Where is server.js in Bitnami? - bitnami

bitnami server.js in the course
The teacher has the following directory for server.js in Bitnami. But I don't have this directory and I can't even find documentation for this

You teacher is using a really old version of Parse (from 2016). The new Bitnami Parse solution includes the Parse files inside the /opt/bitnami/parse directory. You can find the server.js file in there.
If you want to perform any change in the configuration in the solution, we suggest you take a look at our documentation or our community forums in case you have any questions.


How do I use this config.yml file to run a web scraper that someone else built?

My end goal: I want to fetch data from a retail site on an hourly schedule to see if a specific product is back in stock or not.
I tried using xpath in python to scrape the site myself, but I'm not too familiar, and why reinvent the wheel if someone built a scraper already? In this case, Diggernaut has a github repo.
I'm using the above github repo to try and run a pre-existing web scraper on the banana republic retail site. All that's included in the folder is a config.yml file. I don't even know where to start to try and run it... I am not familiar with using .yml files at all, barely know my way around a terminal (I can do basic "ls" and "cd" and "brew install", otherwise, no idea).
Help! I have docker and git installed (not that I know how to use docker). I have a Mac version 10.13.6 (High Sierra).
I'm not sure why you're looking at using Docker for this, as the config.yml is designed for use on Diggernaut.com and not as part of a docker container deployment. In fact, there is no docker container for Diggernaut that exists as far as I can see.
On the main Github config page for Diggernaut they list the following instructions:
All configs can be used with Diggernaut service to retrieve products information.
You need to create free account at Diggernaut
Login to your account
Create a project with any name and description you want
Get into your new project by clicking it and create new digger with any name
Then you will see 3 options suggested to you, you need to use one where you will use meta-language
Config editor will open and you can simply copy and paste config code and click on save button.
Switch mode for digger from Debug to Active and then run your digger.
Wait for completion.
Download data.
Schedule your runs if required.

Where is htdocs for binami lampp stack? Do I have to make it?

I used XAMP yesterday and my htdocs was in an easy location under /opt/lampp/lampp. I can't seem to find it using bitnami LAMPP. Does anyone know where it is for Ubunutu?
Bitnami developer here,
The htdocs directory for LAMPP is:
If you have installed XAMPP as root user, the default dir is:
If you want to install a module on the LAMPP, it will be placed in lampp_installdir/apps/app_name. For example, if you install the WordPress module on the LAMPP, its htdocs directory should be in:
I hope it helps

where is conf/neo4j-wrapper.conf on windows installation

Sorry for the newbie question, i see lots of references to conf/neo4j-wrapper.conf , but cannot find this anywhere on my windows server installation of Neo4j 2.1.2.
can somebody tell me where it is please?
You'll have to create the "conf" directory yourself.
I tried it on my windows machine before answering you, as I encountered the same problem initially.
In my case, I first created the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Neo4j Community\conf
and in there I created the files
See Neo4j post here
I might be mistaken, but, I don't believe the Windows version puts an instance of that file on disk.
Given that neo4j.properties is in your actual graph DB directory (e.g. c:\\Neo4j\default.graphdb), you might try creating an instance of the file there and seeing what happens.
Or you could also try creating a conf/ directory from that same location and putting it in there.
I'm used to working with the Linux version, myself.
Let us know what you find!

Where is GitLab installed on Ubuntu 14.04?

GitLab was installed by following instructions at https://about.gitlab.com/downloads/ on Ubuntu Server 14.04 but I can't find the install directory. It's commonly said to be in /home/git/ or /home/gitlab/ but neither exist.
I need to find the install directory so I can setup SMTP (RE https://gist.github.com/petermanser/6117494) and migrate existing repositories into GitLab.
Does anyone know where GitLab would be installed on Ubuntu Server 14.04 if not /home/git/ or /home/gitlab/?
Config files are in etc/gitlab
Data is stored in /var/opt/gitlab
Thanks to Bjorn for finding the locations and Pavel S for providing cat /etc/passwd | grep git for finding the home directory of a given user!
To find a user's home directory do
$ cd ~git
you will be in that users directory.
There is a Directory structure section in the official README.md file of Omnibus-GitLab repo:
Omnibus-gitlab uses four different directories.
/opt/gitlab holds application code for GitLab and its dependencies.
/var/opt/gitlab holds application data and configuration files that
gitlab-ctl reconfigure writes to.
/var/log/gitlab contains all log data generated by components of
/etc/gitlab holds configuration files for omnibus-gitlab. These are
the only files that you should ever have to edit manually.
But, if you install the GitLab alone from source (rarely, but useful for unsupported systems like *BSD). Then the GitLab installation location will be different, and it is described in this official doc.

Neo4j StartService FAILED 1053 after copying Beer DB example

I installed Neo4j as instructed in the site and was able to install and stat server. However I tried to copy the Beer example DB by stopping the server and deleting the current graph.db in the \data folder and replaced with the one Beer example downloaded from online (graph.db folder). This is the only step I did.
Now the issue is, when i tried to start the Server I get "StartService FAILED 1053"
I am using following command on the powershell in windows - c:\neo4j-community-2.0.0-M03> .\bat\Neo4j.bat start
Can someone please help if I have done anything wrong here.
Thank you!
You are running neo4j 2.0 against an older database file. You'll need to set the config parameter to allow the store to be upgraded before starting. See instructions here:
