How to batch process with multiple Bounding Boxes in imgaug - image-processing

I'm trying to set up a data augmentation pipline with imgaug. The transformation of the images works and does not throw any errors. In the second attempt I tried to transform the N Bounding Boxes for each image and I get a persistent error.
def image_batch_augmentation(batch_images, batch_bbox, batch_image_shape):
def create_BoundingBox(bbox):
return BoundingBox(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4])
bbox = [[create_BoundingBox(bbox) for bbox in batch if sum(bbox) != 0]for batch in batch_bbox]
bbox = [BoundingBoxesOnImage(batch, shape=(h,w)) for batch, w, h in zip(bbox,batch_image_shape[0], batch_image_shape[1]) ]
seq_det = seq.to_deterministic()
aug_image = seq_det.augment_images(image.numpy())
aug_bbox = [seq_det.augment_bounding_boxes(batch) for batch in bbox]
return aug_image, aug_bbox
In the following line the following error occurs:
aug_bbox = seq_det.augment_bounding_boxes(bbox)
Exception has occurred: InvalidArgumentError
cannot compute Mul as input #1(zero-based) was expected to be a double tensor but is a int64 tensor [Op:Mul] name: mul/
I have already tried several different approaches but I can't get any further. Furthermore, I haven't found any information in the docs or other known platforms that would help me to get the code running.

The problem is constant, as can be seen from the error message on the data types. An adjustment of these has led to a success.
Here is the corresponding code that is actually running:
def image_batch_augmentation(batch_images, batch_bbox, batch_image_shape):
def create_BoundingBox(bbox, w, h):
return BoundingBox(bbox[0]*h, bbox[1]*w, bbox[2]*h, bbox[3]*w, tf.cast(bbox[4], tf.int32))
bbox = [[create_BoundingBox(bbox, float(w), float(h)) for bbox in batch if sum(bbox) != 0] for batch, w, h in zip(batch_bbox, batch_image_shape[0], batch_image_shape[1])]
bbox = [BoundingBoxesOnImage(batch, shape=(int(w),int(h))) for batch, w, h in zip(bbox,batch_image_shape[0], batch_image_shape[1]) ]
seq_det = seq.to_deterministic()
images_aug = seq_det.augment_images(image.numpy())
bbsoi_aug = seq_det.augment_bounding_boxes(bbox)
return images_aug, bbsoi_aug


R: Error in predict.xgboost: Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different

I wrote a script using xgboost to predict soil class for a certain area using data from field and satellite images. The script as below:
data <- read.csv('96PointsClay02finalone.csv')
ras <- stack("Allindices04TIFF.tif")
names(ras) <- c("b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b10", "b11","DEM",
"R1011", "SCI", "SAVI", "NDVI", "NDSI", "NDSandI", "MBSI",
"GSI", "GSAVI", "EVI", "DryBSI", "BIL", "BI","SRCI")
set.seed(27) # set seed for generating random data.
# createDataPartition() function from the caret package to split the original dataset into a training and testing set and split data into training (80%) and testing set (20%)
parts = createDataPartition(data$Clay, p = .8, list = F)
train = data[parts, ]
test = data[-parts, ]
#define predictor and response variables in training set
train_x = data.matrix(train[, -1])
train_y = train[,1]
#define predictor and response variables in testing set
test_x = data.matrix(test[, -1])
test_y = test[, 1]
#define final training and testing sets
xgb_train = xgb.DMatrix(data = train_x, label = train_y)
xgb_test = xgb.DMatrix(data = test_x, label = test_y)
#defining a watchlist
watchlist = list(train=xgb_train, test=xgb_test)
#fit XGBoost model and display training and testing data at each iteartion
model = xgb.train(data = xgb_train, max.depth = 3, watchlist=watchlist, nrounds = 100)
#define final model
model_xgboost = xgboost(data = xgb_train, max.depth = 3, nrounds = 86, verbose = 0)
#use model to make predictions on test data
pred_y = predict(model_xgboost, xgb_test)
# performance metrics on the test data
mean((test_y - pred_y)^2) #mse - Mean Squared Error
caret::RMSE(test_y, pred_y) #rmse - Root Mean Squared Error
y_test_mean = mean(test_y)
rmseE<- function(error)
y = test_y
yhat = pred_y
(r2 = R2(yhat , y, form = "traditional"))
cat('The R-square of the test data is ', round(r2,4), ' and the RMSE is ', round(rmseresult,4), '\n')
#use model to make predictions on satellite image
result <- predict(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras)*ncol(ras))])
#create a result raster
res <- raster(ras)
#fill in results and add a "1" to them (to get back to initial class numbering! - see above "Prepare data" for more information)
res <- setValues(res,result+1)
#Save the output .tif file into saved directory
writeRaster(res, "xgbmodel_output", format = "GTiff", overwrite=T)
The script works well till it reachs
result <- predict(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras)*ncol(ras))])
it takes some time then gives this error:
Error in predict.xgb.Booster(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras) * ncol(ras))]) :
Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different!
I realize that I am doing something wrong in that line. However, I do not know how to apply the xgboost model to a raster image that represents my study area.
It would be highly appreciated if someone give a hand, enlightened me, and helped me solve this problem....
My data as csv and raster image can be found here.
Finally, I got the reason for this error.
It was my mistake as the number of columns in the traning data was not the same as in the number of layers in the satellite image.

