roslaunch franka_example_contollers joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch - ros

I get the following error while executing roslaunch franka_example_contollers joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch
RLException: [joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch] is neither a launch file in package [franka_example_contollers] nor is [franka_example_contollers] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Any solutions for this error ?


OpenCV: fatal error: openjpeg.h: No such file or directory

I'm trying to install the OpenCV on WSL2 by following the manuscript at
CMake was successfully done.But the make -j{my_core} occurs the error message
fatal error: openjpeg.h: No such file or directory
How can I solve this problem?

VSCode: Dart Project Issues/Command 'Dart: New Project' resulted in an error (Stagehand exited with code 127, No such file or directory

When I try to create a new Dart project on VSCode, I get the following error:
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks!
[error message reads:
Command 'Dart: New Project' resulted in an error (Stagehand exited with code 127. /bin/sh: /Users/redacted-name/Development/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/pub: No such file or directory )

An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'maven': Traceback (most recent call last):

When i add the command
maven_install_json = "//:maven_install.json"
and when i run
bazel run #maven//:pin or bazel run #unpinned_maven//:pin"
I'm getting the below issue
Repository maven instantiated at:
C:/users/myil.s/ideaprojects/bazeltestverification/WORKSPACE:15:14: in <toplevel>
C:/users/myil.s/_bazel_myil.s/dcwwy5pe/external/rules_jvm_external/defs.bzl:130:30: in maven_install
Repository rule pinned_coursier_fetch defined at:
C:/users/myil.s/_bazel_myil.s/dcwwy5pe/external/rules_jvm_external/coursier.bzl:983:40: in <toplevel>
DEBUG: C:/users/myil.s/_bazel_myil.s/dcwwy5pe/external/rules_jvm_external/third_party/bazel_json/lib/json_parser.bzl:672:18: JSON parsing failed. None
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'maven':
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/users/myil.s/_bazel_myil.s/dcwwy5pe/external/rules_jvm_external/coursier.bzl", line 335, column 13, in _pinned_coursier_fetch_impl
fail("Failed to parse %s. Is this file valid JSON? The file may have been corrupted." % repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.maven_insta
ll_json) +
Error in fail: Failed to parse C:/users/myil.s/ideaprojects/bazeltestverification/maven_install.json. Is this file valid JSON? The file may have been corru
pted.Consider regenerating maven_install.json with the following steps:
1. Remove the maven_install_json attribute from your `maven_install` declaration for `#maven`.
2. Regenerate `maven_install.json` by running the command: bazel run #maven//:pin 3. Add `maven_install_json = "//:maven_install.json"` into your `maven
_install` declaration.
ERROR: Error fetching repository: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/users/myil.s/_bazel_myil.s/dcwwy5pe/external/rules_jvm_external/coursier.bzl", line 335, column 13, in _pinned_coursier_fetch_impl
fail("Failed to parse %s. Is this file valid JSON? The file may have been corrupted." % repository_ctx.path(repository_ctx.attr.maven_insta
ll_json) +
Error in fail: Failed to parse C:/users/myil.s/ideaprojects/bazeltestverification/maven_install.json. Is this file valid JSON? The file may have been corru
pted.Consider regenerating maven_install.json with the following steps:
1. Remove the maven_install_json attribute from your `maven_install` declaration for `#maven`.
2. Regenerate `maven_install.json` by running the command: bazel run #maven//:pin 3. Add `maven_install_json = "//:maven_install.json"` into your `maven
_install` declaration.
ERROR: no such package '#maven//': Failed to parse C:/users/myil.s/ideaprojects/bazeltestverification/maven_install.json. Is this file valid JSON? The file
may have been corrupted.Consider regenerating maven_install.json with the following steps:
1. Remove the maven_install_json attribute from your `maven_install` declaration for `#maven`.
2. Regenerate `maven_install.json` by running the command: bazel run #maven//:pin 3. Add `maven_install_json = "//:maven_install.json"` into your `maven
_install` declaration.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.153s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)

bazel could not build anything after i delete some files in my .cache in my home directory

I tried to reinstall bazel, so i deleted all the bazel files in the .cache in my home directory.
After i reinstall bazel using the steps provided on the official website, it always returned me error when i tried to compile something.
the error message is:
ERROR:/home/user/..cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/ios_rules.bzl:164:9: name 'coverage_common' is not defined
ERROR: /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl:303:9: name 'coverage_common' is not defined
ERROR: Skipping ':all': while parsing ':all': error loading package '': in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/bazel/grpc_build_system.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/ios.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/ios_rules.bzl: Extension 'apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl' has errors
ERROR: while parsing ':all': error loading package '': in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/com_github_grpc_grpc/bazel/grpc_build_system.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/ios.bzl: in /home/user/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/99057f7f4b9c8642f84cd97e14ed25f4/external/build_bazel_rules_apple/apple/internal/testing/ios_rules.bzl: Extension 'apple/internal/testing/apple_test_bundle_support.bzl' has errors
How can i fix these errors?

Failed to copy /home/[...]/ecj.jar to /usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar due to /usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar (Permission denied)

While ant clean works fine within Liferay IDE, when trying from command line I get:
$ ant clean
Buildfile: /home/nico/myportlet/build.xml
[copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/share/ant/lib
Attempt to copy /home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/lib/ecj.jar to /usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar using NIO Channels failed due to '/usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar (Permission denied)'. Falling back to streams.
/home/nico/myportlet/build.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/portlets/build-common-portlet.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/build-common-plugin.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/build-common.xml:94: Failed to copy /home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/lib/ecj.jar to /usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar due to /usr/share/ant/lib/ecj.jar (Permission denied)
Total time: 2 seconds
How to fix that?
Just copy the file manually as root.
After you have done that, ant will be happy and execute the tasks without complaining.
Here is how to do on Linux/Mac:
sudo cp /home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/lib/ecj.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/
Or to not messing up with system libraries we could reference folder to ant like :
ant clean -lib /home/nico/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2-ee-sp14/lib
