:request_timeout with MachineGun when upgrading to otp 23 - erlang

When we upgraded to elixir 1.10.3-otp-23, all requests through MachineGun started coming back with :request_timeout. Is there something that changed in OTP 23 that might be causing this issue?
This is our current MachineGun version: {:machine_gun, "~> 0.1.6"}, which did not change with the upgrade.
headers = [{"Content-type", "application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8"}, {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"}]
opts = %{
ssl: [{:versions, [:"tlsv1.2"]}]
MachineGun.post(endpoint, request_xml, headers, opts)


How can I use Redis in my Ruby on Rails application with Windows OS?

First of all I am sorry for my newbie question, but I am kinda stuck here.
Could anyone please tell me step by step how to use Redis in my Rails 6 application, if I have Windows OS?
I have installed Redis, currently it is in my C:\Program Files,
with these files inside it
I started the redis-server.exe, when it starts running it says:
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:06 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config.
In order to specify a config file use 'redis-server /path/to/redis.conf'
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:06 * Server started, Redis version 2.4.6
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:06 # Open data file dump.rdb: No such file or directory
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:06 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:07 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 672768 bytes in use
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:12 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 672768 bytes in use
[8020] 20 Nov 17:26:17 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 672768 bytes in use
.......... (it just keep outputs this same text every 5 seconds)
Also in my Rails application, I configured some things. I changed config/cable.yml file to:
adapter: redis
url: redis://localhost:6379/1
adapter: test
adapter: redis
url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %>
channel_prefix: actioncable_test_production
My concept was to create a channel, named 'room', and output a message in the console, to see its successfully connected. But my problem is that it doesn't output anything.
I set app/javascript/channels/room_channel.js to:
import consumer from "./consumer"
consumer.subscriptions.create("RoomChannel", {
connected() {
// Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server
console.log("Connected succesfully!")
disconnected() {
// Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server
received(data) {
// Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel
and my app/channels/room_channel.rb file to:
class RoomChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
stream_from "room_channel"
def unsubscribed
# Any cleanup needed when channel is unsubscribed
Also, on my command prompt shows this: (after the usual rendering messages and things like that):
Started GET "/cable" for at 2021-11-20 18:24:05 +0100
Started GET "/cable/" [WebSocket] for at 2021-11-20 18:24:06 +0100
Successfully upgraded to WebSocket (REQUEST_METHOD: GET, HTTP_CONNECTION: keep-a
live, Upgrade, HTTP_UPGRADE: websocket)
When I go to the browser console, it says Firefox cannot create connection with ws://localhost:3000/cable
Any idea what's the problem here?
Thanks for the answers and best regards, Rererbit!
You are using a very old and deprecated version of Redis, an abandoned project by Microsoft called OpenTech Redis.
I suggest you checkout Memurai.
Memurai is an up-to-date native Windows port of Redis that derives from that project (see this commit).
Memurai is also available with a free Developer Edition.
Disclaimer: I work in Memurai.

Having problems saving wifi config with nodemcu

Have a development esp12 (Amica) that has been working Ok for months. On a recent boot it appeared to stop connecting to my Wifi. I have the enduser setup code in the module, that connected ok, but the config was not save thru reboot.
if I connect via a terminal and do the following
cfg = {}
cfg.ssid = "SSIDHERE"
cfg.pwd = "password"
cfg.save = true
cfg.auto = false
saved = wifi.sta.config(cfg)
print (saved)
Have tried erasing the flash and reloading with no change.
I am building the binaries locally
branch: master
commit: 310faf7fcc9130a296f7f17021d48c6d717f5fb6
release: 3.0-master_20190907
release DTS: 201909070945
SSL: false
build type: float
LFS: 0x20000
modules: bit,enduser_setup,file,gpio,gpio_pulse,i2c,mqtt,net,node,ow,pcm,rotary,rtctime,sjson,sntp,spi,struct,tmr,uart,u8g2,wifi,ws2812,ws2812_effects
build 2019-10-15 21:16 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)

ElasticSearch 5.0 + Rails

Installed a fresh ElasticSearch 5.0 today and changed my Rails configuration to point to ES 5.
My elasticsearch.rb configuration file looks like:
require "faraday"
require "typhoeus/adapters/faraday"
config = {
host: "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.yyyy:9200/",
transport_options: {
request: { timeout: 5 }
if File.exists?("config/elasticsearch.yml")
I have the following related gems installed on the application:
gem 'elasticsearch-model'
gem 'elasticsearch-rails'
gem 'elasticsearch-persistence', require: 'elasticsearch/persistence/model'
When I go to start my application, I receive the message:
[400] No handler found for uri [//****] and method [DELETE] (Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest)
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
I looked around for a bit and it looks like ElasticSearch 5.0 has a new API for deleting, but I'm not sure if this is the root cause of my issues:
Thanks in advance!
According this discussion The problem is the proxy_options configuration. Just ignore the transport_options. If you change the configuration as following it should work.
config = {
hosts: default_host,
adapter: :typhoeus

Ruby XMLRPC localhost Runtime Error : Wrong Size

I am trying to connect to the XMLRPC API of a dokuwiki website.
I am successfully doing that from my own laptop, with a SSL connection, however, when I try to do it from my production server (which hosts both the wiki and the rails app from which the ruby code is executed), I run into a
Runtime Error
Wrong size. Was 163, should be 113
Here's how I initialize the connection :
#wiki = ::XMLRPC::Client.new3(
host: "wiki.example.com",
path: "/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php",
use_ssl: true)
# Temp Hack because SSL Fails
#wiki.instance_variable_get(:#http).instance_variable_set(:#verify_mode, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
#authenticated = false
def authenticate!
# Fails at below line :
#authenticated = #wiki.call("dokuwiki.login", ENV['WIKI_USER'], ENV['WIKI_PASSWORD'])
Rails.logger.info (#authenticated ? "Authenticated on Wiki !" : "Authentication failed on wiki !")
I've read many posts saying that there is a bug in the XMLRPC lib of Ruby. I was running ruby 2.1.5pxx on my laptop and ruby 1.9.xx at my server so I did a rvm install 2.1.5, yet the problem is still here
(btw, I assumed it was enough to do a rvm use 2.1.5 and then touch restart to restart my rails server, but how can I check which version of ruby it's using ?)
What is wrong ?
On my laptop, I am running ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x64-mingw32]
On my production server, I am running ruby-2.1.5 [ i686 ]
I tried another library, libxml-xmlrpc, and I get the following error when running the same command:
Net::HTTPBadResponse: wrong status line: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">"
But again, the same code is running fine with the default ruby xmlrpc client on my Windows + rubyx64 2.1.5, so I really don't get it!
Edit2 : I tried adding
#wiki.http_header_extra = { "accept-encoding" => "identity" }
But then I get a
Authorization failed. HTTP-Error: 401 Unauthorized
The first call #wiki.call("dokuwiki.login", "myUsr", "myPwd") worked, but apparently it failed to authenticate me (Of course I am still using the same login information that should work)
After investigation, a successful login from any other computer than localhost will set a cookie like
#cookie="DokuWiki=[small string] ; [very big string]
Whereas if I do it on localhost :
I will write [...] for random strings
#cookie="[small string 2]=deleted; DokuWiki=[small string]; [very big string]"
So I have an extra variable info stored in my cookie, which is "[small string 2]=deleted;
I believe this is what makes my authentication fails. Anyone knows what this is ???
So this localhost connection was messing up with the cookie. Apparently, even the ruby library doesn't know why, and the "Wrong size" comes from this unexpected string [random string]=deleted added at the beginning of the cookie.
Unless someone can explain WHY such a string is added, I will accept my solution of simply adding
#wiki.http_header_extra = { "accept-encoding" => "identity" }
which removes the "Wrong size" error, then
if /deleted/.match(#wiki.cookie)
#wiki.cookie = #wiki.cookie.gsub(/.*deleted; /, '')
To remove the beginning of the cookie

How do I correctly configure omniORB bootstrap for REDHAWK 1.9.0 on Fedora 20?

I am attempting to port REDHAWK 1.9.0 to Fedora 20. I have been (so far as I can tell) successful at coercing everything into compiling. However, I am unable to get a domain to instantiate properly. After selecting a domain and device manager, I receive the message:
Failed to connect to domain: REDHAWK_DEV
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
OmniNames and OmniEvents are running happily, but REDHAWK isn't interfacing properly.
The console provides a little more info:
Jan 08, 2014 6:01:30 PM com.sun.corba.se.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl <init>
WARNING: "IOP00410201: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection failure: socketType: IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname:; port: 900"
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
at com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.connectFailure(ORBUtilSystemException.java:2200)
at com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.connectFailure(ORBUtilSystemException.java:2221)
at com.sun.corba.se.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.<init>(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:223)
...and so forth
Since the error message concerns port 900, there seems to be some issue with the Java bootstrapping function.
My cfg file is simple:
InitRef = NameService=corbaname::
InitRef = EventService=corbaloc::
endPoint = giop:tcp:
endPoint = giop:unix:
endPointPublish = all(addr)
I have tried various permutations of bootstrapAgentHostname and
bootstrapAgentPort in the config file, and have disabled IPv6, but without luck.
Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong, or what configuration options I may be missing in the configuration file?
