I've got 2 concurrent live-streams happening under the same account (different stream keys), both of which will be streaming longer than 12 hours.
I currently have https://www.youtube.com/embed/live_stream?channel=[CHANNEL_ID_HERE] to grab the permanent embed stream.
However - is there a URL parameter to grab the second live-stream, and not just the first?
Every time a user starts a live stream on YouTube, a new ID is generated for the stream, along with the corresponding video and URL. Currently, if I want to embed a live stream, I can use YouTube's sharing functions to add the video to my page in an iFrame.
When the user stops streaming, embeds of the live stream automatically switch to showing a recording of that stream. However, if the user starts broadcasting again later on, the embed will continue to show the old recording instead of switching to the new stream. This is because the video ID in the embed is hard-coded and each stream generates a new video ID.
My goal is to create an embed that will automatically display a user's live stream whenever they are streaming, and show an indication of whether they're online or offline. Is there an embed URL that would allow me to do this, or is there something in the API that might help?
I want to embed other streams that aren't just my own, so I need to do this in a way that doesn't require the streamer to log in or authenticate on my site.
If you know the ID of a YouTube channel, and if that channel streams a livestream set to Public, an iframe with this URL will show it:
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/39582176/470749
Unfortunately I haven't found a similarly simple way to permanently embed the YouTube chat for that livestream.
As far as I can tell, there's nothing built into the YouTube API that would allow you to embed a channel's current live stream automatically without knowing its ID. That said, it's possible to implement this yourself by writing a custom API and hosting it on your own server.
I recognize that this can look like a daunting task, so I've laid out some rough steps below to get you started.
Set up an endpoint on your own server. You could accept a
channelId argument or hard-code one, depending on how extensible
you want this to be.
Query YouTube's search endpoint1 for the specified channelId and eventType=live. An HTTPS request for this will look something like this:https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&channelId=[CHANNEL_ID]&eventType=live&maxResults=1&order=date&type=video&key=[YOUR_API_KEY]
Check the search JSON response. If it returns any results (data.pageInfo.totalResults > 0), you know that the channel is live.
If the channel is live, redirect the request to your server directly to the live video's embed URL based on the video's ID in the query response (data.items[0].id.videoId).
If the channel isn't live, create a placeholder as you see fit, or make a second request to search for eventType=completed for past broadcasts, eventType=upcoming for scheduled broadcasts, or remove the eventType parameter to get the most recent video.
Once you have a server that can respond and redirect requests, you can embed an iFrame in your page that points directly to your API URL. Your server will handle the logic and, using the redirect, change the iFrame to a YouTube video player automatically, without requiring you to perform client-side logic or expose your API key2.
1 As with all YouTube API requests, search#list queries will count towards your daily quota. If you intend for this to be a high-traffic endpoint, you could either request an increased quota from YouTube, or implement a caching solution on your end to cut down on the number of requests you make.
2 GCP (Google Cloud Platform), which you'll use to manage your access the YouTube Data API, has pretty good protections against API key theft for times when you do have to expose it on the client side. That being said, best practice is to keep your key secret by storing it only on the server whenever possible.
I've found multiple links to embed YouTube livestreams across Stack:
But no one works when I use my correct channel id. It looks like YouTube doesn't support permanent links for unlisted live streams anymore. Can anyone confirm this, or does it still exist?
Or can I use the YouTube API to know what the next Stream Now video id is going to be. That could also solve my problems. However, up until now I haven't found a way to retrieve this data.
P.s. Our stream must be UNLISTED. We don't want to stream publicly.
