What are the alternatives to returning a discriminated union from a function? - f#

I'm experimenting with rewriting a complicated piece of code using F#.
For this particular code base, discriminated unions help me a lot, so I'm focusing on using them as much as possible. Specifically, exhaustiveness checks on DUs is helping me avoid lots and lots of bugs.
However, I'm facing a repeating pattern of having to use match ... with to the extent that the clutter in the code is offsetting the benefit I'm getting from exhaustiveness check.
I simplified the pattern I'm dealing with as much as I can and tried to come up with an example that demonstrates the structure of the code I'm writing. The real code base is a lot more complicated and it is in a completely different domain but at the language level, this example represents the issue.
Let's say we want to get some about shoppers based on a classification of shoppers: they're either cat people or dog people. The key thing here is classifying some types (tuples) via DUs.
Here are the domain types:
type PetPerson =
type CatFood =
type DogFood =
//some cat food, shopper's age and address
type CatFoodShopper = CatFoodShopper of (CatFood list * int * string)
//some dog food, shopper's age and number of children
type DogFoodShopper = DogFoodShopper of (DogFood list * int * int)
Leaving aside the horrible way we're feeding the poor animals, this domain model needs a function to map PetPerson to CatFoodShopper or DogFoodShopper
At this point, my initial thought is to define a Shopper type, since I cannot return two different types from the following function, based on the results of pattern matching:
type Shopper =
|CatFShopper of CatFoodShopper
|DogFShopper of DogFoodShopper
let ShopperViaPersonality = function
|CatPerson -> CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St"))
|DogPerson -> DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1))
This solves the problem but then I have lots of places in the code (really a lot) where I end up with a PetPerson and need to get a CatFoodShopper or a DogFoodShopper based on what the PetPerson value is. This leads to unnecessary pattern matching for cases I know I don't have at hand. Here is an example:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match y with
|CatPerson as c -> //how can I void the following match?
match (ShopperViaPersonality c) with
|CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_))-> "use lst and return some string "
| _ -> failwith "should not have anything but CatFShopper"
|DogPerson as d -> //same as before. I know I'll get back DogFShopper
match (ShopperViaPersonality d) with
|DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper (lst, _,_)) -> "use lst and return other string"
|_ -> failwith "should not have anything but DogFShopper"
As you can see, I have to write pattern matching code even when I know I'll be getting back a particular value. I have no way of concisely associating the CatPerson value to CatFoodShopper value.
In order to improve things at the call site, I considered using F#'s way of mimicking type classes via interfaces, based on lots of example available here:
type IShopperViaPersonality<'T> =
abstract member ShopperOf: PetPerson -> 'T
let mappingInstanceOf<'T> (inst:IShopperViaPersonality<'T>) p = inst.ShopperOf p
let CatPersonShopper =
{new IShopperViaPersonality<_> with
member this.ShopperOf x =
match x with
|CatPerson -> CatFoodShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St")
| _ -> failwith "This implementation is only for CatPerson"}
let CatPersonToShopper = mappingInstanceOf CatPersonShopper
let DogPersonShopper =
{new IShopperViaPersonality<_> with
member this.ShopperOf x =
match x with
|DogPerson -> DogFoodShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1)
| _ -> failwith "This implementation is only for DogPerson"}
let DogPersonToShopper = mappingInstanceOf DogPersonShopper
So I no longer have a Shopper type to represent both cat food shoppers and dog food shoppers, but instead an interface defines the mapping from PetPerson values to specific shopper types. I also have individual partially applied functions to make things even easier at the call site.
let UsePersonality1 (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
match y with
|CatPerson as c ->
let (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_)) = CatPersonToShopper c
"use lst and return string"
|DogPerson as d ->
let (DogFoodShopper (lst,_,_)) = DogPersonToShopper d
"use lst and return string"
This approach works better when using PetPerson values, but I'm now left with the task of defining these individual functions to keep things clean at the call site.
Note that this example is meant to demonstrate the trade off between using a DU and using an interface to return different types based on the classifying DU parameter, if I may call it that. So don't hang up on my meaningless use of return values etc.
My question is: are there any other ways I can accomplish the semantics of classifying a bunch of tuple (or record) types? If you're thinking active patterns, they're not an option because in the real code base the DUs have more than seven cases, which is the limit for active patterns, in case they would be of help. So do I have any other options to improve on the above approaches?

One obvious way to go about this is to call ShopperViaPersonality before matching PetPerson, not after:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match ShopperViaPersonality y with
| CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_))-> "use lst and return some string "
| DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper (lst, _,_)) -> "use lst and return other string"
Also note that if the sole purpose of ShooperViaPersonality is to support pattern matches, you may be better off making it an active pattern:
let (|CatFShopper|DogFShopper|) = function
| CatPerson -> CatFShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St")
| DogPerson -> DogFShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1)
Then you can use it like this:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match y with
| CatFShopper (lst,_,_) -> "use lst and return some string "
| DogFShopper (lst, _,_) -> "use lst and return other string"
Logically, an active pattern is pretty much the same as a DU + a function, but on syntactic level, notice how much less nesting there is now.


How to properly create and use polynomial type and term type in f#

I'm trying to do this exercise:
I'm not sure how to use Type in F#, in F# interactive, I wrote type term = Term of float *int, Then I tried to create a value of type term by let x: term = (3.5,8);;But it gives an error.
Then I tried let x: term = Term (3.5,8);; and it worked. So Why is that?
For the first function, I tried:
let multiplyPolyByTerm (x:term, p:poly)=
match p with
But that gives an error on the line |[]->[] saying that the expression is expecting a type poly, but poly is a in fact a list right? So why is it wrong here? I fixed it by |Poly[]->Poly[]. Then I tried to finish the function by giving the recursive definition of multiplying each term of the polynomial by the given term: |Poly a::af-> This gives an error so I'm stuck on trying to break down the Poly list.
If anyone has suggestion on good readings about Type in F#, please share it.
I got all the methods now, However,I find myself unable to throw an exception when the polynomial is an empty list as the base case of my recursive function is an empty list. Also, I don't know how to group common term together, Please help, Here are my codes:
type poly=Poly of (float*int) list
type term = Term of float *int
exception EmptyList
let rec mergeCommonTerm(p:poly)=
let rec iterator ((a: float,b: int ), k: (float*int) list)=
match k with
|ki::kf-> if b= snd ki then (a+ fst ki,b)
match p with
|Poly [] -> Poly []
|Poly (a::af)-> match af with
|[]-> Poly [a]
|b::bf -> if snd a =snd b then Poly (fst a +fst b,snd a)::bf
let rec multiplyPolyByTerm (x:term, p:poly)=
match x with
| Term (coe,deg) -> match p with
|Poly[] -> Poly []
|Poly (a::af) -> match multiplyPolyByTerm (x,Poly af) with
|Poly recusivep-> Poly ((fst a *coe,snd a + deg)::recusivep)
let rec addTermToPoly (x:term, p:poly)=
match x with
|Term (coe, deg)-> match p with
|Poly[] -> Poly [(coe,deg)]
|Poly (a::af)-> if snd a=deg then Poly ((fst a+coe,deg)::af)
else match addTermToPoly (x,Poly af) with
|Poly recusivep-> Poly (a::recusivep)
let rec addPolys (x:poly, y: poly)=
match x with
|Poly []->y
|Poly (xh::xt)-> addPolys(Poly xt,addTermToPoly(Term xh, y))
let rec multPolys (x:poly,y:poly)=
match x with
|Poly []-> Poly[]
|Poly (xh::xt)->addPolys (multiplyPolyByTerm(Term xh,y),multPolys(Poly xt,y))
let evalTerm (values:float) (termmm : term) :float=
match termmm with
|Term (coe,deg)->coe*(values**float(deg))
let rec evalPoly (polyn : poly, v: float) :float=
match polyn with
|Poly []->0.0
|Poly (ph::pt)-> (evalTerm v (Term ph)) + evalPoly (Poly pt,v)
let rec diffPoly (p:poly) :poly=
match p with
|Poly []->Poly []
|Poly (ah::at)-> match diffPoly (Poly at) with
|Poly [] -> if snd ah = 0 then Poly []
else Poly [(float(snd ah)*fst ah,snd ah - 1)]
|Poly (bh::bt)->Poly ((float(snd ah)*fst ah,snd ah - 1)::bh::bt)
As I mentioned in a comment, reading https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/discriminated-unions/ will be very helpful for you. But let me give you some quick help to get you unstuck and starting to solve your immediate problems. You're on the right track, you're just struggling a little with the syntax (and operator precedence, which is part of the syntax).
First, load the MSDN operator precedence documentation in another tab while you read the rest of this answer. You'll want to look at it later on, but first I'll explain a subtlety of how F# treats discriminated unions that you probably haven't understood yet.
When you define a discriminated union type like poly, the name Poly acts like a constructor for the type. In F#, constructors are functions. So when you write Poly (something), the F# parser interprets this as "take the value (something) and pass it to the function named Poly". Here, the function Poly isn't one you had to define explicitly; it was implicitly defined as part of your type definition. To really make this clear, consider this example:
type Example =
| Number of int
| Text of string
5 // This has type int
Number 5 // This has type Example
Number // This has type (int -> Example), i.e. a function
"foo" // This has type string
Text "foo" // This has type Example
Text // This has type (string -> Example), i.e. a function
Now look at the operator precedence list that you loaded in another tab. Lowest precedence is at the top of the table, and highest precedence is at the bottom; in other words, the lower something is on the table, the more "tightly" it binds. As you can see, function application (f x, calling f with parameter x) binds very tightly, more tightly than the :: operator. So when you write f a::b, that is not read as f (a::b), but rather as (f a)::b. In other words, f a::b reads as "Item b is a list of some type which we'll call T, and the function call f a produces an item of type T that should go in front of list b". If you instead meant "take the list formed by putting item a at the head of list b, and then call f with the resulting list", then that needs parentheses: you have to write f (a::b) to get that meaning.
So when you write Poly a::af, that's interpreted as (Poly a)::af, which means "Here is a list. The first item is a Poly a, which means that a is a (float * int) list. The rest of the list will be called af". And since the value your passing into it is not a list, but rather a poly type, that is a type mismatch. (Note that items of type poly contain lists, but they are not themselves lists). What you needed to write was Poly (a::af), which would have meant "Here is an item of type poly that contains a list. That list should be split into the head, a, and the rest, af."
I hope that helped rather than muddle the waters further. If you didn't understand any part of this, let me know and I'll try to make it clearer.
P.S. Another point of syntax you might want to know: F# gives you many ways to signal an error condition (like an empty list in this assignment), but your professor has asked you to use exception EmptyList when invalid input is given. That means he expects your code to "throw" or "raise" an exception when you encounter an error. In C# the term is "throw", but in F# the term is "raise", and the syntax looks like this:
if someErrorCondition then
raise EmptyList
// Or ...
match listThatShouldNotBeEmpty with
| [] -> raise EmptyList
| head::rest -> // Do something with head, etc.
That should take care of the next question you would have needed to ask. :-)
Update 2: You've edited your question to clarify another issue you're having, where your recursive function boils down to an empty list as the base case — yet your professor asked you to consider an empty list as an invalid input. There are two ways to solve this. I'll discuss the more complicated one first, then I'll discuss the easier one.
The more complicated way to solve this is to have two separate functions, an "outer" one and an "inner" one, for each of the functions you have been asked to define. In each case, the "outer" one checks whether the input is an empty list and throws an exception if that's the case. If the input is not an empty list, then it passes the input to the "inner" function, which does the recursive algorithm (and does NOT consider an empty list to be an error). So the "outer" function is basically only doing error-checking, and the "inner" function is doing all the work. This is a VERY common approach in professional programming, where all your error-checking is done at the "edges" of your code, while the "inner" code never has to deal with errors. It's therefore a good approach to know about — but in your particular case, I think it's more complicated than you need.
The easier solution is to rewrite your functions to consider a single-item list as the base case, so that your recursive functions never go all the way to an empty list. Then you can always consider an empty list to be an error. Since this is homework I won't give you an example based on your actual code, but rather an example based on a simple "take the sum of a list of integers" exercise where an empty list would be considered an error:
let rec sumNonEmptyList (input : int list) : int =
match input with
| [] -> raise EmptyList
| [x] -> x
| x::rest -> x + sumNonEmptyList rest
The syntax [x] in a match expression means "This matches a list with exactly one item in it, and assigns the name x to the value of that item". In your case, you'd probably be matching against Poly [] to raise an exception, Poly [a] as the base case, and Poly (a::af) as the "more than one item" case. (That's as much of a clue as I think I should give you; you'll learn better if you work out the rest yourself).

