How would I go up a directory in lua? - lua

Let's say I have a root folder like this:
--+ Folder
+-+ OtherFolder
| +-- main.lua
+-+ AnotherFolder
+-- output.txt
And I want main.lua to use io.output() and set the .txt file to be in the "AnotherFolder" folder. What would I do?
I've tried using io.output(";../AnotherFolder/output.txt) and io.output("../AnotherFolder/output.txt) however they give me the "no such file or directory" error (The file does exist).

The file path is relative to the directory you run the script from.
For example imagine I have a directory layout like this:
and my main.lua looks like this
io.write('Hello World!')
If I run the program from the bar directory it works, but if I run it from the foo directory you get
cannot open file '../baz/file.txt' (No such file or directory)
You would need to change the file path to baz/file.txt to make it work from that directory.


I don't want to ignore a file with no extension

I have a credentials file with no extension.
I would like to add this file to the docker to be available in the app directory.
Right now I have a file added in the root of the application but after building the image the file is missing
My dockerignore
Try +([^.])
The bash extended glob +([^.]) will match files without any . in their name. It requires that you have not unset shopt extglob (on modern bash installations, it should be set by default). The pattern means:
any number (but at least one) of characters other than .

Dockerignore: allow to add only specific extension like *.json from any subfolder

I have a .dockerignore file and I'm trying to allow Docker to upload only *.json files but from any of subfolders.
For example, for the next files structure:
I'm expecting to see only json files in the image:
Of course they must be located in the same directories as in original source.
I tried several ways but didn't succeed.
UP: I don't know how many subfolders will be created in the public/ directory and how deep will be the directories structure.
I think you can achieve what you want by relying on one such .dockerignore:
The tricky thing is that the first line of this file is public/* but not public nor * (otherwise the !... subsequent lines won't work).
Note also that you may want to automate the generation of one such .dockerignore, to cope with possible tree structure changes.
For example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
{ echo '*' ; # header of the .dockerignore - to be changed if need be
find public -type d -exec echo -en "!{}\n{}/*\n" \; ;
echo '!**/*.json' ; } > .dockerignore
$ ./ would output the following file:

FileNotFoundException with absolute path

I have a directory like this:
|__ src
| |
| |__ Main.scala
|__ testcase
In Main.scala, is read by Source.fromFile():
val inputFile = ""
val lines = Source.fromFile("./testcase/" + inputFile).getLines
But when I run Main.scala in sbt the FileNoutFoundException appear. When I change the path to "../testcase/" + inputFile then it works fine. The original path is from my teacher, so I wonder which path is actually correct? Oh, I'm using Linux btw...
./ means: the current path
../ means: the directory "above" the current directory
Thus: when you run your Scala class from "src", "./testcase" makes it look for a directory testcase within "src"; or using full path names:
"assignment/src/" + "./testcase" turns into "assignment/src/testcase"
Whereas, when you use
"assignment/src/" + "../testcase" turns into "assignment/testcase"
therefore, the version with ".." finds the valid path. That is all the magic here!
. => current dir
.. => one above curren dir
But standard way to access resources is using the resources folder of sbt project structure.
This way helps you to access files independent of where (which class) you are accessing the resource in the code.
Folder to put your files
val stream : InputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/readme.txt")
val lines = stream ).getLines

How could I untar all .tar files in a directory to folders based on filename of each .tar?

I could do this for .zip files in the folder using the command below:
for f in "!"; do unzip -d "${f%*.zip}" "$f"; done
The above command extracts all .zip files in a given folder to subfolders, having content and name of respective .zip files.
But I couldn't find a command that would do the same for .tar files. Please help.
Btw, I am trying to do this on a remote server using WinSCP/putty. So, I cannot use a GUI software. I need a command, thus the question.
After a bit of fiddling I came up with for f in $(find -maxdepth 1 | grep .tar); do mkdir ${f%.tar}; tar -xaf $f -C ${f%.tar} ; done appears to work, so long as the file name does not contain any spaces. I assume you wanted the directory from foo.tar to be named foo (no file extension). If you want the directory to be named foo.tar (with file extension) then try using for f in $(find -maxdepth 1 | grep .tar); do mkdir $f ; tar -xaf $f -C $f ; done.
IIRC, the remote access client Cyberduck can handle compressed files in a GUI - so you can try that if you're fine with a GUI solution.

