Microsoft graph delta query documentation clarification - microsoft-graph-api

I am going through documentation for Microsoft Graph and found that section "The next round: sample first request" doesn't include delta query as part of request in which case the current state meaning all the events should be returned.
Also, I see that the same request has no start or end date. I am aware that this call is being made using the deltaToken received in last call. So, should start and end Date be passed while making a call where I am using deltaToken to fetch the next set of changes?
Below is the code used in Documentation(Neither deltaToken is included nor Start and End date):
IGraphServiceClient graphClient = GraphServiceClient.builder().authenticationProvider( authProvider ).buildClient();
LinkedList<Option> requestOptions = new LinkedList<Option>();
requestOptions.add(new HeaderOption("Prefer", "odata.maxpagesize=2"));
IEventDeltaCollectionPage delta =
.buildRequest( requestOptions )
Please help. Thanks in advance.

Any query parameter provided in the initial Delta query will be encoded in the Delta or skip token, this is why you don't need to pass it every time. (Start and end dates)
There seems to be an issue with this documentation page, it's never showing to use the Delta link and passing it back as a Delta token query parameter (similar to what's done with the skiptoken). I'll PR the docs tomorrow to get that fixed.


Can't fetch supported time zones in Iana format

Trying to fetch supported time zones in Iana format from MS Graph using this code
var timeZones = await graphServiceClient
I get this error
The parameter 'TimeZoneStandard=Iana' is not in scope.
Making the same call without the TimeZoneStandard.Iana parameter succceeds. Is TimeZoneStandard.Iana not supported?
Parameter needs to be correctly given as
(microsoft.graph.timeZoneStandard'Iana') as shown in below image.
Please check this image
Please refer this document for better understanding.

Octokit GitHub API

I would like to get the number of pull requests and issues for a particularly GitHub rep. At the moment the method I'm using is really clumsy.
Using the octokit gem and the following code:
# Builds data that is sent to the API
def request_params
data = { }
# labels example: "bug,invalid,question"
data["labels"] = labels.present? ? labels : ""
# filter example: "assigned" "created" "mentioned" "subscribed" "all"
data["filter"] = filter
# state example: "open" "closed" "all"
data["state"] = state
return data
Octokit.auto_paginate = true
github = oauth_token)
github.list_issues("#{user}/#{repository}", request_params).count
The data received is extremely big, so its very ineficient in terms of memory. I don't need data regarding the issues only how many are there, X issues ( based on the filters / state / labels ).
I thought of a solution but was not able to implement it.
Basically: do 1 request to get the header, in the header there should be a link to the last page. Then make 1 more request to the last page, and check how many issues are there. Then we can calculate:
count = ( number of pages * (issues-per-page - 1) ) + issues-on-last-page
But I did not found out how to get request header information from octokit Authentificated Client.
If there is a simple way of doing it without octokit, I will happily use it.
Note: I want to fix this issue because the number of pull requests is quite high, and the code above generates R14 errors on Heroku.
Thank You!
I feel an easy way is to use the GitHub API and restrict the number of PRs you want displayed in a page by using the per_page filter. For example: to find out all the PRs of the repo OneGet/oneget you can use.. The JSON response has the field "total_count" which gives the count of the total number of PRs. And the response will be relatively light since it will have only one issue listed.
Ref: Search Issues

How to set Vendor Tax ID and 1099 Eligibility in API?

I'm currently using Consolibyte's PHP QB classes to interface with the QB api.
I've been successfully creating and updating Vendor's in QB for a while. However, we have a new requirement to use the API to store vendor's tax information.
I've tried to lookup the correct syntax to set these, but have been unsuccessful thus far.
My most recent attempt was:
The rest of the information set gets updated properly, and the return from
$result = $VendorService->update($this->context, $this->realm, $provider->vendorId, $Vendor);
seems to indicate success.
Please let me know if you need anymore context. Thanks!
Have you referred to the documentation?
The documentation indicates:
TaxIdentifier: String, max 20 characters
Vendor1099: Boolean
The geters and seters exactly mirror the documented fields. So unsurprisingly, you'll have these methods:
$string = $Vendor->getTaxIdentifier();
$boolean = $Vendor->getVendor1099();
If you continue to have trouble, make sure you post the XML request you're sending to QuickBooks. You can get this by doing:

Retrieving Data in a While Loop from the Youtube API

I do have a hughe database where some data sets link to certain youtube videos. As we all know some youtube videos disappear after a while from youtube and this leads to my solution and my problem as well --> I'd like to check if the youtube video still exists by simply checking via JSON if there is data to retrieve from a video. If not than I'd simply delete that certain data set.
So the first part of my solution would be to go through each row of my data table and checking for each id if there is data to retrieve from youtube as seen in the following code:
$result = $db->query("SELECT id, link FROM songs");
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
$number = 1+$rown++;
$id = $row['id'];
$link = $row['link'];
$video_ID = $link;
$JSON = file_get_contents("{$video_ID}?v=2&alt=json");
$JSON_Data = json_decode($JSON);
$views = $JSON_Data->{'entry'}->{'yt$statistics'}->{'viewCount'};
echo $number .' row<br />';
echo $link .' link<br />';
echo $views .' views<br /><br />';
This attempt works fine and outputs me the data I need. The only problem is, that it just gets me data from the first 150-190 rows and that's it. Now I am checking for a solution that checks each row for empty youtube data and this lead to two concrete questions I have:
1st) Might youtube be responsible for that due to a restriction in retrieving data from one single query?
2nd) Might this be a server issue of mine that stops queries after x-seconds (but I already expand the time limit by putting a line set_time_limit (10000000); into my php code but without success)?
Hope you can help, thanks in advance.
YouTube, naturally, enforces limits on how many requests you can make per period of time. Unfortunately, there are no clear guidelines on what those limits are ... for v2, the guidelines merely state:
The YouTube API enforces quotas to prevent problems associated with
irregular API usage. Specifically, a too_many_recent_calls error
indicates that the API servers have received too many calls from the
same caller in a short amount of time. If you receive this type of
error, then we recommend that you wait a few minutes and then try your
request again.
If time isn't an issue for you, you could slow down each query so that you only make 1 request per every 10-15 seconds or so. Alternatively, you'd probably have better luck batch processing. With this, you can make up to 50 requests at once (this counts as 50 requests against your overall request per day quota, but only as one against your per time quota). Batch processing with v2 of the API is a little involved, as you make a POST request to a batch endpoint first, and then based on those results you can send in the multiple requests. Here's the documentation:
Batch processing is much easier with v3, as you just have the videoId parameter be a comma delimited list of the videos you want info on -- so in your case, you'd execute file_get_contents on a URL like this:{comma-separated-list-of-IDs}&maxResults=50&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Any video ID in your list that doesn't come back in the JSON response doesn't exist anymore. IF you do 50 at a time, wait for 15 seconds, do another 50, etc., that should give you better performance.

How to get twitter server time?

So I'm trying to build a real time monitoring tool for twitter key words using tweet sharp. I'm using the search API to collect queries every 10-15 seconds. When I make the calls, I only want to collect tweets that have appeared since the pervious update.
var twitter = FluentTwitter.CreateRequest().AuthenticateAs("username", "password").Search().Query().Containing("key word").Take(1000);
var response = twitter.Request();
currentResponseDateTime= Convert.ToDateTime(response.ResponseDate);
var messages = from m in response.AsSearchResult().Statuses
where m.CreatedDate > lastUpdateDateTime
select m;
lastUpdateDateTime = currentResponseDateTime;
My issue is that the twitter server time is different from the client times by a few seconds. I looked around and tried to get the datetime I recieved the response from the Response.ResponseDate property, but it looks like that is set based on the local computer time. I.e currentResponseDateTime is a few seconds ahead of the Twitter Server time. So I end up not collecting a few of the tweets.
Does anyone know how I can get the current server time from twitter search or REST API?
I'm not sure how you would get the local server time of the twitter service, but one approach you could take is to store the date of the most recent twitter update seen in the "lastUpdateDateTime" field. That way, you're guaranteed to get all the messages since the last one you saw, regardless of the offset of the twitter server.
var twitter = FluentTwitter.CreateRequest().AuthenticateAs("username", "password").Search().Query().Containing("key word").Take(1000);
var response = twitter.Request();
currentResponseDateTime= Convert.ToDateTime(response.ResponseDate);
var messages = from m in response.AsSearchResult().Statuses
where m.CreatedDate > lastUpdateDateTime
select m;
lastUpdateDateTime = messages.Select(m => m.CreatedDate).Max();
Another approach (and one that Twitter recommends) is to pull the Date header from their API server's response, which provides Twitter's notion of time in GMT. This assumes that you can access the server response headers, and that depends on the method you're using to access the API.
For example, hitting
$ lynx --dump --head
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:30:36 GMT
Reference: how to get the twitter server time (synchronize)? on support site.
Quoting Taylor Singletary:
The current time that Twitter "thinks" it is is returned in the "Date" HTTP header of every response to an API call you make. You can also issue a simple HTTP HEAD request to GET help/test to get the header as an initial syncing step for your app.