Accessing specific case from F# DU

Suppose I have the following DU:
type Something =
| A of int
| B of string * int
Now I use it in a function like this:
let UseSomething = function
| A(i) -> DoSomethingWithA i
| B(s, i) -> DoSomethingWithB s i
That works, but I've had to deconstruct the DU in order to pass it to the DoSomethingWith* functions. It feels natural to me to try to define DoSomethingWithA as:
let DoSomethingWithA (a: Something.A) = ....
but the compiler complains that the type A is not defined.
It seems entirely in keeping with the philosophy of F# to want to restrict the argument to being a Something.A, not just any old int, so am I just going about it the wrong way?
The important thing to note is that A and B are constructors of the same type Something. So you will get inexhaustive pattern matching warning if you try to use A and B cases separately.
IMO, deconstructing all cases of DUs is a good idea since it is type-safe and forces you to think of handling those cases even you don't want to. The problem may arise if you have to deconstruct DUs repetitively in the same way. In that case, defining map and fold functions on DUs might be a good idea:
let mapSomething fa fb = function
| A(i) -> fa i
| B(s, i) -> fb s i
Please refer to excellent Catamorphism series by #Brian to learn about fold on DUs.
That also said that your example is fine. What you really process are string and int values after deconstruction.
You can use Active Patterns to consume two cases separately:
let (|ACase|) = function A i -> i | B _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern B _"
let (|BCase|) = function B(s, i) -> (s, i) | A _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern A _"
let doSomethingWithA (ACase i) = ....
but inferred type of doSomethingWithA is still the same and you get an exception when passing B _ to the function. So it's a wrong thing to do IMO.
The other answers are accurate: in F# A and B are constructors, not types, and this is the traditional approach taken by strongly typed functional languages like Haskell or the other languages in the ML family. However, there are other approaches - I believe that in Scala, for example, A and B would actually be subclasses of Something, so you could use those more specific types where it makes sense to do so. I'm not completely sure what tradeoffs are involved in the design decision, but generally speaking inheritance makes type inference harder/impossible (and true to the stereotype type inference in Scala is much worse than in Haskell or the ML languages).
A is not a type, it is just a constructor for Something. There's no way you can avoid pattern matching, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
That said, F# does offer a thing called active patterns, for instance
let (|AA|) = function
| A i -> i
| B _ -> invalidArg "B" "B's not allowed!"
which you can then use like this:
let DoSomethingWithA (AA i) = i + 1
But there's no real reason why you would want to do that! You still do the same old pattern matching under the hood, plus you risk the chance of a runtime error.
In any case, your implementation of UseSomething is perfectly natural for F#.

Can the F# type system do this?

I have a lot of various types that have a common purpose, but little else in common. For the sake of explanation, they might as well be along the lines of:
type blah<'a> = Blah of 'a
type huha<'a> = Huha of 'a
I often need to repeat a large chunk of boilerplate that could go inside a function along the lines of:
let f (x:something<int>) (g:something<char> -> float) : float =
But that would require somehow enforcing that the two somethings in the type are the same. In other words, I would like to be able to call the function f as:
f (Blah 1) (fun (b:blah<float>) -> .... )
f (Huha 1) (fun (b:huha<float>) -> .... )
Obviously, a trivial solution is to create a discriminated union of all the types function f could possibly take, and make every g (i.e. f's second argument) check it got whatever type it expected. But that means having a massive type that causes the universe to recompile every time anything changes, and it's not like checking types at runtime helps a great deal either.
So, can someone please see a way of doing what I want in a typesafe way? Many thanks.
As far as I understand, you cannot do this directly in F#.
But maybe operator overloading will help. You would have to implement f for every type, though. But maybe you can delegate to a common implementation.
A code example for operator overloading, ensuring the right types:
type T<'a> =
| T of 'a
static member (.+.) (l:T<int>, r:T<char> -> float) = 42.0
type U<'a> =
| U of 'a
static member (.+.) (l:U<int>, r:U<char> -> float) = 13.1
let ft (t:T<char>) = 42.0
let fu (t:U<char>) = 42.0
let t = T 42 .+. ft
let u = U 13 .+. fu
// does not compile:
let wrong = T 42 .+. fu

Optionally taking the first item in a sequence

I need a function like Seq.head, but returning None instead of throwing an exception when the sequence is empty, i.e., seq<'T> -> 'T option.
There are a jillion ways to do this. Here are several:
let items = Seq.init 10 id
let a = Seq.tryFind (fun _ -> true) items
let b = Seq.tryPick Some items
let c = if Seq.isEmpty items then None else Some (Seq.head items)
let d =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
if e.MoveNext() then Some e.Current
else None
b is the one I use. Two questions:
Is there a particularly idiomatic way to do this?
Since there's no built-in Seq.tryHead function, does that indicate this shouldn't be necessary, is uncommon, or is better implemented without a function?
tryHead has been added to the standard library in F# 4.0.
I think (b) is probably the most idiomatic, for the same reason #Ramon gave.
I think the lack of Seq.tryHead just means that it is not super common.
I'm not sure, but my guess is that functional languages with Hindley-Milner type inference in general are sparse about implementing such specific functions on collection types because overloading isn't available and composing higher-order functions can be done tersely.
For example, C# Linq extensions are much more exhaustive than functions in F#'s Seq module (which itself is more exhaustive than functions on concrete collection types), and even has IEnumerable.FirstOrDefault. Practically every overload has a variation which performs a map.
I think emphasis on pattern matching and concrete types like list is also a reason.
Now, most of the above is speculation, but I think I may have a notion closer to being objective. I think a lot of the time tryPick and tryFind can be used in the first place instead of filter |> tryHead. For example, I find myself writing code like the following fairly frequently:
open System.Reflection
let ty = typeof<System.String> //suppose this type is actually unknown at compile time
seq {
for name in ["a";"b";"c"] do
yield ty.GetMethod(name)
} |> Seq.tryFind((<>)null)
instead of like
seq {
for name in ["a";"b";"c"] do
match ty.GetMethod(name) with
| null -> ()
| mi -> yield mi
} |> tryHead
You could define:
let seqTryHead s = Seq.tryPick Some s
It is of type seq<'a> -> 'a option. Note that I don't beta-reduce because of the generic value limitation.

Using a variable in pattern matching in Ocaml or F#

I have a function of the form
'a -> ('a * int) list -> int
let rec getValue identifier bindings =
match bindings with
| (identifier, value)::tail -> value
| (_, _)::tail -> getValue identifier tail
| [] -> -1
I can tell that identifier is not being bound the way I would like it to and is acting as a new variable within the match expression. How to I get identifier to be what is passed into the function?
Ok! I fixed it with a pattern guard, i.e. | (i, value)::tail when i = indentifier -> value
but I find this ugly compared to the way I originally wanted to do it (I'm only using these languages because they are pretty...). Any thoughts?
You can use F# active patterns to create a pattern that will do exactly what you need. F# supports parameterized active patterns that take the value that you're matching, but also take an additional parameter.
Here is a pretty stupid example that fails when the value is zero and otherwise succeeds and returns the addition of the value and the specified parameter:
let (|Test|_|) arg value =
if value = 0 then None else Some(value + arg)
You can specify the parameter in pattern matching like this:
match 1 with
| Test 100 res -> res // 'res' will be 101
Now, we can easily define an active pattern that will compare the matched value with the input argument of the active pattern. The active pattern returns unit option, which means that it doesn't bind any new value (in the example above, it returned some value that we assigned to a symbol res):
let (|Equals|_|) arg x =
if (arg = x) then Some() else None
let foo x y =
match x with
| Equals y -> "equal"
| _ -> "not equal"
You can use this as a nested pattern, so you should be able to rewrite your example using the Equals active pattern.
One of the beauties of functional languages is higher order functions. Using those functions we take the recursion out and just focus on what you really want to do. Which is to get the value of the first tuple that matches your identifier otherwise return -1:
let getValue identifier list =
match List.tryFind (fun (x,y) -> x = identifier) list with
| None -> -1
| Some(x,y) -> y
//val getValue : 'a -> (('a * int) list -> int) when 'a : equality
This paper by Graham Hutton is a great introduction to what you can do with higher order functions.
This is not directly an answer to the question: how to pattern-match the value of a variable. But it's not completely unrelated either.
If you want to see how powerful pattern-matching could be in a ML-like language similar to F# or OCaml, take a look at Moca.
You can also take a look at the code generated by Moca :) (not that there's anything wrong with the compiler doing a lot of things for you in your back. In some cases, it's desirable, even, but many programmers like to feel they know what the operations they are writing will cost).
What you're trying to do is called an equality pattern, and it's not provided by Objective Caml. Objective Caml's patterns are static and purely structural. That is, whether a value matches the pattern depends solely on the value's structure, and in a way that is determined at compile time. For example, (_, _)::tail is a pattern that matches any non-empty list whose head is a pair. (identifier, value)::tail matches exactly the same values; the only difference is that the latter binds two more names identifier and value.
Although some languages have equality patterns, there are non-trivial practical considerations that make them troublesome. Which equality? Physical equality (== in Ocaml), structural equality (= in Ocaml), or some type-dependent custom equality? Furthermore, in Ocaml, there is a clear syntactic indication of which names are binders and which names are reference to previously bound values: any lowercase identifier in a pattern is a binder. These two reasons explain why Ocaml does not have equality patterns baked in. The idiomatic way to express an equality pattern in Ocaml is in a guard. That way, it's immediately clear that the matching is not structural, that identifier is not bound by this pattern matching, and which equality is in use. As for ugly, that's in the eye of the beholder — as a habitual Ocaml programmer, I find equality patterns ugly (for the reasons above).
match bindings with
| (id, value)::tail when id = identifier -> value
| (_, _)::tail -> getValue identifier tail
| [] -> -1
In F#, you have another possibility: active patterns, which let you pre-define guards that concern a single site in a pattern.
This is a common complaint, but I don't think that there's a good workaround in general; a pattern guard is usually the best compromise. In certain specific cases there are alternatives, though, such as marking literals with the [<Literal>] attribute in F# so that they can be matched against.
