How to render a SceneKit shader at a lower resolution? - ios

I'm adding some visual elements to my app with SceneKit shader modifiers like this:
// A SceneKit scene with orthographic projection
let shaderBundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)
let shaderUrl = shaderBundle.url(forResource: "MyShader.frag", withExtension: nil)!
let shaderString = try! String(contentsOf: shaderUrl)
let plane = SCNPlane(width: 512, height: 512) // 1024x1024 pixels on devices with x2 screen resolution
plane.firstMaterial!.shaderModifiers = [SCNShaderModifierEntryPoint.fragment: shaderString]
let planeNode = SCNNode(geometry: plane)
The problem is slow performance because SceneKit is painstakingly rendering every single pixel of the plane that's screening the shader. How do I decrease the resolution of the shader keeping the plain's size unchanged?
I've already tried making plane smaller and using an enlarging scale transformation on planeNode but fruitless, the rendition of the shader remained as highly detailed as before.
Using plane.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contentsTransform didn't help either (or maybe I was doing it wrong).
I know I could make the global SCNView smaller and then apply an affine scale transform if that shader was the only node in the scene but it's not, there are other nodes (that aren't shaders) in the same scene and I'd prefer to avoid altering their appearance in any way.

Seems like I managed to solve it using a sort of "render to texture" approach by nesting a SceneKit scene inside a SpriteKit scene being displayed by the top level SceneKit scene.
Going into more detail, the following subclass of SCNNode is placing a downscaled shader plane within a SpriteKit's SK3DNode, then taking that SK3DNode and putting it inside a SpriteKit scene as a SceneKit's SKScene, and then using that SKScene as the diffuse contents of an upscaled plane put inside the top level SceneKit scene.
Strangely, for keeping the native resolution I need to use scaleFactor*2, so for halving the rendering resolution (normally scale factor 0.5) I actually need to use scaleFactor = 1.
If anyone happens to know the reason for this strange behavior or a workaround for it, please let me know in a comment.
import Foundation
import SceneKit
import SpriteKit
class ScaledResolutionFragmentShaderModifierPlaneNode: SCNNode {
private static let nestedSCNSceneFrustumLength: CGFloat = 8
// For shader parameter input
let shaderPlaneMaterial: SCNMaterial
// shaderModifier: the shader
// planeSize: the size of the shader on the screen
// scaleFactor: the scale to be used for the shader's rendering resolution; the lower, the faster
init(shaderModifier: String, planeSize: CGSize, scaleFactor: CGFloat) {
let scaledSize = CGSize(width: planeSize.width*scaleFactor, height: planeSize.height*scaleFactor)
// Nested SceneKit scene with orthographic projection
let nestedSCNScene = SCNScene()
let camera = SCNCamera()
camera.zFar = Double(Self.nestedSCNSceneFrustumLength)
camera.usesOrthographicProjection = true
camera.orthographicScale = Double(scaledSize.height/2)
let cameraNode = SCNNode() = camera
cameraNode.simdPosition = simd_float3(x: 0, y: 0, z: Float(Self.nestedSCNSceneFrustumLength/2))
let shaderPlane = SCNPlane(width: scaledSize.width, height: scaledSize.height)
shaderPlaneMaterial = shaderPlane.firstMaterial!
shaderPlaneMaterial.shaderModifiers = [SCNShaderModifierEntryPoint.fragment: shaderModifier]
let shaderPlaneNode = SCNNode(geometry: shaderPlane)
// Intermediary SpriteKit scene
let nestedSCNSceneSKNode = SK3DNode(viewportSize: scaledSize)
nestedSCNSceneSKNode.scnScene = nestedSCNScene
nestedSCNSceneSKNode.position = CGPoint(x: scaledSize.width/2, y: scaledSize.height/2)
nestedSCNSceneSKNode.isPlaying = true
let intermediarySKScene = SKScene(size: scaledSize)
intermediarySKScene.backgroundColor = .clear
let intermediarySKScenePlane = SCNPlane(width: scaledSize.width, height: scaledSize.height)
intermediarySKScenePlane.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = intermediarySKScene
let intermediarySKScenePlaneNode = SCNNode(geometry: intermediarySKScenePlane)
let invScaleFactor = 1/Float(scaleFactor)
intermediarySKScenePlaneNode.simdScale = simd_float3(x: invScaleFactor, y: invScaleFactor, z: 1)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {

In general, without a fairly new GPU feature called variable rasterization rate in Metal or variable rate shading elsewhere, you can’t make one object in a scene run its fragment shader at a different resolution than the rest of the scene.
