I used select2. but upgraded 4.0.13. and It appeared title - jquery-select2

I used select2. and upgraded 4.0.13.
It appeared title.
so, I do
if($('.select2-selection__rendered')) {
in public/app.js
and disappeared title at select2.
It appeared title that It is used title in other page. with title appeared.
Even where you haven't used select2.
I can't style title attribute.
enter image description here
In addition, it is a style to display the title in select2. It's a problem.
I want to revert to the original title style.
What should I do?

I resolved.
I do only changed loading order.
jquery -> jquery-ui -> bootstrap
so, displayed basic title style at browser.


Latest Vaadin Start generated app - bug in main-layout theme with Flow/Hybrid views?

I used the latest Vaadin Start page to generate an app skeleton (Vaadin 21 / Java 11)
It works so far, I used hybrid mode with various views.
When clicking view links in the menu only TS+HTML based views will register in the GUI as selected and get a colored "selected/active" styling.
When I generate an app which only has Flow views, the first view will be stuck with the selected styling, but other views will register properly when clicked.
Only when I generate an app which only has Fusion views, all view selects will properly register.
I guess this is a bug?
Edit: video of the behavior when in hybrid mode. The menu item names correspond to the type of view which is being selected. As you can see only fusion views show the "select" in the menu:
Edit2: I think the problem is caused here:
?highlight=${viewRoute.path == appStore.location
Seems like the appStore.location is not being set from non-Fusion views. I put a console.log in the index.ts eventListener and non-Fusion views all just pass "(.*)" as the view name/location, which is the reasion why this fails.
So the #Route(value = "view-name") declaration in the java-class seems not to be passed properly at the moment.
This seems to be a bug in the Start project templates. I added an issue in our internal issue tracker.
Thanks a lot for reporting.
Edit: the issue is already fixed.
The question is not very clear to me, but if the problem is the fact that "the first view will be stuck with the selected styling", have you tried to add setAutoselect(false) to the tabbed menu in your MainLayout?
Here it is:
private Tabs createMenu() {
final Tabs tabs = new Tabs();
tabs.setAutoselect(false); //Needed not to select first tab by default
return tabs;

Change found text highlight in a Firefox extension

I'm developing an extension for Firefox which searches terms in a page. And I'd like to change found text highlight color and background. For example, I search for a letter "s" and by default it's selected with a blue rectangle with white text color. So I want to change the blue to the red.
How could I do this via JS?
To select a found text I use document.createRange() and selection.addRange() methods.
I don't know how the default finder selects a found term and applies background to it.
So maybe the 'range' method is not the best.
But I think I'm searching a way to highlight this created range...
Now I've partially resolved the color-changing preoblem. Just add a CSS rule with ::-moz-selection and red background when a text is found and selected. Then for document 'onmousedown' I remove this rule not to leave the default selection as red.
But a new problem is when I find say a digit and it gets a selection the background of that selection is gray (so it looks like a text selection of an inactive window). Then when I click with my mouse somewhere in the document text and press F3 the extension finds the next digit and selects it with the red background. And next findings work right (with red background).
So my purpose is change that initial gray background to red.
Maybe I should change the inactive selection color...
Now I updated my JS code:
var selection=w.getSelection()
var range=w.document.createRange()
var controller=gBrowser.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
Thanks to Noitidart's answer I found some information on how to use nsISelectionController XPCOM interface to select found text with background. Still I can't set a custom color for this background so that it be different from the default color of found text in Firefox. But setting the ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention preference in about:config to desired color will work with both my extension and default find engine.
I've found that SELECTION_ATTENTION constant is responsible for that background color and the setDisplaySelection method links the color to the selected text. But I couldn't find any implementation of this method. I saw only nsISelectionController idl file with its structure but no correspondent .cpp or .js file implementing this .idl. So I don't have information on how the color is set.
Recently I added the "Highlight All" functionality to my extension. And a new question about color of this highlight has rised. Using the above tecnique will show all the matches with green find color (by default). But it's more comfortable to use a different color to distinguish the current match and others.
So I couldn't find another helpful nsISelectionController constant for the "Highlight All" selection. I simply set this selection to 'DISABLED' type and changed the ui.textSelectBackgroundDisabled about:config pref. This pref is obviously for the selected text background of an inactive window. And it worked for me.
Another thing is that I'm not sure that the controller.repaintSelection() in the previous Edit is necessary. I guess the selection didn't work without it when I started my experiments with this stuff. But now I removed that line and all still work.
And some additional links if somebody will need:
nsISelectionController Reference
Selection Reference
Forum question about highlight
about:config prefs for highlight
An Add-on using a similar tecnique
Finder.jsm and other sources
Also I used some files from Firefox source archive: Firefox 33 Source:
- nsISelectionController.idl [\content\base\public\]
- nsTypeAheadFind.cpp [\toolkit\components\typeaheadfind\]
- Finder.jsm [\toolkit\modules\]
- findbar.xml [\toolkit\content\widgets\]
I asked this question to quicksilver via email and this is what he told me:
You might find this one helpful: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsISelectionController
I'm hardly the master you think I am, actually. :) To change those colors I just change the values for preferences:
ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention -> SELECTION_ATTENTION, it's not a highlight, it's a normal selection (as you would select some text with your mouse and it would turn the regular blue blackground, in windows at least) but it's given "attention", so it has the green background that the find operation reports. Basically it's a way of showing the user "Here I am!!" after firefox automatically selecs the text he searched for.
And I really don't know most of those contants, SELECTION_NORMAL is for normal text selection, like it would be when you select text with your mouse, SELECTION_FIND is for the highlights, and I only know the ON/HIDDEN/OFF/DISABLED ones which are self-explanatory. SELECTION_SPELLCHECK is probably for the auto-correct when you are typing in an editable content node, but I'm just guessing that one from the name.
Also, as far as I know, it's not possible to just create custom selection ranges/contants, as the code simply won't recognize them without editing the C++ code as well. Which is actually one of the reasons I haven't implemented https://github.com/Quicksaver/FindBar-Tweak/issues/76 yet.

Set tooltip for an editor

I have the following code snippet for creating an input field for entering colors:
DataSourceTextField colorField =
new DataSourceTextField(ZoneDto.ATTR_COLOR, "*localized name*", 7, true);
colorField.setEditorType(new ColorPickerItem());
colorField.setPrompt("*localized instructions*");
This works quite well, since the input field has the localized instructions in its tooltip, but the small square that opens the color picker window has the original english tooltip ("Click to select a new color").
How could I change this message to a localized one?
Is this even possible to accomplish? I read that setEditorType only sets a template, from which instances are generated whenever needed. This means it's not going to work if I add setPrompt("localized instructions") to the ColorPickerItem given to the setEditorType().
Thanks in advance!
If i get you right, why not fill a variable 'localizedStringForColorPicker' with the current selected localization upon startup. And change it, when another localization is selected?

Grails UI Menu flakey behavior in IE

I'm using a GRAILS UI (1.2-SNAPSHOT) an it's implementation of the YUI menubar (YUI I am seeing flakey mouseover behavior in IE (Firefox is ok). When I mouse over the menu item with a submenu, it will show. As I try to mouse over the sub-menu, the submenu disappears before I can click. This happends in a pattern I haven't fully figured out. Usually the first time I select a menu it's fine but if I move around the menu back to a menu item, the submenu begins to display this behavior. By clicking and holding the mouse button I can usually get the sub-menu to stick around.
I've palyed with various configurations like keepopen and automenudisplay but they don't seem to change the behavior. I have not seen much posted about this. But I also don't see menu's documented in the UI plugin either. I could really use some feedback if UI menu is not ready for primetime yet or I'm missing something else. I've not worked with much AJAX before.
Below is the code with the added options I played with that did not have a positive impact.
<gui:menubar id='menubar' renderTo='mainmenu' autosubmenudisplay="false" shadow="true" keepopen="true">
<gui:menuitem url="/esmzone">Home</gui:menuitem>
<gui:submenu label='Profile'>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'view')}">View</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'profile')}">Edit</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'user', action:'account')}">Settings</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="#">Subscription</gui:menuitem>
Here is the code generated by the plugin:
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
GRAILSUI.menubar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("menubar_div", {'autosubmenudisplay': false,
'shadow': true,
'keepopen': true});
I made some progress on this by researching the YUI library. There is a documented bug with IE7. Apparently the grails-ui plugin does not address the fix. I'm testing with IE8 but I assume it's still there.
It appears that you should set the zoom property to 1 (zoom:1) for the bd class.
I added the following code to my style sheet
div.yuimenubar .bd {
zoom: 1;
and it seems to help. I see no side effect in Firefox but I didn't dynamically check for the version of browser as I would need to hack the code that generates the YUI javascript and put in
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie === 7) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(document.body, "ie7");
after the render() call. Then instead of the style I added you could do an IE7 (probably >=7) style.
This is what the Yahoo site had to say about it:
The following application of
"zoom:1" sets the "hasLayout"
property to "true" and prevents
first tier submenus of a MenuBar
from hiding when the mouse is moving
from an item in a MenuBar to a
submenu in IE 7.
For more on the "hasLayout" property:

IE6: select inside jQuery tabs does not render dropdown list

I have a form inside jQuery tabs; I create tabs in a simple way:
$("#tabs").tabs({selected: 1});
The selected index 1 is the tab where form is placed. The problem is, on remote computer with IE6 both selects only display a small blank line instead of list with options when dropdown arrow is clicked:
Incorrect dropdown http://queen3.at.tut.by/DropDownIE6jQuery.PNG
The options are there in page source, and everything actually works on other machines, in other browsers and also in IE6 (though I use IETester).
Everything also works if I
remove tabs creation, that is .tabs() - options do appear and work; or
first select tab without form (tab 0), and then click on it - options do appear and work
only when clicking; programmatic .tabs("select", 1) after tabs creation doesn't help
Does anyone know what can cause this? Is it IE6 bug or something with my scripts?
Update: hm, thanks to this, I found it's something with my CSS - if I disable Site.css it works. I thought about scripts only. Still have to find out what's that.
Update: OK, this was caused by this CSS rule:
body { font-size: 0.7em; }
It works if I set 0.8 or greater, but for 0.7 and less IE6 does the indicated bug.
Can someone explain this? Yes it is IE6 - weird by definition, but this one is too weird in my opinion.
I have also ran into this exact problem, although I couldn't fix it by altering any body font sizes, I did manage to get around it using the (slightly modified) "Ugly hack" method as described in the dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4734 link, posted by CiscoIPPhone:
// Ugly hack to switch tabs in IE6, fixing select menu bug.
if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) <= 6) {
$("#tabs").tabs({ selected: 1 });
setTimeout(function() {
$("#tabs").tabs("select", 0);
}, 10);
Seems as though the timeout is the key to avoiding this bug.
I found that this workaround fixed the issue on some machines, but not on others.
My solution was to hide all the select elements initally in the style sheet, then after calling $( "#tabs" ).tabs() I use $('select').show() to display them.
That fixed it for me.
