Can you search for related database tables/fields using text similarity? - machine-learning

I am doing a college project where I need to compare a string with list of other strings. I want to know if we have any kind of library which can do this or not.
Suppose I have a table called : DOCTORS_DETAILS
Now I want to calculate which one among those are more relevant to DOCTOR_DETAILS ?
Expected output can be,
DOCTOR_APPOINTMENTS - More relevant because of the term doctor matches in both string
PATIENT_DETAILS - The term DETAILS present in both string
PAYMENTS - least relevant
Therefore I want to find RELEVENCE based on number of similar terms present on both the strings in question.

Semantic similarity is a common NLP problem. There are multiple approaches to look into, but at their core they all are going to boil down to:
Turn each piece of text into a vector
Measure distance between vectors, and call closer vectors more similar
Three possible ways to do step 1 are:
To do step 2, you almost certainly want to use cosine distance. It is pretty straightforward with Python, here is a implementation from a blog post:
import numpy as np
def cos_sim(a, b):
"""Takes 2 vectors a, b and returns the cosine similarity according
to the definition of the dot product
dot_product =, b)
norm_a = np.linalg.norm(a)
norm_b = np.linalg.norm(b)
return dot_product / (norm_a * norm_b)
For your particular use case, my instincts say to use fasttext. So, the official site shows how to download some pretrained word vectors, but you will want to download a pretrained model (see this GH issue, use,
Then you'd then want to do something like:
import fasttext
model = fasttext.load_model("model_filename.bin")
def order_tables_by_name_similarity(main_table, candidate_tables):
'''Note: we use a fasttext model, not just pretrained vectors, so we get subword information
you can modify this to also output the distances if you need them
main_v = model[main_table]
similarity_to_main = lambda w: cos_sim(main_v, model[w])
return sorted(candidate_tables, key=similarity_to_main, reverse=True)
If you need to put this in production, the giant model size (6.7GB) might be an issue. At that point, you'd want to build your own model, and constrain the model size. You can probably get roughly the same accuracy out of a 6MB model!


Find the importance of each column to the model

I have a project and as of right now everything has gone great. I have a motor that collects a power reading 256 times around each rotation and I push that into a model. Right now it determines the state of the motor nearly perfectly. The motor itself only has room for 38 values on it at a time so I have been spending several rotations to collect the full 256 samples for my training data.
I would like to cut the sample size down to 38 so every rotation I can determine its state. If I just evenly space the samples down to 38 my model degrades by a lot. I know I am not feeding the model the features it thinks are most important but just making a guess and randomly selecting data for the model.
Is there a way I can see the importance of each value in the array during the training process? I was thinking I could use IDataView for this and I found the below statement about it (link).
Standard ML schema: The IDataView system does not define, nor prescribe, standard ML schema representation. For example, it does not dictate representation of nor distinction between different semantic interpretations of columns, such as label, feature, score, weight, etc. However, the column metadata support, together with conventions, may be used to represent such interpretations.
Does this mean I can print out such things as weight for each column and how would I do that?
I have actually only been working with for a couple weeks now so I apologize if the question is naive, I assure you I have googled this as many ways as I can think to. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the answer I was going down a completely useless path. I have been trying to get it to work following the example you linked to. I have 260 columns with numbers and one column with the conditions as one of five text strings. This is the condition I am trying to predict.
The first time I tried it threw an error "expecting single but got string". No problem I used .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("Label", "Label")) to convert to key values and it threw the error expected Single, got Key UInt32. any ideas on how to push that into this function?
At any rate thank you for the reply but I guess my upvotes don't count yet sorry. hopefully I can upvote it later or someone else here can upvote it. Below is the code example.
//Create MLContext
MLContext mlContext = new MLContext();
//Load Data
IDataView data = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<ModelInput>(TRAIN_DATA_FILEPATH, separatorChar: ',', hasHeader: true);
// 1. Get the column name of input features.
string[] featureColumnNames =
.Select(column => column.Name)
.Where(columnName => columnName != "Label").ToArray();
// 2. Define estimator with data pre-processing steps
IEstimator<ITransformer> dataPrepEstimator =
mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", featureColumnNames)
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("Label", "Label"));
// 3. Create transformer using the data pre-processing estimator
ITransformer dataPrepTransformer = dataPrepEstimator.Fit(data);//error here
// 4. Pre-process the training data
IDataView preprocessedTrainData = dataPrepTransformer.Transform(data);
// 5. Define Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent machine learning estimator
var sdcaEstimator = mlContext.Regression.Trainers.Sdca();
// 6. Train machine learning model
var sdcaModel = sdcaEstimator.Fit(preprocessedTrainData);
ImmutableArray<RegressionMetricsStatistics> permutationFeatureImportance =
.PermutationFeatureImportance(sdcaModel, preprocessedTrainData, permutationCount: 3);
// Order features by importance
var featureImportanceMetrics =
.Select((metric, index) => new { index, metric.RSquared })
.OrderByDescending(myFeatures => Math.Abs(myFeatures.RSquared.Mean));
foreach (var feature in featureImportanceMetrics)
I believe what you are looking for is called Permutation Feature Importance. This will tell you which features are most important by changing each feature in isolation, and then measuring how much that change affected the model's performance metrics. You can use this to see which features are the most important to the model.
Interpret model predictions using Permutation Feature Importance is the doc that describes how to use this API in ML.NET.
You can also use an open-source set of packages, they are much more sophisticated than what is found in ML.NET. I have an example on my GitHub how-to use R with advanced explainer packages to explain ML.NET models. You can get local instance as well as global model breakdown/details/diagnostics/feature interactions etc.

