According to description of Remaining Work field available here I set my ProcessConfiguration with "h" for hours.
Since Remaining Work is declared as double, I guess that is possible to enter in this field hours but also minutes. Is it ok to set "half an hour" with 0.5? "10 minutes" with 0,16 and so on?
Yes, you could track it like that. I think if you try to track individual times less than a quarter hour it brings on a lot of other problems though. If you have multiple people working on the same task, the out-of-box functionality is not great for tracking that. If you want to roll-up tasks time to a feature or PBI, the roll-up is not that great.
I've worked on projects that were billable to different customers and we billed in quarter-hour increments. We tracked the time for billing and used a paid extension, Timetracker. It was good at managing to the level of detail you might desire based on the wording in your question.
So I have an issue I cannot wrap my brain around. I am creating an employee vacation tracker, and I have already multiple sheets with different data, i.e. one consists of Google Form answers about when the employee wants to take time off work for holidays. Please note that I also already have data on employee availability each standard day of the workweek.
Alright, onto the problem. Let's say 'Lukas' is a part-time employee and only works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He sends in his vacation plan: he will be enjoying the seaside from 1.8. until 15.8. How on earth can I combine multiple sheets and data in such a way, to only count his holidays by his actual workdays? I can not even begin to write the formula - this is where I should note I am a beginner at Sheets.
Alright - I took a look at your mock-up sheet, I must admit it's still felt somewhat unorganized.
Due to the lack of enough dummy data and without being certain whether or not you empty/refresh the weekly availability tabs (I'd recommend you not to do so), it wasn't fully clear what you wanted.
Nonetheless, I couldn't resist, I've been working on several projects and your topic gave me some creative inspiration, so I went ahead and did a major rebuild in your mock-sheet.
Should you want to use or implement it, here's some info good to know:
The Employees tab is meant as an input field for any coming and going employees; just add any names there and they will be automatically added to the main schedule.
I mocked some more data, so the output might not be what you expected, but;
In the Holiday overview tab you can see all employees with the days they've taken, planned, and left.
In the Schedule Dashboard tab, you will find three main sections.
The working schedule based on the data from the Weekly Availability tab of which I guess you manually move over data to from the Availability Responses tab.
The Holiday schedule; this fully takes into account whether or not it overlaps with a supposed working day, or if the person was off already anyhow. Therefore; Holiday is shown when it overlaps with a scheduled working day and Day Off is shown when it doesn't. Only the Holidays are deducting the remaining holidays.
The right one I did based on my own experiences; it works like an alerting sign that whill show you if holidays are approved while still being scheduled, where I work we do this the other way around. Holiday Request > We unschedule > We approve holidays > No overlaps should exist.
I posted some comments in the sheet here and there on orange tiles.
Curious to know if this helped!
I am preparing an Operational Budget for next year for my company.
I am working with operations managers to define target at stock point level and I want to see how the monthly targets look using last year actuals distribution.
Bellow, you have a google docs link which you can use to better understand the situation.
I have trouble doing this with one of the KPIs which is %Orders Sent On Time. Since the company performs rather well, when I define a annual target of 99% and then distribute that by the months, using last year distribution, some of the months go over 100%. Do you have any methods which I can use to set a limit so that each individual month does not go over that.
Edit: I need the solution to be available on google sheets, for cooperation between teams.
try in H22:
=IF($P$22*H10/$P$15>1; 1; $P$22*H10/$P$15)
I am getting this message when I try to index using elasticsearch. I have tried both the elasticsearch-rails gem and searchkick gem. We are making creation and editing of e-courses online.
Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden: [403] {"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}
When we have a small amount of data its fine but for example if I increase this part beyond the words in the section. Its around 1200 then I get the error.
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Inhabit so perhaps of in to certain. Sex excuse chatty was seemed warmth. Nay add far few immediate sweetness earnestly dejection. Extremely we promotion remainder eagerness enjoyment an. Ham her demands removal brought minuter raising invited gay. Contented consisted continual curiosity contained get sex. Forth child dried in in aware do. You had met they song how feel lain evil near. Small she avoid six yet table china. And bed make say been then dine mrs. To household rapturous fulfilled attempted on so.Ferrars all spirits his imagine effects amongst neither. discover"}
This is our config for our initializer for searchkick:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://*"
Searchkick.aws_credentials = {
access_key_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :access_key_id),
secret_access_key: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :secret_access_key),
region: 'eu-west-2'
I can index from my dev machine using curl without signing and also I can index through kibana sitting on the instance. I can index 1000s of words. I test around 10,000
If you can shed any light on the matter I would be most grateful.
After removing the "faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4" gem and then running 'bundle clean --force'. I then added it back in and it is now indexing properly without the signing failure.
I want to retrieve number of Mondays of a particular month.
You haven't stated what you've tried and why it didn't work - which is the way SO works. Remember for next time.
In finding a solution to your problem ask yourself the following:
What is the minimum number of Mondays (or any other day) in a month? How about the maximum?
Can you determine the day of the 1st of any month using library/framework functions?
How about the number of days in any month?
Using the answers to the above could you design and implement the algorithm?
If you get stuck ask a new question, show what you've tried, where it failed, and someone will undoubtedly help you out.
I have a question about dynamic links on iOS. We use them in our applications, and it seems that their expiration time is really short (about 5 minutes).
From the appstore, its not working because the download last more than this time
From xcode build, if we open directly the app its working. If we build from xcode and then wait 5 minutes, its not working anymore
Any clue about this ? Its really bad because Branch base lifetime is about 2hours, and a 5 minutes lifetime make them kind of useless
Ok, got the answer from support. I put it here for others people
Hi Jonathan,
Yes, the 5 minutes limitation is intended. I have brought your request to the attention of the engineers, but I can't share any details or timelines at this time.
EDIT: As said Todd Kerpelman Firebase was super reactive and update the lifetime to 60 minutes. Work perfect now ! Thanks :)
Some further detail:
Yes, this 5 minute limitation was intentional as FeFe noted -- due to the way the Dynamic Links team is implementing this feature, the accuracy of dynamic links for non-installed apps tends to decrease over time, and they wanted to make sure there was good trade-off between time and accuracy.
That said, I think they went too far in the "accuracy" direction, and after some discussion, the team decided to change this limit to an hour. Note that this value isn't set in stone and might be subject to change in the future, depending on feedback from developers and users. But I think 60 minutes should be a pretty good setting for most people.