Best way to treat (too) many classes in one categorical variable - machine-learning

I'm working on a ML prediction model and I have a dataset with a categorical variable (let's say product id) and I have 2k distinct products.
If I convert this variable with dummy variables like one hot enconder, the dataset may have a size of 2k times the number of examples (millions of examples), but it's too many to be processed.
How is this used to be treated?
Should I use the variable only with the whitout the conversion?

High cardinality of categorial features is a well-known problem and "the best" way typically depends on the prediction task and requires a trial-and-error approach. It is case-dependent if you can even find a strategy that is clearly better than others.
Addressing your first question, a good collection of different encoding strategies is provided by the category_encoders library:
A set of scikit-learn-style transformers for encoding categorical variables into numeric
They follow the scikit-learn API for transformers and a simple example is provided as well. Again, which one will provide the best results depends on your dataset and the prediction task. I suggest incorporating them in a pipeline and test (some or all of) them.
In regard to your second question, you would then continue to use the encoded features for your predictions and analysis.


Is it a good idea to use word2vec for encoding of categorical features?

I am facing a binary prediction task and have a set of features of which all are categorical. A key challenge is therefore to encode those categorical features to numbers and I was looking for smart ways to do so.
I stumbled over word2vec, which is mostly used for NLP, but I was wondering whether I could use it to encode my variables, i.e. simply take the weights of the neural net as the encoded features.
However, I am not sure, whether it is a good idea since, the context words, which serve as the input features in word2vec are in my case more or less random, in contrast to real sentences which word2vec was originially made for.
Do you guys have any advice, thoughts, recommendations on this?
You should look into entity embedding if you are searching for a way to utilize embeddings for categorical variables.
google has a good crash course on the topic:
this is a good paper on arxiv written by a team from a Kaggle competition:
It's certainly possible to use the word2vec algorithm to train up 'dense embeddings' for things like keywords, tags, categories, and so forth. It's been done, sometimes beneficially.
Whether it's a good idea in your case will depend on your data & goals – the only way to know for sure is to try it, and evaluate the results versus your alternatives. (For example, if the number of categories is modest from a controlled vocabulary, one-hot encoding of the categories may be practical, and depending on the kind of binary classifier you use downstream, the classifier may itself be able to learn the same sorts of subtle interrelationships between categories that could also otherwise be learned via a word2vec model. On the other hand, if categories are very numerous & chaotic, the pre-step of 'compressing' them into a smaller-dimensional space, where similar categories have similar representational vectors, may be more helpful.)
That such tokens don't quite have the same frequency distributions & surrounding contexts as true natural language text may mean it's worth trying a wider range of non-default training options on any word2vec model.
In particular, if your categories don't have a natural ordering giving rise to meaningful near-neighbors relationships, using a giant window (so all words in a single 'text' are in each others' contexts) may be worth considering.
Recent versions of the Python gensim Word2Vec allow changing a parameter named ns_exponent – which was fixed at 0.75 in many early implementations, but at least one paper has suggested can usefully vary far from that value for certain corpus data and recommendation-like applications.

Question pairs (ground truth) datasets for Word2Vec model testing?

I'm looking for test datasets to optimize my Word2Vec model. I have found a good one from gensim:
Does anyone know other similar datasets?
Thank you!
It is important to note that there isn't really a "ground truth" for word-vectors. There are interesting tasks you can do with them, and some arrangements of word-vectors will be better on a specific tasks than others.
But also, the word-vectors that are best on one task – such as analogy-solving in the style of the questions-words.txt problems – might not be best on another important task – like say modeling texts for classification or info-retrieval.
That said, you can make your own test data in the same format as questions-words.txt. Google's original word2vec.c release, which also included a tool for statistically combining nearby words into multi-word phrases, also included a questions-phrases.txt file, in the same format, that can be used to test word-vectors that have been similarly constructed for 'words' that are actually short multiple-word phrases.
The Python gensim word-vectors support includes an extra method, evaluate_word_pairs() for checking word-vectors not on analogy-solving but on conformance to collections of human-determined word-similarity-rankings. The documentation for that method includes a link to an appropriate test-set for that method, SimLex-999, and you may be able to find other test sets of the same format elsewhere.
But, again, none of these should be considered the absolute test of word-vectors' overall quality. The best test, for your particular project's use of word-vectors, would be some repeatable domain-specific evaluation score you devise yourself, that's inherently correlated to your end goals.

best practices for using Categorical Variables in H2O?

I'm trying to use H2O's Random Forest for a multinominal classification into 71 classes with 38,000 training set examples. I have one features that is a string that in many cases are predictive, so I want to use it as a categorical feature.
The hitch is that even after canonicalizing the strings (uppercase, stripping out numbers, punctuation, etc.), I still have 7,000 different strings (some due to spelling or OCR errors, etc.) I have code to remove strings that are relatively rare, but I'm not sure what a reasonable cut off value is. (I can't seem to find any help in the documentation.)
I'm also not sure what to due with nbin_cats hyperparameter. Should I make it equal to the number of different categorical variables I have? [added: default for nbin_cats is 1024 and I'm well below that at around 300 different categorical values, so I guess I don't have to do anything with this parameter]
I'm also thinking perhaps if a categorical value is associated with too many different categories that I'm trying to predict, maybe I should drop it as well.
I'm also guessing I need to increase the tree depth to handle this better.
Also, is there a special value to indicate "don't know" for the strings that I am filtering out? (I'm mapping it to a unique string but I'm wondering if there is a better value that indicates to H2O that the categorical value is unknown.)
Many thanks in advance.
High cardinality categorical predictors can sometimes hurt model performance, and specifically in the case of tree-based models, the tree ensemble (GBM or Random Forest) ends up memorizing the training data. The model has a poor time generalizing on validation data.
A good indication of whether this is happening is if your string/categorical column has very high variable importance. This means that the trees are continuing to split on this column to memorize the training data. Another indication is if you see much smaller error on your training data than on your validation data. This means the trees are overfitting to the training data.
Some methods for handling high cardinality predictors are:
removing the predictor from the model
performing categorical encoding [pdf]
performing grid search on nbins_cats and categorical_encoding
There is a Python example in the H2O tutorials GitHub repo that showcases the effects of removing the predictor from the model and performing grid search here.

How to classify text with Knime

I'm trying to classify some data using knime with knime-labs deep learning plugin.
I have about 16.000 products in my DB, but I have about 700 of then that I know its category.
I'm trying to classify as much as possible using some DM (data mining) technique. I've downloaded some plugins to knime, now I have some deep learning tools as some text tools.
Here is my workflow, I'll use it to explain what I'm doing:
I'm transforming the product name into vector, than applying into it.
After I train a DL4J learner with DeepMLP. (I'm not really understand it all, it was the one that I thought I got the best results). Than I try to apply the model in the same data set.
I thought I would get the result with the predicted classes. But I'm getting a column with output_activations that looks that gets a pair of doubles. when sorting this column I get some related date close to each other. But I was expecting to get the classes.
Here is a print of the result table, here you can see the output with the input.
In columns selection it's getting just the converted_document and selected des_categoria as Label Column (learning node config). And in Predictor node I checked the "Append SoftMax Predicted Label?"
The nom_produto is the text column that I'm trying to use to predict the des_categoria column that it the product category.
I'm really newbie about DM and DL. If you could get me some help to solve what I'm trying to do would be awesome. Also be free to suggest some learning material about what attempting to achieve
PS: I also tried to apply it into the unclassified data (17,000 products), but I got the same result.
I won't answer with a workflow on this one because it is not going to be a simple one. However, be sure to find the text mining example on the KNIME server, i.e. the one that makes use of the bag of words approach.
The task
Product mapping to categories should be a straight-forward data mining task because the information that explains the target variable is available in a quasi-exhaustive manner. Depending on the number of categories to train though, there is a risk that you might need more than 700 instances to learn from.
Some resources
Here are some resources, only the first one being truly specialised in text mining:
Introduction on Information Retrieval, in particular chapter 13;
Data Science for Business is an excellent introduction to data mining, including text mining (chapter 10), also do not forget the chapter about similarity (chapter 6);
Machine Learning with R has the advantage of being accessible enough (chapter 4 provides an example of text classification with R code).
First, you will have to preprocess your product labels a bit. Use KNIME's text analytics preprocessing nodes for that purpose, that is after you've transformed the product labels with Strings to Document:
Case Convert, Punctuation Erasure and Snowball Stemmer;
you probably won't need Stop Word Filter, however, there may be quasi-stop words such as "product", which you may need to remove manually with Dictionary Filter;
Be careful not to use any of the following without testing testing their impact first: N Chars Filter (g may be a useful word), Number Filter (numbers may indicate quantities, which may be useful for classification).
Should you encounter any trouble with the relevant nodes (e.g. Punctuation Erasure can be tricky amazingly thanks to the tokenizer), you can always apply String Manipulation with regex before converting the Strings to Document.
Keep it short and simple: the lookup table
You could build a lookup table based on the 700 training instances. The book Data mining techniques as well as resource (2) present this approach in some detail. If any model performs any worse than the lookup table, you should abandon the model.
Nearest neighbors
Neural networks are probably overkill for this task.
Start with a K Nearest Neighbor node (applying a string distance such as Cosine, Levensthein or Jaro-Winkler). This approach requires the least amount of data wrangling. At the very least, it will provide an excellent baseline model, so it is most definitely worth a shot.
You'll need to tune the parameter k and to experiment with the distance types. The Parameter Optimization Loop pair will help you with optimizing k, you can include a Cross-Validation meta node inside of the said loop to obtain an estimate of the expected performance given k instead of only one point estimate per value of k. Use Cohen's Kappa as an optimization criterion, as proposed by the resource number (3) and available via the Scorer node.
After the parameter tuning, you'll have to evaluate the relevance of your model using yet another Cross-Validation meta node, then follow up with a Loop pair including Scorer to calculate the descriptives on performance metric(s) per iteration, finally use Statistics. Kappa is a convenient metric for this task because the target variable consists of many product categories.
Don't forget to test its performance against the lookup table.
What next ?
Should lookup table or k-nn work well for you, then there's nothing else to add.
Should any of those approaches fail, you might want to analyse the precise cases on which it fails. In addition, training set size may be too low, so you could manually classify another few hundred or thousand instances.
If after increasing the training set size, you are still dealing with a bad model, you can try the bag of words approach together with a Naive Bayes classifier (see chapter 13 of the Information Retrieval reference). There is no room here to elaborate on the bag of words approach and Naive Bayes but you'll find the resources here above useful for that purpose.
One last note. Personally, I find KNIME's Naive Bayes node to perform poorly, probably because it does not implement Laplace smoothening. However, KNIME's R Learner and R Predictor nodes will allow you to use R's e1071 package, as demonstrated by resource (3).

Should 'deceptive' training cases be given to a Naive Bayes Classifier

I am setting up a Naive Bayes Classifier to try to determine sameness between two records of five string properties. I am only comparing each pair of properties exactly (i.e., with a java .equals() method). I have some training data, both TRUE and FALSE cases, but let's just focus on the TRUE cases for now.
Let's say there are some TRUE training cases where all five properties are different. That means every comparator fails, but the records are actually determined to be the 'same' after some human assessment.
Should this training case be fed to the Naive Bayes Classifier? On the one hand, considering the fact that NBC treats each variable separately these cases shouldn't totally break it. However, it certainly seems true that feeding in enough of these cases wouldn't be beneficial to the classifier's performance. I understand that seeing a lot of these cases would mean better comparators are required, but I'm wondering what to do in the time being. Another consideration is that the flip-side is impossible; that is, there's no way all five properties could be the same between two records and still have them be 'different' records.
Is this a preferential issue, or is there a definitive accepted practice for handling this?
Usually you will want to have a training data set that is as feasibly representative as possible of the domain from which you hope to classify observations (often difficult though). An unrepresentative set may lead to a poorly functioning classifier, particularly in a production environment where various data are received. That being said, preprocessing may be used to limit the exposure of a classifier trained on a particular subset of data, so it is quite dependent on the purpose of the classifier.
I'm not sure why you wish to exclude some elements though. Parameter estimation/learning should account for the fact that two different inputs may map to the same output --- that is why you would use machine learning instead of simply using a hashmap. Considering that you usually don't have 'all data' to build your model, you have to rely on this type of inference.
Have you had a look at the NLTK; it is in python but it seems that OpenNLP may be a suitable substitute in Java? You can employ better feature extraction techniques that lead to a model that accounts for minor variations in input strings (see here).
Lastly, it seems to me that you want to learn a mapping from input strings to the classes 'same' and 'not same' --- you seem to want to infer a distance measure (just checking). It would make more sense to invest effort in directly finding a better measure (e.g. for character transposition issues you could use edit distances). I'm not sure that NB is well-suited to your problem as it is attempting to determine a class given an observation(s) (or its features). This class will have to be discernible over various different strings (I'm assuming you are going to concatenate string1 & string2, and offer them to the classifier). Will there be enough structure present to derive such a widely applicable property? This classifier is basically going to need to be able to deal with all pair-wise 'comparisons' ,unless you build NBs for each one-vs-many pairing. This does not seem like a simple approach.
