Azure Cloud Shell ssh keys persistence - azure-cloud-shell

I am using Azure Cloud Shell to ssh into my VMs.
I have created SSH keys, created my VMs and was able to ssh into my VMs.
My Bash cloud shell session was suddenly disconnected (not the main issue) and after opening a new session to Cloud shell again I was not able to ssh into my VM anymore. I checked my .ssh dir and non of my keys were there anymore (empty).
I know the dir clouddrive is persisted but I want to confirm if .ssh is.
If not what is the way to achieve this so I do not run into this issue again.

No, the .ssh directory is not a persistent directory. As you know, only the directory clouddrrive can persist your files. So the possible solution is that you can store your SSH key in the clouddrive, when you use a new session, you can copy the .ssh from the clouddrive. Or add the parameter -i then the command looks like this:
ssh -i /path/to/private_key username#IP


Handling secrets inside docker container without using docker swarm

One question, how do you handle secrets inside dockerfile without using docker swarm. Let's say, you have some private repo on npm and restoring the same using .npmrc inside dockerfile by providing credentials. After package restore, obviously I am deleting .npmrc file from container. Similarly, it goes for NuGet.config as well for restoring private repos inside container. Currently, I am supplying these credentials as --build-arg while building the dockerfile.
But command like docker history --no-trunc will show the password in the log. Is there any decent way to handle this. Currently, I am not on kubernetes. Hence, need to handle the same in docker itself.
One way I can think of is mounting the /run/secrets/ and storing the same inside either by using some text file containing password or via .env file. But then, this .env file has to be part of pipeline to complete the CI/CD process, which means it has to be part of source control. Is there any way to avoid this or something can be done via pipeline itself or any type of encryption/decryption logic can be applied here?
First, keep in mind that files deleted in one layer still exist in previous layers. So deleting files doesn't help either.
There are three ways that are secure:
Download all code in advance outside of the Docker build, where you have access to the secret, and then just COPY in the stuff you downloaded.
Use BuildKit, which is an experimental Docker feature that enables secrets in a secure way (
Serve secrets from a network server running locally (e.g. in another container). See here for detailed explanation of how to do so:
Let me try to explain docker secret here.
Docker secret works with docker swarm. For that you need to run
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr=$(hostname -i)
It makes the node as master. Now you can create your secret here like: -
crate a file /db_pass and put your password in this file.
$docker secret create db-pass /db_pass
this creates your secret. Now if you want to list the secrets created, run command
$ docker secret ls
Lets use secret while running the service: -
$docker service create --name mysql-service --secret source=db_pass,target=mysql_root_password --secret source=db_pass,target=mysql_password -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE="/run/secrets/mysql_root_password" -e MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE="/run/secrets/mysql_password" -e MYSQL_USER="wordpress" -e MYSQL_DATABASE="wordpress" mysql:latest
In the above command /run/secrets/mysql_root_password and /run/secrets/mysql_password files location is from container which stores the source file (db_pass) data
source=db_pass,target=mysql_root_password ( it creates file /run/secrets/mysql_root_password inside the container with db_pass value)
source=db_pass,target=mysql_password (it creates file /run/secrets/mysql_password inside the container with db_pass value)
See the screenshot from container which container secret file data: -

How does the data in HOME directory persist on cloud shell?

Do they use environment / config variables to link the persistent storage to the project related docker image ?
So that everytime new VM is assigned, the cloud shell image can be run with those user specific values ?
Not sure to have caught all your questions and concerns. So, Cloud Shell is in 2 parts:
The container that contains all the installed library, language support/sdk, binaries (docker for example). This container is stateless and you can change it (in the setting section of Cloud Shell) if you want to deploy a custom container. For example, it's what is done with Cloud Run Button for deploying a Cloud Run service automatically.
The volume dedicated to the current user that is mounted in the Cloud Shell container.
By the way, you can easily deduce that all you store outside the /home/<user> directory is stateless and not persist. /tmp directory, docker image (pull or created),... all of these are lost when the Cloud Shell start on other VM.
Only the volume dedicated to the user is statefull, and limited to 5Gb. It's linux environment and you can customize the .profile and .bash_rc files as you want. You can store keys in /.ssh/ directory and all the other tricks that you can do on Linux in your /home directory.

