Dask looping overhead from libraries - dask

When calling another libary to dask such as scikit image contrast stretch, I realise that dask is creating a result for each block, storing in either memory or spilling to disk seperately. Then it attempts to merge all the results. Thats fine if your on a cluster or on a single computer and the dataset for the array is small, everything is fairly controlled. The problems start to happen when you work with data sets that are much larger than your RAM or disk. Is there a way to mitigate this or use the zarr file format to save to updating values as you go along? May be thats too fanciful. Any other ideas bar buy more ram would be helpful.
I was looking at the documentation on dask and the suggestions on chunk sizes for dask, is something like about 100MB. I ended up reducing significantly from this amount to 30-70MB depending on file size. I then ran a contrast stretch (not from a library but with numpy unfunc and I didnt have any issue! In fact i played with the way the compuation is done. Since I start with a uint8 3dim array, when multiplying by the ratio for contrast stretch I am inevitably increasing the array chunk to a float64 array. Which takes up significant memory and computation. So what I have been do is treating the da.array as np.asarray(float64) but only prior to the multiplication by a float number. Then returning to a uint8 to finish the computation. The stretch time has reduced to just under 5 mins for a 20GB file. So I think thats a positive step. Just means image processing without libraries, I will, have a look at rechunker though.
The image processing pipeline i am building is to inevitable be used for a merged dataset of about 250-300GB (definitely outside the limits of my laptop). I also dotn have time to get to grips with cloud or parralell processing in the cloud. Thats for a few months down the line. Right now its trying to get through this analysis.

Yes, you can do the kind of thing you are talking about. I encourage you to check out the rechunker project, which is specialied around changing the layout of the data in zarr storage, but shows the idea of how to save temporary intermediated for the purpose of mitigating memory and communication issues.


What does libvips VIPS_DISC_THRESHOLD default=100 mean?

Does it mean that it will take 100MB (Open via Disk)?
Or it mean that it will take 100MB (Open via Memory)?
That's the threshold at which libvips will flip from open-via-memory to open-via-disc.
For small images (100mb when decompressed in this case), libvips will decompress to memory then process from there. This is obviously not a good idea for large images, so for these libvips will decompress to a temporary disc file, then map that area of disc into virtual memory and use that as the pixel source.
tldr: set VIPS_DISC_THRESHOLD to a small number to prefer the use of disc, set it to a large number to prefer RAM.
There's a chapter in the libvips docs which goes into a lot more detail:
To very quickly summarize:
libvips has at least four ways of opening images and tries hard to pick the best one for you automatically.
Sometimes it'll need a bit of help to hit the best path for your use case and you have three main ways of influencing this.
You can hint the access pattern you expect for this image with the access= parameter, you can set the threshold at which it'll flip between preferring memory and preferring disc, and you can say where you'd like disc temporaries to be held.

What's the best way to handle large timeseries in dask / xarray?

I've got 17,000 CSV files, each ordered by timestamp (some with missing data). The total CSV files are around 85GB, which is much larger than my 32GB RAM.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to get these into a time-aligned, out-of-memory data structure, such that I can compute things like PCA.
What's the right approach?
(I've tried to set up an xarray.DataSet, with dim=(filename, time), and then I'm trying to xr.merge() on each CSV file into the DataSet, but it gets slower with every insert, and I expect it will crash when RAM runs out.)
Have you tried dd.read_csv(...).
Dask reads CSVs in a lazily and can perform certain operations in a streaming manner, so you can run an analysis on a larger than memory dataset.
Make sure that Dask is able to properly set divisions when you read in your data. Once the data is read, check dd.divisions and make sure they're values.
You can also use a Dask cluster to access more memory of course.
Those files are really small and Dask typically works best with partitions that are around 100MB. You might want to compact your data a bit.

