I want to integrate vimeo video with the app - vimeo-android

I want to connect vimeo video with an android app, the process is like this:
I want to upload the video on Vimeo, and want to see the list of video uploaded in the vimeo from the android app and play it from the android app.
In simple words I don't want to upload the link of every new video in my code.
Is that possible, help me with this
What sort of technology require for this
and what is the process ?

Honestly I am new to Android apps too. If you wish to save links you had already accessed, then I assume you should look at "Room" (The name of Android Internal Storage). Room would helps you to remember links/videos even if you close the app.
In regards listing items, I'd look at "RecyclerView".
I don't have enough knowledge on that field, to provide you with an accurate answer but I'd suggest start looking on these two topics.


Should I use local videos or youtube videos

I'm developing an iOS app that is going to use plenty of videos. The app in summary is a quiz app, where after each question it shows your a video relevant to that question.
my question is, should I use local videos or just referencing youtube links to show the videos? keep in mind that all of the videos that I am going to show are youtube videos that I have already downloaded and added to the app bundle.
what are the benefits and downfalls of each? in terms of app development and user interaction?
Most of the things that you need to consider are
Size of the app with all videos inside. If you add everything in the
bundle than the size of the application will be big and some people
will reject to download it especially if they are not in wifi
Do you need these videos if you don't have a network? If yes, you
have two options, the first one to add everything in the bundle and the second one to download them inside the app when the app starts.
What about the speed? Is it okay to wait for the stream or you need instant play?
I think these are the 3 main points for this. (Size, Offline, Speed)
If you have everything in the bundle Offline support and speed of playing will be okay. But for sure you can have a problem with the size. If everything is in youtube the size will be fine but then you will have problems with the speed and the offline mode.

Store videos for an iOS app online or offline?

I am currently working on an iOS app where users can watch several videos (e.g. fitness videos). The videos are all captured by my team, so I don't need access to external videos.
Now my question is, does it make more sense to store the video files offline right in the app or use some kind of online server (and which one would you recommend)? I don't want to embed Youtube videos.
Thanks in advance!
It is always better to go online. Because the size of video may vary and huge video files would scrap user device's memory. SO it is recommended to use an external server to host the video files.
You can also add an option to download the files if needed.

Record Video and sharing it in ios app

In my app I want to give the user the option to record a video and share it. What is the easiest way to achieve this? (I have been trying to add video recording for days now and keep hitting dead ends). Can anyone offer some help?
To allow functionality to record videos within your app, please go to the Apple documentation for UIImagePickerController for taking pictures and movies
UIImagePickerController Class Reference Link
Once you have your video, sharing it is a little more difficult as unlike text or images, the movie file sizes can often be very large and may have to rule out simple sharing via email, text-message etc.
The best way to share in this case, would be to connect to an external API, like YouTube, where you can upload the video from the app. Here's a link to YouTube documentation for this
YouTube API Documentation Link
I suggest these as good places to start, as this is what you are asking for.
Hope this helps

Issues with Soundcloud iframe and YouTube iframe together

The Soundcloud widget works fine playing multiple tracks in succession. If I then hide that frame, play a youtube video in a youtube iframe, and then switch back to a new track in the Soundcloud widget, it loads but will not play (ignoring the autoplay setting and any widget.play() calls). I had this working on Chromecast with the developer preview SDK and the 1.0 cast receiver but now with the 2.0.0 receiver it's broken. Any ideas how to proceed?
Currently there is no supported mechanism in the SDK to play YouTube videos outside of the YouTube app. Note that in general, applications may not allow other senders launch or control their receiver side, for example Hulu+ may not like it if you wan to write your own app to launch and control that application on your Chromecast; if they decide to allow such model, they need to publish the steps (for example, they can publish their App ID and additional custom data that would link deep into their application). YouTube is no different in that respect.
ok, got this working so hopefully this is useful to others. Assuming only one is active and visible at a time, the trick is to destroy the prior widgets rather than try to reuse them. For YouTube this does not mean reloading the iframe_api but simply calling YTPlayer.destroy() and new YT.Player() next time around. For SoundCloud keep a handle of the iframe and then call iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe) to destroy and then create again next time.

Upload video to Youtube without user autentication

I'm building an iPad app (which is actually going to be part of a promotional kiosk), which lets whoever wants, to record a video (at the place, using the iPad), in order to get a chance to win a prize.
But I just realized that the Youtube API seems to have changed and now it requires user authentication in order to upload the video - which can't be done in my case.
Has anyone faced this problem before? Has anyone found an alternative to uploading the video from the iOS app directly to a specific Youtube account (which I've got full control of) without requiring user's authentication?
Help is highly appreciated!
For privacy issues, users have to upload videos into their accounts first. There is one way to get around it.
You can use YouTube Direct Lite.
So user's would still upload their videos with their own credentials, but then you have the option to moderate and approve those videos to have them in your playlist.
Otherwise if you try to login with only one account and upload all videos there, you will hit limits really soon.