question for dask output when using dask.array.map_overlap

I would like to use dask.array.map_overlap to deal with the scipy interpolation function. However, I keep meeting errors that I cannot understand and hoping someone can answer this to me.
Here is the error message I have received if I want to run .compute().
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1070,0) into shape (1045,0)
To resolve the issue, I started to use .to_delayed() to check each partition outputs, and this is what I found.
Following is my python code.
Step 1. Load netCDF file through Xarray, and then output to dask.array with chunk size (400,400)
df = xr.open_dataset('./Brazil Sentinal2 Tile/' + data_file +'.nc')
lon, lat = df['lon'].data, df['lat'].data
slon = da.from_array(df['lon'], chunks=(400,400))
slat = da.from_array(df['lat'], chunks=(400,400))
data = da.from_array(df.isel(band=0), chunks=(400,400))
Step 2. declare a function for da.map_overlap use
def sumsum2(lon,lat,data, hex_res=10):
hex_col = 'hex' + str(hex_res)
lon_max, lon_min = lon.max(), lon.min()
lat_max, lat_min = lat.max(), lat.min()
b = box(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max, ccw=True)
b = transform(lambda x, y: (y, x), b)
b = mapping(b)
target_df = pd.DataFrame(h3.polyfill( b, hex_res), columns=[hex_col])
target_df['lat'] = target_df[hex_col].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[0])
target_df['lon'] = target_df[hex_col].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[1])
tlon, tlat = target_df[['lon','lat']].values.T
abc = lNDI(points=(lon.ravel(), lat.ravel()),
values= data.ravel())(tlon,tlat)
target_df['out'] = abc
print(np.stack([tlon, tlat, abc],axis=1).shape)
return np.stack([tlon, tlat, abc],axis=1)
Step 3. Apply the da.map_overlap
b = da.map_overlap(sumsum2, slon[:1200,:1200], slat[:1200,:1200], data[:1200,:1200], depth=10, trim=True, boundary=None, align_arrays=False, dtype='float64',
Step 4. Using to_delayed() to test output shape
print(b.to_delayed().flatten()[0].compute().shape, )
(1065, 3)
(1045, 0)
(1090, 3)
(1070, 0)
which is saying that the output from da.map_overlap is only outputting 1-D dimension ( which is (1045,0) and (1070,0) ), while in the da.map_overlap, the output I am preparing is 2-D dimension ( which is (1065,3) and (1090,3) ).
In addition, if I turn off the trim argument, which is
c = da.map_overlap(sumsum2,
print(c.to_delayed().flatten()[0].compute().shape, )
The output becomes
(1065, 3)
(1065, 3)
(1090, 3)
(1090, 3)
This is saying that when trim=True, I cut out everything?
#-- print out the values
(1065, 3)
array([], shape=(1045, 0), dtype=float64)
#-- print out the values
array([[ -47.83683837, -18.98359832, 1395.01848583],
[ -47.8482856 , -18.99038681, 2663.68391094],
[ -47.82800624, -18.99207069, 1465.56517187],
[ -47.81897323, -18.97919009, 2769.91556363],
[ -47.82066663, -19.00712956, 1607.85927095],
[ -47.82696896, -18.97167714, 2110.7516765 ],
[ -47.81562653, -18.98302933, 2662.72112163],
[ -47.82176881, -18.98594465, 2201.83205114],
[ -47.84567 , -18.97512514, 1283.20631652],
[ -47.84343568, -18.97270783, 1282.92117225]])
Any thoughts for this?
Thank You.
I guess I got the answer. Please let me if I am wrong.
I am not allowing to use trim=True is because I change the shape of output array (after surfing the internet, I notice that the shape of output array should be the same with the shape of input array). Since I change the shape, the dask has no idea how to deal with it so it returns the empty array to me (weird).
Instead of using trim=False, since I didn't ask cutting-out the buffer zone, it is now okay to output the return values. (although I still don't know why the dask cannot concat the chunked array, but believe is also related to shape)
The solution is using delayed function on da.concatenate, which is
delayed(da.concatenate)([e.to_delayed().flatten()[idx] for idx in range(len(e.to_delayed().flatten()))])
In this case, we are not relying on the concat function in map_overlap but use our own concat to combine the outputs we want.

