Docker dynamic IP, Server ip white listing - docker

I have some issues with docker, my problem is as follows.
Currently my environment is running in MONOLITH and planning to migrate microservices using Kubernetes and Docker. Currently my server ip is white listed by the third party services to call their API but in the case of DOCKER, container IP is dynamic. So it's not possible to white list the ip frequently. Please help me to address the issue.

Outgoing connections will always appear to be from the host making the container, regardless of whether the client is in a container or running directly on the host.
Nothing outside the current host ever sees the container-private IP addresses. (In a Kubernetes context, nothing outside the cluster ever sees the cluster-internal IP addresses.) You can almost always completely ignore these addresses. An external API will have no idea whether your client is running in a container or directly on the host.


Deploying couchbase in a docker swarm environment

I'm trying to deploy couchbase community edition in a docker swarm environment. I followed the steps suggested by Arun Gupta, though I'm not sure if a master-worker model is desired as Couchbase doesn't have the notion of master/slave model.
Following are the problems I encountered. I'm wondering if anyone is able to run Couchbase successfully in a swarm mode.
Docker swarm assigns different IP address each time the service is restarted. Sometimes, docker moves the service to a new node which, again assigns a different IP address. It appears that Couchbase doesn't start if it finds a new IP address. (log says "address on which the service is configured is not up. Waiting for the interface to be brought up"). I'm using a host mounted volume as the data folder (/opt/couchase/var) to persist data across restarts.
I tried to read overlay network address used internally and update ip and ip_start files in a run script within the container. This doesn't help either. Server comes up as a new instance without loading old data. This is a real problem as production data can be lost if docker swarm moves services around.
docker swarm's internal router assigns an address from overlay network in addition to other interfaces. I tried using localhost, master.overlaynet, IP address of the overlaynet, private address assigned by docker to container etc. as server address in the Couchbase cluster configuration. While the cluster servers are able to communicate to each other, this created another problem with client connections. Client normally connects to an address/port exposed by the swarm cluster. This is different from cluster node address. In case of a python client, it reads Couchbase cluster server addresses and tried to connect to that if overlay address is given as server address at the time of joining the cluster. The client times out as the address is not reachable.
I might be able to add a network address constraint to the yaml file to ensure that master node will come up with the same address. For eg.
ipv4_address: 172.20.x.xx
Above approach may not work for worker nodes as that will impact ability to scale worker nodes based on load/growth.
In this model (master/worker), how does a worker get elected as leader if master node goes down? Is master/worker the right approach for a Couchbase cluster in swarm environment?
It will be helpful if I can get some references to Couchbase swarm mode setup or some suggestions on how to handle IP address change.
We ran into the same problem (couchbase server 5.1.1) and our temporary solution is to use fixed IPs on a new docker bridge network.
ipv4_address: 172.19.0.x
Although this works, this is not a good solution as we loose auto-scaling as mentioned above. We had some learnings during setup. Just to let you know:
You can run a single-node couchbase setup with dynamic IP. You can stop/restart this container and update couchbase-server version with no limitations.
When you add a second node this initially works with dynamic IP as well during setup. You can add the server and rebalance the cluster. But when you stop/restart/scale 0/1 a couchbase container, it won't start up anymore due to a new IP provides by docker (10.0.0.x with default network).
Changing the "ip" or "ip_start" files (/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config) to update the IP does NOT work. Server starts up as "new" server, when changing the ip in "ip" and "ip_start" but it still has all the data. So you can backup your data, if you need now. So even after you "switched" to fixed IP you can't re-start the server directly, but need to cbbackup and cbrestore. documentation for using hostnames is a little misleading as this only documents how to "find" a new server while configuring a cluster. If you specify hostnames couchbase anyway configures all nodes with the static IPs.
You might start your docker swarm with host network might be a solution, but we run multiple instances of other containers on a single host, so we would like to avoid that solution.
So always have a backup of the node/cluster. We always make a file-backup and a cluster-backup with cbbackup. As restoring from a file backup is much faster.
There is a discussion at on this issue, but this involves using AWS for static IPs, which we don't.
I am aware of couchbase autonomous operator for kubernetes, but for now we would like to stay with docker swarm. If anybody has a nicer solution for this, how to configure couchbase to use hostnames, please share.

Docker app not available with host IP when using automatic port mapping

I am deploying a eureka server on a VM(say host external IP is a.b.c.d) as a docker image. Trying this in 2 ways.
1.I am running the docker image without explicit port mapping : docker run -p 8671 test/eureka-server
Then running docker ps command shows the port mapping as :>8761/tcp
Try accessing the eureka server from outside of the VM with http://a.b.c.d:32769 , its not available.
2.I am running the docker image with explicit port mapping : docker run -p 8761:8761 test/eureka-server
Then running docker ps command shows the port mapping as :>8761/tcp
Try accessing the eureka server from outside of the VM with http://a.b.c.d:8761 , its available.
Why in the first case the eureka server is not available from out side the host machine even if there is a random port(32769) assigned by docker.
Is it necessary to have explicit port mapping to have docker app available from external network ?
Since you're looking for access from the outside world to the host via the mapped port you'll need to ensure that the source traffic is allowed to reach that port on the host and given protocol. I'm not a network security specialist, but I'd suggest that opening up an entire range of ports simply because you don't know which port docker will pick would be a bad idea. If you can, I'd say pick a port and explicitly map it and ensure the firewall allows access to that port from the appropriate source address(es) e.g. ALLOW TCP/8671 in from as an example - obviously your specific address range will vary on your network configuration. Docker compose may help you keep this consistent (as will other orchestration technologies like Kubernetes). In addition if you use cloud hosting services like AWS you may be able to leverage VPC security groups to help you whitelist source traffic to the port without knowing all possible source IP addresses ahead of time.
You either have the firewall blocking this port, or from wherever you are making the requests, for certain ports your outgoing traffic is disabled, so your requests never leave your machine.
Some companies do this. They leave port 80, 443, and couple of more for their intranet, and disable all other destination ports.

How to assign a specific IP for all outgoing (and incoming) traffic on a Windows Docker Container

I found this: Assign static IP to Docker container and a few blog articles that sort of do this on Linux. However I cannot find any documentation on this for Windows.
Basically, I want to force Docker to send all outgoing traffic (and responses) from the containers I specify through a specific IP assigned to the host computer (not the default) This traffic needs to be routed properly by our Router so I need the IP address.
I also don't want it to be bound to all IPs or the default IP for incoming traffic, I want to bind it to the specific IP address.
I cannot find any (windows especially) documentation on how to configure what IP a docker container should use. Obviously port is straight forward to map, bug IP doesn't appear to be.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to force Docker (community or EE on Windows 2019 Server beta) to bind to the specific IP?
Update: It appears that this might be possible using docker network create however I can't make docker cc with Linux containers create a transparent or l2bridge because it says that the plugin isn't found. How does one convince it to create a transparent network with Linux containers in docker for windows?

Docker communication between apps in separate containers

I have been looking everywhere for this answer. To me it seems like an obvious question, however, the answer has eluded me.
My current setup is, I have redis, mongodb and two api servers on the same bridge network. The first server serves as a gateway api that does all the auth, and exposes certain api calls. The backend api is the one that handles all the db interactions and data munging. If I hit the backend (inner) api alone, I am able to see the contents (this api would not be exposed in real production environment). However, if I make the same request from within the gateway api, I am not able to hit the backend (inner) api that is also part of the bridged network I created.
Below is a diagram of the container interactions.
I still use legacy linking, but I'm a little bit familiar with this. I think the problem is that you are trying to hit "localhost" from inside your gateway container. The inner API container cannot be resolved as "localhost" inside of the gateway API container. You are able to hit "localhost:8099" from the host machine or externally because of the port mapping, but none of your other containers will be able to resolve that address/port because they 'think' it's a remote machine.
Here's a way to test what I'm thinking. In your host's shell, run the bridge inspect command shown here. Copy the IP address from Containers.<inner-api-hash>.IPV4. Then open a shell in the gateway container with docker exec -it <gateway-id> /bin/bash and then use curl or wget to see if you can hit that IP address you copied.
If my thinking is correct, you will see that you must use your inner-API node's Docker assigned IP address from the other containers. Amongst other options, you can start containers with a static IP address as shown here.
This is starting to escape the scope of my knowledge, but you can also configure a container DNS. Configure container DNS.

Docker - set DNS from inside container - for VPN?

I'm trying to set up a docker container to access my VPN (IVPN). I want to use the DNS of the VPN, but the DNS is selected based on the IP address I'm assigned - which occurs within the container...
To work out the address of the closest DNS server simply look at
the IP assigned to you when you connect. The DNS servers are in
the format 10.x.x.1. For example, if you receive the address then the DNS is on
Is there some way of updating the DNS from within the container?
Or can I (massively over-engineer a solution by...) start the container, get the IP address assigned by the VPN, then (somehow) do a DNS update from the host?
Do I just give up and hard code some DNS servers that aren't "closest"
[Edit thanks to #MrE] I want to run openvpn IN the container (so I'll use someone else's image) - and have other containers use this one as their only connection to the 'net. Basically, I'm trying to build fully isolated containers and then have their connections configurable via either our corporate (or other commercial) VPN.
