pthread_attr_t default attributes - Official documentation - pthreads

I'm looking for the official documentation where i can find the default values of the pthread_attr_t struct.
So far i found this, but it is not an official document.
Thank you in advance.

Pthreads being specified by POSIX, the most official documentation available is to be found in the POSIX specification. As far as I can determine, however, POSIX does not explicitly define default values for most pthread attributes. The exception is detachstate, but even this is not specified explicitly: it has to be gleaned by inference from other documented pthreads behaviors.
Overall, then, you need to rely on the documentation, if any, of your implementation.
On the other hand, if there is a pthread attribute supported by your implementation whose value you care about, then I urge you to set it explicitly, without regard to whether the wanted value is the default for that attribute. This is clearer, more robust, and more portable.


is there a way to include another file in smtlib?

Similar to #include in C in importing functions and axioms that are defined in another file. I wasn't able to find such functionality described in the SMTLIB documentation or from the online examples. Any hints?
SMTLib has no means of #include'ing or importing other files. This might look like a shortcoming, but it is quite rare for people to hand-write SMTLib files: It is almost always machine generated from a higher level language, and it is assumed that whoever generates the SMTLib can simply spit out one big file that includes everything you need.
Having said that, I think this would be a useful feature to have indeed. SMTLib standard is always evolving and such features are usually discussed in their mailing list:!forum/smt-lib
Feel free to join the discussion and make a request!

Differences in Macros and Reflection in Meta-Programming

I'm currently studying about Meta-Programming. I guess Ruby on Rails uses meta-programming heavily. Here is what I understand so far.
Macros: Happens in compile-time, uses code to generate code (i.e. Rails uses attr_reader to automatically set up getters)
Reflection: Happens in run-time (I read reflection uses it's own language as a meta-language, but not sure what this means)
Meta-Programming uses a program as a data type to generate code; Macros and Reflection are techniques of Meta-Programming in some sense.
I have total 3 questions.
I am having hard time to understand what Reflection is. Can someone provide me a good definition of it with maybe applicable examples?
What's the difference between Macros and Reflection
Whether I can see Macros and Reflection as a subset of Meta-Programming since the definition of Macros and Meta-Programming almost seems identical to me.
If you can explain this in using Ruby/Rails, that would help me a lot. Thanks!
Meta-programming is using a program to manipulate a program. It is a very broad definition indeed, and pushing it to the extreme may even include automatic debugging and binary patch development.
The most obvious difference between macro and reflection is that the former uses a meta-language different than the object language (language which is manipulated), while the latter uses the object language itself as the meta-language. Besides, macros are more often associated with generation, such as conditional compilation and template expansion; reflection with inspection and manipulation, such as member iteration and bypassing privacy restriction. But the more one dives in the more blurry the boundary is.
In terms of Ruby on Rails, the most popular meta-programming pattern is probably ActiveRecord. It uses reflection to list classes and class members it needs to map to database tables and columns. Similarly, any ORM project involves a fair bit of meta-programming.
Rails uses meta-programming in a lot of other ways, but I am not familiar enough with it to know. I stumbled upon this blogpost in research which might help: Metaprogramming Ruby and Rails Antipatterns (Part 1 of 2). You can define methods with names only known at runtime and define attributes on-demand with meta-programming.
Because meta-programming is such an overarching concept, I generally summarize it as "customizing compiler / runtime". In the end, if you are trying to do something that needs information from the compiler or the runtime, a.k.a. from the running code itself, that is probably meta-programming.

What is the difference between tf.estimator.Estimator and tf.contrib.learn.Estimator in TensorFlow

Some months ago, I used the tf.contrib.learn.DNNRegressor API from TensorFlow, which I found very convenient to use. I didn't keep up with the development of TensorFlow the last few months. Now I have a project where I want to use a Regressor again, but with more control over the actual model as provided by DNNRegressor. As far as I can see, this is supported by the Estimator API using the model_fn parameter.
But there are two Estimators in the TensorFlow API:
Both provide a similar API, but are nevertheless slightly different in their usage. Why are there two different implementations and are there reasons to prefer one?
Unfortunately, I can't find any differences in the TensorFlow documentation or a guide when to use which of both. Actually, working through the TensorFlow tutorials produced a lot of warnings as some of the interfaces apparently have changed (instead of the x,y parameter, the input_fn parameter et cetera).
I wondered the same and cannot give a definitive answer, but I have a few educated guesses that might help you:
It seems that tf.estimator.Estimator together with a model function that returns tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec is the most current one that is used in the newer examples and the one to be used in new code.
My guess now is that the tf.contrib.learn.Estimator is an early prototype that got replaced by the tf.estimator.Estimator. According to the docs everything in tf.contrib is unstable API that may change at any time and it looks like the tf.estimator module is the stable API that “evolved” from the tf.contrib.learn module. I assume that the authors just forgot to mark tf.contrib.learn.Estimator as deprecated and that it wasn't removed yet so existing code won't break.
Now there is this explicit statement in the docs:
Note: TensorFlow also includes a deprecated Estimator class at tf.contrib.learn.Estimator, which you should not use.
For some reason it's not marked Deprecated in code.
To add to Christoph's answer.
The distinction between these packages has been specifically mentioned at Tensorflow Dev Summit 2017 by Martin Wicke:
The distinction between core and contrib is really in core things
don't change. Things are backward compatible until release 2.0, and nobody's thinking about that right now.
If you have something in core, it's stable, you should use it. If you have something in contrib, the API may change and depending on your needs
you may or may not want to use it.
So you can think of tf.contrib package as "experimental" or "early preview". For classes that are already in both tf.estimator and tf.contrib, you should definitely use tf.estimator version, because tf.contrib class gets deprecated automatically (even if it's not stated explicitly in the documentation) and can be dropped in the next release.
As of tensorflow 1.4 the list of "graduated" classes includes: Estimator
DNNClassifier, DNNRegressor, LinearClassifier, LinearRegressor, DNNLinearCombinedClassifier, DNNLinearCombinedRegressor. These should be ported to tf.estimator.
I had the same question about to ask.
I guess tf.estimator.Estimator is high level interface and recommended usage while tf.contrib.learn.Estimator is so said not high level interface (but it is indeed).
As Christoph mentioned, tf.contrib is unstable so tf.contrib.learn.Estimator is vulnerable to changes. It is changed from 0.x versions to 1.1 version and changed again in 2016.12. The problem is, the usage of them seems different. You can use tf.contrib.learn.SKCompat to wrap tf.contrib.learn.Estimator while for tf.estimator.Estimator, you can't do the same thing. And model_fn requirement/parameter is different if you check error messages.
The conclusion is that this two Estimator is different thing!
Anyway, I think tf doc did very bad on this topic since tf.estimator is in their tutorial page which means they are very serious about this...

Command line argument / program option parsing Styles and Specification?

I am curious if there are any extensive overview, preferrably specifications / technical reports about the GNU style and other commonly used styles for parsing Command Line Arguments.
As far as I know, there are many catches and it's not completely trivial to write a parsing library that would be as compliant as, for example, C++ boost::program_options, Python's argparse, GNU getopt and more.
On the other hand, there might be libraries that are too liberal in accepting certain options or too restrictive. So, if one wants to aim for a good compatibility / conformance with a de-facto standard (if such exists), is there a better way than simply reading a number of mature libraries' source code and/or test cases?
Posix provides guidelines for the syntax of utilities, as Chapter 12 of XBD (the Base Definitions). It's certainly worth a read. As is noted, backwards-compatibility has meant that many standardized utilities do not conform to these guidelines, but nonetheless the standard recommends
... that all future utilities and applications use these guidelines to enhance user portability. The fact that some historical utilities could not be changed (to avoid breaking existing applications) should not deter this future goal.
You can also read the rationale for the syntax guidelines.
Posix provides a basic syntax but it's insufficient for utilities with a large number of arguments, and single-letter options are somewhat lacking in self-documentation. Some utilities -- test, find and tcpdump spring to mind -- essentially implement domain specific languages. Others -- ls and ps, for example -- have a bewildering pantheon of invocation options. To say nothing of compilers...
Over the years, a number of possible extension methods have been considered, and probably all of the are still in use in at least one common (possibly even standard) utility. Posix recommends the use of -W as an extension mechanism, but there are few uses of that. X Windows and TCL/Tk popularized the use of spelled-out multicharacter options, but those utilities expect long option names to still start with a single dash, which renders it impossible to condense non-argument options [Note 1]. Other utilities -- dd, make and awk, to name a few -- special-case arguments which have the form {íd}={val} with no hyphens at all. The GNU approach of using a double-hyphen seems to have largely won, partly for this reason, but GNU-style option reordering is not universally appreciated.
A brief discussion of GNU style is found in the GNU style guide (see also the list of long options), and a slightly less brief discussion is in Eric Raymond's The Art of Unix Programming [Note 2].
Google code takes command-line options to a new level; the internal library has now been open-sourced as gflags so I suppose it is now not breaking confidentiality to observe how much of Google's server management tooling is done through command-line options. Google flags are scattered indiscriminately throughout the code, so that library functions can define their own options without the calling program ever being aware of them, making it possible to tailor the behaviour of key libraries independently of the application. (It's also possible to modify the value of a gflag on the fly at runtime, another interesting tool for service management.) From a syntactic viewpoint, gflags allows both single- and double-hyphen long option presentation, indiscriminately, and it doesn't allow coalesced single-character-option calls. [Note 3]
It's worth highlighting the observation in The Unix Programming Environment (Kernighan & Pike) that because the shell "must satisfy both the interactive and programming aspects of command execution, it is a strange language, shaped as much by history as by design." The requirements of these two aspects -- the desire of a concise interactive language and a precise programming language -- are not always compatible.
Syntax flexibility, while handy for the interactive user, can be disastrous for the script author. As an example, last night I typed -env=... instead of --env=... which resulted in my passing nv=... to the -e option rather than passing ... to the --env option, which I didn't notice until someone asked me why I was passing that odd string as an EOF indicator. On the other hand, my pet bugbear -- the fact that some prefer --long-option and others prefer --long_option and sometimes you find both styles in the same program (I'm looking at you, gcc) -- is equally annoying as an interactive user and as a scripter.
Sadly, I don't know of any resource which would serve as an answer to this question, and I'm not sure that the above serves the need either. But perhaps we can improve it over time.
Obviously a bad idea, since it would make impossible the pastime of constructing useful netstat invocations whose argument is a readable word.
The book and its author are commonly known as TAOUP and ESR, respectively.
It took me a while to get used to this, and very little time to revert to my old habits. So you can see where my biases lie.

Concise description of the Lua vm?

I've skimmed Programming in Lua, I've looked at the Lua Reference.
However, they both tells me this function does this, but not how.
When reading SICP, I got this feeling of: "ah, here's the computational model underlying scheme"; I'm trying to get the same sense concerning Lua -- i.e. a concise description of it's vm, a "how" rather than a "what".
Does anyone know of a good document (besides the C source) describing this?
You might want to read the No-Frills Intro to Lua 5(.1) VM Instructions (pick a link, click on the Docs tab, choose English -> Go).
I don't remember exactly where I've seen it, but I remember reading that Lua's authors specifically discourage end-users from getting into too much detail on the VM; I think they want it to be as much of an implementation detail as possible.
Besides already mentioned A No-Frills Introduction to Lua 5.1 VM Instructions, you may be interested in this excellent post by Mike Pall on how to read Lua source.
Also see related Lua-Users Wiki page.
See . The list starts at OP_MOVE.
The computational model underlying Lua is pretty much the same as the computational model underlying Scheme, except that the central data structure is not the cons cell; it's the mutable hash table. (At least until you get into metaprogramming with metatables.) Otherwise all the familiar stuff is there: nested first-class functions with mutable local variables (let-bound variables in Scheme), and so on.
It's not clear to me that you'd get much from a study of the VM. I did some hacking on the VM a while back and it's a lot like any other register-oriented VM, although maybe a bit cleaner. Only a handful of instructions are Lua-specific.
If you're curious about the metatables, the semantics is described clearly, if somewhat verbosely, in Section 2.8 of the reference manual for Lua 5.1. If you look at the VM code in src/lvm.c you'll see almost exactly that logic implemented in C (e.g., the internal Arith function). The VM instructions are specialized for the common cases, but it's all terribly straightforward; nothing clever is involved.
For years I've been wanting a more formal specification of Lua's computational model, but my tastes run more toward formal semantics...
I've found The Implementation of Lua 5.1 very useful for understanding what Lua is actually doing.
It explains the hashing techniques, garbage collection and some other bits and pieces.
Another great paper is The Implmentation of Lua 5.0, which describes design and motivations of various key systems in the VM. I found that reading it was a great way to parse and understand what I was seeing in the C code.
I am surprised you refer to the C source for the VM as this is protected by and the tecgraf/puc rio in Brazil specially as the language is used for real business and commercial applications in a number of countries. The paper about The Implementation of lua contains details about the VM in the most detail it is permitted to include but the structure of the VM is proprietary. It is worth noting that versions 5.0 and 5' were commissioned by IBM in Europe for use on customer mainframes and their register-based version have a VM which accepts the IBM defined format of intermediate instructions.
