enter image description hereI have created signup page in kodular. I have stored the data in firebase. when i am storing the email.. there was an run time error."Invalid firebase path. Firebase paths must not contain '.','#','$','[' and ']'.I am the begginer for kodular. Please help me to solve the issue.enter image description here
enter image description here
I'm sure that was a earning app & happing for device utilities Please change device utilities id to device utilities device id.
I'm in the final stages of an iMessage extension and have one last lingering issue that I thought was a problem with the simulator but now I have the app working on test devices it's not resolved itself.
When I create a message caption the following code works to change the partipipantIdentifer into their name:
layout.caption = "$\(conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString)"
However when viewing the message at the recipient's end this code:
self.titleLabel.text = "$\(self.message!.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString) sent:"
doesn't display the senders name it just displays their UUID string. What am I missing to convert the sender UUID to their name? Does anyone know if this is this possible or not?
The "$(participantIdentifier)" syntax only works within MSMessageLayout. When setting the UILabel.text you can only get the uuid.
Im getting memory issues when my splash screen loads. I think it may be due to my user profile images.
If the user doesn't have one (didn't log in with social media and hasn't updated their profile) I load/call an app logo image locally (200px x 200px).
<img class="avatar" ng-if="!userInfo.image" src="img/icon.png">
<img class="avatar" ng-if="userInfo.image" ng-src="{{userInfo.image}}">
if the user updates their image on their profile its saves as a base64 string to the database and is called userInfo.image
How can i cache all the users images and call that image instead of making the service call.
The user's image is used often - on post, comments, likes, post link items - basically any reference to a users activity, their image is displayed.
When I list each item - it calls the service in case the image has changed - the service pings Firebase and returns the following:
ProfileService.get(assigned, function(info){
$scope.userInfo.status = info.status;
$scope.userInfo.name = info.name;
$scope.userInfo.image = info.image;
can anyone help me get pointed in the right direction in cashing all the profile images. Im not even sure if this is causing the memory issues. This images are a max of 250px x 250px
Thank for your help.
I am making an ios application and using push notifications. When I copy and paste the following notificatiom everything works fine.
{"aps":{"alert":"Temperature reached to 37.3.Board: raspberrypi.Time: 2015-07-09T14:02:02.0000000","badge":1,"sound":"default"},"AdditionalInfo":"","SensorType":"Temperature"}
When I use the following notification it says payload has been pushed, but I never receive the notification.
{"aps":{"alert":"Humidity reached to 69.0.Board: onshore_raspberrypi.Time: 2015-07-09T10:31:00.0000000","badge":1,"sound":"default"},"AdditionalInfo":"","SensorType”:”Humidity”}
And at the bottom right corner I get the following message: "malformed 187". The link to the screen shot is below.
Screen shot of push notification
What does malformed mean? And how I can fix it?
Your second string is an invalid JSON string. Use a site like this to validate.
You had curly quotation marks instead of straight quotation marks in some places. I removed and replaced them with the correct ones. The following JSON should work!
{"aps":{"alert":"Temperature reached to 37.3.Board: raspberrypi.Time: 2015-07-09T14:02:02.0000000","badge":1,"sound":"default"},"AdditionalInfo":"","SensorType":"Humidity"}
I've spent two days no reading and testing as there is a lot of info about this topic.
Unfortunately I've found no solution yet. I can't implement my own authentication as this doesn't help with the issue I want to solve (see Backgrounding at the end of the question).
Here is my current best approach:
I'm generating a UUID thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/8677177/1443733 and storing it in the KeyChain as suggested with SwiftKeychainWrapper (https://github.com/jrendel/SwiftKeychainWrapper)
The short nice and sweet code for that is:
let stored = KeychainWrapper.stringForKey("UUID")
if stored != nil {
Helper.log(TAG, msg: "retrieved from keychain: \(stored!)")
} else {
let theUUID = CFUUIDCreate(nil)
let str = CFUUIDCreateString(nil, theUUID)
Helper.log(TAG, msg: "generated UUID: \(str)")
let ret = KeychainWrapper.setString(str, forKey: "UUID")
Helper.log(TAG, msg: "setkeychain: \(ret)")
But the UUID stored in the keychain seems to be per device and not per store ID as well.
When I store the UUID like above and login with a different Store ID on the device KeychainWrapper.stringForKey("UUID")still returns the value of the other user.