opencl - use image object with local memory

i'm trying to program with opencl.
There are two types of memory object.
one is buffer and another one is image.
some blogs and web site,white papers say 'image object is little bit faster that buffer because of cache'.
i'm trying to use image object and the reason for that is 'clamp', it will make kernel code more simpler and faster(my opinion)
my question is 'is it possible to use image object and local memory and is it faster(than using buffer object with local memory)?"
Data-> image object-> copy to local memory -> operations -> write back to other image object.
As far as i understood, i cannot use async_work_group_copy instruction for local memory in this case.
so i have to copy and synchronize manually for local memory. it will make overhead a lot.
The only real answer to that is "it depends". Most implementations don't really have a value in doing async_work_group_copy. Image reads may be slightly higher latency than buffer reads when there is a cache hit, but you may get better cache behaviour from them on some architectures. Clamping, address calculation and filtering are effectively free operations performed by dedicated hardware, that you'd have to shift into shader code when using buffers, so that reduces your read latency and may increase throughput.
If you are going to get big caching benefits from images, local memory may just get in the way. The extra cost of writing to it, synchronizing, reading from it, calculating addresses and so on may cost you.
Sadly this is just one of those things you'll have to experiment with on your target architectures.

Spreadsheet Gear -- Generating large report via copy and paste seems to use a lot of memory and processor

I am attempting to generate a large workbook based report with 3 supporting worksheets of 100,12000 and 12000 rows and a final output sheet all formula based that ends up representing about 120 entities at 100 rows a piece. I generate a template range and copy and paste it replacing the entity ID cell after pasting each new range. It is working fine but I noticed that memory usage in the IIS Express process is approx 500mb and it is taking 100% processor usage as well.
Are there any guidelines for generating workbooks in this manner?
At least in terms of memory utilization, it would help to have some comparison, maybe against Excel, in how much memory is utilized to simply have the resultant workbook opened. For instance, if you were to open the final report in both Excel and the "SpreadsheetGear 2012 for Windows" application (available in the SpreadsheetGear folder under the Start menu), what does the Task Manager measure for each of these applications in terms of memory consumption? This may provide some insight as to whether the memory utilization you are seeing in the actual report-building process is unusually high (is there a lot of extra overhead for your routine?), or just typical given the size of the workbook you are generating.
In terms of CPU utilization, this one is a bit more difficult to pinpoint and is certainly dependent on your hardware as well as implementation details in your code. Running a VS Profiler against your routine certainly would be interesting to look into, if you have this tool available to you. Generally speaking, the CPU time could potentially be broken up into a couple broad categories—CPU cycles used to "build" your workbook and CPU cycles to "calculate" it. It could be helpful to better determine which of these is dominating the CPU. One way to do this might be to, if possible, ensure that calculations don't occur until you are finished actually generating the workbook. In fact, avoiding any unnecessary calculations could potentially speed things up...it depends on the workbook, though. You could avoid calculations by setting IWorkbookSet.Calculation to Manual mode and not calling any of the IWorkbook’s "Calculate" methods (Calculate/CalculateFull/CalculateFullRebuild) until you are fished up with this process. If you don't have access to a Profiler too, maybe set some timers, Console.WriteLines and monitor the Task Manager to see how your CPU fluctuates during different parts of your routine. With any luck you might be able to better isolate what part of the routine is taking the most amount of time.

OutOfMemoryException Processing Large File

We are loading a large flat file into BizTalk Server 2006 (Original release, not R2) - about 125 MB. We run a map against it and then take each row and make a call out to a stored procedure.
We receive the OutOfMemoryException during orchestration processing, the Windows Service restarts, uses full 2 GB memory, and crashes again.
The server is 32-bit and set to use the /3GB switch.
Also I've separated the flow into 3 hosts - one for receive, the other for orchestration, and the third for sends.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting this file to process wihout error?
If this is a flat file being sent through a map you are converting it to XML right? The increase in size could be huge. XML can easily add a factor of 5-10 times over a flat file. Especially if you use descriptive or long xml tag names (which normally you would).
Something simple you could try is to rename the xml nodes to shorter names, depending on the number of records (sounds like a lot) it might actually have a pretty significant impact on your memory footprint.
Perhaps a more enterprise approach, would be to subdivide this in a custom pipeline into separate message packets that can be fed through the system in more manageable chunks (similar to what Chris suggests). Then the system throttling and memory metrics could take over. Without knowing more about your data it would be hard to say how to best do this, but with a 125 MB file I am guessing that you probably have a ton of repeating rows that do not need to be processed sequentially.
Where does it crash? Does it make it past the Transform shape? Another suggestion to try is to run the transform in the Receive Port. For more efficient processing, you could even debatch the message and have multiple simultaneous orchestration instances be calling the stored procs. This would definately reduce the memory profile and increase performance.
