I would like to monitor a Sawtooth network in Docker containers. I found this section "Using Grafana to Display Sawtooth Metrics" here https://sawtooth.hyperledger.org/docs/core/nightly/1-2/sysadmin_guide/grafana_configuration.html. However, there is a Note:"This procedure is for a Ubuntu environment. For a Sawtooth network in Docker containers, there are additional steps to change the configuration of the validator and REST API containers. This guide does not describe these steps". I cannot find anywhere a guide about monitoring a Sawtooth network in Docker containers and what are the additional steps which are referred. Does anybody know any guidance about this? Or any idea what are maybe the additional steps?
Perhaps, this question is answered in other forums. Here is the discussion that you are interested in https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/sawtooth/topic/32607015. Please let us know if you would to know more on anything in particular.
I used the zabbix official docker-compose yaml to set up a set of zabbix system and I found the server as a monitoring target was not available. I searched the Internet and found there are people also encountered such problem.Someone said the agent container's IP or DNS name should be used as the server's. I tried and found it works. But I'm confused by the agent. Does it monitor the server container,the agent container or the host machine? If it only monitors the agent container itself,what's the purpose of it?
Does it monitor the server container,the agent container or the host machine?
Agent container.
If it only monitors the agent container itself,what's the purpose of it?
For testing. And for monitoring external stuff, with custom commands. Or you can connect stuff from host and monitor it, so just in all the cases you do not want or can't install agent on the host.
Everybody who configures a Dockerized Zabbix installation like yourself bumps into to this issue- and of course find themselves on StackExchange looking for the answers that should have been in the documentation.
The reason that the Zabbix Agent in the docker-compose install you're referring to can't initially connect is that both it and server it monitors both run in isolated containers. Separate containers cannot talk to each other on (localhost) addresses. And that is actually a good thing!
I've reviewed the documentation in the repo you're talking about and it's sparse to say the least; it certainly could be better. But to be fair to Zabbix, their docker-compose install DOES work great when you get it running and can achieve pretty fair results quickly with little effort (and a bit of Googling ;-> ).
I actually found FURTHER pain connecting to containerized Zabbix Agents raised on different hosts outside of the docker-compose install you're referring to. Connectivity was being busted because the host the docker-compose install was raised on was NAT'ing out the traffic and presenting the wrong IP address. I've documented this issue HERE.
Dockerized Zabbix is a good thing; there is a purpose to it. I agree with you though that the documentation could be better though. Stick with it!
I currently have six docker containers that were triggered by a docker-compose file. Now I wish to move some of them to a remote machine and enable remote communication between them.
The problem now is that I also need to add a layer of security by encrypting their traffic.
This should be for a production website and needs to be very stable so I am unsure about which protocols/approaches could be better for this scenario.
I have used port forwarding using ssh and know that could also apply some stability through autossh. But I am unsure if there are other approaches that could help achieve the same idea by also taking into account stability and performance.
What protocols/approaches could help on this aim? How do they differ?
I would not recommend manually configuring docker container connections across physical servers because docker already contains a solution for that called Docker Swarm. Follow this documentation to configure your containers to use a docker swarm. I've done it and it's very cool!
This may be the stupid question.
Does Hyperledger Fabric require Docker for its operations.
I'm just wondering that Docker is needed only if we need to run Fabric peer, orderer or couchDB as virtual machine in the same physical machine. I think Docker might not be necessary if we install those sofwares (peer, order, couchDB, etc) natively on the separate and same server.
Thank you.
Just so this point does not go unnoticed, while you do not need to run the peer in a Docker container, endorsing peers (the ones which run chaincode) need access to a Docker daemon (ideally on the same host). Chaincode is currently only deployed via Docker containers.
The question as to whether Docker is required to run a peer, orderer, fabric-ca, etc. depends on what effort you are willing to expend.
The Hyperledger Fabric community publishes stable, tested Docker images for X86, PowerPC and s390 (mainframe) architectures for each of its releases. These images are based on Ubuntu.
To use the Hyperledger Fabric published release images, you need Docker and some form of orchestration support. For sample use cases, we provide some simple Docker Compose definitions. Hyperledger Cello and other provisioning platforms such as the IBM sandbox, provide kubernetes helm charts.
It is possible to build the binaries outside of their Docker images without modification of the source. However, if you wish to build for an alternative OS (e.g. Windows, RHEL or CENTOS, etc) then you will need to modify the build process. However, it can and has been done. Suggest you reach out to the hyperledger-fabric#lists.hyperledger.org mailing list to see if any in the community that have built for alternative deployment will share their work.
Starting HLF 2.0 things have changed. According to documentation, chaincode can be in 'external containers' also.
Yes, it is the second heading on the prerequisites page at http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/prereqs.html
Docker and Docker Compose
I have one weird thing to configure is that Can I have docker daemon per user on Host? I want to isolate the process where individual user can have his own docker daemon where the user can run his own services/images/containers and test it. Basically I need this for testing environment where each user shall have his own set of services.
I could see that there is something called docker bridge but I am not sure If I can extend it. Can someone please suggest me somethings.
Edit 1 : Can I use docker-machine for the same? but I am not finding the way to configure it.
I could achieve this with my own Solution. Basically this is easily achievable with custom docker daemon configurations.
This link has all the details. Dockerd
And this talks on securing the tcp socket between client and engine secure docker connection
However running multiple daemons is still a experimental features since global configurations such as Iptables are part of it. For my case I do not need it hence disabled those.
Note : This is adaptable for my use case. If you are with similar scenario and with extra configurations I recommend you to read the Docker Documentation and also a Stackoverflow question if it does not satisfy the thirst.
Our team decided to switch to Prometheus monitoring. So I wonder how to setup highly available fault tolerant Prometheus installation.
We have a bunch of small projects, running on AWS ECS, almost all services are containerized. So I have some questions.
Should we containerize the Prometheus?
That means to run 2 EC2 instances with one Prometheus container per instance and one NodeExporter per instance. And run highly available Alert Manager in the container with Wave Mesh per instance in separate instances.
Or just install Prometheus binary and other stuff on EC2 and forget about containerizing them?
Any ideas? Are some best practices exist for highly available Prometheus setup?
Don't run node_exporter inside of a container as you'll greatly limit the number of metrics exposed.
There is also a HA guide in relation to Prometheus setups that may be of use to you.
Also this question would be better suited to the Prometheus user mailing list
Running Prometheus inside a container works if you configure some additional options, especially for the node_exporter. The challenges of this approach relate to the fact that node_exporter gathers metrics from what it sees as the local machine - a container in this case - and we want it to gather metrics from the host instead. Prometheus offers options to override the filesystem mount points from which this data is gathered.
See "Step 2" in https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-prometheus-using-docker-on-ubuntu-14-04 for detailed instructions.