Pytorch: Add information to images in image prediction

I would like to add information to my current dataset. At the moment, I have six-frame sequences in folders. The DataLoader reads all 6 and uses the first 3 for predicting the last 1/2/3 (depending on how many I tell him to). This is the function for the DataLoader.
class TrainFeeder(Dataset):
def init(self, data_set):
super(TrainFeeder, self).init()
self.input_data = data_set
if torch.cuda.current_device() ==0:
print('There are total %d sequences in trainset' % len(self.input_data))
def getitem(self, index):
path = self.input_data[index]
imgs_path = sorted(glob.glob(path + '/*.png'))
imgs = []
for img_path in imgs_path:
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(img, (256,448))
img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #has been 0.5 for official data, new is fx = 2.63 and fy = 2.84
img_tensor = ToTensor()(img).float()
imgs = torch.stack(imgs, dim=0)
return imgs
def len(self):
return len(self.input_data)
Now I'd like to add one value to these images. It is a boolean, I have stored in a list in a .json in the same folder, like the six-frame-sequences. But I don't know how to add the values of the list in the .json to the tensor. Which dimension should I use? Will the system work at all, if I change the shape of the input?
The function getitem can return anything, so you can return a tuple instead of just images :
def __getitem__(self, index):
path = ...
# load your 6 images
imgs = torch.stack( ... )
# load your boolean metadata
metadata = load_json_data( ... )
# return them both
return (imgs, metadata)
You will need to make metadata a tensor before returning it, otherwise I expect that pytorch will complain about not being able to collate (i.e stack) them to make batches
"Will the system work" is a question only you can answer, since you did not provide the code of your ML model. I would bet on : "no but it won't require significant changes to work". Most likely you currently have a loop like
for imgs in dataloader:
# do some training
output = model(imgs)
And you will have to make it like
for imgs, metadata in dataloader:
# do some training
output = model(imgs)

Tensorflow: Variable rnn/basic_lstm_cell/kernel already exists, disallowed

Here is a part of my tensorflow RNN network code written in jupyter. The whole code runs perfect for the first time, however, running it furthermore produces an error. The code:
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
def recurrent_nn_model(x):
x = tf.transpose(x, [1,0,2])
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, chunk_size])
x = tf.split(x, n_chunks, 0)
lstm_layer = {'hidden_state': tf.zeros([n_batches, lstm_size]),
'current_state': tf.zeros([n_batches, lstm_size])}
layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([lstm_size, n_classes])),
'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_classes]))}
lstm = rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
rnn_outputs, rnn_states = rnn.static_rnn(lstm, x, dtype=tf.float32)
output = tf.add(tf.matmul(rnn_outputs[-1], layer['weights']),
return output
The error is:
Variable rnn/basic_lstm_cell/kernel already exists, disallowed. Did
you mean to set reuse=True in VarScope? Originally defined at:
If recurrent_nn_model is the whole network, just add this line to reset previously defined graph:
If you're intentionally calling recurrent_nn_model several times and combine these RNNs into one graph, you should use different variable scopes for each one:
with tf.variable_scope('lstm1'):
with tf.variable_scope('lstm2'):

GAN changing input size causes error

Below code takes only 32*32 input, I want to feed in 128*128 images, how to go about it. The code is from the tutorial -
def generator(z):
zP = slim.fully_connected(z,4*4*256,normalizer_fn=slim.batch_norm,\
zCon = tf.reshape(zP,[-1,4,4,256])
gen1 = slim.convolution2d_transpose(\
activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,scope='g_conv1', weights_initializer=initializer)
gen2 = slim.convolution2d_transpose(\
activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,scope='g_conv2', weights_initializer=initializer)
gen3 = slim.convolution2d_transpose(\
activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,scope='g_conv3', weights_initializer=initializer)
g_out = slim.convolution2d_transpose(\
scope='g_out', weights_initializer=initializer)
return g_out
def discriminator(bottom, reuse=False):
dis1 = slim.convolution2d(bottom,16,[4,4],stride=[2,2],padding="SAME",\
dis2 = slim.convolution2d(dis1,32,[4,4],stride=[2,2],padding="SAME",\
reuse=reuse,scope='d_conv2', weights_initializer=initializer)
dis3 = slim.convolution2d(dis2,64,[4,4],stride=[2,2],padding="SAME",\
d_out = slim.fully_connected(slim.flatten(dis3),1,activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid,\
reuse=reuse,scope='d_out', weights_initializer=initializer)
return d_out
Below is the error which I get when I feed 128*128 images.
Trying to share variable d_out/weights, but specified shape (1024, 1) and found shape (16384, 1).
The generator is generating 32*32 images, and thus when we feed any other dimension in discriminator, it results in the given error.
The solution is to generate 128*128 images from the generator, by
1. Adding more no. of layers(2 in this case)
2. Changing the input to the generator
zP = slim.fully_connected(z,16*16*256,normalizer_fn=slim.batch_norm,\
zCon = tf.reshape(zP,[-1,16,16,256])
