In the video Configure and link your app clips Apple shows it's possible to have your AppClip being suggested by Siri based on the user's location.
I can't find this in the docs
Is this purely based on which location other users are using this app, or is this something a developer can configure (maybe based on a geocode region)?
According to an Apple App Clips engineer I spoke to at WWDC, in order to get your App Clip published onto Apple Maps, you need to have a registered business registered with Apple. This can be done since iOS 10, via Apple Maps Connect, and registering as a small business.
The Nearby Siri suggestion is based on location data and only appears when your App Clip is associated with a place card on Apple Maps so you do not have control over this. It's definitely possible to get the user location after downloading the App Clips, as showed in the following demo but from your question I presumed you wanted to present the App Clip suggestion before downloading (isn't in the developer's control).
If you want to register an App Clip to a location, you need to wait till App Clips are fully usable and publishable on the App Store. When TestFlight and App Store Connect get support for app clips later this year, you'll be able to invoke an app clip from NFC, QR codes, Maps and more. So you would need to register your business with Apple, register your placecard in Apple Maps and then enable App Clips to get the suggestion.
There is a sample code documentation page that has Widgets and App Clip in the code:
In the link above in the App Clip code section, there is a payload that has latitude and longitude configurable. Siri should automatically suggest the App Clip based on the location you put in the latitude and longitude.
func handleUserActivity(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
guard let incomingURL = userActivity.webpageURL,
let components = NSURLComponents(url: incomingURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true),
let queryItems = components.queryItems else {
if let smoothieID = queryItems.first(where: { $ == "smoothie" })?.value {
model.selectSmoothie(id: smoothieID)
guard let payload = userActivity.appClipActivationPayload,
let latitudeValue = queryItems.first(where: { $ == "latitude" })?.value,
let longitudeValue = queryItems.first(where: { $ == "longitude" })?.value,
let latitude = Double(latitudeValue), let longitude = Double(longitudeValue) else {
let region = CLCircularRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude), radius: 100, identifier: "smoothie_location")
payload.confirmAcquired(in: region) { inRegion, error in
if let error = error {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
model.applePayAllowed = inRegion
The code snippet is from the documentation from link above.
The documentation doesn't go in specific details yet but from what you can read here:
and here
under "Review Advanced App Clip Experiences"
You should be able to associate your app clip with a physical location, which will be available in AppStore Connect and with this set, Siri suggestions should be able to pick up your App Clip based on the user location
I am developing and IOS app to integrate MusicKit to get User songs from their Music Library.
Since I am new to Swift and Native IOS development, it is quite difficult for me to understand the Apple Documentation.
I have able to get users Album, Songs, from library but It's properties are limited to
Song(id: "i.GEGNo8Xh0EMr8Ov", title: "Walk On Water (feat. Beyoncé)", artistName: "Eminem")
I need to get other properties of songs such as ISRC, genre, duration etc. What can I do to get the other properties? Below mentioned is my Swift Code for User Music.
i am following this docs:
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
let status = await MusicAuthorization.request()
switch status {
case .authorized:
let playlistRequest = MusicLibraryRequest<Song>()
var playlistResponse = try await playlistRequest.response().items[1]
}catch {
I'm trying to use WeatherKit to just get a simple weather forecast for a location.
do {
let location = CLLocation(latitude: 37.3346, longitude: -122.0087)
let weather = try await WeatherService().weather(for: location)
} catch {
When I run this on a physical device, I get an empty Weather object and the following in the console:
[WeatherDataService] Response did not contain requested dataset: .appLocationConfig. Returning default value: AppLocationConfig(reportAnIssue: ReportIssueLocationConfig(position: beforeFooter, minDaysSinceInteraction: 0), expireTime: 2022-11-27 04:31:20 +0000
Xcode is managing my provisioning profile, I've added the WeatherKit capability, and I have an active Apple Developer Program membership, so I don't think I should be having any problems accessing WeatherKit. What's going on, and how can I fix it?
I am storing information about meal timing in Apple's Health App/DB. When I review Apples Health App for meal information (top screen in the image) the source App Icon is included in the list.
When I attempt to do the same in my App (Bottom Screen in the image) it works fine for my Apps BundleID but I cannot retrieve the App Icon from the Health App supplied BundleID for an alternate source App. I am using the code shown below to try to achieve this. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, perhaps the wrong approach, perhaps missing some setup calls (like opening the Bundle before use). I have seen this used in third-party fitness/nutrition apps so there must be some way for doing this. I would appreciate any help or redirection of my effort. Thanks in advance.
func getAppIcon(_ theBundleID: String) -> UIImage {
guard let iconsDictionary = Bundle.init(identifier: theBundleID)!.infoDictionary?["CFBundleIcons"] as? NSDictionary,
let primaryIconsDictionary = iconsDictionary["CFBundlePrimaryIcon"] as? NSDictionary,
let iconFiles = primaryIconsDictionary["CFBundleIconFiles"] as? [String],
// First will be smallest for the device class, last will be the largest for device class
let firstIcon = iconFiles.first,
let icon = UIImage(named: firstIcon as String) else {
return UIImage()
return icon
So I'm building some playlist and song retrieval into my app at the moment, and I'm really confused by some of the results I'm getting back from the API. It seems to be returning songs that no longer exist on Spotify or have been long removed from a playlist.
