circleCI CLI - Cannot find a job named `build` to run in the `jobs:` section of your configuration file - circleci

I'm using the circleCI CLI locally to test my .circleci/config.yml. This is what it looks like:
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:4.8.2
- checkout
- run: echo 'test step'
version: 2
- test
This fails with the following error:
* Cannot find a job named build to run in the jobs: section of your configuration file.
If you expected a workflow to run, check your config contains a top-level key called 'workflows:'
The 'hello world' workflow from the CLI docs works fine.
What am I missing here?

In the same CircleCI CLI documentation mentioned above it has in the 'limitations' section:
The CLI tool does not provide support for running workflows. By nature, workflows leverage running jobs concurrently on multiple machines allowing you to achieve faster, more complex builds. Because the CLI is only running on your machine, it can only run single jobs (which make up parts of a workflow).
So I guess running workflows with orbs works (as in the 'hello world' example), but running workflows with your own jobs does not work with the CLI.
Testing Jobs Locally
If you're looking to test your config locally like I was, you can still execute your individual jobs locally. In the same documentation linked above, under the title 'Running a Job' when using config with version 2.1+ you can explicitly call one of your jobs like so:
circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > process.yml
circleci local execute -c process.yml --job JOB_NAME


With CircleCI, is it possible to share an executor between two jobs

I am rewriting my CircleCI config. Everything was put in only one job and everything was working well, but for some good reasons I want more structure.
Now I have two jobs build and test, and I want the second job to reuse the machine exactly where the build job stopped.
I will later have a third and four job.
My desire would be a line that says I want to reuse the previous machine/executor, built-in from CircleCI.
Other options are Workspaces that save data on CircleCI machine, or building and deploying my own docker that represents the machine after the build job
What is the easiest way to achieve what I want to do ?
Currently, I have basically in my yaml:
- image: cypress/base:14.16.0
- checkout
- node/install:
install-yarn: true
node-version: '16.13'
- other-long-commands
# NOT GOOD: need an executor
- run:
name: 'test'
command: 'npx cypress run'
- build
- smoke:
- build
Can't be done. Workspaces is the solution instead.
My follow up would be, why do you need two jobs? Depending on your use case, pulling steps out into reusable commands might help, or even an orb.

Jobs vs script: What is their difference in Travis-CI?

It seems that I can put commands, such as echo "helloworld", in script or in jobs section of .travis.yml. What is their difference?
They are completely different functionality defined in .travis.yml
script: is a build/job phrase that you run commands in this specific step. [1]
job: is a step where you will be able to define multiple ones within .travis.yml file and each job can run an additional build job that you can define their own script inside it. [2]

Triggering the Jenkins job from the GitLab pipeline stage and on successfully completion of the job move to next stage

Can you please help, I have the following scenario and I went through many videos, blogs but could not find anything matching with my use-case
To write a CI\CD pipeline in GitLab, which can facilitate the following stages in this order
- verify # unit test, sonarqube, pages
- build # package
- publish # copy artifact in repository
- deploy # Deploy artifact on runtime in an test environment
- integration # run postman\integration tests
All other stages are fine and working but for the deploy stage, because of a few restrictions I have to submit an existing Jenkins job using Jenkin remote API with the following script but the problem that script returns an asynchronous response and start the Jenkins job and deploy stage completes and it moves to next stage (integration).
Run Jenkins Job:
image: maven:3-jdk-8
- java
environment: development
stage: deploy
- artifact_no=$(grep -m1 '<version>' pom.xml | grep -oP '(?<=>).*(?=<)')
- curl -X POST http://myhost:8081/job/fpp/view/categorized/job/fpp_PREP_party/build --user mkumar:1121053c6b6d19bf0b3c1d6ab604f22867 --data-urlencode json="{\"parameter\":[{\"name\":\"app_version\",\"value\":\"$artifact_no\"}]}"
Note: Using GitLab CE edition and Jenkins CI project service is not available.
I am looking for a possible way of triggering the Jenkins job from the pipeline and only on successful completion of the Jenkins job my integration stage starts executing.
Thanks for the help!
Retrieving the status of a Jenkins job that is triggered programmatically through the remote access API is notorious for not being quite convoluted.
Normally you would expect to receive in the response header, under the Location attribute, a url that you can poll to get the status of your request, but unfortunately there are some in-between steps to reach that point. You can find a guide in this post. You may also have a look in this older post.
Once you have the url, you can pool and parse the status job and either sh "exit 1" or sh "exit 0" in your script to force the job that is invoking the external job to fail or succeed, depending on how you want to assert the result of the remote job

Swarm stack is deployed before the new images are pushed

I use CircleCI and the pipeline is as follows:
build app & nginx Docker images and push them to a GitLab registry
deploy Docker stack to the development server (currently the Swarm manager)
I just pushed my develop branch to my repository and faced a "Symfony4 new Controller page" on the development server after a successful message from CircleCI.
I logged via SSH in it and executed (with output for the application service):
docker stack ps my-development-stack --format "{{.Name}} {{.Image}} {{.CurrentState}}"
my-stack_app.1 gitlab-image:latest-develop Running 33 minutes ago
On my GitLab repository's registry, the application image has been "Last Updated" 41 minutes ago. The service's image has apparently been refreshed before with the last version.
Is it a common issue/error ?
How could (or should) I fix this timing issue ?
Can CircleCI help about this ?
Perhaps it is best ( though not ideal ) to introduce a delay between build and deploy , you can refer to this example here CircelCI Delay Between Jobs
I found a workaround using a CircleCI scheduled workflow triggered by a CRON. I scheduled a nightly build workflow which will run every day at midnight.
Sample of my config.yml file
# Beginning of the config.yml
# ...
version: 2
# Push workflow
# ...
# Nightly build workflow
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 * * *"
- develop
- build
- test:
- build
- deploy-dev:
- test
Read more about scheduled workflow with a nightly build example in the CircleCI official documentation
Looks more like a workaround to me. I'd be glad to hear how do you avoid this issue, which could lead to a better answer to the question.

Can I run a command before the earlier steps of a CircleCI job?

Circle CI does these and more, before it gets to your actual Java/Ruby/Python/etc build:
Starting the build
Start container
Enable SSH
Is there a way of inserting a custom command at that early stage? Circle.yml seems to be where you would specify things like that, but the documentation doesn't detail things that can be inserted into the earlier stages/steps.
In CircleCI 1.0, there's several phases, and steps in those phases, that you can run commands.
The absolute earliest step is:
- echo "Some command"
Many components in the build aren't ready by this step though, including git clone. In that case, you can also run commands after the machine phase and before dependencies.
- echo "Probably the better place to run early commands."
- echo "Run commands before any inferred dependency commands."
More on how phases in circle.yml work can be found in the CircleCI 1.0 Configuration Doc.
-Ricardo N Feliciano
Developer Evangelist, CircleCI