For this case, depending on what your setup is, you might be able to use SCNTechnique to render the plane in a separate pass at a different resolution, then composite that back into your scene, in the same way some game engines render particles at a lower resolution to save on fill rate. Here’s an example.
First, you’ll need a Metal file in your project (if you already have one, just add to it), containing the following:
#include <SceneKit/scn_metal>
struct QuadVertexIn {
float3 position [[ attribute(SCNVertexSemanticPosition) ]];
float2 uv [[ attribute(SCNVertexSemanticTexcoord0) ]];
struct QuadVertexOut {
float4 position [[ position ]];
float2 uv;
vertex QuadVertexOut quadVertex(QuadVertexIn v [[ stage_in ]]) {
QuadVertexOut o;
o.position = float4(v.position.x, -v.position.y, 1, 1);
o.uv = v.uv;
return o;
constexpr sampler compositingSampler(coord::normalized, address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear);
fragment half4 compositeFragment(QuadVertexOut v [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<half, access::sample> compositeInput [[ texture(0) ]]) {
return compositeInput.sample(compositingSampler, v.uv);
Then, in your SceneKit code, you can set up and apply the technique like this:
let technique = SCNTechnique(dictionary: [
"passes": ["drawLowResStuff":
["draw": "DRAW_SCENE",
// only draw nodes that are in this category
"includeCategoryMask": 2,
"colorStates": ["clear": true, "clearColor": "0.0"],
"outputs": ["color": "lowResStuff"]],
["draw": "DRAW_SCENE",
// don’t draw nodes that are in the low-res-stuff category
"excludeCategoryMask": 2,
"colorStates": ["clear": true, "clearColor": "sceneBackground"],
"outputs": ["color": "COLOR"]],
["draw": "DRAW_QUAD",
"metalVertexShader": "quadVertex",
"metalFragmentShader": "compositeFragment",
// don’t clear what’s currently there (the rest of the scene)
"colorStates": ["clear": false],
// use alpha blending
"blendStates": ["enable": true, "colorSrc": "srcAlpha", "colorDst": "oneMinusSrcAlpha"],
// supply the lowResStuff render target to the fragment shader
"inputs": ["compositeInput": "lowResStuff"],
// draw into the main color render target
"outputs": ["color": "COLOR"]]
"sequence": ["drawLowResStuff", "drawScene", "composite"],
"targets": ["lowResStuff": ["type": "color", "scaleFactor": 0.5]]
// mark the plane node as belonging to the category of stuff that gets drawn in the low-res pass
myPlaneNode.categoryBitMask = 2
// apply the technique to the scene view
mySceneView.technique = technique
With a test scene consisting of two spheres with the same texture, and the scaleFactor set to 0.25 instead of 0.5 to exaggerate the effect, the result looks like this.
If you’d prefer sharp pixelation instead of the blurrier resizing depicted above, change filter::linear to filter::nearest in the Metal code. Also, note that the low-res content being composited in is not taking into account the depth buffer, so if your plane is supposed to appear “behind” other objects then you’ll have to do some more work in the compositing function to fix that.


3D viewer for iOS using MetalKit and Swift - Depth doesn’t work

I’m using Metal with Swift to build a 3D viewer for iOS and I have some issues to make the depth working. From now, I can draw and render a single shape correctly in 3D (like a simple square plane (4 triangles (2 for each face)) or a tetrahedron (4 triangles)).