Isn't their a way to store a value in a store-id keychain?
It seems that I'm so close so I hope someone could point me in the right direction.
If that approach (with a keychain) can't succeed please let me know as well.
I reckon you can ask a different question as well: Is there some cryptic data I can read/generate or a store which changes with the Store Id currently used on a device?
Ohh... and Swift examples preffered ;)
I use IAPs in my app and want to save the Store-Id of the user once a refresh of the receipt is valid.
On each start of the app I check if the current Store-Id is the same as the saved one. If not I trigger immediately a refresh of the receipt. If it fails I fall back to the free version of the app.
iOS devices do not support multiple users.
If you want to differentiate between users you will have to do that in your app, perhaps with a user login. Then save a UUID per userID in the Keychain.
As NSUserdefaults temporarily stores the UUID.so,after unistalling the app and again installing,the UID changes. So, UUID must be stored in keychain
Goal is to update audio metadata with iTunes store for files which only reside on the iCloud.
I found a handy Ruby script which would perform the task if the file was re-downloaded locally http://cl.ly/C3kK
The script enlightened me to the itunes store api, however, I still need the itunes store trackId which is not to be confused with the local/internal trackId or persistentId. The above script reads in the first MB of the physical audio file looking for a magic number and storing the subsequent integer. I peeked at the itunes music library.xml with no luck. Itunes is storing this information somewhere I would think. Or at least the another ID can be used to retrieve the metadata from the iCloud.
In the end I would simply update the itunes music library.xml with the results from the itunes store api.
I realize there are iCloud iTunes api calls, but before I delve into that subject I would rather post a question to the experts.
Any help on the subject would be amazing.
I know it's been a while since you posted this question, but I encountered the same issue you had and was able to figure it out. The iTunes store trackId is stored in the downloaded version of an iTunes matched file. If you grab the first 1024 bytes of data from the file, the track id is the first 4 bytes of data after the string 'song'. You'll need to convert it to a decimal from a signed 32-bit integer.
Example: No Cars Go (Arcade Fire)
file_string = File.open(path, 'r').read(1024)
index = file_string.index('song')
#iTunes_id = file_string[index+4,4].unpack('N')[0]
print "Song ID: #{#iTunes_id}"
Results in:
Song ID: 81607936
Now, you can take that ID and look up the track data from iTunes:
Results in:
"results": [
{"wrapperType":"track", "kind":"song", "artistId":23203991, "collectionId":81607965, "trackId":81607936, "artistName":"Arcade Fire", "collectionName":"Arcade Fire EP", "trackName":"No Cars Go", "collectionCensoredName":"Arcade Fire EP", "trackCensoredName":"No Cars Go", "artistViewUrl":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/arcade-fire/id23203991?uo=4", "collectionViewUrl":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-cars-go/id81607965?i=81607936&uo=4", "trackViewUrl":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-cars-go/id81607965?i=81607936&uo=4", "previewUrl":"http://a644.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/060/Music2/v4/ba/95/be/ba95be41-4a03-4dea-2965-57dd5f0b66c0/mzaf_6092501386391248238.m4a", "artworkUrl30":"http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/y2005/m10/d01/h10/mzi.yfrupnuj.30x30-50.jpg", "artworkUrl60":"http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/y2005/m10/d01/h10/mzi.yfrupnuj.60x60-50.jpg", "artworkUrl100":"http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Music/y2005/m10/d01/h10/mzi.yfrupnuj.100x100-75.jpg", "collectionPrice":6.93, "trackPrice":0.99, "releaseDate":"2005-01-10T08:00:00Z", "collectionExplicitness":"notExplicit", "trackExplicitness":"notExplicit", "discCount":1, "discNumber":1, "trackCount":7, "trackNumber":3, "trackTimeMillis":364071, "country":"USA", "currency":"USD", "primaryGenreName":"Alternative", "radioStationUrl":"https://itunes.apple.com/station/idra.81607936"}]
I hope this helps the OP or anyone else, I wasn't able to find this information anywhere else.
I know it's been a while since you posted this question, but I encountered the same issue you had and was able to figure it out. The iTunes store trackId is stored in the downloaded version of an iTunes matched file. If you grab the first 1024 bytes of data from the file, the track id is the first 4 bytes of data after the string 'song'. You'll need to convert it to a decimal from a signed 32-bit integer.