How to create xpi file with 7Zip?

I would like to pack my firefox extension as xpi file. I tried by adding it to archive and name it as filename.xpi
But when i try to install it on firefox am getting "package corrupted" message. Is there any way i can create a valid xpi file ?
I have installed cygwin and tried to execute zip command to create xpi file. But got zip is not a command error.
Can somebody guide me to get it done ?
If you are on windows (to install cygwin it looks like you do), you can use the windows built in tool:
Select the contents of the extension (remember, don't select the outside folder).
Right Click
Send to
Compressed (zipped) folder
Then just replace the .zip for .xpi in the filename
Looks like your problem is on completing the point 1. correctly. Select only the contents of the extension. Not the folder that contains it.
So basically your zip file should have following structure:
|- install.rdf
|- chrome.manifest
|- <chrome>
and NOT this structure:
|- <my_extension>
|- install.rdf
|- chrome.manifest
|- <chrome>
I experienced the same problems today and found the error to be that the add-on was obviously not signed by Mozilla, causing Firefox to refuse the installation. Up until recently, it was possible to by-pass this security check by setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false in about:config. However, as of Firefox 46, signing is mandatory and no by-pass is provided any longer, see This means that one has to either downgrade to a previous version or use a non release channel version to test one's addons :(
Also, here's how I pack an extension for Firefox with command line 7z:
cd /the/extension/folder/
7z a ../<extension_name>.xpi * -r
(where 'a' stands for "add/create" and "-r" for recursive)
Or to update the extension with the file(s) we just edited:
cd /the/extension/folder/
7z u ../<extension_name>.xpi * -r
("u" for update the archive's content)
Two methods, using the GUI 7zFM.exe, or a command line or batch file.
1.0) GUI method. Assuming 7-Zip is installed with shell integration so you see 7-Zip show up in the context-menu (right-click of selected files) of Windows Explorer.
1.a) Go into the folder of your add-on.
1.b) Select all the files and folders you want to include in the .xpi. Assuming you don't have any files you want to ignore down in any sub-folders. If you do, you might want to use the command line option.
1.c) Right-click on the list of selected files, find the 7z icon, choose the Add to archive... option.
1.d) A dialog pops up. Edit the location and name of the zip file, change to .zip to .xpi, etc.
1.e) Note if you create the .xpi in the same folder, don't re-archive it in the future, as your add-on will fail horribly. You never want an .xpi ending up inside your .xpi by accident. I usually just create it in the parent folder, by adding ..\ to the beginning of the file name, e.g. ..\addon-1.2.3-fx.xpi
1.f) 7-Zip has a lot of powerful compression options, not all of which Firefox can handle. Choose settings which Firefox is able to process. Refer to image.
2.0) Command Line method. Assuming you're in Windows, and know how to open a command prompt, change drives and directories (a.k.a. folders).
2.a) CD to your add-on directory.
2.b) Use the most basic 7-Zip command line.
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip addon-1.2.3-fx.xpi *
2.c) You can get a smaller file by finding the exact command line options which correspond to the above GUI, namely:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -mx=9 -mm=Deflate -mfb=258 -mmt=8 "addon-1.2.3-fx.xpi" *
Note that there is no Dictionary size = 32kb option when using Deflate Compression method. Otherwise, the options are in order and correspond to the GUI.
| Option / Parameter | GUI | Command line |
| Archive format | zip | -tzip |
| Compression level | Ultra | -mx=9 |
| Compression method | Deflate | -mm=Deflate |
| Dictionary size | 32 KB | (none) |
| Word size | 258 | -mfb=258 |
| Number of CPU threads | 8 | -mmt=8 |
| Additional Parameters | | |
| Recurse into Folders | (none) | -r |
| Multiple passes | (none) | -mpass=15 |
| Preserve Timestamps | (none) | -mtc=on |
| Ignore files in list | | -x#{ignore} |
i) The multi-thread option (-mmt=8) is specific to my system which has 8 cores. You will need to lower this to 6 or 4 or 2 or 1 (i.e. remove option) if you have fewer cores, etc, or increase if you have more. Won't make much difference either way for a small extension.