How do I speedup adding two big vectors of tuples?

Recently, I am implementing an algorithm from a paper that I will be using in my master's work, but I've come across some problems regarding the time it is taking to perform some operations.
Before I get into details, I just want to add that my data set comprehends roughly 4kk entries of data points.
I have two lists of tuples that I've get from a framework (annoy) that calculates cosine similarity between a vector and every other vector in the dataset. The final format is like this:
[(name1, cosine), (name2, cosine), ...]
Because of the algorithm, I have two of that lists with the same names (first value of the tuple) in it, but two different cosine similarities. What I have to do is to sum the cosines from both lists, and then order the array and get the top-N highest cosine values.
My issue is: is taking too long. My actual code for this implementation is as following:
def topN(self, user, session):
upref = self.m2vTN.get_user_preference(user)
spref = self.sm2vTN.get_user_preference(session)
# list of tuples 1
most_su = self.indexer.most_similar(upref, len(self.m2v.wv.vocab))
# list of tuples 2
most_ss = self.indexer.most_similar(spref, len(self.m2v.wv.vocab))
# concat both lists and add into a dict
d = defaultdict(int)
for l, v in (most_ss + most_su):
d[l] += v
# convert the dict into a list, and then sort it
_list = list(d.items())
_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [x[0] for x in _list[:self.N]]
How do I make this code faster? I've tried using threads but I'm not sure if it will make it faster. Getting the lists is not the problem here, but the concatenation and sorting is.
Thanks! English is not my native language, so sorry for any misspelling.
What do you mean by "too long"? How large are the two lists? Is there a chance your model, and interim results, are larger than RAM and thus forcing virtual-memory paging (which would create frustrating slowness)?
If you are in fact getting the cosine-similarity with all vectors in the model, the annoy-indexer isn't helping any. (Its purpose is to get a small subset of nearest-neighbors much faster, at the expense of perfect accuracy. But if you're calculating the similarity to every candidate, there's no speedup or advantage to using ANNOY.
Further, if you're going to combine all of the distances from two such calculation, there's no need for the sorting that most_similar() usually does - it just makes combining the values more complex later. For the gensim vector-models, you can supply a False-ish topn value to just get the unsorted distances to all model vectors, in order. Then you'd have two large arrays of the distances, in the model's same native order, which are easy to add together elementwise. For example:
udists = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[upref], topn=False)
sdists = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[spref], topn=False)
combined_dists = udists + sdists
The combined_dists aren't labeled, but will be in the same order as self.m2v.index2entity. You could then sort them, in a manner similar to what the most_similar() method itself does, to find the ranked closest. See for example the gensim source code for that part of most_similar():
Finally, you might not need to be doing this calculation yourself at all. You can provide more-than-one vector to most_similar() as the positive target, and then it will return the vectors closest to the average of both vectors. For example:
sims = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[upref, spref], topn=len(self.m2v))
This won't be the same value/ranking as your other sum, but may behave very similarly. (If you wanted less-than-all of the similarities, then it might make sense to use the ANNOY indexer this way, as well.)

Using a model to compare name and surname

I have names of employees saved in a text file. I processed the file and compared a name that already exist.
When I checked using most_similar method, I found that it returns totally unrelated name even if the exact same name exist in the corpus.
import gensim
with open(training_file, encoding="iso-8859-1") as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
mylist.append(gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(line), [i]))
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=55)
inferred_vector=model.infer_vector(['aakash', 'prakash', 'patel'])
sims = model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_vector])
' '.join(mylist[sims[0][0]].words)
How do I correctly train the data to return (closely) matching names?
You define similarity in terms of edit distance, i.e. how similar two strings are.
x2vec models define similarity in terms of semantic closeness, i.e. how similar two meanings are, computed through machine learning and co-occurrence statistics.
In other words, you're using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Look into tools for computing string distance instead:
from Levenshtein import distance
string1 = 'aakash'
string2 = 'akash'
string3 = 'konstantinos'
print(distance(string1, string2))
print(distance(string1, string3))

Naive Bayes training set optimization

I am working on a naive bayes classifier that takes a bunch of user profile data such as:
Email Address
URLS { ... }
The last bit is a bunch of urls that are search results for the user gathered by a google search for the user by name. The objective is to decide if the search result is accurate(ie. it is about the person) or inaccurate. In order to do this, each piece of the profile data is searched within each link in the url array and a binary value is assigned per attribute if that profile data (ex. City) is matched on a page. The results are then represented as a vector of binaries (ie. 1 0 0 0 1 means Name and Email address was matched on the url).
My questions revolves around creating the optimal training set. If a person's profile has incomplete information (such as missing email adddress), should that be a good profile to use in my training set? Should I be only training on profiles with full training information? Would it make sense to make different training sets (one for each combination of complete profile attributes) and then when i am given a user's url to test with, i determine which training set to use based on how much user profile is on record for the test person? How can i go about this?
In general, there is no "should". Whichever way you create a model, the only thing which matters is its performance, no matter how you created it.
However, it is highly unlikely you'd be able to create a proper model with hand-picked training set. The simple idea is that you should train your model on data which looks exactly like live data. Will live data have missing values, incomplete profiles etc? So, you need your model to know what to do in such situations and, therefore, such profiles should be in the training set.
Yes, certainly, you can make a model composed of several sub-models, however you might run into problems with having not enough training data and overfitting. You'll have to create multiple good models for it to work, which is harder. I suppose it would be better to leave this reasoning to the model itself rather than trying to hand-hold it into the right direction, this is what machine learning is for - save you the trouble... But there is really no way to say before trying it on your data set. Again, whatever works in your particular case is right.
Because you're using Naive Bayes as your model (and only because of that) you can benefit from the independence assumption to use every piece of data you have available and only consider those present in the new sample.
You have features f1...fn, some of which may or may not be present in any given entry. The posterior probability p( relevant | f_1 ... f_n ) decomposes as:
p( relevant | f_1 ... f_n ) \propto p( relevant ) * p( f_1 | relevant ) * p( f_2 | relevant ) ... p(f_n | relevant )
p( irrelevant | f_1...f_n ) is similar. If some particular f_i isn't present, just drop the terms from the two posteriors---given that they're defined over the same feature space probabilities are comparable, and can be normalised in the standard way. All you then need is to estimate the terms p( f_i | relevant ): this is simply the fraction of the relevant links where the i_th feature is 1 (possibly smoothed). To estimate this parameter simply use the set of relevant links where the i-th feature is defined.
This is only going to work if you implement yourself, as I don't think you can do this with a standard package, but given how easy it is to implement I wouldn't be concerned.
Edit: an example
Imagine you have the following features and data (they're binary, since you say that's what you have, but the extension to categorical or continuous is not difficult, I hope):
D = [ {email: 1, city: 1, name: 1, RELEVANT: 1},
{city: 1, name: 1, RELEVANT: 0},
{city: 0, email: 0, RELEVANT: 0}
{name: 1, city: 0, email: 1, RELEVANT: 1} ]
where each element of the list is an instance, and the target variable for classification is the special RELEVANT field (note that some of these instances have some variables missing).
You then want to classify the following instance, missing the RELEVANT field since that's what you're hoping to predict:
t = {email: 0, name: 1}
The posterior probability
p(RELEVANT=1 | t) = [p(RELEVANT=1) * p(email=0|RELEVANT=1) * p(name=1|RELEVANT)] / evidence(t)
p(RELEVANT=0 | t) = [p(RELEVANT=0) * p(email=0|RELEVANT=0) * p(name=1|RELEVANT=0)] / evidence(t)
where evidence(t) is just a normaliser obtained by summing the two numerators above.
To get each of the parameters of the form p(email=0|RELEVANT=1), look at the fraction of training instances where RELEVANT=1 which have email=0:
p(email=0|RELEVANT=1) = count(email=0,RELEVANT=1) / [count(email=0,RELEVANT=1) + count(email=1,RELEVANT=1)].
Notice that this term simply ignores instances for which email is not defined.
In this instance, the posterior probability of relevance goes to zero because the count(email=0,RELEVANT=1) is zero. So I would suggest using a smoothed estimator where you add one to every count, so that:
p(email=0|RELEVANT=1) = [count(email=0,RELEVANT=1)+1] / [count(email=0,RELEVANT=1) + count(email=1,RELEVANT=1) + 2].

How to display the results of multiple comparisons

If you compare two sets of data (such as two files), the differences between these sets can be displayed in two columns, or two panes, such as WinMerge does.
But are there any visual paradigms to display the differences between multiple data sets?
The starting point of my question was the assumption that displaying differences between 2 files is relatively easy, as I mentioned WinMerge, whereas comparing 3 or more text files turns out to be more complicated, as there will be more and more differences between, say, different versions of a document that have been created over time.
How would you highlight parts of the file that are the same in 2 versions, but different from other versions?
The data sets I have in mind are objects (A, B, C, ...) which may or may not exist and have properties (a, b, c, ...) which may be set or not set.
Set 1: A(a, b, c), B(b, c), C(c)
Set 2: A(a, b, c), B(b), C(c)
Set 3: A(a, b), B(b)
If you compare 2 sets, e.g. 1 and 2, the difference would be in B(c). Comparing sets 2 and 3 results in the difference A(c) and C().
If you compare all 3 sets, you end up with 3 comparisons (n * (n-1) / 2)
I have a different view than some of those who provided Answers--i.e., that you need to further specify the problem. The abstraction level is about right. Further specification would make the problem easier, but the solution less useful.
A couple of years ago, i saw a graphic on ProgrammableWeb--it compared the results from a search on Yahoo with the results from the same search on Google. There's a lot of information to covey: some results are in both sets, some in just one, and the common results will have different positions in the respective engine's results, which somehow has to be shown.
I like the graphic and reimplemented it in Matplotlib (a Python scientific plotting library). Below is an example using some random points as well as python code i used to generate it:
from matplotlib import pyplot as PLT
xvals = NP.array([(2,3), (5,7), (8,6), (1.5,1.8), (3.0,3.8), (5.3,5.2),
(3.7,4.1), (2.9, 3.7), (8.4, 6.1), (7.1, 6.4)])
yvals = NP.tile( NP.array([5,3]), [10,1] )
fig = PLT.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.plot(x, y, "-", lw=3, color='b')
ax1.plot(x, y2, "-", lw=3, color='b')
for a, b in zip(xvals, yvals) : ax1.plot(a,b,'-o',ms=8,mfc='orange', color='g')
This model has some interesting features: (i) it actually deals with 'similarity' on a per-item basis (the vertically-oriented line connecting the dots) rather than aggregate similarity; (ii) the degree of similarity between two data points is proportional to the angle of the line connecting them--90 degrees if they are equal, with a decreasing angle as the difference increases; this is very intuitive; (iii) cases in which a point in one data set is not present in the second data set are easy to show--a point will appear on one of the two lines but without a line connecting it to a point on the other line.
This model works well for comparing search results because each search result has a 'score' (its index, or order in the Results List). For other types of data, you might have to assign a score to each data point--a similarity metric might i suppose (in a sense, that's actually what the search result order is, an distance from the top of the list)
Since there has been so much work into displaying a diff of two files, you might start by expressing your 'multiple data sets' in an appropriate text format, then using whatever you want to show a diff between those text formats.
But you should tell us more about your data sets!
I experimented a bit, and implemented two displays:
I agree with Peter, you should specify what type your data is and what you wish to bring out in the comparison.
Depending on the nature of the data/comparison you can consider different visualisations. Is your data ordered or unordered? How many things are you comparing, i.e. fine grain or gross comparison?
Visualizing a comparison of unordered data could just be plotting the two histograms of your sets (i.e. distributions):
image source
On the other hand, comparing a huge ordered dataset like DNA can be done innovatively.
Also, check out visual complexity, it's a great resource for interesting visualization.
