Quota limit exceeded but no quota used? - youtube

Morning, everyone,
I come here today because I have a problem with the youtube API. I upload every day about 50 videos via the API, but I don't understand why since 3 days no more videos can be uploaded, the error I'm given is an overrun of the allowed quotas, which is strange because in the youtube API console, no quota has been used for 3 days (because of this error no video can be uploaded) ... ?
Thank you for you help

The main problem is youtube changed their API access, now in order to access their API one must apply and get accepted by their API compliance form


YouTube DataApi v3 subscription limitations

I am using https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/push_notifications to continually monitor ~ 2,000 channels for new videos etc.
Up until last week, I wasn't having any problems, with pubnubsubbub, however, for some reason, I am getting 403 when I am trying to access (via curl or requests) https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/subscribe saying nothing more than
<b>403.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins>
<p>Your client does not have permission to get URL <code>/subscribe</code> from this server. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>
So my questions are:
is there any limit (either IP or time or quota) that is documented somewhere and I am somehow hitting? As xml calls were "unlimited" and i do not see any difference in the official YouTube Data Api documentation
have somebody found a better pub/sub channel (either paid or not) with YouTube DataApi 3
if somebody had a similar situation, how long my "ban" will stay
As suggested by Marco Aurelio, I am adding my solution.
My VPS provider had some bans from Google on their IPv6 network in the data center where I had my server running. Thus by contacting them and fixing my network settings the pubsubhubbub continued working without issues.
So the tip for future debuggers stumbling upon here is trying to curl any other Google API (e.g. a function) that you are 100% sure it works and if you are still getting 403, then your IP address range is blocked for some reason (like data center ban in my case).
If you continue to have the problem and getting the "notification" with a maximum delay of 6 minutes isn't a problem, here is a workaround.
I don't use pubsubhubbub but you can simulate its advantages. Indeed you have 10 000 quota a day, using PlaylistItems: list with the uploads playlist of the channel found with contentDetails in part by using Channels: list.
In that way you can check for new videos for 50 YouTube channels for 1 quota so if you want to check your 2 000 channels you have to spend 40 of quota.
If you want to uniformly check during the day you can so make 250 global checks a day, so every 346 seconds (almost 6 minutes).
Of course you have to store your last videos found for a YouTube channel in order to check if there is any difference during your new global check.
If you just want a boolean response whether or not your current request response is different from the previous one, you can check the etag.

Limit on YouTube Videos I can upload everyday

I am working on a YouTube channel where I have to upload thousands of short videos. To automate the boring process I decided to write a Python program that can upload all my videos and set appropriate tags, descriptions etc.
I created a Project in Developers console created API clients acquired appropriate credentials, requested and got my daily API Usage quoted extended to 500,000 units every day.
Now that I started uploading videos I am facing a different problem, i.e. the number of videos i can upload in one day. After every 100 clips i get Auth errors which say i have exceeded the daily limit of number of videos i can upload.
I want to know why is there a limit on the number of videos if i have decent API usage quota to spare.

youtube data API not resetting quota

since 3 days the youtube Data API v3 keeps returning the same quota exceeded errors. I made some changes to drastically reduce the number of calls to the API yesterday, hoping it would reset at midnight pacific time today, but no such luck. Could somebody please look into this. The project ID is (removed), project number is (removed).
Thank you.
#TotallyFuzzy I am having same issue yesterday and when I looked into quota the daily limit was set to 0 in my google admin console and there was no way edit,
so in the end I removed and recreate the youtube API in developer console
that fixed the problem for me, here is the screenshot of new youtube API quota

use google api to upload videos got error 'The user has exceeded the number of videos they may upload.'

I use googleapis nodejs client to upload my videos.for some reason, some videos have not been processed successfully, so I need upload them again,But I got some error:
Error: The user has exceeded the number of videos they may upload.
I googled some answers about these question ,like Youtube video uploads rejected before API quota limit reached
,and I found Quotas page to see whether i reach the limit quotas.
As you can see, I did't reach the limit .But I also can not upload videos any more using api.
I want to know why .
By the way
my googleapis version is v36.0.0.
my node version is v8.13.0

Increase the quota for Youtube v3

I'm a developer of a program for streamers. It receives and displays various information, such as chat, super chat, sponsors. The problem is that at the moment the program is close to the limit. And this despite the fact that I increased the delay between requests, but it did not help, because every day there are new users.
How can I increase the quota for Youtube v3?
Check this quota request page for Youtube API. You'll be required to answer several questions:
This application also requires you to submit screenshots and design
documents relating to your API Client(s) and your use of YouTube
API(s). If you do not have these ready, please apply once these are