ii) The option to recurse into folder may or may not be the default, so specifying this option should ensure proper recursion.
iii) The option to preserve windows timestamps (creation, access, modification) should default to on anyways, so may not be needed.
iv) The ignore files in list option is any file which has a list of files and wildcards of files you wish to exclude.
2.d) Advanced topic #1: ignore file list (examples)
| What to Ignore | Why to Ignore |
| TODO.txt | Informal reminders of code to fix. |
| *.xpi | In case you forget warning above! |
| .ignore | Ignore the ignore file list. |
| ignore.txt | Same thing, if you used this name. |
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -mx9 -mm=Deflate -mfb=258 -mmt=8 -mpass=15 -mtc=on "addon-1.2.3-fx.xpi" * -x#ignore.txt
2.e) Advanced topic #2: Batch file (Windows CMD.EXE), assuming fairly recent windows, i.e. from the 21st century. This can be as simple and rigid, or complex and flexible as you care to make it. A general balance is to assume you will be in the Command Prompt, in the top level directory of the add-on you are working on, and that you have intelligently named that directory to have the same basename of the .xpi file e.g. D:\dev\addon-1.2.3-fx directory for the addon-1.2.3-fx.xpi add-on xpi. This batch file makes this assumption, and dynamically figures out the correct basename to use for the .xpi.
REM - xpi.bat - batch file to create Mozilla add-on xpi using 7-Zip
REM - This finds the folder name, and discards the rest of the full path, saves in an environment variable.
FOR %%* IN (.) DO SET XPI=%%~nx*
REM - Uncomment the DEL line, or delete .xpi file manually, if it gets corrupted or includes some other junk by accident.
REM DEL "%XPI%.xpi"
REM - Command line which does everything the GUI does, but also lets you run several passes for the smallest .xpi possible.
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r -mx=9 -mm=Deflate -mfb=258 -mmt=8 -mpass=15 -mtc=on "%XPI%.xpi" * -x#ignore.txt
REM - Cleanup the environment variable.
When pack extension using 7z, compress into .zip and then rename to .xpi, dont compress i
Do as per the following while using 7z
Select only the inner contents and not the outer folder.
Enter the filename as filename.xpi and choose archive format as zip in the prompt that appears while zipping.
You will find a valid xpi file created.
Use the created xpi for installing your extension on firefox.
It works!
Just zip all the files and folders inside my_extension folder and change the resulting zipped file's extension to my_extension.xpi
|- defaults/
|- locale/
|- resources/
|- install.rdf
|- ... (other files and folders)
Installation of xpi file created from zipped file of my_extension folder will result error as
"This add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt." error
I try myself to build a zip in several ways because I was convinced I do something wrong 'cause all i got was "package corrupted" stuff .
well.. not anymore and I do not even need to load it from Load temporary add-on (now i drag and drop the xpi file from the desktop over Waterfox and I install it as legit xpi file!
How I do that?
'Cause I try myself the github stuff I load it first in Load temporary add-on (url:about:debugging#addons) the xpi file using the method used by user314159 with the .bat file method that use 7zip.
after you load that you should read somewhere something similar to:
Extension ID
then all you should do is add inside manifest.json modifying the "applications" :
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"strict_min_version": "54.0a1",
"id": "86257e65ca311ee368ffcee50598ce25733a049b#temporary-addon"
after this push Remove to uninstall the temporary addon then you should build the xpi again like you did before
now is a normal xpi file SIGNED what you can install normal ! (here is works without modifying anything else)
I use Waterfox x64 i's seems to be problems to Firefox
the answer is you should upload your extension on the hub then to use mozilla signing api
Create file config.js
Insert code into config.js
try {
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", {})
catch(ex) {}
Move config.js to application work folder, eg: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\
Create config-prefs.js and write code into:
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref("general.config.filename", "config.js");
Place config-pres.js to C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\
Restart Firefox
Look result
