erlang library - export module from another directory than src (rebar3) - erlang

In rebar3 erlang library I have two modules: t1 and t1 in src directory and t3 module in extras directory. Now in I'm trying to make them available outside library by:
{modules, [t1, t2, t3]}
I pointed that extra directory in rebar3.config:
{extra_src_dirs, ["extras"]}.
But still, I cannot use t3 module in project, which uses this library. What else should I do to make this module available outside?

Use {src_dirs, ["extras"]}.. Please refer to rebar3 documentation for more information (Directories) section.
Also you do not need to include the modules in manually. rebar3 automatically adds all the source modules to the file during compilation. The .app would be in ebin directory (_build/default/lib/mylib/ebin/).


Ejabberd right way to compiling custom modules

Compiled and installed ejabberd version 15.10 on ubuntu 14.04 machine in /opt/ejabberd directory.
In the older version the module can be compiled directly with erlc command and then pasted to ejabberd module dir(or symbolic linked) which was very efficent way to develop the modules.
But after upgrading to newer ejabberd version when using the INFO_MSG()/2 from logger.hrl the ejabberd fails to load the module.
When compiled by placing the module file inside the ejabberd src directory and running make in ejabberd directory as suggested at and ejabberd how to compile new module the module works.
But this is very inefficient compared to the older method of compiling and running the modules with elrc command directly.
Is the latter approach the right method, if so why was it changed and where are the official docs that explain compiling with latter approach.
you can compile ejabberd module like this
erlc -I /lib/ejabberd/include -o /lib/ejabberd/ebin /home/sunil/Documents/ejabberd_custom_modules/mod_profile.erl
In this example /lib/ejabberd/include is header file (.hrl) path , /lib/ejabberd/ebin* is binary file path of ejabberd and '/home/sunil/Documents/ejabberd_custom_modules/mod_profile.erl is source file path.
Right way to compile your custom ejabberd module (suggested by process-one) is :-
put your module into ejabberd/src folder.
come to ejabberd directory in terminal and run command $ sudo make
it will show you that your module is compiled. You can check ebin directory for .beam file that is result of your compilation.
Now to run your module
$ sudo make install
Add your module into config file at /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
restart your ejabberd and your custom module will be running.
Another way of compiling with erlang shell is :-
start your erlang to load all included files required by ejabberd module from ebin directory.
> erl -pa <your path to ejabberd/ebin>
You can also give multiple paths separated by space if you are including files from multiple places. Like
> erl -pa <path1/ebin> <path2/ebin>
This will start erlang shell. Next things you need to do are :-
> cd("<path to your module.erl file>").
compile your module
> c(your module).
Your module.beam file will be generated as a result of your compilation.

How to properly use the deps folder in an Erlang project?

I am coming from the assumption that the deps folder of an erlang project should include symbolic links that point to other projects and applications, so all modules from that project can be accessed/visible.
For example, My project named project_final should access modules from project_a and application_b. The directory structure of them is as follows:
NOTICE: because I am using GIT, the projects have a double structure, so they are not direct siblings to each other, but instead they are placed under /projects/project_X/projectX/etc... I believe this is a problem. Any better suggestions how to manage this ?
/projects/project_a/project_a : contains ( ebin, include, src )
/projects/application_b/application_b : contains ( ebin, include, src )
deps : has symbolic links that point to project_a and application_b
src : contain modules that use project_a and applicabion_b module's functions, but gives exception error: undefined function.
How I am executing the project_final test module is by:
cd /projects
erl -env ERL_LIBS "."
** exception error: undefined function project_a:test/0
The project_a:test module is exported and correct.
The deps directory is a Rebar convention, and should probably not be managed in any other way except through Rebar. If you're not using Rebar, don't put dependencies in a subdirectory of the application, put your individual applications under a common lib/ directory instead and use the ERL_LIBS environment variable (see to tell Erlang where to look for applications.

Erlang: Location of *.hrl files in multiple applications

I'm developing a series of related applications that will eventually be integrated into a single release. Several of the applications share identical record structures.
Should I:
a) Duplicate the *.hrl files that define the record structure in the include directory of each of the applications?
b) Put a single file somewhere else in my application tree--- and, if so where?
Here's my current tree:
Many thanks,
One approach I tried was to create an application which doesn't do anything, but contains the record definitions common to multiple projects. Then I used rebar to include it as a dependency. When including the hrl files, I use the include_lib syntax. That syntax allows you to include hrl files from another application.
include_lib example which could appear in either some_src.erl or other_src.erl:
I like this approach because:
It plays nicely with the rebar dependency system
It allows me to track the hrls in one place in version control
I can version this application, which allows me to pull specific versions if I want a new application to be compatible with another using the same records.
Answering questions from the comments:
I have a skeleton app file in the ebin directory which specifies the name and version of the application so rebar can verify the version. Here's an example
With rebar, you have the top level application, which can have multiple applications as dependencies. When rebar fetches these dependencies, it places them in the deps directory. If any of those applications has their own dependencies, those are also fetched to the deps directory, and so on. There isn't an infinitely nested hierarchy of deps directories.

how to have libraries import libraries from the same package?

The dart page describes how you can have a dart file (parser_test.dart) import files from its own package using the 'import "package:..." style of import. It seems to imply this is a good thing - better than using relative paths. This example shown is for a file in test which appears to be special. But, then why does it not make sense for importing same package lib files from a lib in the package. Maybe it does make sense, but if so the pub update does not make it convenient.
Assume foo_lib_2 uses foo_lib_1. There are two options for foo_lib_2.dart:
import "../foo_lib_1.dart";
import "packages:foo/foo_lib_1.dart";
My guess is the suggested approach is the first for any such import that resides under lib. The reason I think this is pub update seems to automagically provide a soft link in the packages folder of any of bin, test, or example to foo, like foo -> ../lib. Yet, it does not do the same for the packages folder in top level foo. This means to get the second type of import (i.e. the packages import) to work you need to add:
path: lib
to the dependencies of foo in the pubspec.yaml. Is there any advantage or disadvantage for a library to use the package style import to import another library (not in test, bin, or example) from its own package? Is there a reason for the apparent inconsistency?
After accepting the answer below, I still am not seeing it. Here is what I'm seeing in a shell session and I would like to reconcile this behavior with the answer. Any explanations appreciated. I am using emacs instead of DartEditor, thus the old-school command line approach here.
### Show all files, one dart library file and one yaml, plus empty
### lib and test folders
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ls -R
lib pubspec.yaml test
### Show contents of pubspec
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ cat pubspec.yaml
name: domain_model
version: 0.0.1
description: >
Auto-generated support from /home/user/plusauri/modeling/plusauri.xmi.json
path: /home/user/open_source/codegen/dart/ebisu
### Run pub install and show the changes. Note there is a soft
### link to packages from test, but not lib.
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ pub install
Resolving dependencies...
Dependencies installed!
Some packages that were installed are not compatible with your SDK version 0.4.7+5.r21658 and may not work:
- 'pathos' requires >=0.5.0+1
You may be able to resolve this by upgrading to the latest Dart SDK
or adding a version constraint to use an older version of a package.
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ls -R
lib packages pubspec.lock pubspec.yaml test
domain_model ebisu pathos
### Note here the program does not work, and suspiciously pub
### install put no packages link under lib like it did test
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart lib/plusauri.dart
Unable to open file: /tmp/uml_codegen_sample/lib/packages/ebisu/ebisu_utils.dart'file:///tmp/uml_codegen_sample/lib/plusauri.dart': Error: line 5 pos 1: library handler failed
import "package:ebisu/ebisu_utils.dart" as EBISU_UTILS;
### Copy the same dart file to test to show that it can run there
### just fine
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ cp lib/plusauri.dart test/
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart test/plusauri.dart
Main for library plusauri
### Finally, manually create the soft link in lib, to show it will
### then run
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ ln -s ../packages lib/packages
user#user-thinkpad:/tmp/uml_codegen_sample$ dart lib/plusauri.dart
Main for library plusauri
Actually, you can definitely import using the package:foo/foo_lib_1.dart syntax without needing to change your pubspec.yaml or even creating a pubspec.yaml in the first place!
You can see that this is true from a language level, in this test:
and an example of this in the wild is:
I do not think there is any benefit from writing one way or another except that writing relative paths is slightly shorter.
From a project structure point of view, I would use relative path imports when I am drilling into subdirectories that are not going to be exposed to the user. src is generally seen as implementation specific details that won't be visible to external users, so use relative paths to your heart's content.
However, if you're working within multiple directories, then you should use package: imports to reinforce the idea that the parts are stand-alone and interchangeable. Within the lib directory itself, you want to say that these two libraries, although they might rely on each other, can live separately and are not bound by their physical location.
I would recommend not ever using ../ in your imports, as that is fragile and may break in strange ways if/when you modify directory structure or deploy.

How to install application in Erlang?

In my project, i want to use mysql so i checkout this I want to know how install the application so that my project can interact with it
Have a look at "rebar" -
It can be used for installing dependencies, and for creating independent releases.
And a quick look at erlang-mysql-driver, that you want to use, shows that it is also using rebar for its dependency management.
rebar may complicate things if you have already started laying out your app (done some coding already) or if you are a newbie , however, if your project is an erlang/OTP app, then i suggest that you first organize you code according to the recommended file system like this:
The Emakefile is an important file. It maynot have a file extension. It enables the BIF: make:all() to compile all the erlang source modules you point it to and transfers all the .beam files to the destination you want.
For example: is i want all the modules in src to be compiled and transfer the beam files into ebin, i enter this into the Emakefile
{"src/*", [debug_info, netload,strict_record_tests,warn_obsolete_guard,{outdir, "ebin"}]}.
In that case i would start the erlang shell with its pwd() pointing in the folder MyProject, to enable the function call make:all() to find the file Emakfile so as to compile all my src files.
Now, suppose you have another OTP app which you want to have as an extra package in your build. If it OTP-like arranged as i have showed you, and not yet built i.e. not yet made, i mean with only its src and its folder ebin are empty or it ebin may be containing a .APP file already. Then you copy this OTP application into your lib folder, so that your application looks like this:
then we would change our Emakefile to look like this:
{"src/*", [debug_info, netload,strict_record_tests,warn_obsolete_guard,{outdir, "ebin"}]}.
{"lib/some_otp_app-1.0/src/*", [debug_info, netload,strict_record_tests,warn_obsolete_guard,{outdir, "lib/some_otp_app-1.0/ebin"}]}.
In the folder MyProject, you can put a shell script that will start your project and add all relevant ebin paths to your nodes code path.the sh script may look like this:
erl \
-name my_node#my_domain \
-pa ./ebin ./lib/*/ebin ./include \
-mnesia dump_log_write_threshold 10000 \
-eval "make:all()"
You can save this file as Hence as you make changes to your source code, even at the time of starting your project, when you run the sh script with your terminal path pointing into the folder: MyProject, you do this:
This would start your project at the node you entered in the script and would compile all src files which were changed when it was off. Not only this, you can as well call: make:all() in your shell whenever you make cahnges to your src code. then you would call: l(some_module) after making so that the erlang vm reloads the new object code of the compiled module.
So, your entire project will now appear like this:
So if you substitute the erlang driver for mysql application with this "some_otp_app-1.0", everything will be fine. success!
