Bypassing the login page in Guacamole 1.2.0 - guacamole

I have set up Guacamole 1.2.0 on Ubuntu server 20.04 which works great. Is it possible to bypass the login page in Guacamole 1.2.0 using the auth-noauth component from a previous Guacamole release? The release notes in 1.2.0 say the older components are compatible. I used guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.tar.gz, but I still get the Guacamole login page come up.
This is what I did.
Downloaded guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.tar.gz
Extracted the .jar file using tar xzf guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.tar.gz
Copied the file guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.jar to /etc/guacamole/[extensions,lib]
Amended my file to:
guacd-hostname: localhost
guacd-port: 4822
user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/noauth-config.xml
noauth-config: /etc/guacamole/noauth-config.xml
Created a new noauth-config.xml file with the contents
<config name="myconfig" protocol="rdp">
<param name="SVxxxx01" value="rdp-server" />
<param name="port" value="3389" />
I then copied guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.jar to the classpath directory I created cp guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.jar /var/lib/guacamole/classpath
Any advice and tips to bypass the login page will be appreciated.

You should check if the plugin is correctly loaded. The tomcat logs (catalina.out) should write something like
"INFO o.a.g.extension.ExtensionModule - Extension "My guacamole extension" loaded.".
If it is not loaded, check if the location of the plugin is correct. Normally, the plugins are located in GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions directory. You may see the default values for GUACAMOLE_HOME here:
I usually create extension directory in ~tomcat/.guacamole/extensions, but you should be fine with any other location specified in the documentation.

Sure enough changing the version of the extension worked! guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.14.jar is not compatible by default but if you change the .jar extension to .zip, extract, edit guac_manifest.json to replace "0.9.14" with "1.2.0", re-zip (or replace), and optionally rename the whole thing guacamole-auth-noauth-1.2.0.jar (to avoid confusion) you end up with a working extension provided all other standard configuration steps are followed as well.


What is the location of the configuration file in Neo4J 3.0?

I have recently installed Neo4j 3.0, and since I need to enable outside access, I need the configuration file, and where in the 2.3.3 the configuration files were located in within the /var/lib/neo4j/ structure.
I am not able to locate them anywhere in the 3.0 version. I know it have changed name to neo4j.conf.
My folder structure in the above directory is:
I am running Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).
I have tried the documentation. However, that doesn't describe the location. I also already tried "find -name "neo4j.conf" without luck.
According to the 3.0.0 Operations Manual, the default location of the config file for "Debian" is:

creating a config file in grails

I am attempting to get a Grails project working but need help setting it up. I have an Ubuntu server running on a VM that has Redis installed. The project won't run unless I create a config file that can use Redis on the Ubuntu server. This is the settings I pulled down from GitHub located in the grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file.
I was told I need to create a separate config file that will override these parameters so my project will talk to the ubuntu server on my machine. This is a noob question but where do I create a config file? I can't seem to find a .grails folder. I know I'm suppose to reference my config file, once i've created one, in the grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file
Look at the grails.config.locations specified in your Config.grooy and you can create any of those locations for creating the external Config file.
I prefer using the classpath route. Here is what I would do.
Create a folder (say appConfig) and place it in the tomcat/conf folder.
Add the application config file (proghorn-config.groovy in your case) to the folder, with the required configurations in the file.
Add the folder to the Tomcat classpath by updating either the tomcat/conf/ or by creating the tomcat/bin/
The location of the .grails folder depends upon the user account running the container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc.) which hosts your Grails application.
For example on Debian 6 running Tomcat 6.x the location is:
You can also use static paths as well:

Setup Grails in GGTS 3.4 behind Proxy

I wish to share the knowledge that how I fix the proxy problem to setup GGTS in my company's PC after I run the setup.exe of GGTS 3.4 downloaded from SpringSource (by googling for a whole day around www ;))
When I start to build my hello world project after the IDE installation, GGTS prompts me this error message: "Error Failed to resolve dependencies". How to fix it?
I'll answer my own question:
Go to IE and find the proxy url from the specific proxy file (in Internet
Connection Settings), or just ask your firm's support guys.
Go to your grails' bin folder and run this:
grails add-proxy client "" "--port=xxxx" "–noproxy='localhost'"
It will give you a line of feedback like: "Added proxy client to \\path.grails\ProxySettings.groovy". Now you should open the file, check the url, port, username & password, and also make sure it contains a second line like this:
There is an article suggesting changing a string in the first line of the ProxySettings.groovy from http.proxyUser to http.proxyUserName. In my own case the proxy doesn't require un/pw so not sure if it is vital or not (source:
Now right click the project in GGTS, Grail Tools > Refresh Dependencies, or just re-create the hello world project. Huray!
ender's answer is fine when you have already run the project at least once, but recently I had a situation where I checked out my project from git on a computer behind a proxy, and I couldn't do "grails add-proxy" because I was behind a proxy and it couldn't get grails dependencies from repos :)
in that case, the solution is to do System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", yourProxy)
in BuildConfig.groovy like this:
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", yourProxy);
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", yourProxyPort);
If you are running GGTS first time behind your company proxy you might get this Error:
Go to C:\Users\[your username]\.grails folder, Add a folder name called ProxySettings.groovy.
Open ProxySettings.groovy file with notepad and add these Two following line:
client=['http.proxyHost':'Proxy Host Address', 'http.proxyPort':'port Number', 'http.proxyUser':'username', 'http.proxyPassword':'password']
Note: Don't Remove single quote.
Final: For Me The content inside file look like Below:
client=['http.proxyHost':'', 'http.proxyPort':'80', 'http.proxyUser':'Vineet', 'http.proxyPassword':'GoGetHigh']
Edit File ProxySettings.groovy in windows User directory
client=['http.proxyHost':'proxy host address', 'http.proxyPort':'proxy host port', 'http.proxyUser':'', 'http.proxyPassword':'']
grails add-proxy client "" "--port=xxxx" "–noproxy='localhost'"
grails set-proxy client
Then replace maven with ivy in your project's BuildConfig.groovy.
Here is how I fixed the problem for myself for Grails version 2:
Go to C:\Users\\[your username]\\.grails folder, make a file called ProxySettings.groovy.
Inside that ProxySettings.groovy file, add the following two lines:
client=['http.proxyHost':'the proxy host', 'http.proxyPort':'the port number', 'http.proxyUser':'username', 'http.proxyPassword':'password']
For example you can have something like this in the file:
client=['http.proxyHost':'', 'http.proxyPort':'8080', 'http.proxyUser':'batman', 'http.proxyPassword':'superman']
This does the trick for me and hope this will help you too.

Change grails linked resources path in GGTS

I am using Grails 2.3.2 with GGTS and am doing development on two different machines (Mac and Windows). Each time I commit my project from one machine and update the other I have to refresh my dependencies. Is there a way I can set this to some sort of relative path? That way it doesn't have to change each time I do an update from my repository.
It seems that a full path is being included in my .project file as shown below.
I changed it manually in the file, but GGTS seemed to change it back when I did the refresh. Has anyone else run into this problem?
After some looking around it looks like I can specify a path relative to my workspace using the WORKSPACE_LOC and building up a path relative to that within my .project file.
The better is to not commit files generated by the GGTS and that are S.O. dependent.
If you're using git, there's a command to generate the file:
grails integrate-with --eclipse
If not, you can see the git file and ignore those files in the SVN.

Highcharts Export Server Configuration Settings

Highcharts (Highcharts), just released an update to their offering with a bundled export server. This is to enable you to generate charts serverside and include them automatically in emails/pdfs/etc.
Their instructions on how to prepare this is: Github instructions
I'm running XAMPP on Mountain Lion. I have successfully built the war package and opened the demo page.
I am now preparing a war for the production environment (centOS 6). The production site is running the Yii framework.
What I do not understand, the variables that need to be configured: = weburl = weburl = weburl
In a MVC framework environment (such as yii) what should these url's be?
2.After the war is created, the github tutorial says to upload this file. But, what other files are required? The entire exporting-server directory? If so, where on the server should these files be placed? Is the file location the url path that should be referenced in the weburl variables?
Greater clarification on how to setup/deploy the export server would be much appreciated.
The created .war file should be uploaded to an Java application server, such as Tomcat, Jboss, TC-server, Glassfish, etc.
It's not suitable to run in a PHP environment.
