what is the function of "extend" syntax in lua? - lua

i am new to lua. Recently i encounter a syntax call "extend" in lua, i look up the internet, but nothing can be found.
local item = require "item"
local object = item:extend()
I suspect it is related to inheritance, but no info online. Please help me to clear my doubt or point me to the right resource, thank you.

There is no extend function in standard Lua. The extend function in your code snippet is a user-defined function coming from item. To know what it does, you'd need to look at the source code or documentation for it, not for Lua itself.

What item:extend() have done is stored in object. So simply check what object is. First with:
...isit a table, function, number, string, userdata, nil or boolean?


What is self and what does it do in lua?

I'm a new programmer in lua, and there are lots of things I still probably don't know about. I googled what self is in lua, but I still don't understand it. If anyone could give me the easiest explanation for what "self" does in lua, it would be really helpful.
self is just a variable name. It is usually automatically defined by Lua if you use a special syntax.
function tbl:func(a) end
is syntactic sugar for
function tbl.func(self, a) end
That means Lua will automatically create a first parameter named self.
This is used together with a special function call:
which is syntactic sugar for
tbl.func(tbl, a)
That way self usually refers to the table. This is helpful when you do OOP in Lua and need to refer to the object from inside your method.
Similar to this in C++.

Is there a way to check if a GTK widget supports a property without checking version numbers?

According to the GTK API reference, the "license-type" property of GtkAboutDialog is only present in GTK >= 3.0. For compatibility, my code currently checks the GTK version before setting the "license-type" property:
-- This is Lua code binding to GTK via lgi
local dialog = Gtk.AboutDialog {
title = "About Me",
-- ...,
if Gtk.check_version(3,0,0) == nil then
dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.MIT_X11
Instead of doing this, is there a way to directly ask GTK if a widget supports a certain property? I think the code would be more self-documenting and less bug prone if I could write something that looks like
if supports_property(dialog, "license-type") then
dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.MIT_X11
Since this question is really about the GTK API, I'm OK with answers in any programming language. Although the examples are in Lua, I assume a similar problem should show up in other dynamic-language bindings or even in C, assuming that there is a way to set properties by name without going through the set_license_type accessor function.
You don't need to use the _property field like you are doing in your currently accepted answer since lgi finds all names in the type categories tables directly. Additionally, it is also possible to get type of an instance using _type accessor. So I'd recommend following solution:
if dialog._type.license_type then
dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.MIT_X11
You can use the g_object_class_find_property() function to see if a property exists.
Note that this function takes a GObjectClass, not the GObject instance. All GObject classes come in these class-instance pairs, with the class structure used for shared things like vtable methods. To get the GObjectClass associated with an object instance, in C, you can use the G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS() macro. (If you want to do this in Lua, and if Lua can't call C macros like that, you'll have to trace the definition of G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS().)
In lgi, a class's properties are present in its _property field:
if Gtk.AboutDialog._property.license_type then
dialog.license_type = Gtk.License.MIT_X11
If for some reasons you need to know if a property is present without instantiating it, you can go with #andlabs idea in this way:
local lgi = require'lgi'
local Gtk = lgi.require'Gtk'
local class = Gtk.AboutDialogClass()
-- Prints yes
if class:find_property('license') then print('yes') end
-- Does not print anything
if class:find_property('unknown') then print('yes') end

I can not understand how to interpret the documentation on the Dart SDK mirrors library

In declaration of class "DeclarationMirror" I found these documentation about the "owner" property.
For a `parameter`, `local variable` or `local function` the owner is
the immediately enclosing function.
I cannot understand how interpret this information because I cannot find documentation about how to reflect the following declarations through Dart mirrors library.
Local variable
Local function
How should I interpret these terms applied to practical usage of this library?
Notice about the declarations that must be necessarily implemented in future but, for several reasons, currently not implemented.
Information unreliable and can not be perceived as documentation.
I more interested in item #1.
If this is a real documentation but not a unreliable information then where I can find information on which based these documentation?
That is, where is information about described in documentation local variables and local functions mirrored declarations?
I am about how to reflect them from their owners.
I hope that I quite correctly asked question about the official documentation, given its purpose.
If there exist another way to describe this I'll be glad to hear it.
This question asked on that reason that there is no other available information found in official documentation.
Sample of code:
var clazz = reflectClass(MyClass);
var method = clazz.declarations[#myMethod];
// How to reflect mentioned in documentation local variable?
var localVariable = method.declarations[#myLocalVariable];
The sample of code is just an example, but official documentation is more similar to the law. It must clearly be interpreted.
As I see this:
The immediately enclosing function is indeed the owner of the local variables and local functions.
But that doesn't include that you can get hold of them by reflection.
I tried to assign a local function to a field of the class and tried then to get hold of the function using reflection. I got the field but don't know how to get the value the field references to (the local func)
Maybe this is possible but I couldn't find how.
If this would work the owner would probably be the enclosing function.
AFAIR there was a discussion somewhere that it is currently not possible to access local members using reflection but I'm not very sure about this.
I also think I saw somewhere that you can get the source of a function as text if that is of any use...

How to pass variable by reference in Corona

I'm using Corona SDK.
I want to write a function which receives component as parameter and removes it like that:
function removeComponent(component)
if component then component:removeSelf() end
component = nil
Well, it works but my parameter does not get nil after using this function. Probably I have to pass it by reference, but I'm not sure it is possible with Corona.
This does not really make sense as presented in your example.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Is component a global ? Or a key in a table?
In your example, component is the name of a local variable in your function. Your component = nil only removes the value from the local variable, and thus will be lost.
If you want to have global effects, you'd need to pass the name of the variable you'd want to eliminate as string:
function removeComponent(component)
if _G[component] then -- exists globally?
_G[component] = nil
Note that this style of programming (using the global table for this kind of things) is generally not a good idea. In the best case it can surprise you, in the worst case you end up zapping things like standard functions as print.
Therefore I'd recommend puttign things in their own table, and passing it on to the function.
Lua doesn't support passing by reference, but since it does support return values you can always achieve what you want using this idiomatic approach:
function removeComponent(component)
if component then component:removeSelf() end
return nil
And then call it like this:
a = removeComponent(a)
Edit: It's worth pointing out too that since Lua supports multiple return values and multiple assignments, you never actually need pass-by-reference. If you need several items updated, pass them in and return them and then do the call as
a,b = myFunction(a,b)
Its not different really than any other language. Passing by a value by reference (in C++ for example) would not stop any program from holding another copy of this same value elsewhere.
I know nothing of Corona, but this isn't really a Corona question so much as a Lua style question. However, if I had wrote it, I would ensure that the 'component' userdata or underlying value would clear itself up. If the userdata was accessed again, it should throw an error complaining about re-using a dead userdata.
I have written this code:
local component = display.newCircle(100, 100, 100);
local function removeComponent(c)
if component then component:removeSelf() end
component = nil
if component == nil then print("Component is nil") else print("Component is not nil") end
And it prints "Component is nil". Perhaps you have a copy of your component somewere else or may be you forget to call function removeComponent or something else. Need to see more of your code

Lua MiddleClass. How to pass "self" from another file

Say, If i have two or more files using the middleclass extension more or less like this. I omitted some of the obvious middleclass implementation code.
File A:
function Battlefield:initialize()
function Battlefield:attack()
--I want to use self.varA here
File B
BattlefieldInstance = Battlefield:new()
function doStuff()
I know this structure more or less works because i already use it plenty on my project, but my problem is that i want to use these self variables. Normally a self instance is passed between functions inside the same file to do this, but when i do it from another file i obviously can't pass self, because it would be another self, and i need the self from the file where the function is located. Sorry if my question is a bit confusing. I'll try and clarify any questions there are.
I have no idea what middleclass is, but I think you're confusing yourself. The way self works in Lua is a function that looks like function Battlefield:attack() is absolutely the same thing as function Battlefield.attack(self). In other words, self is just an implicit first parameter to the function. And a method call instance:attack() is exactly equivalent to instance.attack(instance) (though it won't evaluate instance twice if you use an expression there).
In other words, BattlefieldInstance:attack() should do exactly what you want.
'self' is a keyword that means 'the current object'. So in the case of Battlefield functions, 'self.varA' inside the function is the same variable as 'Battlefield.varA' outside the function.
Middle Class was a lib that I first saw developed for Love2D; I assuming its the same one that corona is using? (I've used Corona a fair bit... but not Middle Class's OOP system)
either way you can also try using meta tables directly, as so:
---FILE A---
Battlefield= {}
Battlefield.__index = Battlefield
function Battlefield:new()
return setmetatable({var1 = 'somedata', var2 = 'somemodata', var3 = 'lotsodata'}, Battlefield)
function Battlefield:attack()
---FILE B---
BattlefieldInstance = Battlefield:new( )
function doStuff()
and that'll print out self.var1 (somedata).
Hope this helps!
