETURN player
It will check node not having any incoming/outgoing relationship.
If you need "conditional exclude" semantic, you can achieve it this way.
As of neo4j 2.2.1, you can use OPTIONAL MATCH clause and filter out the unmatched(NULL) nodes.
It is also important to use WITH clause between the OPTIONAL MATCH and WHERE clauses, so that the first WHERE defines a condition for the optional match and the second WHERE behaves like a filter.
Assuming we have 2 types of nodes: Person and Communication. If I want to get all Persons which have never communicated by the telephone, but may have communicated other ways, I would make this query:
MATCH (p: Person)
OPTIONAL MATCH p--(c: Communication)
WHERE c.way = 'telephone'
WITH p, c
The match pattern will match all Persons with their communications where c will be NULL for non-telephone Communications. Then the filter(WHERE after WITH) will filter out telephone Communications leaving all others.
I wrote a gist showing how this can be done quite naturally using Cypher 2.0
The key point is to use optional match to available ingredients and then compare to filter for missing (null) ingredients or ingredients with the wrong value.
Note that the notion is declarative and doesn't need to describe an algorithm, you just write down what you need.
The last query should be:
START chef = node(..)
MATCH (chef)-[:has_value]->(ingredient_value)<-[:requires_value]-(recipe)-[:requires_ingredient]->(ingredient)
WHERE (ingredient)<-[:has_ingredient]-chef
RETURN ingredient
This pattern: (ingredient)<-[:has_ingredient*0..0]-chef
Is the reason it didn't return anything. *0..0 means that the length of the relationships must be zero, which means that ingredient and chef must be the same node, which they are not.
I completed this task using gremlin. I did
This returned the paths of all the missing ingredients. I was unable to formulate this in the cypher language, at least for version 1.7.
For new versions of Neo4j, you'll have this error:
MATCH (ingredient:Ingredient)
WHERE NOT (:Chef)-[:HAS_INGREDIENT]->(ingredient)
This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
Coercion of list to boolean is deprecated. Please consider using NOT isEmpty(...) instead.
To fix it:
MATCH (ingredient:Ingredient)
WHERE NOT EXISTS((:Chef)-[:HAS_INGREDIENT]->(ingredient))
