How to generate OpenAPI schema from Avro Schema - avro

I am looking at openapi-generator to see if I can create an OpenAPI schema from an avro schema using the tool. Looking at the documentation, I have not been able to figure out how to provide the parameters to be able to do that. How can I achieve this?
Or, is there another way to get OpenAPI schema from an avro schema either using any online tool or programmatically and how?
The reason I need to do schema to schema conversion is that we use kafka streaming for message transmission and do not have a REST endpoint that could be used with Swagger that would generate the schema. Also, the generated message may not contain all attributes from the avro schema and doesn't identify the optional / mandatory attributes.
Thank you


Does it make sense to use the schema registry with Avro SpecificRecord?

I am a consumer and want to use SpecificRecord in Avro for type safety to avoid manually mapping things from a GenericRecord. As I understand things it makes little sense for me to still integrate with the schema registry because I could not do anything about the new schema in my consumer code anyways. Note that the schema registry has the full transitive mode enabled for any schema changes (I know that default values can still be changed and might lead to breaking changes).
Why use schema registry together with SpecificRecord in consumer code?
I can answer my own question, because we tried it, and it’s impossible to use the schema registry together with SpecificRecord if you want to have schema evolution. Your code simply breaks at runtime, because it cannot find the required version. Hence, the only way to work with Avro and schema evolution is via GenericRecord, and integrating with the schema registry in case of SpecificRecord provides no value.
Compare this with Protobuf, where you have both, generated code and schema evolution.

Checking if avro schema is according to the avro spec

I cannot find a tool for checking whether avro schemas follow the avro spec. How can I check this?
I have generated a 300kB avro schema, but I do not know whether its syntax is according to the avro spec. The avro spec has quite a few quirks, like naming conventions, handling records in records and other quirks.
What is more, if I try my avro schema using a tool that validates json according to an avro schema, I get an unspecified error or crash.
Is there a tool, maybe a JSON Schema validator that can validate the avro schema itself?
If you want to validate the schema definition, then it's enough to try to build an object that is generated by the schema definition. You can do it in a unit test for example and when you will run the unit test, an exception will be thrown if you will not respect the avro schema definition.
If you want to check for compatibility issues, then you can use the Schema Registry REST API, more details here.
Best regards!

Are Neo4j-GraphQL, GRANDstack app, schemas fixed?

Is the schema of a GRANDstack app using the Neo4j-GraphQL integration fixed at deployment or can a structure my app such that users could modify the schema and still have the autogenerated resolvers?
The database model is driven by the GraphQL schema, so if you change the GraphQL schema, the inferred database datamodel will be adjusted accordingly. How would you expose the functionality for users to modify the schema? What use case do you have in mind for that?

Store "schemas" to build custom forms using postgres and rails

I'm building a site using rails that will have 1000s of custom forms. Before we build a form builder user interface, we'll be essentially creating and storing the "schema" manually and using the "schema" to build the form.
I had originally posted this question to help figure out how to create the form from a YAML file: Create a form in rails by reading a yaml file
But after doing some research, it seems like it would be better to store the "schema" in our db and now I'm wondering what the best way is to do that. It seems like there's a "jsonb" type for postgres dbs that I could use - is that better than storing the "schema" as YAML data? And would I use the "bytea" type for this type of data? Are there any thoughts on if it would be better to use JSON or YAML? Also, do I just put the contents of the schema in the db or is there a way to just store a file?
I would use the native Postgres JSON type.

XML Schema (XSD) to Rails ActiveRecord Mapping?

I'm looking for a way to convert an XML Schema definition file into an ActiveRecord modeled database. Does anyone know of a tool that happens to do this?
So far the best way I've found is to first load the XSD into an RDBMS like postgres or mysql and then have rails connect to do a rake db:schema:dump. This however, only leaves me with a database without rails Models.
What would be the best way to import/load this xsd based database into rails?
Did you try gem magic_model_generator to generate the model from the db?
Also, how did you load the XSD into your RDBMS? There seems to be plenty of discussion here:
How can I create database tables from XSD files?
Convert XSD into SQL relational tables
I used Xml Spy (30 free trail, on windows, ug) to build tables from the xsd in a mysql db, then ran magic_model_generator on it to create ActiveRecord classes. It appears to have worked as you would expect, generating validators on the fields based on the the db schema.
