Curried functions and function application in Z3 - z3

I'm working on a language very similar to STLC that I'm converting to Z3 propositions, hence a few (sub)questions about how Z3 treats (uninterpreted) functions:
Functions are naturally curried in my language and as I'm converting the terms of my language recursively, I'd like to be able to build the corresponding Z3 AST recursively as well. That is, when I have a term f x y I'd like to first apply f to x and then apply that to y. Is there a way to do this? The API I've found so far (Z3_mk_func_decl/Z3_mk_app) seems to require me to collect all arguments first and apply them all at once.
Is there a reasonable way to represent something like (if b then f else g) x?
In both cases, I'm totally fine with functions being uninterpreted and restricting the reasoning to things like "b = True /\ f x = 0 => (if b then f else g) x = 0 holds".

SMTLib (as described in is a many-sorted first-order logic. All functions (uninterpreted or not) must be applied to all its arguments, and you cannot have any form of currying. Also, you cannot do higher-order if-then-else, i.e., the branches of an if-then-else will have to be first-order values. (However, they can be arrays, and you can imagine "faking" functions with arrays. But that's besides the point.)
It should be noted that the next iteration of SMTLib (v3) will be based on a higher-order logic, at which point features like you're asking might become available. See: Of course, this is still a proposal and it'll take a while before it's settled and actual solvers start implementing it faithfully. Eventually that'll happen, but I wouldn't expect it in the very near term.
Aside: Since you mentioned STLC (simply-typed-lambda-calculus), I presume you might be familiar with functional languages like Haskell. If that's the case, you might want to look into using SBV: It provides a framework for doing some of these things by carefully translating them away behind the scenes. Here's an example:
Prelude Data.SBV> sat $ \b -> (ite b (uninterpret "f") (uninterpret "g")) (0::SInteger) .== (0::SInteger)
Satisfiable. Model:
s0 = True :: Bool
f :: Integer -> Integer
f _ = 0
g :: Integer -> Integer
g _ = 2
Here we created two functions and used the ite construct to "merge" them; and got the solver to return us a model. Behind the scenes, SBV will fully saturate these applications and let you "pretend" you're programming in a higher-order sense, just like in STLC or Haskell. Of course, the devil is in the details and there are limitations to the approach, but modeling STLC in Haskell is a classic pastime for many people and doing it symbolically using SBV can be a fun exercise.


Abstracting over groups of assertions in Z3/SMT-LIB

Are there good mechanisms in Z3 to abstract over assertions? I want to create a “function” that takes in parameters and makes assertions about those parameters, possibly with “local variable” definitions in it.
Imagine that I have a String and I want to assert that it represents a decimal number between 13 and 24. I could write a combination of regular expression assertions about the string and combine it with a range assertion. I can do that directly, but if I have dozens of such variables I want to make the assertion about, it gets repetitive. I can use an external language API, or perhaps define a macro/function returning a boolean inside Z3 and assert that it’s true, but that feels a bit indirect. What’s idiomatic here? I want it to be just as easy for Z3 to solve as writing the assertions out by hand
You can use define-fun to define a Boolean function f such that you can (assert (f x y z ...)), where f can of course be a conjunction of multiple conditions. The define-fun will be inlined by Z3's SMT2 frontend, i.e., there should not be any runtime cost to it.
(Z3 also supports macros defined via (forall ((x ...)) (= (f x ...) ...)), but you need to explicitly apply the model-finder tactic to inline them.)

What are the pitfalls of multiplication by juxtaposition when designing a numeric programming language?

In lieu of a standard definition (happy to replace if exists), I'll define syntax for multiplication by juxtaposition using a space between symbols or expressions so that:
c = a b --> c = a * b
(Note: I'm specifically not allowing c=ab --> c = a * b as ab would be the 2-character name of a variable ab).
This ought to work nicely with parenthesis and order of operations so that
c = a (b + q) --> c = a * (b + q)
c = (a + p) (b + q) --> c = (a + p) * (b + q)
c = a/p b --> c = a/p*b
It seems that very few languages (e.g., Wolfram Alpha), allow such implied multiplication. I'm wondering why?
Is this just a pain to parse?
Are there ambiguities?
A keyword-search skim of "A practical approach to type-sensitive parsing" [Sailor & McCorsky 1994] seems to imply that this is possible.
Regarding vote to close due to "primarily opinion-based": I am not looking for opinions. I'm looking for theoretical reasons why parsing this would be more complex or impossible due to ambiguities.
It's not impossible to parse but there are a number of issues which need to be resolved.
First, x(a+b) could be a product or a function call, depending on whether x is a scalar or a function. To resolve the ambiguity, you need to know what x is, which pretty well requires mandatory declare before use. Even if your language is strongly typed and you don't mind the requirement to declare first, you still ned a somewhat clunky back-channel from the parser to the lexical scanner, or some other parsing hack. (For example, Awk -- which uses juxtaposition for string concatenation -- treats it as a function call if there is no space between the function name and the (.). You can defer the parse but you might find that you need to reparse the entire expression in order to get precedences right.
A similar ambiguity with unary operators. It's easy enough to insist that a -b is a subtraction, so that the product would be written with parentheses -- a(-b) -- but it complicates the grammar.
Precedence can be confusing for people reading the code, too. Consider n!/k!(n-k)!; if that is the correct way to write the expression, juxtaposition must have a higher precedence than division, but there are those who think that juxtaposition and product should have the same precedence. (This group includes some of the authors of the SI measurements standard, which recommends not using juxtaposition to write measurements where the expression type has a multiplied denominator.)
In short, a syntax supposedly designed for improved readability can produce confusion and even subtle bugs. That, plus the increase in parsing complexity, raises the question of how much real benefit there is in leaving out a few *s.

Emulating Prolog backtracking in F#

I am currently involved in a project to develop an application able to consider a set of nodes and connections and find the shortest path (a common and well-known issue) between two nodes (on allowed connections). Well I don't really have to build an application from zero, but just need to "convert" a Prolog pre-existing application in f#.
I thought I bit about it and finally asked myself one question: "Instead of developing a special purpose solution and implementing new algorithms specifically binded to this problem, can I create a program able to accept facts like Prolog and use them to make queries or something similar?".
By doing so I would create a set of facts (like in Prolog) and then use them to make queries.
So, considering now this new issue (converting Prolog in F#) I need to find a way to create facts like these:
myfact1(el1, el2,..., eln).
myfact2(el1, el2,..., elm).
myfactk(el1, el2,..., elp).
to something in a similar syntax like:
fact factname1: el1 el2 ... eln;
fact factname2: el1 el2 ... elm;
fact factnamek: el1 el2 ... elp;
I know that F# is very well for parsing, so I think that parsing this would probably not be a problem.
OK! Now that it is parsed, I should define an algorithm that, while parsing the code, stores all facts in some sort of knowledge (nothing more than a table). In order to make then all needed associations.
For example a solution might be a hashtable that considers all associations
factname1 -> el1
factname1 -> el2
factname1 -> eln
factname2 -> el1
factnale2 -> el2
factname2 -> elm
factname3 -> el1
factnamek -> el1
factnamek -> el2
factnamek -> elp
By doing so I will always be able to solve queries.
For example consider the following Prolog fact
mother(A, B) % This means that A is mother of B
mother(C, D)
In F# I create
fact mother: A B;
fact mother: C D;
My hashtable is:
mother -> A | B
mother -> C | D
The first col is the fact name and the second is the value (here a tuple).
If I want to search: "who is the mother of B" --> I search for mother, and look for value, I find B, I look in the tuple and discover A!
Well it seems working.
But facts are easy to implement. What about rules?
For example rule parents:
parents(A, B, C) :- mother(A, C), father (B, C)
In F# using my syntax? Well I came up with this idea:
rule parents: A, B, C => mother A C and father B C
When my parser encounters a rule, what should it do? I would like to create some sort of record in a table like I did and be able, later, to make queries in order to specify a subject and get its parents or specify a father and get all sons and so on...
What would you do?
There was a similar question about integrating Prolog-like programs into F# recently.
F# doesn't have any built-in support for performing search based on backtracking (like Prolog). You have essentially two options:
Re-implement the algorithm in F# using recursion and encoding backtracking yourself.
Implementing a Prolog interpreter and representing facts using some discriminated union.
To implement shortest path search, I would probably just implement the algorithm directly in F# (using functional programming will be quite convenient and there is no particular reason for using Prolog).
If you wanted to implement an interpreter, you'd probably use a discriminated union that allows you to rewrite your example with parents like this:
type Var = Var of string
type Expression =
| Binary of string * Expression * Expression
| Fact of string * Expression list
| Ref of Var
type Rule =
| Rule of string * Var list * Expression
/// Simplified syntax for writing And
let And(a, b) = Binary("and", a, b)
let a, b, c = Var("A"), Var("B"), Var("C")
Rule("parents", [a; b; c],
And(Fact("mother", [Ref a; Ref c]), Fact("father", [Ref b; Ref c])))
One good place to start is to look at implementing a Prolog-style unification algorithm in F#. Good pseudo-code or LISP implementations can be found in a number of general A.I. textbooks or on the web. You can work outwards from that to the backtracking and syntax. A unification algorithm should be fairly straightforward to implement in a feature-rich language like F# (though perhaps a bit arcane).
Once upon a time, I knew a guy who wrote an EDSL for Prolog in C++. He keeps meaning to do the same thing for F#, but never quite finds the time. He seems to recall the basic prolog unification & backtracking algorithm is very straightforward (an exercise in a late chapter of a popular Scheme text, perhaps?) and hopes someone will beat him to the punch, since he's on vacation. :)

Why are functions in OCaml/F# not recursive by default?

Why is it that functions in F# and OCaml (and possibly other languages) are not by default recursive?
In other words, why did the language designers decide it was a good idea to explicitly make you type rec in a declaration like:
let rec foo ... = ...
and not give the function recursive capability by default? Why the need for an explicit rec construct?
The French and British descendants of the original ML made different choices and their choices have been inherited through the decades to the modern variants. So this is just legacy but it does affect idioms in these languages.
Functions are not recursive by default in the French CAML family of languages (including OCaml). This choice makes it easy to supercede function (and variable) definitions using let in those languages because you can refer to the previous definition inside the body of a new definition. F# inherited this syntax from OCaml.
For example, superceding the function p when computing the Shannon entropy of a sequence in OCaml:
let shannon fold p =
let p x = p x *. log(p x) /. log 2.0 in
let p t x = t +. p x in
-. fold p 0.0
Note how the argument p to the higher-order shannon function is superceded by another p in the first line of the body and then another p in the second line of the body.
Conversely, the British SML branch of the ML family of languages took the other choice and SML's fun-bound functions are recursive by default. When most function definitions do not need access to previous bindings of their function name, this results in simpler code. However, superceded functions are made to use different names (f1, f2 etc.) which pollutes the scope and makes it possible to accidentally invoke the wrong "version" of a function. And there is now a discrepancy between implicitly-recursive fun-bound functions and non-recursive val-bound functions.
Haskell makes it possible to infer the dependencies between definitions by restricting them to be pure. This makes toy samples look simpler but comes at a grave cost elsewhere.
Note that the answers given by Ganesh and Eddie are red herrings. They explained why groups of functions cannot be placed inside a giant let rec ... and ... because it affects when type variables get generalized. This has nothing to do with rec being default in SML but not OCaml.
One crucial reason for the explicit use of rec is to do with Hindley-Milner type inference, which underlies all staticly typed functional programming languages (albeit changed and extended in various ways).
If you have a definition let f x = x, you'd expect it to have type 'a -> 'a and to be applicable on different 'a types at different points. But equally, if you write let g x = (x + 1) + ..., you'd expect x to be treated as an int in the rest of the body of g.
The way that Hindley-Milner inference deals with this distinction is through an explicit generalisation step. At certain points when processing your program, the type system stops and says "ok, the types of these definitions will be generalised at this point, so that when someone uses them, any free type variables in their type will be freshly instantiated, and thus won't interfere with any other uses of this definition."
It turns out that the sensible place to do this generalisation is after checking a mutually recursive set of functions. Any earlier, and you'll generalise too much, leading to situations where types could actually collide. Any later, and you'll generalise too little, making definitions that can't be used with multiple type instantiations.
So, given that the type checker needs to know about which sets of definitions are mutually recursive, what can it do? One possibility is to simply do a dependency analysis on all the definitions in a scope, and reorder them into the smallest possible groups. Haskell actually does this, but in languages like F# (and OCaml and SML) which have unrestricted side-effects, this is a bad idea because it might reorder the side-effects too. So instead it asks the user to explicitly mark which definitions are mutually recursive, and thus by extension where generalisation should occur.
There are two key reasons this is a good idea:
First, if you enable recursive definitions then you can't refer to a previous binding of a value of the same name. This is often a useful idiom when you are doing something like extending an existing module.
Second, recursive values, and especially sets of mutually recursive values, are much harder to reason about then are definitions that proceed in order, each new definition building on top of what has been already defined. It is nice when reading such code to have the guarantee that, except for definitions explicitly marked as recursive, new definitions can only refer to previous definitions.
Some guesses:
let is not only used to bind functions, but also other regular values. Most forms of values are not allowed to be recursive. Certain forms of recursive values are allowed (e.g. functions, lazy expressions, etc.), so it needs an explicit syntax to indicate this.
It might be easier to optimize non-recursive functions
The closure created when you create a recursive function needs to include an entry that points to the function itself (so the function can recursively call itself), which makes recursive closures more complicated than non-recursive closures. So it might be nice to be able to create simpler non-recursive closures when you don't need recursion
It allows you to define a function in terms of a previously-defined function or value of the same name; although I think this is bad practice
Extra safety? Makes sure that you are doing what you intended. e.g. If you don't intend it to be recursive but you accidentally used a name inside the function with the same name as the function itself, it will most likely complain (unless the name has been defined before)
The let construct is similar to the let construct in Lisp and Scheme; which are non-recursive. There is a separate letrec construct in Scheme for recursive let's
Given this:
let f x = ... and g y = ...;;
let f a = f (g a)
With this:
let rec f a = f (g a)
The former redefines f to apply the previously defined f to the result of applying g to a. The latter redefines f to loop forever applying g to a, which is usually not what you want in ML variants.
That said, it's a language designer style thing. Just go with it.
A big part of it is that it gives the programmer more control over the complexity of their local scopes. The spectrum of let, let* and let rec offer an increasing level of both power and cost. let* and let rec are in essence nested versions of the simple let, so using either one is more expensive. This grading allows you to micromanage the optimization of your program as you can choose which level of let you need for the task at hand. If you don't need recursion or the ability to refer to previous bindings, then you can fall back on a simple let to save a bit of performance.
It's similar to the graded equality predicates in Scheme. (i.e. eq?, eqv? and equal?)

F#: is it OK for developing theorem provers?

Please advise. I am a lawyer, I work in the field of Law Informatics. I have been a programmer for a long time (Basic, RPG, Fortran, Pascal, Cobol, VB.NET, C#). I am currently interested in F#, but I'd like some advise. My concern is F# seems to be fit for math applications. And what I want would require a lot of Boolean Math operations and Natural Language Processing of text and, if successful, speech. I am worried about the text processing.
I received a revolutionary PROLOG source code (revolutionary in the field of Law and in particular Dispute Resolution). The program solves disputes by evaluating Yes-No (true-false) arguments advanced by two debating parties. Now, I am learning PROLOG so I can take the program to another level: evaluate the strenght of arguments when they are neither a Yes or No, but a persuasive element in the argumentation process.
So, the program handles the dialectics aspect of argumentation, I want it to begin processing the rhetoric aspect of argumentation, or at least some aspects.
Currently the program can manage formal logic. What I want is to begin managing some aspects of informal logic and for that I would need to do parsing of strings (long strings, maybe ms word documents) for the detection of text markers, words like "but" "therefore" "however" "since" etc, etc, just a long list of words I have to look up in any speech (verbal or written) and mark, and then evaluate left side and right side of the mark. Depending on the mark the sides are deemed strong or weak.
Initially, I thought of porting the Prolog program to C# and use a Prolog library. Then, it ocurred to me maybe it could be better in pure F#.
First, the project you describe sounds (and I believe this is the correct legal term) totally freaking awesome.
Second, while F# is a good choice for math applications, its also extremely well-suited for any applications which perform a lot of symbolic processing. Its worth noting that F# is part of the ML family of languages which were originally designed for the specific purpose of developing theorem provers. It sounds like you're writing an application which appeals directly to the niche ML languages are geared for.
I would personally recommend writing any theorem proving applications you have in F# rather than C# -- only because the resulting F# code will be about 1/10th the size of the C# equivalent. I posted this sample demonstrating how to evaluate propositional logic in C# and F#, you can see the difference for yourself.
F# has many features that make this type of logic processing natural. To get a feel for what the language looks like, here is one possible way to decide which side of an argument has won, and by how much. Uses a random result for the argument, since the interesting (read "very hard to impossible") part will be parsing out the argument text and deciding how persuasive it would be to an actual human.
/// Declare a 'weight' unit-of-measure, so the compiler can do static typechecking
[<Measure>] type weight
/// Type of tokenized argument
type Argument = string
/// Type of argument reduced to side & weight
type ArgumentResult =
| Pro of float<weight>
| Con of float<weight>
| Draw
/// Convert a tokenized argument into a side & weight
/// Presently returns a random side and weight
let ParseArgument =
let rnd = System.Random()
let nextArg() = rnd.NextDouble() * 1.0<weight>
fun (line:string) ->
// The REALLY interesting code goes here!
match rnd.Next(0,3) with
| 1 -> Pro(nextArg())
| 2 -> Con(nextArg())
| _ -> Draw
/// Tally the argument scored
let Score args =
// Sum up all pro & con scores, and keep track of count for avg calculation
let totalPro, totalCon, count =
|> ParseArgument
|> Seq.fold
(fun (pros, cons, count) arg ->
match arg with
| Pro(w) -> (pros+w, cons, count+1)
| Con(w) -> (pros, cons+w, count+1)
| Draw -> (pros, cons, count+1)
(0.0<weight>, 0.0<weight>, 0)
let fcount = float(count)
let avgPro, avgCon = totalPro/fcount, totalCon/ fcoun
let diff = avgPro - avgCon
match diff with
// consider < 1% a draw
| d when abs d < 0.01<weight> -> Draw
| d when d > 0.0<weight> -> Pro(d)
| d -> Con(-d)
let testScore = ["yes"; "no"; "yes"; "no"; "no"; "YES!"; "YES!"]
|> Score
printfn "Test score = %A" testScore
Porting from prolog to F# wont be that straight forward. While they are both non-imperative languages. Prolog is a declarative language and f# is functional. I never used C# Prolog libraries but I think it will be easier then converting the whole thing to f#.
It sounds like the functional aspects of F# are appealing to you, but you wonder if it can handle the non-functional aspects. You should know that F# has the entire .NET Framework at its disposal. It also is not a purely functional language; you can write imperative code in it if you want to.
Finally, if there are still things you want to do from C#, it is possible to call F# functions from C#, and vice versa.
While F# is certainly more suitable than C# for this kind of application since there're going to be several algorithms which F# allows you to express in a very concise and elegant way, you should consider the difference between functional, OO, and logic programming. In fact, porting from F# will most likely require you to use a solver (or implement your own) and that might take you some time to get used to. Otherwise you should consider making a library with your prolog code and access it from .NET (see more about interop at this page and remember that everything you can access from C# you can also access from F#).
F# does not support logic programming as Prolog does. you might want to check out the P# compiler.