However, when I try to draw 2 shapes together, the depth between these two shapes doesn’t work. For example, a plane is placed at Z axes = 0 behind a tetra which is placed at Z > 0. If I look a this scene from the back (camera placed somewhere at Z < 0), it’s ok. But when I look at this scene from the front (camera placed somewhere at Z > 0), it doesn’t work. The plane is drawn before the tetra even if it is placed behind the tetra.
I think that the plane is always drawn on the screen before the tetra (no matter the position of the camera) because the call of drawPrimitives for the plane is done before the call for the tetra. However, I was thinking that all the depth and stencil settings will deal with that properly.
I don’t know if the depth isn’t working because depth texture, stencil state and so on are not correctly set or because each shape is drawn in a different call of drawPrimitives.
In other words, do I have to draw all shapes in the same call of drawPrimitives to make the depth working ? The idea of this multiple call to drawPrimitives is to deal with different kinds of primitive type for each shape (triangle or line or …).
This is how I set the depth stencil state and the depth texture and the render pipeline :
init() {
// some miscellaneous initialisation …
// …
// all MTL stuff :
commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()
// Stencil descriptor
let depthStencilDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor()
depthStencilDescriptor.depthCompareFunction = .less
depthStencilDescriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = true
depthStencilState = device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: depthStencilDescriptor)!
// Library and pipeline descriptor & state
let library = try! device.makeLibrary(source: shaders, options: nil)
// Our vertex function name
let vertexFunction = library.makeFunction(name: "basic_vertex_function")
// Our fragment function name
let fragmentFunction = library.makeFunction(name: "basic_fragment_function")
// Create basic descriptor
let renderPipelineDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
// Attach the pixel format that si the same as the MetalView
renderPipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm
renderPipelineDescriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = .depth32Float_stencil8
renderPipelineDescriptor.stencilAttachmentPixelFormat = .depth32Float_stencil8
//renderPipelineDescriptor.stencilAttachmentPixelFormat = .stencil8
// Attach the shader functions
renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexFunction
renderPipelineDescriptor.fragmentFunction = fragmentFunction
// Try to update the state of the renderPipeline
do {
renderPipelineState = try device.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: renderPipelineDescriptor)
} catch {
// Depth Texture
let desc = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptor(pixelFormat: .stencil8, width: 576, height: 723, mipmapped: false)
desc.storageMode = .private
desc.usage = .pixelFormatView
depthTexture = device.makeTexture(descriptor: desc)!
// Uniforms buffer
modelMatrix = Matrix4()
uniformBuffer = device.makeBuffer( length: MemoryLayout<Float>.stride*16*2, options: [])
let bufferPointer = uniformBuffer.contents()
memcpy(bufferPointer, &modelMatrix.matrix.m, MemoryLayout<Float>.stride * 16)
memcpy(bufferPointer + MemoryLayout<Float>.stride * 16, &projectionMatrix.matrix.m, MemoryLayout<Float>.stride * 16)
And the draw function :
function draw(in view: MTKView) {
// create render pass descriptor
guard let drawable = view.currentDrawable,
let renderPassDescriptor = view.currentRenderPassDescriptor else {
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.texture = depthTexture
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.clearDepth = 1.0
//renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.loadAction = .load
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.loadAction = .clear
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.storeAction = .store
// Create a buffer from the commandQueue
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()
let commandEncoder = commandBuffer?.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: renderPassDescriptor)
// Draw all obj in objects
// objects = array of Object; each object describing vertices and primitive type of a shape
// objects[0] = Plane, objects[1] = Tetra
for obj in objects {
createVertexBuffers(device: view.device!, vertices: obj.vertices)
commandEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0)
commandEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(uniformBuffer, offset: 0, index: 1)
commandEncoder?.drawPrimitives(type: obj.primitive, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: obj.vertices.count)
Does anyone has an idea of what is wrong or missing ?
Any advice is welcome !
Edited 09/23/2022: Code updated
Few things of the top of my head:
let desc = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptor(pixelFormat: .depth32Float_stencil8, width: 576, height: 723, mipmapped: false)
renderPipelineDescriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = .depth32Float_stencil8
Notice the pixeFormat should be same in both places, and since you seem to be using stencil test as well so depth32Float_stencil8 will be perfect.
Now another thing you seem to be missing is, clearing depth texture before every render pass, am I right?
So, you should set load action of depth attachment to .clear, like this:
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.loadAction = .clear
Fourth (Subjective to your usecase)*
If none of the above works, you might need to discard framents with alpha = 0 in your fragment function by calling discard_fragment() when color you are returning has alpha 0
Also note for future:
Ideally you want depth texture to be fresh and empty when every new frame starts getting rendered (first draw call of a render pass) and then reuse it for subsequent draw calls in same render pass by setting load action .load and store action .store.
ex: Assuming you have 3 draw calls, say drawing polygons wiz triangle, rectangle, sphere in one frame, then your depth attachment setup should be like this:
Frame 1 Starts:
First Draw: triangle
loadAction: Clear
storeAction: Store
Second Draw: rectangle
loadAction: load
storeAction: Store
Third Draw: sphere
loadAction: load
storeAction: store/dontcare
Frame 2 Starts: Notice you clear depth buffer for 1st draw call of new frame
First Draw: triangle
loadAction: Clear
storeAction: Store
Second Draw: rectangle
loadAction: load
storeAction: Store
Third Draw: sphere
loadAction: load
storeAction: store/dontcare
Your depth texture pixel format is not correct, try to change its pixel format to: MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float or MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8.

How to scale and position a SCNNode that has a SCNSkinner attached?

Using SceneKit, I'm loading a very simple .dae file consisting of a large cylinder with three associated bones. I want to scale the cylinder down and position it on the ground. Here's the code
public class MyNode: SCNNode {
public convenience init() {
let scene = SCNScene(named: "test.dae")
let cylinder = (scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Cylinder", recursively: true))!
let scale: Float = 0.1
cylinder.scale = SCNVector3Make(scale, scale, scale)
cylinder.position = SCNVector3(0, scale, 0)
This doesn't work; the cylinder is still huge when I view it. The only way I can get the code to work is to remove associated SCNSKinner.
cylinder.skinner = nil
Why does this happen and how can I properly scale and position the model, bones and all?
when a geometry is skinned it is driven by its skeleton. Which means that the transform of the skinned node is no longer used, it's the transforms of the bones that are important.
For this file Armature is the root of the skeleton. If you translate/scale this node instead of Cylinder you'll get what you want.

Rendering MTLTexture on MTKView is not keeping aspect ratio

I have a texture that's 1080x1920 pixels. And I'm trying to render it on a MTKView that isn't the same aspect ratio. (i.e iPad/iPhone X full screen).
This is how I'm rendering the texture for the MTKView:
private func render(_ texture: MTLTexture, withCommandBuffer commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer, device: MTLDevice) {
guard let currentRenderPassDescriptor = metalView?.currentRenderPassDescriptor,
let currentDrawable = metalView?.currentDrawable,
let renderPipelineState = renderPipelineState,
let encoder = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: currentRenderPassDescriptor) else {
encoder.setFragmentTexture(texture, index: 0)
encoder.drawPrimitives(type: .triangleStrip, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: 4, instanceCount: 1)
// Called after the command buffer is scheduled
commandBuffer.addScheduledHandler { [weak self] _ in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
strongSelf.didRender(texture: texture)
I want the texture to be rendered like .scaleAspectFill on a UIView and I'm trying to learn Metal so I'm not sure where I should be looking for this (the .metal file, the pipeline, the view itself, the encoder, etc.)
Edit: Here is the shader code:
#include <metal_stdlib> using namespace metal;
typedef struct {
float4 renderedCoordinate [[position]];
float2 textureCoordinate; } TextureMappingVertex;
vertex TextureMappingVertex mapTexture(unsigned int vertex_id [[ vertex_id ]]) {
float4x4 renderedCoordinates = float4x4(float4( -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
float4( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
float4( -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
float4( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ));
float4x2 textureCoordinates = float4x2(float2( 0.0, 1.0 ),
float2( 1.0, 1.0 ),
float2( 0.0, 0.0 ),
float2( 1.0, 0.0 ));
TextureMappingVertex outVertex;
outVertex.renderedCoordinate = renderedCoordinates[vertex_id];
outVertex.textureCoordinate = textureCoordinates[vertex_id];
return outVertex; }
fragment half4 displayTexture(TextureMappingVertex mappingVertex [[ stage_in ]],texture2d<float, access::sample> texture [[ texture(0) ]]) {
constexpr sampler s(address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear);
return half4(texture.sample(s, mappingVertex.textureCoordinate));
A few general things to start with when dealing with Metal textures or Metal in general:
You should take into account the difference between points and pixels, refer to the documentation here. The frame property of a UIView subclass (as MTKView is one) always gives you the width and the height of the view in points.
The mapping from points to actual pixels is controlled through the contentScaleFactor option. The MTKView automatically selects a texture with a fitting aspect ratio that matches the actual pixels of your device. For example, the underlying texture of a MTKView on the iPhone X would have a resolution of 2436 x 1125 (the actual display size in pixels). This is documented here: "The MTKView class automatically supports native screen scale. By default, the size of the view’s current drawable is always guaranteed to match the size of the view itself."
As documented here, the .scaleAspectFill option "scale[s] the content to fill the size of the view. Some portion of the content may be clipped to fill the view’s bounds". You want to simulate this behavior.
Rendering with Metal is nothing more than "drawing" to the resolve texture, which is automatically set by the MTKView. However, you still have full control and could do it on your own by manually creating textures and setting them in your renderPassDescriptor. But you don't need to care about this right now. The single thing you should care about is what, where and which part of the 1080x1920 pixels texture in your resolve texture you want to render in your resolve texture (which might have a different aspect ratio). We want to fully fill ("scaleAspectFill") the resolve texture, so we leave the renderedCoordinates in your fragment shader as they are. The are defining a rectangle over the whole resolve texture, which means the fragment shader is called for every single pixel in the resolve texture. Following, we will simply change the texture coordinates.
Let's define the aspect ratio as ratio = width / height, the resolve texture as r_tex and the texture you want to render as tex.
So assuming your resolve texture does not have the same aspect ratio, there are two possible scenarios:
The aspect ratio of your texture that you want to render is larger than the aspect ratio of your resolve texture (the texture Metal renders to), that means the texture you want to render has a larger width than the resolve texture. In this case we leave the y values of the coordinate as they are. The x values of texture coordinates will be changed:
x_left = 0 + ((tex.width - r_tex.width) / 2.0)
x_right = tex_width - ((tex.width - r_tex_width) / 2.0)
These values must be normalized because the texture samples needs coordinates in the range from 0 to 1:
x_left = x_left / tex.width
x_right = x_right / tex.width
We have our new texture coordinates:
topLeft = float2(x_left,0)
topRight = float2(x_right,0)
bottomLeft = float2(x_left,1)
bottomRight = float2(x_right,1)
This will have the effect that nothing of the top or the bottom of your texture will be cut off, but some outer parts at the left and right side will be clipped, i.e. not visible.
The aspect ratio of your texture that you want to render is smaller than the aspect ratio of your resolve texture. The procedure is the same as with first scenario, but this time we will change the y coordinates
This should render your texture so that the resolve texture is completely filled and the aspect ratio of your texture is maintained on the x-axis. Maintaining the y-axis will work similarly. Additionally you have to check which side of the texture is larger/smaller and incorporate this in your calculation. This will clip parts of your texture as it would be when using scaleAspectFill. Be aware that the above solution is untested. But I hope it is helpful. Be sure to visit Metal Best Practices documentation from time to time, it's very helpful to get the basic concepts right. Have fun with Metal!
So your vertex shader pretty directly dictates that the source texture be stretched to the dimensions of the viewport. You are rendering a quad that fills the viewport, because its coordinates are at the extremes ([-1, 1]) of the Normalized Device Coordinate system in the horizontal and vertical directions.
And you are mapping the source texture corner-to-corner over that same range. That's because you specify the extremes of texture coordinate space ([0, 1]) for the texture coordinates.
There are various approaches to achieve what you want. You could pass the vertex coordinates in to the shader via a buffer, instead of hard-coding them. That way, you can compute the appropriate values in app code. You'd compute the desired destination coordinates in the render target, expressed in NDC. So, conceptually, something like left_ndc = (left_pixel / target_width) * 2 - 1, etc.
Alternatively, and probably easier, you can leave the shader as-is and change the viewport for the draw operation to target only the appropriate portion of the render target.

How do you play a video with alpha channel using AVFoundation?

I have an AR application which uses SceneKit, and imports a video on to scene using AVPlayer and thereby adding it as a child node of an SKVideo node.
The video is visible as it is supposed to, but the transparency in the video is not achieved.
Code as follows:
let spriteKitScene = SKScene(size: CGSize(width: self.sceneView.frame.width, height: self.sceneView.frame.height))
spriteKitScene.scaleMode = .aspectFit
guard let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Triple_Tap_1", withExtension: "mp4") else {
let videoPlayer = AVPlayer(url: fileURL)
videoPlayer.actionAtItemEnd = .none
let videoSpriteKitNode = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer)
videoSpriteKitNode.position = CGPoint(x: spriteKitScene.size.width / 2.0, y: spriteKitScene.size.height / 2.0)
videoSpriteKitNode.size = spriteKitScene.size
videoSpriteKitNode.yScale = -1.0
spriteKitScene.backgroundColor = .clear
let background = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(2), height: CGFloat(2))
background.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = spriteKitScene
let backgroundNode = SCNNode(geometry: background)
backgroundNode.position = position
backgroundNode.constraints = [SCNBillboardConstraint()]
backgroundNode.rotation.z = 0
// Create a transform with a translation of 0.2 meters in front of the camera.
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -0.2
let transform = simd_mul((self.session.currentFrame?.camera.transform)!, translation)
// Add a new anchor to the session.
let anchor = ARAnchor(transform: transform)
self.sceneView.session.add(anchor: anchor)
What could be the best way to implement the transparency of the Triple_Tap_1 video in this case.
I have gone through some stack overflow questions on this topic, and found the only solution to be a KittyBoom repository that was created somewhere in 2013, using Objective C.
I'm hoping that the community can reveal a better solution for this problem. GPUImage library is not something I could get to work.
I've came up with two ways of making this possible. Both utilize surface shader modifiers. Detailed information on shader modifiers can be found in Apple Developer Documentation.
Here's an example project I've created.
1. Masking
You would need to create another video that represents a transparency mask. In that video black = fully opaque, white = fully transparent (or any other way you would like to represent transparency, you would just need to tinker the surface shader).
Create a SKScene with this video just like you do in the code you provided and put it into material.transparent.contents (the same material that you put diffuse video contents into)
let spriteKitOpaqueScene = SKScene(...)
let spriteKitMaskScene = SKScene(...)
... // creating SKVideoNodes and AVPlayers for each video etc
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = spriteKitOpaqueScene
material.transparent.contents = spriteKitMaskScene
let background = SCNPlane(...)
background.materials = [material]
Add a surface shader modifier to the material. It is going to "convert" black color from the mask video (well, actually red color, since we only need one color component) into alpha.
let surfaceShader = "_surface.transparent.a = 1 - _surface.transparent.r;"
material.shaderModifiers = [ .surface: surfaceShader ]
That's it! Now the white color on the masking video is going to be transparent on the plane.
However you would have to take extra care of syncronizing these two videos since AVPlayers will probably get out of sync. Sadly I didn't have time to address that in my example project (yet, I will get back to it when I have time). Look into this question for a possible solution.
No artifacts (if syncronized)
Requires two videos instead of one
Requires synchronisation of the AVPlayers
2. Chroma keying
You would need a video that has a vibrant color as a background that would represent parts that should be transparent. Usually green or magenta are used.
Create a SKScene for this video like you normally would and put it into material.diffuse.contents.
Add a chroma key surface shader modifier which will cut out the color of your choice and make these areas transparent. I've lent this shader from GPUImage and I don't really know how it actually works. But it seems to be explained in this answer.
let surfaceShader =
uniform vec3 c_colorToReplace = vec3(0, 1, 0);
uniform float c_thresholdSensitivity = 0.05;
uniform float c_smoothing = 0.0;
#pragma transparent
#pragma body
vec3 textureColor = _surface.diffuse.rgb;
float maskY = 0.2989 * c_colorToReplace.r + 0.5866 * c_colorToReplace.g + 0.1145 * c_colorToReplace.b;
float maskCr = 0.7132 * (c_colorToReplace.r - maskY);
float maskCb = 0.5647 * (c_colorToReplace.b - maskY);
float Y = 0.2989 * textureColor.r + 0.5866 * textureColor.g + 0.1145 * textureColor.b;
float Cr = 0.7132 * (textureColor.r - Y);
float Cb = 0.5647 * (textureColor.b - Y);
float blendValue = smoothstep(c_thresholdSensitivity, c_thresholdSensitivity + c_smoothing, distance(vec2(Cr, Cb), vec2(maskCr, maskCb)));
float a = blendValue;
_surface.transparent.a = a;
shaderModifiers = [ .surface: surfaceShader ]
To set uniforms use setValue(:forKey:) method.
let vector = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0) // represents float RGB components
setValue(vector, forKey: "c_colorToReplace")
setValue(0.3 as Float, forKey: "c_smoothing")
setValue(0.1 as Float, forKey: "c_thresholdSensitivity")
The as Float part is important, otherwise Swift is going to cast the value as Double and shader will not be able to use it.
But to get a precise masking from this you would have to really tinker with the c_smoothing and c_thresholdSensitivity uniforms. In my example project I ended up having a little green rim around the shape, but maybe I just didn't use the right values.
only one video required
simple setup
possible artifacts (green rim around the border)

Add shape to sphere surface in SceneKit

I'd like to be able to add shapes to the surface of a sphere using SceneKit. I started with a simple example where I'm just trying to color a portion of the sphere's surface another color. I'd like this to be an object that can be tapped, selected, etc... so my thought was to add shapes as SCNNodes using custom SCNShape objects for the geometry.
What I have now is a blue square that I'm drawing from a series of points and adding to the scene containing a red sphere. It basically ends up tangent to a point on the sphere, but the real goal is to draw it on the surface. Is there anything in SceneKit that will allow me to do this? Do I need to do some math/geometry to make it the same shape as the sphere or map to a sphere's coordinates? Is what I'm trying to do outside the scope of SceneKit?
If this question is way too broad I'd be glad if anyone could point me towards books or resources to learn what I'm missing. I'm totally new to SceneKit and 3D in general, just having fun playing around with some ideas.
Here's some playground code for what I have now:
import UIKit
import SceneKit
import XCPlayground
class SceneViewController: UIViewController {
let sceneView = SCNView()
private lazy var sphere: SCNSphere = {
let sphere = SCNSphere(radius: 100.0)
sphere.materials = [self.surfaceMaterial]
return sphere
private lazy var testScene: SCNScene = {
let scene = SCNScene()
let sphereNode: SCNNode = SCNNode(geometry: self.sphere)
return scene
private lazy var surfaceMaterial: SCNMaterial = {
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = UIColor.redColor()
material.specular.contents = UIColor(white: 0.6, alpha: 1.0)
material.shininess = 0.3
return material
private lazy var blueChildNode: SCNNode = {
let node: SCNNode = SCNNode(geometry: self.blueGeometry)
node.position = SCNVector3(0, 0, 100)
return node
private lazy var blueGeometry: SCNShape = {
let points: [CGPoint] = [
CGPointMake(0, 0),
CGPointMake(50, 0),
CGPointMake(50, 50),
CGPointMake(0, 50),
CGPointMake(0, 0)]
var pathRef: CGMutablePathRef = CGPathCreateMutable()
CGPathAddLines(pathRef, nil, points, points.count)
let bezierPath: UIBezierPath = UIBezierPath(CGPath: pathRef)
let shape = SCNShape(path: bezierPath, extrusionDepth: 1)
shape.materials = [self.blueNodeMaterial]
return shape
private lazy var blueNodeMaterial: SCNMaterial = {
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = UIColor.blueColor()
return material
override func viewDidLoad() {
sceneView.frame = self.view.bounds
sceneView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
sceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true
sceneView.allowsCameraControl = true
sceneView.scene = testScene
XCPShowView("SceneKit", view: SceneViewController().view)
If you want to map 2D content into the surface of a 3D SceneKit object, and have the 2D content be dynamic/interactive, one of the easiest solutions is to use SpriteKit for the 2D content. You can set your sphere's diffuse contents to an SKScene, and create/position/decorate SpriteKit nodes in that scene to arrange them on the face of the sphere.
If you want to have this content respond to tap events... Using hitTest in your SceneKit view gets you a SCNHitTestResult, and from that you can get texture coordinates for the hit point on the sphere. From texture coordinates you can convert to SKScene coordinates and spawn nodes, run actions, or whatever.
For further details, your best bet is probably Apple's SceneKitReel sample code project. This is the demo that introduced SceneKit for iOS at WWDC14. There's a "slide" in that demo where paint globs fly from the camera at a spinning torus and leave paint splashes where they hit it — the torus has a SpriteKit scene as its material, and the trick for leaving splashes on collisions is basically the same hit test -> texture coordinate -> SpriteKit coordinate approach outlined above.
David Rönnqvist's SceneKit book (available as an iBook) has an example (the EarthView example, a talking globe, chapter 5) that is worth looking at. That example constructs a 3D pushpin, which is then attached to the surface of a globe at the location of a tap.
Your problem is more complicated because you're constructing a shape that covers a segment of the sphere. Your "square" is really a spherical trapezium, a segment of the sphere bounded by four great circle arcs. I can see three possible approaches, depending on what you're ultimately looking for.
The simplest way to do it is to use an image as the material for the sphere's surface. That approach is well illustrated in the Ronnqvist EarthView example, which uses several images to show the earth's surface. Instead of drawing continents, you'd draw your square. This approach isn't suitable for interactivity, though. Look at SCNMaterial.
Another approach would be to use hit test results. That's documented on SCNSceneRenderer (which SCNView complies with) and SCNHitTest. Using the hit test results, you could pull out the face that was tapped, and then its geometry elements. This won't get you all the way home, though, because SceneKit uses triangles for SCNSphere, and you're looking for quads. You will also be limited to squares that line up with SceneKit's underlying wireframe representation.
If you want full control of where the "square" is drawn, including varying its angle relative to the equator, I think you'll have to build your own geometry from scratch. That means calculating the latitude/longitude of each corner point, then generating arcs between those points, then calculating a bunch of intermediate points along the arcs. You'll have to add a fudge factor, to raise the intermediate points slightly above the sphere's surface, and build up your own quads or triangle strips. Classes here are SCNGeometry, SCNGeometryElement, and SCNGeometrySource.