I am using iOS AVPlayer to play a HLS stream. In the beginning of the HLS session, when I receive index.m3u8 URL in response to create AVPlayerItem, the response also sets a cookie which is required for session based auth. Say this cookie name is myCookie and it is created for domain ".myhost.com ". Now everything works fine and the player sends myCookie to download ts chunks from xxx.myhost.com/stream. As the playback goes on, the playlist is getting updated eventually and the player downloads updated playlist. Sometimes the updated playlist contains a ts chunk to download from URL with another host. Hence while trying to play the chunk with the different host, the player requests xxx.someotherhost.com to download the chunk. This results in response 302 redirect with location:xxx-abc.myhost.com/ads. Apparently AVPlayer doesn't send myCookie while requesting a chunk from someotherhost.com since it doesn't match myCookie's domain. But the problem is after redirection to xxx-abc.myhost.com/ads, AVPlayer doesn't send myCookie even though the domain for the redirection URL is myhost.com too that matches with cookie's domain.
Please note that the redirection URL domain is same as original stream domain and also same as myCookie's domain too. Since AVPlayer doesn't send the cookie to download chunks after redirection, the ts chunk requests fail with 403 Forbidden (No Token)
Am I doing something wrong here or this just looks like a bug in iOS AVPlayer?
Is there a way to fix this problem? Please share your thoughts.
Make a sample that demonstrates the issue, file a bug report. Then create a DTS incident mentioning the Radar and that you are looking for a workaround for what you believe to be a bug.
This opens up two possibilities:
an engineer can confirm the bug - if it's unknown they'll fix it, if it is a duplicate you can request status info on the original
DTS is knowledgeable enough and has the ability to inquire on the actual AV engineers what to do as a workaround
This way you spend less time looking where you probably will not get any other answer than this.
I'm developing iOS app which uses HLS. In our video platform we use Nginx proxy_pass module for redirecting from one origin to another when one of them becomes unavailable (at all we have 2 origins). Switching between origins is transparent for client, it's maintained by balancer, for client playlist URI stays unchanged.
We faced a problem with AVPlayer with such switching workflow wich also appear in QuickTime.
According to network log next things happens:
At the moment of switching AVPlayer asks for live playlist again and when it finishes playing chunks loaded before switching it starts to play not the next chunk in playlist but the first!
And there no change in AVPlayer currentTime property, it continues to change like there was no switching on the first chunk (in normal seeking at the start of playlist currentTime will be 0), no player item status changes happen, no notifications are thrown, nothing special in access log, error log is empty at all.
So we can't update user interface (i.e. seek bar) and alter user that he was redirected to another time of live streeam. And the problem is even worse in context that we should not show user the live stream out of bounds of particular broadcast.
Any suggestions how to solve this? Or it's core AVPlayer bug (as far as this issue also appear in Quicktime)?
The solution was:
1) to use different names for playlist on different origins,
2) send back to client 404 or another error when trying to update playlist from disabled origin,
3) use fallback in playlists - add second, alternative playlist from second origin in multibitrait playlist. It's stated in HLS documentation. When AVPlayer recieve error while updating playlist it tryes to update from fallback playlist
4) to provide manual quality selection, we had also to wrap playilists for particular qualities in intermediate variant playlists with master playlist and fallback playlist. FMS which we use for generating playlists from livestream can't do that, so we needed to generate variant playlist on side of Nginx
The result is fault-tolerant video platform with transparent switching between master and slave (second) origins which works with auto and manual quality selection.
We switched over to YouTube from a previously developed internal video system, and right now I've got it going on public upload feeds for users. The problem comes when we first got only about a dozen out of 150 or so videos available from the primary user's account. Over time of the day that number rose to about 50, and its stayed there. I found one post on the YouTube API forums about delay, but no word on how long I can expect that.
Anyone have experience about this to tell me what to expect?
Expected latencies can vary, and are documented here (http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/reference.html) - ways you can minimize it:
1) Upload the video as public. If you upload the video as private first, this will leave the video out of the fast-track indexing
2) Make an authenticated request to the user feed, this will guarantee the freshest data that the API has.
ie. http://gdata.youtube.com/api/feeds/users/username/uploads (with a dev key and auth token for 'username') instead of http://gdata.youtube.com/api/feeds/videos?author=username