What does it mean with numerous equal signs whtin a console.log request - console.log

What does this console.log expression code mean: equal signs within quotes within the, such as: console.log("===============================")? is the number of equal signs significant?

None. It is just for pretty printing, to indicate like a start or end of a segment to make it more readable.

I think its for visual Separation.
The number is not significant.


Regex that finds a line with exactly 3 words in it

I have a problem that requires me to write a regex that finds a line that containing exactly 3 groups of characters (it could be words or numbers) and that ends with another specific word. The way I had in mind was to find a pattern that ended in a space, and look for it 3 times. assuming this is the correct way to go about it, I do no know how to find a space, but I thought it would look like .*"find a space"{3} endword$. Is this the way it would be done? Even if it is not the way to do it how do you find a space? Any suggestions?
Assuming by three groups of words you would accept any non-space character, you could write:
The initial caret is to make sure you have exactly 3 non-space groups on the line.
Of course you need to consider whether things like control characters could appear, and adjust accordingly.
Depending on your flavor, something like the below would do it:
This makes use of the word boundary mark (\b) and non-greedy repetitions (+?), so it may be slightly different in your specific implementation, especially if you're using something old like grep.

How can I speed up this regex?

I am using Rails 3.2.11 on Ruby 1.9.2p320.
I have created a summarized() method to show where certain keywords appear in a series of 1,000 to 15,000 word documents that are stored as text strings. Each document can contain each keyword anywhere from 0 to 100 times.
I have:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20130404000559) do
create_table "references", :force => true do |t|
t.text "source_text"
When I call #reference.source_text.summarize(keywords), the following method is phenomenally slow, even when there is just one keyword in keywords:
class String
def summarized(keywords)
safe_text = Array.new
result = String.new
keywords.each do |keyword|
safe_text << self.strip_tags.gsub(/\n|\r/, " ").gsub(" ", " ").scan(/\w*.{0,250}#{keyword}.{0,250}\w*/im)
return safe_text.flatten.uniq
How can I speed it up?
Update: I'm now looking at the possibility that strip_tags may be at least one of the culprits.
Let's begin by why it is slow. Your regex starts like that:
Now let's start with the worse case (and quite a frequent one in your case). You have like 1000 characters without your keyword. Your regex will first the first word, then check 250 chracters later if your keyword is here. Nope. It will go backward to the 249th. Still nope. 250 tries later, will begin doing the same with the \w* part. You're lucky, words are pretty short. And it will do the same for the next (at least) 749 characters. So, in the worse case, you go through your string like 250 times. Laziness would fix the problem, however, I assume it's not the behavior you want (this .{0,250} is to deal with the beginning of the string, isn't it?).
Now, a cool regex tool is lookarounds. You can go ahead or back in your string to make some additional checks. While it won't be part of the captured strings, you can use capturing groups in them.
The drawback? You can't have arbitrary size loobehind (damn, just what you needed). So it wouldn't quite work cause you couldn't make sure you have a whole word at the beginning but also you wouldn't be able to match a keyword in the 250 first characters of the string.
So, here's a strange solution:
- Add 250 characters at the beginning of your string (whitespaces?..) to make sure we can catch words at the beginning.
- Use this regex (you can take into account what m_x said and use it only once for all the keywords):
Then manipulate quite a bit the result (recombine the string by adding the captured groups, remove the eventual characters that were part of the 250 ones added, maybe remove the first word to make sure it's whole...) and it should be quite faster.
Edit (comment about the regex):
You could be wondering why the (?<=(.{250})) is placed AFTER the keyword. Well, it's just so the capturing is made after you matched a keyword. It also means the keyword will also be part of the capturing group, and the capturing group will only capture 250-keyword.length characters before the keyword(well it's not much of a problem, you can create your regex dynamically depending on the length of your keyword, and anyway, it's not much of a problem I guess). You could also place the lookbehind after the first character of the keyword but that'd be a pain... Well I'll stop my monologue here.
How about this ? you would only scan the string once.
As a side note, this kind of app would likely benefit from an indexed search engine like sunspot.

Regex: Matching on an exclusive either/or

I want a regex that will match for strings of RACE or RACE_1, but not RACE_2 and RACE_3. I've been on Rubular for a while now trying to figure it out, but can't seem to get all the conditions I need met. Help is appreciated.
Rubular example here
\b means the end of a word, and that prevents matching RACE in RACE_2.
You can use:
It requires the one copy of RACE, and then 0 -> N occurrences of the _[1]. In the square brackets you can include any number you want. EXAMPLE:
(\bRACE(_[12345])?\b) will match up to RACE_5. You can then customize it to even skip numbers if you want [1245] for RACE_1, RACE_2, RACE_4, RACE_5 but not RACE_3.
Its a bit of a hack but might fit your needs
Here might be a more specific one that works better
In both cases, you use negative lookahead to enforce that RACE cannot be followed by _ and a number, but then specifically allow it with the or statement following.
Also, if you plan on only searching for instances of said matches that are whole words, prepend/append with \b to designate word boundaries.

Trouble with custom validation of Rails app

I'm making a web app where the point is to change a given word by one letter. For example, if I make a post by selecting the word: "best," then the first reply could be "rest," while the one after that should be "rent," "sent", etc. So, the word a user enters must have changed by one letter from the last submitted word. It would be constantly evolving.
Right now you can make a game and respond just by typing a word. I coded up a custom validation using functionality from the Amatch gem:
Posts have many responses, and responses belong to a post.
here's the code:
def must_have_changed_by_one_letter
m = Amatch::Sellers.new(title.strip)
errors.add_to_base("Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter")
if m.match(post.responses.last.to_s.strip) != 1.0
When I try entering a new response for a test post I made (original word "best", first response is "rest") I get this:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ResponsesController#create
Validation failed: Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter
Any thoughts on what might be wrong?
Looks like there are a couple of potential issues here.
For one, is your if statement actually on a separate line than your errors.add_to_base... statement? If so, your syntax is wrong; the if statement needs to be in the same line as the statement it's modifying. Even if it is actually on the correct line, I would recommend against using a trailing if statement on such a long line; it will make it hard to find the conditional.
if m.match(post.responses.last.to_s.strip) != 1.0
errors.add_to_base("Sorry, you must change the last submitted word by one letter")
Second, doing exact equality comparison on floating point numbers is almost never a good idea. Because floating point numbers involve approximations, you will sometimes get results that are very close, but not quite exactly equal, to a given number that you are comparing against. It looks like the Amatch library has several different classes for comparing strings; the Sellers class allows you to set different weights for different kinds of edits, but given your problem description, I don't think you need that. I would try using the Levenshtein or Hamming distance instead, depending on your exact needs.
Finally, if neither of those suggestions work, try writing out to a log or in the response the exact values of title.strip and post.responses.last.to_s.strip, to make sure you are actually comparing the values that you think you're comparing. I don't know the rest of your code, so I can't tell you whether those are correct or not, but if you print them out somewhere, you should be easily able to check them yourself.

Regex: Match a string containing numbers and letters but not a string of just numbers

I would like to be able to use a single regex (if possible) to require that a string fits [A-Za-z0-9_] but doesn't allow:
Strings containing just numbers or/and symbols.
Strings starting or ending with symbols
Multiple symbols next to eachother
Reasons for the Rules
The purpose of this is to filter usernames for a website I'm working on. I've arrived at the rules for specific reasons.
Usernames with only numbers and/or symbols could cause problems with routing and database lookups. The route for /users/#{id} allows id to be either the user's id or user's name. So names and ids shouldn't be able to collide.
_test looks wierd and I don't believe it's valid subdomain i.e. _test.example.com
I don't like the look of t__t as a subdomain. i.e. t__t.example.com
This matches exactly what you want:
At least one alphabetic character (the [a-z] in the middle).
Does not begin or end with an underscore (the (?!_) and (?<!_) at the beginning and end).
May have any number of numbers, letters, or underscores before and after the alphabetic character, but every underscore must be separated by at least one number or letter (the rest).
Edit: In fact, you probably don't even need the lookahead/lookbehinds due to how the rest of the regex works - the first ?: parenthetical won't allow an underscore until after an alphanumeric, and the second ?: parenthetical won't allow an underscore unless it's before an alphanumeric:
Should work fine.
I'm sure that you could put all this into one regular expression, but it won't be simple and I'm not sure why insist on it being one regex. Why not use multiple passes during validation? If the validation checks are done when users create a new account, there really isn't any reason to try to cram it into one regex. (That is, you will only be dealing with one item at a time, not hundreds or thousands or more. A few passes over a normal sized username should take very little time, I would think.)
First reject if the name doesn't contain at least one number; then reject if the name doesn't contain at least one letter; then check that the start and end are correct; etc. Each of those passes could be a simple to read and easy to maintain regular expression.
What about:
It doesn't use a back reference.
Succeeds for all your test cases. Is ruby compatible.
This doesn't block "__", but it does get the rest:
And here's the longer form that gets all your rules:
dang, that's ugly. I'll agree with Telemachus, that you probably shouldn't do this with one regex, even though it's technically possible. regex is often a pain for maintenance.
The question asks for a single regexp, and implies that it should be a regexp that matches, which is fine, and answered by others. For interest, though, I note that these rules are rather easier to state directly as a regexp that should not match. I.e.:
x !~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]|^_|_$|__|^\d+$/
no other characters than letters, numbers and _
can't start with a _
can't end with a _
can't have two _s in a row
can't be all digits
You can't use it this way in a Rails validates_format_of, but you could put it in a validate method for the class, and I think you'd have much better chance of still being able to make sense of what you meant, a month or a year from now.
Here you go:
If you want to restrict the symbols you want to accept, simply change all [^a-zA-Z0-9] with [] containing all allowed symbols
This one works.
Look ahead to make sure there's at least one letter in the string, then start consuming input. Every time there is an underscore, there must be a number or a letter before the next underscore.
Your question is essentially the same as this one, with the added requirement that at least one of the characters has to be a letter. The negative lookahead - (?![\d_]+$) - takes care of that part, and is much easier (both to read and write) than incorporating it into the basic regex as some others have tried to do.
That would work for your first two rules (since it requires a letter at the beginning and end for the second rule, it automatically requires letters).
I'm not sure the third rule is possible using regexes.
