GRPC-Swift Send HTTPProtocolVersion from Client - ios

I'm trying GRPC-Swift for Client-Server application.
I'm using GRPC-Swift for both Client and Server
Client is an iPhone application, which I tried with iPhone Simulator.
I followed this link for Client-side streaming RPC.
When I send message to Server from Client, I got the following error message in the console from Server,
error io.grpc.server_channel_call : unable to determine http version
From the Server in the
inside the function func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny), it is checking for HTTPProtocolVersion, and it is missing.
How to send the HTTPVersion from the Client code?
Client Code
import GRPC
import NIO
class HTTPClient {
private let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
private var channel: ClientConnection?
private var client: ChatGuide_ChatGuideClient?
private var clientCall: ClientStreamingCall<ChatGuide_TextMessage, ChatGuide_TextMessage>?
func connect(host: String, port: Int) throws {
let channel =
.connect(host: host, port: port) = channel
self.client = ChatGuide_ChatGuideClient(channel: channel)
func disconnect() {
do {
self.clientCall?.sendEnd(promise: nil)
_ = try self.clientCall?.status.wait()
} catch let error {
print("\(type(of: self)): Could not shutdown gracefully -", error.localizedDescription)
func initiateClient() {
let timeAmount = TimeAmount.minutes(1)
let timeLimit = TimeLimit.timeout(timeAmount)
let options = CallOptions(timeLimit: timeLimit)
let call = self.client?.chat(callOptions: options)
call?.response.whenSuccess { (message) in
print("\(type(of: self)): Message from server -", message.text)
call?.response.whenFailure { (error) in
print("\(type(of: self)): Response error -", error.localizedDescription)
self.clientCall = call
func send(text: String) {
if self.clientCall == nil {
let message = ChatGuide_TextMessage.with {
$0.text = text
self.clientCall?.sendMessage(message, promise: nil)

Hey Vignesh,
I am currently learning gRPC-Swift myself, so I hope I will be of service and not muck things further.
However, it looks to me that you are not configuring the HTTP/1.x layer in order to transfer Protobuf packets, if you take a look at the HTTP1ToGRPCServerCodec.swift file Here
I think you will have a much clearer idea of how to adjust your code, I am sorry I can't provide more details, however not being too sure myself without further testing and reviewing the codebase.
Best regards and keep me posted if indeed i was helpful,

From the Server I have initiated insecure Server as,
let server = Server.insecure(group:
From the Client I have initiated secure ClientConnection as,
let channel =
And I got this clarification from here
So I made the ClientConnection also insecure as,
let channel = ClientConnection.insecure(group:
And after this it is working now.


Is is possible to open SwiftNIO based server socket within XCTest test app?

I have an XCTest which works with UI components. I tried to open a server socket within the xctext function using SwiftNIO.
I took the echo server example from here. and I simplified, removed the args with hardcoded values for the sake of a dirty test.
import XCTest
import NIOCore
import NIOPosix
private final class EchoHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
public typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer
public typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
public func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
// As we are not really interested getting notified on success or failure we just pass nil as promise to
// reduce allocations.
context.write(data, promise: nil)
// Flush it out. This can make use of gathering writes if multiple buffers are pending
public func channelReadComplete(context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
public func errorCaught(context: ChannelHandlerContext, error: Error) {
print("error: ", error)
// As we are not really interested getting notified on success or failure we just pass nil as promise to
// reduce allocations.
context.close(promise: nil)
class MyXCTests: XCTestCase {
var app: XCUIApplication!
override func setUpWithError() throws {
continueAfterFailure = false
app = XCUIApplication()
// Catch system alerts such as "allow connecting to Wi-fi network"
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "System Dialog") { (alert) -> Bool in
return true
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
func testXYZ() throws {
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: group)
// Specify backlog and enable SO_REUSEADDR for the server itself
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256)
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1)
// Set the handlers that are appled to the accepted Channels
.childChannelInitializer { channel in
// Ensure we don't read faster than we can write by adding the BackPressureHandler into the pipeline.
channel.pipeline.addHandler(BackPressureHandler()).flatMap { v in
// Enable SO_REUSEADDR for the accepted Channels
.childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1)
.childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.maxMessagesPerRead, value: 16)
.childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.recvAllocator, value: AdaptiveRecvByteBufferAllocator())
defer {
try! group.syncShutdownGracefully()
let channel = try { () -> Channel in
return try bootstrap.bind(host: "", port: 1234).wait()
print("============= Server started and listening on \(channel.localAddress!)")
// then some XCTest code which works here was cut from this snippet
The test runs correctly, it also prints
============= Server started and listening on [IPv4]
But in reality EchoClient from here doesn't work
swift run NIOEchoClient localhost 1234    1785
[0/0] Build complete!
Please enter line to send to the server
Swift/ErrorType.swift:200: Fatal error: Error raised at top level: NIOPosix.NIOConnectionError(host: "localhost", port: 1234, dnsAError: nil, dnsAAAAError: nil, connectionErrors: [NIOPosix.SingleConnectionFailure(target: [IPv6]localhost/::1:1234, error: connection reset (error set): Connection refused (errno: 61)), NIOPosix.SingleConnectionFailure(target: [IPv4]localhost/, error: connection reset (error set): Connection refused (errno: 61))])
[1] 28213 trace trap swift run NIOEchoClient localhost 1234
The listening socket also unavailable with
sudo lsof -PiTCP -sTCP:LISTEN
I was also trying UITestEntitlements to set to false.
Is there a way to allow server sockets from XCTest?
Originally I was trying to embed a Swift-GRPC endpoint, to allow more finer grained control from a HW in the loop controller. The intent is to start an XCTest using command line xcodebuild, which in turn is starting a long running test, but instead of the test code written in Swift, I would expose the events when to tap some buttons, right outside of the test process through a grpc endpoint.
Since the grpc endpoint didn't worked, I reduced the problem to the one above.
Anybody have a hint, how to pass through this issue, or have a hint why it will never be possible to open server socket within an XCTest app, don't hesitate to reply here.
Yes, that is possible, you can find many examples of this in the AsyncHTTPClient and SwiftNIO test suites.
The reason that yours doesn't work is because you shut down the MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup right after binding the socket. So essentially you're starting everything up and then you shut it down again.
Also, for unit tests, I'd recommend binding to only because you probably don't want connections from elsewhere. Another good idea is to use an ephemeral port, ie. have the system pick a free, random port automatically. You can achieve this by specifying port 0. After you bind the server Channel you can then interrogate the server channel by using serverChannel.localAddress?.port! about the port it picked.
Here's a full example with a client and a server in a test case.
import XCTest
import NIO
final class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
// We keep the `EventLoopGroup` where all the I/O runs alive during the test
private var group: EventLoopGroup!
// Same for the server channel.
private var serverChannel: Channel!
private var serverAddress: SocketAddress {
return self.serverChannel.localAddress!
// We set up the server in `setUp`...
override func setUp() { = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
XCTAssertNoThrow(self.serverChannel = try ServerBootstrap(group:
.childChannelInitializer { channel in
.bind(host: "", port: 0) // port 0 means: pick a free port.
// ... and tear it down in `tearDown`.
override func tearDown() {
XCTAssertNoThrow(try self.serverChannel?.close().wait())
func testExample() throws {
// Here we just bootstrap a little client that sends "Hello world!\n"
let clientChannel = try ClientBootstrap(group:
.channelInitializer { channel in
.connect(to: self.serverAddress)
XCTAssertNoThrow(try clientChannel
.writeAndFlush(ByteBuffer(string: "Hello world!\n"))
XCTAssertNoThrow(try clientChannel.closeFuture.wait())
// Just a handler that uses the C `toupper` function which uppercases characters.
final class UppercasingHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer
typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
let inBuffer = self.unwrapInboundIn(data)
var outBuffer = inBuffer.readableBytes)
// Here we just upper case each byte using the C stdlib's `toupper` function.
outBuffer.writeBytes( { UInt8(toupper(CInt($0))) })
promise: nil)
// We want to close the connection on any error really.
func errorCaught(context: ChannelHandlerContext, error: Error) {
print("server: unexpected error \(error), closing")
context.close(promise: nil)
// This handler just prints everything using the `write` system call. And closes the connection on a newline.
final class PrintEverythingHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer
func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
let inBuffer = self.unwrapInboundIn(data)
guard inBuffer.readableBytes > 0 else {
// We're using Unsafe* stuff here because we're using the `write` system call, which is a C function.
_ = inBuffer.withUnsafeReadableBytes { ptr in
write(STDOUT_FILENO, ptr.baseAddress!, ptr.count)
// If we see a newline, then let's actually close the connection...
if inBuffer.readableBytesView.contains(UInt8(ascii: "\n")) {
print("found newline, closing...")
context.close(promise: nil)
func errorCaught(context: ChannelHandlerContext, error: Error) {
print("client: unexpected error \(error), closing")
context.close(promise: nil)

iOS - TwilioVideo - Unable to connect on call with remote participant

I am developing app with video calling functionality and I am using Twilio Video for that.
Currently using TwilioVideo SDK v4.6.2 and iOS Version 14.x and Above
I am not able to connect to the TwilioVideo room
Below is my code:
func connect() {
guard let accessToken = self.accessToken, let roomName = self.roomName else {
let connectOptions = ConnectOptions(token: accessToken) { (builder) in
builder.isDominantSpeakerEnabled = true
builder.isNetworkQualityEnabled = true
if let localAudioTrack = self.localAudioTrack {
builder.audioTracks = [localAudioTrack]
if let localVideoTrack = self.localVideoTrack {
builder.videoTracks = [localVideoTrack]
if let preferredAudioCodec = TwiloVideoSettingsManager.shared.audioCodec {
builder.preferredAudioCodecs = [preferredAudioCodec]
if let preferredVideoCodec = TwiloVideoSettingsManager.shared.videoCodec {
builder.preferredVideoCodecs = [preferredVideoCodec]
if let encodingParameters = TwiloVideoSettingsManager.shared.getEncodingParameters() {
builder.encodingParameters = encodingParameters
builder.region = "gll"
builder.roomName = roomName
} = TwilioVideoSDK.connect(options: connectOptions, delegate: self)
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
Response in not received from Twilio in either of the methods mentioned below
func didConnect(to room: Room) {
NSLog("Room: \( SID: \(room.sid)")
if (room.remoteParticipants.count > 0) {
self.remoteParticipant = room.remoteParticipants[0]
self.remoteParticipant.delegate = self
func roomDidFailToConnect(room: Room, error: Error) {
NSLog("Failed to connect to a Room: \(error).")
self.delegate.videoServiceManagerFailToConnectRoom(error: error.localizedDescription)
I am not able connect to the room every time and sometimes I get the error mentioned below :
Failed to connect to a Room: Error Code=53000 "Signaling connection error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Signaling connection error, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SIP error 408}.
When I check the Twilio logs in debug mode I am not getting any error.
Please guide me to rectify if there is any mistake in my code
Twilio employee here. Error 53000 is somewhat vague and could occur due to different things:
I'd suggest the following next steps:
try reproducing this error using the iOS Quickstart app (
try running our Networktest on the problematic device:

unable to download Tello SDK for IOS

Anyone knows how to download the Tello sdk for iOS. I have visited the link, but it is not useful
There isn't an official SDK to download for the Tello. You can find the instructions at this link which provides details of sending UDP packets over a network connection to the drone. You can use CocoaAsyncSocket found on GitHub to help you create the connection to the socket and then pass the commands as ASCII data to the Tello.
Here is some sample code to get you going (which I wrote earlier today on my own website):
var socket = GCDAsyncUdpSocket()
let sendHost = ""
let sendPort: UInt16 = 8889
let statePort: UInt16 = 8890
First, create the socket, a String with the Tello IP, and a couple of constants holding the port numbers (8889 is used to send commands to, and also receives responses back such as "OK" if the command was successful. 8890 is used for receiving telemetry from the drone multiple times per second.
This will send the initial "command" command to the Tello:
// Set the delegate and dispatch queue
// Send the "command" command to the socket.
do {
try socket.bind(toPort: sendPort)
try socket.enableBroadcast(true)
try socket.beginReceiving()
socket.send("command".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!,
toHost: sendHost,
port: sendPort,
withTimeout: 0,
tag: 0)
} catch {
print("Command command sent.")
You need to make sure that the class conforms to GCDAsyncUdpSocketDelegate.
Implement the delegate method which receives data from the Tello.
func udpSocket(_ sock: GCDAsyncUdpSocket, didReceive data: Data, fromAddress address: Data, withFilterContext filterContext: Any?) {
let dataString = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
if (sock.localPort() == sendPort) {
if (sock.localPort() == statePort) {
var telloStateDictionary = [String:Double]()
let stateArray = dataString?.components(separatedBy: ";")
for itemState in stateArray! {
let keyValueArray = itemState.components(separatedBy: ":")
if (keyValueArray.count == 2) {
telloStateDictionary[keyValueArray[0]] = Double(keyValueArray[1])
Set up port 8890 for listening to the telemetry:
let receiveSocket = GCDAsyncUdpSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue.main)
do {
try receiveSocket.bind(toPort: statePort)
} catch {
print("Bind Problem")
do {
try receiveSocket.beginReceiving()
} catch {
print("Receiving Problem")
Run the app. Assuming you have manually connected to the Tello (like you would if you were controlling it with the Tello app), you should begin getting information back from the Tello.
To send more commands to it, such as "takeoff" or "cw 360", you can do something such as:
func sendCommand(command: String) {
let message = String.Encoding.utf8)
socket.send(message!, toHost: sendHost, port: sendPort, withTimeout: 2, tag: 0)
Pass in the command as a string, and this will send it to the Tello.

pjsip connect to asterisk trouble

I have added pjsip lib through cocoapods from here
No I'm trying to connect to sip server using this pjsip example.
Here is my code:
func startPjsip() {
var status: pj_status_t
// Create pjsua first
status = pjsua_create()
if status != Int32(PJ_SUCCESS.rawValue) {
pjsuaError("Error in pjsua_create()", status: status)
// Init Pjsua
var config = pjsua_config()
// on reg state
config.cb.on_reg_state = { (accountId: pjsua_acc_id) in
p("on_reg_state", accountId)
// Init the logging config structure
var logConfig = pjsua_logging_config()
logConfig.console_level = 4
// Init the pjsua
status = pjsua_init(&config, &logConfig, nil)
if status != Int32(PJ_SUCCESS.rawValue) {
pjsuaError("Error in pjsua_init()", status: status)
// Adding UDP transport
// Init transport config structure
var udpTransportConfig = pjsua_transport_config()
udpTransportConfig.port = 5060
status = pjsua_transport_create(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, &udpTransportConfig, nil)
if status != Int32(PJ_SUCCESS.rawValue) {
pjsuaError("Error in creating UDP transport", status: status)
// Initialization is done, now start pjsua
status = pjsua_start()
if status != Int32(PJ_SUCCESS.rawValue) {
pjsuaError("Error starting pjsua", status: status)
// Register the account on local sip server
var accountConfig = pjsua_acc_config()
// username
let username = "10001"
let domain = ""
let userId = "sip:\(username)#\(domain)" = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: userId), slen: pj_ssize_t(userId.characters.count))
// uri
var uri = "sip:\(domain)"
accountConfig.reg_uri = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: uri), slen: pj_ssize_t(uri.characters.count))
accountConfig.cred_count = 1
accountConfig.cred_info.0.realm = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: "*"), slen: pj_ssize_t("*".characters.count))
let scheme = "digest"
accountConfig.cred_info.0.scheme = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: scheme), slen: pj_ssize_t(scheme.characters.count))
accountConfig.cred_info.0.data_type = Int32(PJSIP_CRED_DATA_PLAIN_PASSWD.rawValue)
let password = "10001" = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: password), slen: pj_ssize_t(password.characters.count))
accountConfig.cred_info.0.username = pj_str_t(ptr: stringToPointer(string: username), slen: pj_ssize_t(username.characters.count))
var accountId = pjsua_acc_id()
status = pjsua_acc_add(&accountConfig, pj_bool_t(PJ_TRUE.rawValue), &accountId)
if status != Int32(PJ_SUCCESS.rawValue) {
pjsuaError("Error adding account", status: status)
func pjsuaError(_ message: String, status: pj_status_t) {
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: #file)
let fileName: String = url.lastPathComponent == nil ? #file : url.lastPathComponent!
pjsua_perror(fileName, message, status)
func stringToPointer(string: String) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8> {
let cs = (string as NSString).utf8String
return UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>(mutating: cs!)
When I run application I've got request sending to sip server, it returns 401 Unauthorized (log is here), which seems to be fine according to this doc.
After that pjsip send another request and sip server return 403 Forbidden, here is the log.
I've asked my server guy what is the problem and he said that he used the same credentials with JsSIP lib for browser client and everything works fine for him. Here is the log he gave to me.
I have looked at his log and see difference in these lines:
mine - Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
his - Via: SIP/2.0/WSS
So seems that I'm using wrong transport protocol. But I don't know how to set pjsip to use wss protocol.
Can someone help me if you have the same issues. Or what I need to read/try to achieve my goal.
I have added Starscream, and got it working to connect to wss:// url. Here is the code:
var socket: WebSocket!
override func viewDidLoad() {
socket = WebSocket(url: URL(string: "wss://")!)
socket.delegate = self
socket.pongDelegate = self
socket.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = "sip"
func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocket) {
It says "websocketDidConnect". But now I need to send SIP REGISTER through this wss transport protocol. I can't find any information how to setup pjsip to use wss.
I have tried to change pjsua_transport_create with PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP or TLS but no success.
Please, can someone help me where to find information about pjsip + websocket support.

How do I run a Cloud Code on Heroku?

With the Parse's announcement of their retirement, I have migrated my Parse Server onto Heroku. With my still neophyte knowledge of Heroku, I do not know if they have a similar function to that of Cloud Code, but I do know that a few months ago Parse Introduced a Heroku + Parse feature that allows you to run Cloud Code on any node.js environment, particularly Heroku.
My dilemma is, I have already migrated my server from parse to Heroku prior to learning about this feature :/ , so I cannot run any parse cloud code form my terminal because there is no existing server there anymore. So the question is, how can I emulate this following Cloud Code in Heroku & How do I adjust my swift?
Cloud Code:
// Use Parse.Cloud.define to define as many cloud functions as you want.
// For example:
Parse.Cloud.define("isLoginRedundant", function(request, response) {
var sessionQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Session);
sessionQuery.equalTo("user", request.user);
sessionQuery.find().then(function(sessions) {
response.success( { isRedundant: sessions.length>1 } );
}, function(error) {
and here is my swift back in xcode:
PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground(userName!, password: passWord!) {
(user, error) -> Void in
if (user != nil) {
// don't do the segue until we know it's unique login
// pass no params to the cloud in swift (not sure if [] is the way to say that)
PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("isLoginRedundant", withParameters: [:]) {
(response: AnyObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
let dictionary = response as! [String:Bool]
var isRedundant : Bool
isRedundant = dictionary["isRedundant"]!
if (isRedundant) {
// I think you can adequately undo everything about the login by logging out
PFUser.logOutInBackgroundWithBlock() { (error: NSError?) -> Void in
// update the UI to say, login rejected because you're logged in elsewhere
// maybe do a segue here?
let redundantSession: String = "you are already logged in on another device"
self.loginSecond.userInteractionEnabled = true
} else {
// good login and non-redundant, do the segue
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("loginSuccess", sender: self)
} else {
// login failed for typical reasons, update the UI
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.loginSecond.userInteractionEnabled = true
if let message = error?.userInfo["error"] as? String
where message == "invalid login parameters" {
let localizedMessage = NSLocalizedString(message, comment: "Something isn't right, check the username and password fields and try again")
}else if let secondMessage = error?.userInfo["error"] as? String
where secondMessage == "The Internet connection appears to be offline." {
I would first checkout the example repo and read the parse-server documentation. Parse server supports cloud code out of the box and you simply specify which file contains your functions and triggers in the parse-server config. The link you posted with the integration between parse and heroku is not relevant for parse-server.
