Craft CMS project.yml not syncing correctly - craftcms

I am using the latest version of Craft CMS with 'useProjectConfigFile' enabled.
My development process involves creating/updating Craft settings locally, committing this to Git and then deploying to production. The changes are then sync'd the production Craft CMS fine.
For some reason I have a Global set in the production CMS that doesn't exist on my local version.
Should this be removed when the config file is sync'd up? Any reason why it isn't not syncing correctly?

You have to sync the configs by hand in the cp of craft cms. Then they will be applyed.

You could apply project config settings automatically
during deployment via the craft console commands
./craft project-config/apply
Otherwise you have to manualiy apply the new settings in the craft control panel:

You can try rebuilding the config with the help of this command.
It rebuilds the config.


Grails deployment on production - manually db migration

I'm coming from the world of python, django where usually our deployment flow was as follow:
tar/gz our code release
unpack on the production
Run db migration manually via south
Run the app
Grails is a little bit different than python/django mainly because the end product is a compiled war. My biggest problem is the manual DB migration. I don't want to run it automatically, one suggested solution that I saw is to use dbm-update-sql to generate manual sql file, but in order to produce it I need my local DB to have the same version as the production DB - I don't like it.
any other suggestions ? it looks to me like the only way to run it manually is to deploy yhe source code on the machine and run the dbm commands there.
You can run dbm-update-sql against the production database, it won't make any changes since like all of the -sql scripts it's there to show you what would be done in the event of a real migration. To be safe, create a user that doesn't have permission to make any changes and use that when you run the script. Create a custom environment in DataSource.groovy with that user info and the production connection info and specify that environment when running the script.
I'd highly recommend not deploying the source to your production systems. Since, you want to manually control your database migrations, outside of the normal flow of a Grails application I'd recommend you look at using liquibase as a stand alone tool.
Obviously since you don't want to manage having a copy of your production schema to diff against this is going to be a lot of manual work for you (e.g. keeping your changes up to date).
The database migration plugin can be used to create sql scripts that you manually run, but you do need a production schema to diff against. I'd recommend you head this route, but you seem set against doing so.

How to Tell Engine Yard to Not Delete a File in the .gitignore

To give you some context, I'm trying to use Figaro to safely add in environment variables without having to worry about security risks. The problem is is that I can't seem to get Engine Yard to play nice with production.
I went and did a touch application.yml and then vim application.yml, i, and then command+v to insert that api keys and what not. I know the ENV['VARIABLES'] work because of development and all my rspec and cucumber tests (which utilize the APIs), passed.
When I've got everything ready, I add within the .gitignore:
# Ignore application configuration
Afterwards, I deploy the site. I open it up and data isn't going to the APIs anymore. OK...
cd into config and discover application.yml isn't there anymore. Paste it back in... Redeploy the site since now it understands it has to ignore that file and I'm not seeing changes on production. Check back... and its gone again!
Stumped on what's going on.
Simply putting a file into your deployed application's filesystem will not work because you get a clean environment each time you deploy. EngineYard cannot know that you want that particular file copied to that particular location without a little bit of extra work.
Their official recommendation is to put your YAML configuration files in /data/<app>/shared/config and symlink them to /data/<app>/current/config each time you deploy using deploy hooks.

Developing & deploying Rails app from same machine

I have started developing a new Rails app on my server using RVM, Rails 3, & Ruby v1.9.2. I am using Git as my code repository. It's a simple app and I don't want to use an extra server. I just want to deploy my app directly from the same server I am developing on.
I've installed Phusion Passenger w/ Apache to serve my app, but have realized that I can't do that pointing to my development directory as my RAILS_ENV is set to "development". (I found I got file permission errors on the asset pipeline and other issues when I attempted to set RAILS_ENV to "production" and serve the app)
What's the simplest/easiest way to deploy the app? Can I simply:
1) Create a separate user to run rails production (Rails in dev currently runs as me on my Ubuntu server)
2) Clone my repo into a separate dir and configure Apache accordingly
3) Seed my database with the data needed for production (not much data needed here)
4) What else?
I've looked briefly at Capistrano, but it seems like overkill for this simple app. I only need to be able to provide a simple web interface for some data entry. Seems like git push should be sufficient, but I haven't done this before so maybe I'm wrong? Also, if I git push how do I ensure file permissions in the "production" directories are all set properly, particularly for any new files that get created in the originating app directory structure?
Thanks for any ideas.
No- you do not need Capistrano for the above; at this stage I feel it will only serve to confuse you further.
I'd suggest you first save your repo to a private Github or free BitBucket account. What you should do is keep one folder for 'development'.
Remember that Passenger is 'just' a module working with Apache. So what you need to do is setup a virtual host under apache and direct that to another folder on your system. For this example, consider:
~/rails/myapp_development/ and ~/rails/myapp_production/
Passenger always runs the app in production, so that should not be an issue. You can do bundle --without=production in your development setup to ignore any gems listed in the Gemfile under the production namespace, i.e. say you've got the mysql adaptor specified, you can ignore this and have Rails only rely on the SQlite gem.
You can now simply develop in the development folder, commit, push to BitBucket. Deploying will be as simply going into the production folder and doing a git pull and touch tmp/restart.txt.

how to clone a project on heroku

I have a project on heroku working fine. Now I want to create same project with different url (same code) as the one I have working now. So that I can give the new url to the customer as a 'test' site. I know in heroku i can just rename the url but I want to completely separate development from test (database wise).
What is the best solution? Do I start from scratch? cd into new folder on my machine...clone project from github...make new database -test ...push to heroku...etc. etc.
Heroku toolbelt now provides a fork method to clone an existing application. It will duplicate your app with same source code, same database data and same add-ons.
Just type :
heroku fork --from sourceapp --to targetapp
You should check out heroku_san, I designed it specifically for deploying multiple environments to Heroku easily. It also has grown to include a lot of other niceties you'll need to automate when dealing with multiple "apps" like sharing and auto migrating with restarts.
Once you have it setup it's as simple as:
rake production deploy
I'm using a method very similar to the one presented here:
What is the best solution? Do I start from scratch? cd into new folder on my machine...clone project from github...make new database -test ...push to heroku...etc. etc.
Yeah, I'd just make a copy (clone) of the repo, either from GitHub (if you have it up on GitHub) or the current Heroku location. Then start a new project in Heroku and push the cloned (and possibly modified) second site up to Heroku as that project.

What is your version control and deployment workflow with Rails?

Especially when considering a fresh Rails project, what does your version control and deployment workflow look like? What tools do you use?
I'm interested in answers for Mac, *nix and Windows work machines. Assume a *nix server.
I'll edit for clarity if need be.
Create a copy of my personal Rails 2.1.1 template with preinstalled plugins and frozen gems.
Change DB passwords, session secret/name and deploy.rb.
Create a private or public repository on GitHub as needed.
Push the empty rails project to GitHub.
SSH to Server and configure apache (copy Virtual Host file and mongrel config files from old project)
Create empty database on MySQL server
cap deploy:setup && cap deploy:cold
If everything works so far: Start developing and committing to GitHub. cap deploy as needed.
Update: Don't forget to write tests for everything you do!
Using Windows Vista and a fresh Ubuntu install at Slicehost.
Create a new empty project in
Fire deprec ( to install
the Rails stack, including version
control, on the target slice.
Commit the empty project to Subversion.
Using Capistrano, test deploy.
Begin actual development after I've verified that I can access the
Rails start page and, possibly,
scaffolding. (This is really not
necessary because I've done this several times and the software works like it says it does.)
Deprec is seriously magic -- it takes the time it takes to clean-start a Rails project (including server configuration and all that jazz) from about a working day down to about an hour -- and that is an hour where you can be doing coding while everything installs.
this guy documents every workflow he's ever experienced