host ssh key for gitlab container

I am running gitlab/gitlab-ce on rancheros. When I replace a container with a new one, I got error
"ECDSA host key for [host] has changed and you have requested strict checking."
I known I can remove the old key from known_host and make it work.
My question is:
Is there a way to preserve the host keys for the server? And where are those keys stored inside container?
Following solutions won't work.
Copied over old keys inside docker /etc/ssh/*
configs, logs and data folder are mounted from volume.
you can add this to your ssh command:
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
to disable strict checking

Making docker container write files that the host machine can delete

I have a docker-based build environment - in order to build my project, I run a docker container with the --volume parameter, so it can access my project directory and build it.
The problem is that the files created by the container cannot be deleted by the host machine. The only workaround I currently have is to start an interactive container with the directory mounted and delete it.
Bottom line question: It is possible to make docker write to the mounted area files with permissions such that the host can later delete them?
This has less to do with Docker and more to do with basic Unix file permissions. Your docker containers are running as root, which means any files created by the container are owned by root on your host. You fix this the way you fix any other file permission problem, by either (a) ensuring that that the files/directories are created with your user id or (b) ensuring that permissions allow you do delete the files even if they're not owned by you or (c) using elevated privileges (e.g., sudo rm ...) to delete the files.
Depending on what you're doing, option (a) may be easy. If you can run the contanier as a non-root user, e.g:
docker run -u $UID -v $HOME/output:/some/container/path ...
...then everything will Just Work, because the files will be created with your userid.
If the container must run as root initially, you may be able to take care of root actions in your ENTRYPOINT or CMD script, and then switch to another uid to run the main application. To do this, you would need to pass your user id into the container (e.g., as an environment variable), and then later use something like runuser to switch to the new userid:
exec runuser -u $TARGE_UID /some/command
If neither of the above is an option, then sudo rm -rf mydirectory should work just as well as spinning up an interactive container.
If you need your build artifacts just to put them to the docker image on the next stage then it is probably worth to use multi-stage build option.

how to copy dir from remote host to docker image

I am trying to build a docker image, I have dockerfile with all necessary commands. but in my build steps I need to copy one dir from remote host to docker image. But if I put scp command into dockerfile, i'll have to provide password also into dockerfile, which I dont have to.
Anyone has some better solution to do this. any suggestion would be appreciated.
I'd say there are at least options for dealing with that:
Option 1:
If you can execute scp before running docker build this may turn out to be the easiest option:
Run scp -r somewhere:remote_dir ./local_dir
Add COPY ./local_dir some_path to your Dockerfile
Run docker build
Option 2: If you have to execute scp during the build:
Start some key-value store such as etcd before the build
Place a correct SSH key (it cannot be password-protected) temporarily in the key-value store
Within a single RUN command (to avoid leaving secrets inside the image):
retrieve the SSH key from the key-value store;
put it in ~/.ssh/id_rsa or start an ssh-agent and add it;
retrieve the directory with scp
remove the SSH key
Remove the key from the key-value store
The second option is a bit convoluted, so it may be worth creating a wrapper script that retrieves the required secrets, runs any command, and removes the secrets.
You can copy a directory into a (even running) container at post build time
On remote machine: Copy from remote host to docker host with
scp -r /your/dir/ <user-at-docker-host>#<docker-host>:/some/remote/directory
On docker machine: Copy from docker host into docker container
docker cp /some/remote/directory <container-name>:/some/dir/within/docker/
Of course you can do step 1 also from your docker machine if you prefere that by simply adapting the source and target of the scp command.
