Why doesn't docker containers support sudo or systemd? - docker

During my studies, I came across the fact that Docker containers don't support neither sudo nor systemd services. Not that I need these tools but I'm just curious about the topic and couldn't find an adequate reasoning.

Docker is aimed at being minimal, since there can be many, many containers running at the same time. The idea is to reduce memory and disk usage. Since containers already run as root to begin with unless otherwise specified, there's no need to have sudo. Also, since most containers only ever run one process, there's no need for a service manager like systemd. Even if they did need to run more than one process, there are smaller programs like supervisord.

sudo is unnecessary in Docker. A container generally runs a single process, and if you intend it to run as not-root, you don't generally want it to be able to become root arbitrarily. In a Dockerfile, you can use USER to switch users as many times as you'd like; outside of Docker, you can use docker run -u root or docker exec -u root to get a root shell no matter how the container is configured.
Mechanically, sudo is bad for non-interactive environments (especially, it's very prone to asking for a user password) and users in Docker aren't usually configured with passwords at all. The most common recipe I see involves echo plain-text-password | passwd user, in a file committed to source control, and also easily retrieved via docker history; this is not good security practice.
systemd is unnecessary in Docker. A container generally runs a single process, so you don't need a process manager. Running systemd instead of the process you're trying to run also means you don't get anything useful from docker logs, can't use Docker restart policies effectively, and generally miss out on the core Docker ecosystem.
systemd also runs against the Unix philosophy of "make each program do one thing well". If you look at the set of things listed out on the systemd home page it sets up a ton of stuff; much of that is system-level things that belong to the host (swap, filesystem mounts, kernel parameters) and other things that you can't run in Docker (console getty processes). This also means you usually can't run systemd in a container without it being --privileged, which in turn means it can interfere with this system-level configuration.
There are some good technical reasons to run a dedicated init process in Docker, but a lightweight single-process init like tini is a better choice.

Beside what #Aplet123 mentioned,consider that since the containers themselves don't have root access and even cannot see other processes in the system(unless created by the --ipc option), they cannot cause any harm to your system by any means even if all the processes within the container have root access.So there's no need to limit that already-limited environment with non-root users.And when there is only one user,there's no need to have sudo.
Also starting and stopping the containers as services can be done by docker itself,so the docker daemon(which itself has been started via systemd) is in fact the Master SystemD for all containers.So there's no need to have systemd too for example when you want to start your apache HTTP server.


docker-compose autorestart and supervisord autorestart : which to use?

I ve seen in some build the use of supervisor to run the docker-compose up -d command with the possibility to autostart and/or autorestart.
Im wondering if this cohabitation of supervisor and docker-compose works well? Aren't the two autorestart options interfering with each other? Also what is the benefit to use supervisor in place of a simple docker-compose except run at startup if the server is shut down?
Please share your experience if you have some on using theses two tools
Thank you
Running multiple single-process containers is almost always better than running a single multiple-process container; avoid supervisord when possible.
Mechanically, the combination should work fine. Supervisord will capture logs and take responsibility for restarting the process in the container. That means docker logs will have no interesting output, and you need to get the file content out of the container. If one of the managed processes fails then supervisord will restart it. The container itself will probably never be restarted, unless supervisord manages to crash somehow.
There are a couple of notable disadvantages to using supervisord:
As noted, it swallows logs, so you need a complex file-oriented approach to read them out.
If one of the processes fails then you'll have difficulty seeing that from outside the container.
If you have a code update you have to delete and recreate the container with the new image, which with supervisord means restarting every process.
In a clustered environment like Kubernetes, every process in the supervisord container runs on the same node, and you can't scale individual processes up to handle additional load.
Given the choice of tools you suggest, I'd pretty much always use Compose with its restart: policies, and not use supervisord at all.

Ansible commands on docker containers?

Upto now i had setup my ansible-playbook commands running on AWS EC2 instances.
can i run regular ansible commands like (linefile, apt, pip, etc) on container?
can i add my container-ip to hosts file in container-group and then does the same code works, here if i chanage my main.yml file that has
hosts: ec2-group
does all commands work?
i am bit beginner into this..please do confirm me i am actually thinking of making docker-compose files from scratch, and run docker-compose commands using ansible.
You can, but it's not really how Docker is designed to be used.
A Docker container is usually a wrapper around a single process. In the standard setup you create an image that has that application built and packaged, and you can just run it without any further setup. It's not usually interesting to run a bare Linux distribution container (which won't have an application installed) or to run an interactive shell as the main container process. Tutorials like Docker's Build and run your image walk through this sequence.
A corollary to this is that containers don't usually have any local state. In the best case any state a container needs is in an external database; if you can't do that then you store local state in a volume that outlives the container.
Finally, it's extremely routine to delete and recreate containers. You need to do this to change some common options; in a cluster environment like Kubernetes this can happen outside your control. When this happens the new container will restart running its default setup, and it won't know about any manual changes the previous container might have had.
So you don't usually want to try to install software directly in a running container, since that will get lost as soon as the container exits. You can, in principle, get a shell in a container (via docker exec) but this is more of a debugging tool than an administration tool. You could make the only process a container runs be an ssh daemon, but anything you start this way will get lost as soon as the container exits (and I've never seen a recipe that correctly and securely sets up credentials to access it).
I'd recommend learning the standard Dockerfile system and running self-contained Docker images over trying to adapt Ansible to this rather different environment.

Running docker image as root user and service as non root user

From a security perspective, I am trying to understand the difference between
Running the image itself as a non-root user with USER directive in dockerfile
Running the image as root and running the service alone as non-root
In second option, there will be a startup script which runs as root and starts the service as non-root user.
Are these two equivalent? Is the second option vulnerable considering the startup script is running as root? Does it matter if it exits (or if it doesn't) after starting the service ?
Excuse me if this question is already asked and answered.
The really important thing is that, once your service is up and running, it’s not running as root. (This is a little less important in Docker than not, but “don’t be root” is still considered a best practice.) Both options you propose are valid approaches.
Your second option, “start up as root and then drop privileges”, isn’t common in Docker, but it matches in spirit what most Unix daemons do. The official Hashicorp Consul image is the one thing I know of that actually does it. In particular, it expects to start up with some data directory mounted, so it chown -R consul the data directory as root before the daemon proper starts. I’d expect this to be a pretty typical use of this pattern.
If you don’t need to do this sort of pre-launch setup, specifying some arbitrary non-root USER at the end of your Dockerfile is mechanically easier and checks the same “don’t be root” box.
There are many SO questions around trying to run a container as the current host user, or trying to run a tool packaged in Docker against the host filesystem. This is awkward, since a key design goal of Docker is to isolate the containers from these host details. If you need to choose the user the container process is running as, you want the standard docker run -u option and would need the first option.

Detach container from host console

I am creating a docker container with Ubuntu:16.04 image using python docker package. I am passing tty as True and detach as True to the client.containers.run() function. The container starts with /sbin/init process. The container is created successfully. But the problem is, the login prompt on my host machine is replaced with the container login prompt on my host machine console. As a result, I am not able to the login on the machine on the console. SSH connection to the machine work fine.
This happens even when I run my python script after connecting SSH to the machine. I tried different options like setting tty to False, setting stdout to False, setting the environment variable TERM to xterm in the container, but nothing help.
It would be really great if someone can suggest a solution for this problem.
My script is very simple:
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
container = client.containers.run('ubuntu:16.04', '/sbin/init', privileged=True,
detach=True, tty=True, stdin_open=True, stdout=False, stderr=False,
I am not using any dockerfile.
I have been able to figure out that this problem happens when I start container in privileged mode. If I do this, the /sbin/init process launches /sbin/agetty processes which causes /dev/tty to be attached to the container. I need to figure out a way to start /sbin/init in such a way that it does not create /sbin/agetty processes.
/sbin/init in Ubuntu is a service called systemd. If you look at the linked page it does a ton of things – configures various kernel parameters, mounts filesystems, configures the network, launches getty process, .... Many of these things require changing host-global settings, and if you launch a container with --privileged you're allowing systemd to do that.
I'd give two key recommendations on this command:
Don't run systemd in Docker. If you really need a multi-process init system, supervisord is popular, but prefer single-process containers. If you know you need some init(8) (process ID 1 has some responsibilities) then tini is another popular option.
Don't directly run bare Linux distribution images. Whatever software you're trying to run, it's almost assuredly not in an alpine or ubuntu image. Build a custom image that has the software you need and run that; you should set up its CMD correctly so that you can docker run the image without any manual setup.
Also remember that the ability to run any Docker command at all implies unrestricted root-level access over the host. You're seeing some of that here where a --privileged container is taking over the host's console; it's also very very easy to read and edit files like the host's /etc/shadow and /etc/sudoers. There's nothing technically wrong with the kind of script you're showing, but you need to be extremely careful with standard security concerns.

Is there a "multi-user" Docker mode, e.g. for scientific clusters?

I want to use Docker for isolating scientific applications for the use in a HPC Unix cluster. Scientific software often has exotic dependencies so isolating them with Docker appears to be a good idea. The programs are to be run as jobs and not as services.
I want to have multiple users use Docker and the users should be isolated from each other. Is this possible?
I performed a local Docker installation and had two users in the docker group. The call to docker images showed the same results for both users.
Further, the jobs should be run under the calling users's UID and not as root.
Is such a setup feasible? Has it been done before? Is this documented anywhere?
Yes there is! It's called Singularity and it was designed with scientific applications and multi user HPCs. More at http://singularity.lbl.gov/
OK, I think there will be more and more solutions pop up for this. I'll try to update the following list in the future:
udocker for executing Docker containers as users
Singularity (Kudos to Filo) is another Linux container based solution
Don't forget about DinD (Docker in Docker): jpetazzo/dind
You could dedicate one Docker per user, and within one of those docker containers, the user could launch a job in a docker container.
I'm also interested in this possibility with Docker, for similar reasons.
There are a few of problems I can think of:
The Docker Daemon runs as root, providing anyone in the docker group
with effective host root permissions (e.g. leak permissions by
mounting host / dir as root).
Multi user Isolation as mentioned
Not sure how well this will play with any existing load balancers?
I came across Shifter which may be worth a look an partly solves #1:
Also I know there is discussion to use kernel user namespaces to provide mapping container:root --> host:non-privileged user but I'm not sure if this is happening or not.
There is an officially supported Docker image that allows one to run Docker in Docker (dind), available here: https://hub.docker.com/_/docker/. This way, each user can have their own Docker daemon. First, start the daemon instance:
docker run --privileged --name some-docker -d docker:stable-dins
Note that the --privileged flag is required. Next, connect to that instance from a second container:
docker run --rm --link some-docker:docker docker:edge version