Retrieving a list of Playlists from a user is working fine, but just in case this problem is arising from the way I draw that playlist's tracks, here is the code I use to get them:
SPTPlaylistSnapshot.playlistWithURI(uri, accessToken: session.accessToken) { (error, playlistSnapshotOb) -> Void in
if let playlistSnapshot = playlistSnapshotOb as? SPTPlaylistSnapshot {
let itemz = playlistSnapshot.firstTrackPage.items //tracksForPlayback()
for item in itemz{
let track = item as! SPTPlaylistTrack
let splice = "\(track.uri)"
let trackURI = splice.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("spotify:track:", withString: "")
var displayArtist = String()
let artistz = track.artists
if artistz.count > 1{
for i in 0...(artistz.count - 1){
let itz = artistz[i] as! SPTPartialArtist
if i > 0 {
displayArtist += ", \("
displayArtist += "\("
let singularArtist = artistz[0] as! SPTPartialArtist
displayArtist =
Additionally, below is a screenshot of the desktop Spotify app showing the real content of the playlist I am pulling:
Spotify per Desktop
You'll see that the songs "Big Bank Dank" and "Light Day Remix" are not actually on this playlist, but for some reason, on my app below, when I pull this playlist, it has these songs listed:
Spotify In My App
(Apparently I can't post an actual image because of my rep - apologies)
Any idea why it's doing this?
The tracks are probably just not available any longer for some unspecified reason. This is quite common. By default, the Spotify client does not show unavailable tracks in playlists, but in settings there is a toggle you can flip so that they are shown as greyed out instead.
I don't know about iOS SDK, but there should be either an attribute telling you the available markets for the tracks or if it is playable or not, depending on the country of the user being logged in.
This is how it works in the Web API, which should be similar.
Is there a URL Scheme by which one can open the twitter app with a given piece of media pre-selected to post along with a pre-selected message?
I know that the following exists:
and you can also designate an account:
I would like to be able to open twitter with a pre-selected image or video in the users camera roll along with a message.
Copying my answer from this question
This sorta thing used to be done using Twitter Kit However, Twitter dropped support for TwitterKit.
On October 31, 2018, we will no longer actively contribute to, or accept issues and pull requests on, the open sourced SDKs (iOS, Android, Unity) on GitHub. After this date we will also stop releasing the SDKs through Cocoapods, Carthage, and Bintray JCenter. Documentation and source code for all three SDKs on GitHub will remain available for consumption in an archived state.
Additionally, the use of Twitter kit requires that you have a Twitter application and that the user grants your Twitter application access to their account information.
I was able to solve this problem using deep-links.
Add branch SDK to your project.
Create a branch url with the url to the image you want to share and any other additional information.
Add "twitter" to your apps info.plist LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
Share that link to Twitter using the default deep links referenced in this answer. Example: twitter://post?message=\(myBranchUrl)
You can find more information on integrating Branch into your iOS project here
You can also checkout some sample code below:
let buo = BranchUniversalObject.init(canonicalIdentifier: "content/12345")
buo.title = "My Content Title"
buo.contentDescription = "My Content Description"
buo.imageUrl = ""
buo.publiclyIndex = true
buo.locallyIndex = true
buo.contentMetadata.customMetadata["key1"] = "value1"
let lp: BranchLinkProperties = BranchLinkProperties() = "facebook"
lp.feature = "sharing"
lp.campaign = "content 123 launch"
lp.stage = "new user"
lp.tags = ["one", "two", "three"]
lp.addControlParam("$desktop_url", withValue: "")
lp.addControlParam("$ios_url", withValue: "")
lp.addControlParam("$ipad_url", withValue: "")
lp.addControlParam("$android_url", withValue: "")
lp.addControlParam("$match_duration", withValue: "2000")
lp.addControlParam("custom_data", withValue: "yes")
lp.addControlParam("look_at", withValue: "this")
lp.addControlParam("nav_to", withValue: "over here")
lp.addControlParam("random", withValue: UUID.init().uuidString)
buo.getShortUrl(with: lp) { [weak self] (url, error) in
if let err = error {
// Handle Error
if let branchUrl = url, let urlScheme = URL(string: "twitter://post?message=\(branchUrl)") {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(urlScheme) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} else {
// Twitter not installed
} else {
// Url Error
This open the Twitter app and looks like this: