I need help to fix this code, Can someone say why isnt this working? - lua

Im trying to add pictured menu ,but it gives me error.Error, .lua
function loadPlayerInventory()
TBCore.Functions.TriggerServerCallback('tb-inventory:server:getPlayerInventory', function(data)
items =
inventory = data.inventory
weapons = data.weapons
local weight = 0
if inventory ~= nil then
for k, v in pairs(inventory) do
table.insert(items, inventory[k])
weight = weight + (inventory[k].amount * inventory[k].weight)

items =
should give you an error "unexpected symbol near = So you should not even get to that point that your callback is called.
You forgot to assign a value to items. Your code suggests that it should be a table.
The error in the screenshot is caused by indexing data, a local nil value.
inventory = data.inventory
This is because your callback is called but no parameter data is given. Find out why or make sure you don't index it if it is nil.
Something like
if data then
inventory = data.inventory
inventory = data and data.inventory
for example


LUA: Looking for a specific table by its variable

I'm currently starting work on a text adventure game in Lua--no addons, just pure Lua for my first project. In essence, here is my problem; I'm trying to find out how I can do a "reverse lookup" of a table using one of its variables. Here's an example of what I've tried to do:
print("What are you trying to take?")
bag = {}
gold = {name="Gold",ap=3}
x = io.read("*l")
if x == "Gold" then
print("You took the " .. gold.name .. ".")
Obviously, writing a line like this with every single object in the game would be very... exhausting--especially since I think I'll be able to use this solution for not just taking items but movement from room to room using a reverse lookup with each room's (x,y) coordinates. Anyone have any ideas on how to make a more flexible system that can find a table by the player typing in one of its variables? Thanks in advance!
This doesn't directly answer your question as you asked it, but I think it would serve the purpose of what you are trying to do. I create a table called 'loot' which can hold many objects, and the player can place any of these in their 'bag' by typing the name.
bag = {}
loot = {
{name="Gold", qty=3},
{name="Axe", qty=1},
print("What are you trying to take?")
x = io.read("*l")
i = 1
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
For bonus points, you could check 'bag' to see if the player has some of that item already and then just update the quantity...
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
j, found = 1, nil
while bag[j] do
if (x == bag[j].name) then
found = true
bag[j].qty = bag[j].qty + loot[i].qty
j = j + 1
if (not found) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
Again, this isn't a 'reverse lookup' solution like you asked for... but I think it is closer to what you are trying to do by letting a user choose to loot something.
My disclaimer is that I don't use IO functions in my own lua usage, so I have to assume that your x = io.read("*l") is correct.
PS. If you only ever want objects to have a name and qty, and never any other properties (like condition, enchantment, or whatever) then you could also simplify my solution by using key/val pairs:
bag = {}
loot = { ["Gold"] = 3, ["Axe"] = 1 }
print("What are you trying to take?")
x = io.read("*l")
for name, qty in pairs(loot) do
if x == name then
bag.name = (bag.name or 0) + qty
loot.name = nil
I have a few notes to start before I specifically address your question. (I just want to do this before I forget, so please bear with me!)
I recommend printing to the terminal using stderr instead of stdout--the Lua function print uses the latter. When I am writing a Lua script, I often create a C-style function called eprintf to print formatted output to stderr. I implement it like this:
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
Just be aware that, unlike print, this function does not automatically append a newline character to the output string; to do so, remember to put \n at the end of your fmt string.
Next, it may be useful to define a helper function that calls io.read("*l") to get an entire line of input. In writing some example code to help answer your question, I called my function getline--like the C++ function that has similar behavior--and defined it like this:
local function getline()
local read = tostring(io.read("*l"))
return read
If I correctly understand what it is you are trying to do, the player will have an inventory--which you have called bag--and he can put items into it by entering item names into stdin. So, for instance, if the player found a treasure chest with gold, a sword, and a potion in it and he wanted to take the gold, he would type Gold into stdin and it would be placed in his inventory.
Based on what you have so far, it looks like you are using Lua tables to create these items: each table has a name index and another called ap; and, if a player's text input matches an item's name, the player picks that up item.
I would recommend creating an Item class, which you could abstract nicely by placing it in its own script and then loading it as needed with require. This is a very basic Item class module I wrote:
-- Item class --
local Item = {__name = "Item"}
Item.__metatable = "metatable"
Item.__index = Item
-- __newindex metamethod.
function Item.__newindex(self, k, v)
local err = string.format(
"type `Item` does not have member `%s`",
return error(err, 2)
-- Item constructor
function Item.new(name_in, ap_in)
assert((name_in ~= nil) and (ap_in ~= nil))
local self = {
name = name_in,
ap = ap_in
return setmetatable(self, Item)
return Item
From there, I wrote a main driver to encapsulate some of the behavior you described in your question. (Yes, I know my Lua code looks more like C.)
-- Modules --
local Item = assert(require("Item"))
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function printf(fmt, ...)
io.stdout:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function getline()
local read = tostring(io.read("*l"))
return read
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold = Item.new("Gold", 3)
printf("gold.name = %s\ngold.ap = %i\n", gold.name, gold.ap)
return 0
main(#arg, arg)
Now, as for the reverse search which you described, at this point all you should have to do is check the user's input against an Item's name. Here it is in the main function:
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold = Item.new("Gold", 3)
local bag = {}
eprintf("What are you trying to take? ")
local input = getline()
if (input == gold.name) then
table.insert(bag, gold)
eprintf("You took the %s.\n", gold.name)
eprintf("Unrecognized item `%s`.\n", input)
return 0
I hope this helps!

