Scheduled callback with Amazon Connect - amazon-connect

Is it possible to build a flow that allows a user to schedule a callback from an Amazon Connect queue using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API?

It more about building something to do the scheduling or with Amazon Connect tasks you can create a task for an agent or queue to process the callback


How to retrive all AWS SQS queue messages in lumen without dispatching

I am trying to fetch the AWS SQS queue messages using lumen Queue worker and SQS queue messages will be created by other API's which is on other end. How can I retrieve all the messages from queue and process it.
I have created the job and installed the AWS sdk package into the lumen but it is not calling the handle written into the Job.
Can anyone please guide me step by step to sort out the problem

Job and device/shadow running at same time on the device

As we know the device can only run one single connection by same client id, based on that. A physical device opens a connection with the device implementation to subscribe to the AWS IoT Shadow. I was wondering how it that will work based on the jobs implementation seems to create another new MQTT client
You use the same connection you already have for your device to use jobs. Jobs are used through publish and subscribe to specific topics. You can read more about jobs MQTT API here:

How to reuse HTTP connection and share it between Sidekiq background jobs?

My app sends multiple API requests and get responses in background jobs to third party server. For now every job opens new Http connection and closes it after receiving a response.
If it's possible to share this connection between all my app's jobs?
How to keep it alive while a pool of jobs is in progress?
How to close it at the end?
This is what a connection pool is designed for.

Periodic notification with Pusher

I have a queue of messages that must be displayed to the user every two minutes, one at a time.
Does Pusher have a cron feature?
An example of the desired behavior:
00:00 – User_A sends Message_A and it is enqueued. Once the queue is empty, Message_A is delivered immediately.
00:30 - User_B sends Message_B and it is enqueued.
02:00 - ???? checks the queue and uses Push (or other websocket service) to deliver Message_B
I need the ???? piece.
No, Pusher doesn't offer a cron feature.
But, it would be easy to use a service like and then hit your own endpoint every two minutes and from that endpoint publish to Pusher.
IronMQ Push Queues
Add Messages to a Queue docs - specifically the 'delay'. This means you can define when you want the message to be queued and effectively published.

how to know when amazon machine instance start,stop and terminated? is there any way to send messege in sqs when instance start,stop and terminated?

who will notify when instance start or stop? i want to send message to sqs when instance start stop or terminated and sqs messeage will be read by DAS(Domain Administration server) asynchronously.
You may write commissioning and decommissioning scripts for your EC2 instances, wherein you may also send some message to any SQS queue.
