CircleCI Slack Orb and status notifications - circleci

I have been using circleci for a while but I am new with orbs.
As you may know, circleci is disabling its current notifications system on August 14th. In consequence, I have been forced to move to orbs.
My doubt is about status notifications for each job using circleci/slack#x.y.z
For a SINGLE job, I could do:
- image: <docker image>
- slack/notify:
channel: CHANNELID
color: '#42e2f4'
mentions: 'USERID1,USERID2,'
message: This is a custom message notification
webhook: webhook
slack: circleci/slack#x.y.z
version: 2.1
- build
But, what happens with multiple jobs. Is there a way to avoid code duplication, repeating under each job steps - slack/notify:
I want to avoid the following
- image: <docker image>
- checkout
- slack/notify:
channel: CHANNELID
color: '#42e2f4'
mentions: 'USERID1,USERID2,'
message: This is a custom message notification
webhook: webhook
- checkout
- slack/notify:
channel: CHANNELID
color: '#42e2f4'
mentions: 'USERID1,USERID2,'
message: This is a custom message notification
webhook: webhook
- checkout
- slack/notify:
channel: CHANNELID
color: '#42e2f4'
mentions: 'USERID1,USERID2,'
message: This is a custom message notification
webhook: webhook
I would appreciate your help as any advice.

Also a long time user I was really keen to the old version of slack notifications.
I found this solution with an old version of the CircleCI Orbs:
slack: circleci/slack#3.4.2. # version is important
- image: cimg/node:14.16
- checkout
- slack/status:
fail_only: false
where $SLACK_WEBHOOK is an CircleCI environment variable configured on a basic slack incoming webhook (or even the one you used to have with the old slack integration!)
NB: the slack/status command is not anymore available on the latest version of the orbs.
It works for us as it only sends a job status in our #build channel on slack, with a visual green or red bar and a link to visit the circle ci page


In Azure DevOps, my ECR push image task fails after a few tries with no insight

- task: Docker#2
displayName: Build an image
command: build
repository: weather-update-project
dockerfile: '**/Dockerfile'
buildContext: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
tags: 'latest'
- task: ECRPushImage#1
awsCredentials: 'weather'
regionName: us-west-2
imageSource: 'imagename'
sourceImageName: 'weather-update-project'
sourceImageTag: 'latest'
pushTag: 'latest'
repositoryName: 'weather-update-project'
I'm building an image and then trying to push that image to ECR. When it gets to the ECR push image task, it tries to push a few times and then gives me the error "The process '/usr/bin/docker' failed with exit code 1" and that's it. There's no other information in my logs in regards to the error like there normally is. What is possibly happening? My ECR is public and all of my credentials are correct. Here's my YAML code for the docker build and ecrpushimage tasks in Azure DevOps
My Repository name that contains my dockerfile is 'weather-update-project' and my ECR repository also has the name 'weather-update-project'
Can you please validate on what agent this is running on & if Docker is there or not?
Is the image being created properly?
While executing the ECRPushImage task at the beginning it should show at least the configuration log like below, if not then it is related to docker on that agent.
Configuring credentials for task
...configuring AWS credentials from service endpoint 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
...endpoint defines standard access/secret key credentials
Configuring region for task
...configured to use region us-east-1, defined in tas

How to deploy image to EC2 usign Docker and Circleci. CI CD

I am trying to implement CI/CD. So far what I have is a CI using CircleCI, and
orb, so when I push to master the image is created and pushed to ECR. That works perfect, but what I want to implement is the deployment.
I think that I am not searching well in google, but I can not find any tutorial or explanation of how to do it.
I read that the orb
and seems to do the job but I really dont know how to proceed.
This is my yaml file:
version: 2.1
node: circleci/node#4.1.0
aws-ecr: circleci/aws-ecr#6.15.0
aws-ecs: circleci/aws-ecs#01.4.0
- aws-ecr/build-and-push-image:
repo: node.js-api
tag: "latest,v0.1.${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
path: .
- aws-ecs/deploy-service-update:
- aws-ecr/build-and-push-image
family: "${AWS_RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX}-service"
cluster-name: "${AWS_RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX}-cluster"
container-image-name-updates: "container=${AWS_RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX}-service,tag=${CIRCLE_SHA1}"
An error occurred (ClientException) when calling the
DescribeTaskDefinition operation: Unable to describe task definition.
What I want to achieve is an automated deploy, I choose CircleCI because I thought it would be a good option also with my bitbucket repo, but if there is another way to achieve this I am totally open to hear suggestions.

Retrieve image digest value from Docker task inside azure pipelines

I am using Azure Pipelines (with YAML format) to build Dockerfile and push the image to Azure Container Registry.
Here is part of the YAML definition:
- task: Docker#2
displayName: Build Dockerfile
command: 'build'
containerRegistry: 'containerRegistry'
repository: '$(imageRepository)'
Dockerfile: 'src/Api/Dockerfile'
buildContext: '.'
tags: '$(imageTag)'
- task: Docker#2
displayName: Push image
command: push
containerRegistry: 'containerRegistry'
repository: '$(imageRepository)'
tags: '$(imageTag)'
So my question is, is there a way to retrieve the digest value on docker push task, so I can use it in the next tasks?
It seems that in the older versions of the Docker task, that was possible and there was a task parameter imageDigestFile, I am referring to Docker#0.
Unfortunately now that looks deprecated and I can't find a way to do it using the latest version.
Best regards,
Unfortunately now that looks deprecated and I can't find a way to do it using the latest version.
This is a known issue for the latest version of docker push task:
How to use output of DockerV2 task
That because that product team have tried to limit the number of inputs to the task to simplify it in DockerV2. So they have not provided the support for image digest files. But image digest is written to the output called DockerOutput.
The source code here.
And the product team will work with the people involved in the design of this task and see how to do this work.
To resolve this issue, we could try to use the older versions of the Docker task or parse the output DockerOutput and fetch the image digest

Swarm stack is deployed before the new images are pushed

I use CircleCI and the pipeline is as follows:
build app & nginx Docker images and push them to a GitLab registry
deploy Docker stack to the development server (currently the Swarm manager)
I just pushed my develop branch to my repository and faced a "Symfony4 new Controller page" on the development server after a successful message from CircleCI.
I logged via SSH in it and executed (with output for the application service):
docker stack ps my-development-stack --format "{{.Name}} {{.Image}} {{.CurrentState}}"
my-stack_app.1 gitlab-image:latest-develop Running 33 minutes ago
On my GitLab repository's registry, the application image has been "Last Updated" 41 minutes ago. The service's image has apparently been refreshed before with the last version.
Is it a common issue/error ?
How could (or should) I fix this timing issue ?
Can CircleCI help about this ?
Perhaps it is best ( though not ideal ) to introduce a delay between build and deploy , you can refer to this example here CircelCI Delay Between Jobs
I found a workaround using a CircleCI scheduled workflow triggered by a CRON. I scheduled a nightly build workflow which will run every day at midnight.
Sample of my config.yml file
# Beginning of the config.yml
# ...
version: 2
# Push workflow
# ...
# Nightly build workflow
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 * * *"
- develop
- build
- test:
- build
- deploy-dev:
- test
Read more about scheduled workflow with a nightly build example in the CircleCI official documentation
Looks more like a workaround to me. I'd be glad to hear how do you avoid this issue, which could lead to a better answer to the question.

Can I run a job under another job's steps in CircleCI 2.0?

Is it possible to have another job run in the context of another job? I have some jobs that have some steps in common, and I don't want to repeat these steps in the different jobs.
- image: google/cloud-sdk:latest
working_directory: ~/app
- setup-gcp-docker
- run: docker push [image]
No you cannot however YAML itself has a way to solve this problem with what is called YAML Anchors and Aliases.
Here's a blog post I wrote on how to do specifically this:
