How I can do a correct triangulation from two views when I don't know the intrinsic matrix? - opencv

I want to triangulate some 3D keypoints from 2D keypoints in two views. I use the findEssentialMat() and recoverPose() with opencv. I found when I change the intrinsic matrix, the R and t are also changed. It leads to turn toward a wrong direction in second camera coordination. How can I solve this problem?

I don't understand what do you mean by "when I change the intrinsic matrix".
The decomposing of essential matrix usually has 4 possible solutions. If you provide the corresponding points in two images, recoverPose() will automatically select the right pose by doing cheirality check. Of course, you can do the cheirality check on your own (the cheirality check means that the triangulated 3D points should have positive depth).


Extracting the scale of translation vector that I got from the essential matrix

I want to get the extrinsic parameters of two cameras looking at the same view. For this I followed the procedure laid out in several textbooks, lectures, etc.
Compute matches in both images using SIFT.
Computed the essential matrix using OpenCV cv2.findEssentialMat.
Recovered the correct R and t from the four solutions using cv2.recoverPose().
From my understanding the translation is up to a scale. What do I have to do to get the absolute translations. I do not have any known objects in the scene, maybe I will have lane lines in the scene, is there a way to use the lane line info to get the absolute translation?
I found this post on dsp stackexchange that partly addresses your problem. As you have found, the scale of the translation cannot be inferred from the essential matrix, you need more information. This makes sense, as there is an ambiguity of size and shape if your only information is point correspondences.
How to infer scale
If you need to know the camera translation scale, you will need to know some scene geometry. that is, something you can use as a reference to determine the extent of the translation, e.g. coordinates of a calibration object in the scene. You could then use a pose estimation method like Perspective-n-Point (PnP).
I found this lecture by Willem Hof on PnP which includes code screenshots quite clear and concise.
Note that when performing PnP that you have multiple unknown. Your first camera was assumed to be [I|0] so its pose is totally unknown. Once the first camera is known, the second camera's pose will be P1ยท rel P1, and you only have one unknown parameter left for the second camera, the scale of its translation.
Why you cannot infer scale of translation
For example, if you have two images of a ball and many point correspondences, taken with calibrated cameras with unknown positions and poses: then is it a normal football or a mountain-sized ball sculpture? Well, we could use the essential matrix to get relative poses of the two cameras and triangulate a 3D reconstruction of the ball. But would we know the scale? Sure we know the shape of the ball now, but what is the distance between the triangulated points? That information is not present. You can infer the camera's relative rotation; one is in front of the ball (denote this camera as [I | 0] ) and the other is on the side of the ball. You also know in which direction the camera traveled (translation), but not how far. For a large object, the translation would be of a larger scale. Again, you do know the relative translation direction and the relative rotations of two cameras from essential matrix decomposition, which is a valuable constraint.

Reconstructing a non-planar polygon in 3D given a 2d projection and known polygon dimensions

I have a non-planar object with 9 points with known dimensions in 3D i.e. length of all sides is known. Now given a 2D projection of this shape, I want to reconstruct the 3D model of it. I basically want to retrieve the shape of this object in the real world i.e. angles between different sides in 3D. For eg: given all the dimensions of every part of the table and a 2D image, I'm trying to reconstruct its 3D model.
I've read about homography, perspective transform, procrustes and fundamental/essential matrix so far but haven't found a solution that'll apply here. I'm new to this, so might have missed out something. Any direction on this will be really helpful.
In your question, you mention that you want to achieve this using only a single view of the object. In that case, homographies or Essential/Fundamental matrices wont help you, because these require at least two views of the scene to make sense. If you don't have any priors on the shape of the objects that you want to reconstruct, the key information that you'll be missing is (relative) depth, and in that case I think those are the two possible solutions:
Leverage a learning algorithm. There is a rich literature on 6dof object pose estimation with deep networks, see this paper for example. You wont have to deal with depth directly if you use those since those networks are trained end to end to estimate a pose in SO(3).
Add many more images and use a dense photometric SLAM/SFM pipeline, such as elastic fusion. However, in that case you will need to segment the resulting models since the estimation they produce is of the entire environment, which can be difficult depending on the scene.
However, as you mentioned in your comment, it is possible to reconstruct the model up to scale if you have very strong priors on its geometry. In the case of a planar object (a cuboid will just be an extension of that), you can use this simple algorithm (that is more or less what they do here, there are other methods but I find them a bit messy, equation-wise):
//let's note A,B,C,D the rectangle in 3d that we are after, such that
//AB is parellel with CD. Let's also note a,b,c,d their respective
//reprojections in the image, i.e. a=KA where K is the calibration matrix, and so on.
1) Compute the common vanishing point of AB and CD. This is just the intersection
of ab and cd in the image plane. Let's call it v_1.
2) Do the same for the two other edges, i.e bc and da. Let's call this
vanishing point v_2.
3) Now, you can compute the vanishing line, which will just be
crossproduct(v_1, v_2), i.e. the line going through both v_1 and v_2. This gives
you the orientation of your plane. Let's write its normal N.
5) All you need to find now is the boundaries of the rectangle. To do
that, just consider any plane with normal N that doesn't go through
the camera center. Now find the intersections of K^{-1}a, K^{-1}b,
K^{-1}c, K^{-1}d with that plane.
If you need a refresher on vanishing points and lines, I suggest you take a look at pages 213 and 216 of Hartley-Zisserman's book.

Reconstruct 3D points from two images, given camera movement

I am trying to reconstruct the real-world coordinates of 3D points from two images taken from the same camera. The camera is not calibrated, but the movement (translation and rotation) is known. In short:
No calibration
Extra constraints other than image point correspondences:
Known camera translation and rotation
Same camera used in all views
I understand that, from image point correspondences alone, a scene can be reconstructed only up to a projective transformation. With more constraints, an affine or similarity reconstruction may be done. In my case, I need a similarity reconstruction.
Given the above constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? If possible, how should I go about doing it?
I have tried to attack the problem from a few angles. Since I am not mathematically fluent, I try to use opencv as much as possible.
findFundamentalMat() from the two images, hopefully extract the two camera matrices somehow, then triangulatePoints(). As you could have guessed, I got stuck in the middle, unable to obtain camera matrices from fundamental matrix.
The textbook "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" (by Hartley and Zisserman) gives an expression (p.256, Result 9.14) that expresses the camera matrices in terms of fundamental matrix and one of the epipoles. However, without knowing the camera's intrinsic parameters (requirement: no calibration), I don't see how I can get the epipole.
I also try to treat my problem as a stereo system and use opencv's stereo*** functions. But they all seem to require human intervention to calibrate, which violates my requirement.
So, that's why I ask the question here today. The key is still, given those extra constraints, is a similarity reconstruction possible? I am not smart enough to understand the wealth of knowledge out there, and not able to come up with my own solution. Any help is appreciated.

Project a 2D point from one camera view onto the corresponding 2D point in another camera view of the same scene

I'm using open cv in C++ in multi-view scene with two cameras. I have the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for both cameras.
I would like to map a (X,Y) point in View 1 to the same point in the second View. I'm am slightly unsure how I should use the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices in order to convert the points to a 3D world and finally end up with the new 2D point in view 2.
It is (normally) not possible to take a 2D coordinate in one image and map it into another 2D coordinate without some additional information.
The main problem is that a single point in the left image will map to a line in the right image (an epipolar line). There are an infinite number of possible corresponding locations because depth is a free parameter. Secondly it's entirely possible that the point doesn't exist in the right image i.e. it's occluded. Finally it may be difficult to determine exactly which point is the right correspondence, e.g. if there is no texture in the scene or if it contains lots of repeating features.
Although the fundamental matrix (which you get out of cv::StereoCalibrate anyway) gives you a constraint between points in each camera: x'Fx = 0, for a given x' there will be a whole family of x's which will satisfy the equation.
Some possible solutions are as follows:
You know the 3D location of a 2D point in one image. Provided that 3D point is in a common coordinate system, you just use cv::projectPoints with the calibration parameters of the other camera you want to project into.
You do some sparse feature detection and matching using something like SIFT or ORB. Then you can calculate a homography to map the points from one image to the other. This makes a few assumptions about things being planes. If you Google panorama homography, there are plenty of lecture slides detailing this.
You calibrate your cameras, perform an epipolar rectification (cv::StereoRectify, cv::initUndistortRectifyMap, cv::remap) and then run them through a stereo matcher. The output is a disparity map which gives you exactly what you want: a per-pixel mapping from one camera to the other. That is, left[y,x] = right[y, x+disparity_map[y,x]].
(1) is by far the easiest, but it's unlikely you have that information already. (2) is often doable and might be suitable, and as another commenter pointed out will be poor where the planarity assumption fails. (3) is the general (ideal) solution, but has its own drawbacks and relies on the images being amenable to dense matching.

Camera pose estimation

I'm currently working on a project that deals with the reconstruction based on a set of images, in a multi-view stereo approach. As such I need to know the several images pose in space. I find matching features using surf, and from the correspondences I find the essential matrix.
Now comes the problem: It is possible to decompose the essential matrix with SVD, but this can lead to 4 different results, as I read in a book. How can I obtain the correct one, assuming this is possible?
What other algorithms can I use for this?
Wikipedia says:
It turns out, however, that only one of the four classes of solutions
can be realized in practice. Given a pair of corresponding image
coordinates, three of the solutions will always produce a 3D point
which lies behind at least one of the two cameras and therefore cannot
be seen. Only one of the four classes will consistently produce 3D
points which are in front of both cameras. This must then be the
correct solution.
If you have the extrinsic calibration parameters for the camera in the first frame, or if you assume that it lies at a default calibration, say translation of (0,0,0) and rotation of (0,0,0), then you can determine which of the decompositions is the valid one.
Thanks to Zaphod answer I was able to solve my problem. Here's what I did:
First I calculated the Essential Matrix (E) from a set of point correspondences in both images.
Using SVD, decomposed it into 2 solutions. Using the negated Essential Matrix -E (which also satisfies the same constraints) I arrived at 2 more solutions for a total of 4 possible camera positions and orientations.
Then, for all solutions I triangulated the point correspondences and determined which intersected in front of both cameras, by taking the dot product of the point coordinate and each of the cameras viewing direction. I both are positive, then that intersection is in front of both cameras.
In the end the solution that delivers the most intersections in front of the cameras is the chosen one.