What does [{n,{}}] do in lua?

As you can tell I'm a beginner in lua. I am trying to understand a function I'm stuck at what the following code segment does?
It is used in the following code snippet in the last line:
function classify(txt_dir, img_dir, cls_list)
local acc = 0.0
local total = 0.0
local fea_img = {}
local fea_txt = {}
for fname in io.lines(cls_list) do
local imgpath = img_dir .. '/' .. fname .. '.t7'
local txtpath = txt_dir .. '/' .. fname .. '.t7'
fea_img[#fea_img + 1] = extract_img(imgpath)
fea_txt[#fea_txt + 1] = extract_txt(txtpath)
for i = 1,#fea_img do
-- loop over individual images.
for k = 1,fea_img[i]:size(1) do
local best_match = 1
local best_score = -math.huge
for j = 1,#fea_txt do
local cur_score = torch.dot(fea_img[i][{k,{}}], fea_txt[j])
From my understanding, fea_img is a lua table. Is the line fea_img[i][{k,{}}] some sort of slicing for the value for the key 'i' in the table fea_img?
I tried searching for more examples and found this being used here too (last line):
for i = 1,nsamples,batchsize do
-- indices
local lasti = math.min(i+batchsize-1,nsamples)
local m = lasti - i + 1
-- k-means step, on minibatch
local batch = x[{ {i,lasti},{} }]
Any help on this would be really appreciated. Thank you!
In lua you can access a specific index on a table in multiple ways. Like these two examples
local myValue = someTable.theIndex
-- or
local myOtherValue = someTable[2]
So the construct you see here is to access some values from a (nested) table.
Also in lua you can use anything except nil as a index, so even tables are possible.
The line
Can be extended to this:
local index1 = i -- i in this case is your loop variable
local index2 = { k , { } } -- This creates a table with 2 values, the first one will be the vaule of the var k, the second one is an empty table
local value1 = fea_img[index1] -- This will get you a table
local value2 = value1[index2] -- This will get the same as: fea_img[i][{k,{}}]
Correction and Addition:
As Nicol Bolas already said in the comments: The index must be an exact match. Which means it literally has to be the same table, which is not the case for the presented code from you. Either you dropped code you thought is unnecessary or fea_img has some some kind of metatable on it.
In the case of
local k = 2
local table1 = {k, { } }
local table2 = {k, { } }
table2 and table1 do have the exact same content. But they are not the same table. Which will lead to nil always being retrieved if one is used to store data in a table and the other is used to get it back.
Syntactically, t[k] is indexing a table with a key. Normally, if there is a record in the table with the key k, its value is returned. Nothing more, nothing less.
If fea_img[i] was a normal table, {k,{}} would always return nil, since table indices are resolved based on their identity ({k,{}} is always a new table). Based on your code, I have to conclude that the elements of fea_img (i.e. what extract_img returns) are not normal tables.
In Lua, you can override the indexing operation using a metatable. If you index a value that has a metatable with __index, it will be used if there is no matching record in the table:
local t = {}
setmetatable(t, {
__index = function(t, k)
return k
This table has a metatable associated with it, which is used in the indexing operation. In this case __index returns the key, but whatever library you are using might provide more complex behaviour.
This is specific to the library you are using, not something related to the Lua syntax.

Adding new elements to a table that has already been saved

So, I am working on a premium code system where you can input a secret code and if the code is valid, it will reward you based on what code you have used. Pretty simple idea, however, I have some trouble with it.
I have a table with all the codes that looks something like this:
GameState.PremiumCodesTable = GameState.PremiumCodesTable or {{code = "X45", value = 30}, {code = "MM4", value = 45}, {code = "B47", value = 100}}
Basically, if the game runs for the first time, the GameState.PremiumCodesTable will be nil and it will create new element in GameState table which is this table: {{code = "X45", value = 30}, {code = "MM4", value = 45}, {code = "B47", value = 100}}
Now, when the user uses the valid code, it gets deleted from the table. Eventually the user will find all the codes, use them and the GameState.PremiumCodesTable table will be empty.
Now, I want to update the game and bring in some new codes to find. However, since the GameState.PremiumCodesTable is already empty and saved, it will always be empty.
How can I add more codes later on?
I have a solution, but I don't like it, so I am asking here. My solution is to add code by code like so:
GameState.PremiumCodesTable[1] = GameState.PremiumCodesTable[1] or {code = "X45", value = 30}
GameState.PremiumCodesTable[2] = GameState.PremiumCodesTable[2] or {code = "MM4", value = 45}
GameState.PremiumCodesTable[3] = GameState.PremiumCodesTable[3] or {code = "B47", value = 100}
and so on... However, this takes too much space, so I'd like it to have in only ONE big table like the one above.
Use the save file to store an array of code strings that have been used, then initialize PremiumCodesTable to contain full data for all of the codes. That way, the save file keeps the bare minimum amount of information, and you get maximum freedom to process the save file however you want. (You may need to store the code data in a non-array table to make it easier to access.)
GameState.usedCodes = GameState.usedCodes or {}
local PremiumCodesTable = {
{code = "X45", value = 30},
{code = "MM4", value = 45},
{code = "B47", value = 100}

how to "page" through the data in a Lua table used as a dictionary?

How would I code a function to iterate through one "pages" worth of data? Sample code would be ideal...
So say we image the size of a page is 5 items. If we had a lua table with 18 items it would need to print out:
Page 1: 1 to 5
Page 2: 6 to 10
Page 3: 11 to 15
Page 4: 16 to 18
So assume the data is something like:
local data = {}
data["dog"] = {1,2,3}
data["cat"] = {1,2,3}
data["mouse"] = {1,2,3}
data["pig"] = {1,2,3}
How would one code the function that would do the equivalent of this:
function printPage (myTable, pageSize, pageNum)
-- find items in "myTable"
So in fact I'm not even sure if a Lua table used as a dictionary can even do this? There is no specific ordering is there in such a table, so how would you be sure the order would be the same when you come back to print page 2?
The next function allows you to go through a table in an order (albeit an unpredictable one). For example:
data = { dog = "Ralf", cat = "Tiddles", fish = "Joey", tortoise = "Fred" }
function printPage(t, size, start)
local i = 0
local nextKey, nextVal = start
while i < size and nextKey ~= nil do
nextKey, nextVal = next(t, nextKey)
print(nextKey .. " = " .. nextVal)
i = i + 1
return nextKey
local nextPage = printPage(data, 2) -- Print the first page
printPage(data, 2, nextPage) -- Print the second page
I know this isn't quite in the form you were after, but I'm sure it can be adapted quite easily.
The next function returns the key after the one provided in the table, along with its value. When the end of the table is reached, it returns nil. If you provide nil as the second parameter, it returns the first key and value in the table. It's also documented in Corona, although it appears to be identical.

lua Hashtables, table index is nil?

What I'm currently trying to do is make a table of email addresses (as keys) that hold person_records (as values). Where the person_record holds 6 or so things in it. The problem I'm getting is that when I try to assign the email address as a key to a table it complains and says table index is nil... This is what I have so far:
random_record = split(line, ",")
person_record = {first_name = random_record[1], last_name = random_record[2], email_address = random_record[3], street_address = random_record[4], city = random_record[5], state = random_record[6]}
email_table[person_record.email_address] = person_record
I wrote my own split function that basically takes a line of input and pulls out the 6 comma seperated values and stores them in a table (random_record)
I get an error when I try to say email_table[person_record.email_address] = person_record.
But when I print out person_record.email_address it's NOT nil, it prints out the string I stored in it.. I'm so confused.
function split(str, pat)
local t = {} -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
local last_end = 1
local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
while s do
if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
last_end = e+1
s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
if last_end <= #str then
cap = str:sub(last_end)
table.insert(t, cap)
return t
The following code is copy and pasted from your example and runs just fine:
email_table = {}
random_record = {"first", "second", "third"}
person_record = {first_name = random_record[1], last_name = random_record[1], email_address = random_record[1]}
email_table[person_record.email_address] = person_record
So your problem is in your split function.
BTW, Lua doesn't have "hashtables". It simply has "tables" which store key/value pairs. Whether these happen to use hashes or not is an implementation detail.
It looks like you iterating over some lines that have comma-separated data.
Looking at your split function, it stops as soon as there's no more separator (,) symbols in particular line to find. So feeding it anything with less than 3 ,-separated fields (for very common example: an empty line at end of file) will produce a table that doesn't go up to [3]. Addressing any empty table value will return you a nil, so person_record.email_address will be set to nil as well on the 2nd line of your code. Then, when you attempt to use this nil stored in person_record.email_address as an index to email_table in 3rd line, you will get the exact error you've mentioned.
