Integrate Strava with Google Sheets - google-sheets

I would like to integrate Strava(sport tracking application/platform) with google Sheets, specifically I would like to update a google sheet spreadsheet when I upload an activity in Strava. There is some that can tell me what I was to do or where do I have to seek to learn to do it? Thank you in advance!
ps. The next step will be integrate Xiaomi Mi fit with google Sheet to compile the same spreadsheet, but I think that the tools are the same or at least almost...

If you are comfortable coding and working with REST API's, you could register for a developer account at Strava ( and implement this feature in your language/platform of choice. However, I would recommend starting with a much simple solution.
Check out Zapier ( Zapier lets you connect apps to build new functionality without writing a single line of code. It looks like Zapier has a Strava to Google Sheet integration, which is probably the quickest way for you to get started. Zapier is super simple, and offers tons of cool functionality.
Good luck!


I need to integrate Google cloud translation API to google sheets using macros

I Cant find any workable solution. Can anyone help? Need to make translate from 1st sheet in one doc to the second. About 60.000 changeable rows.
You can use the Google Translate function directly in your sheet
If you want more advanced/customized calls, I recently wrote an article where I use the current user credential and I call a Google Cloud API (not the translate, but the principle is the same)

Dialogflow integrate with google sheet

I'm a newbie. However, I'd like to learn more about this skill.
I've looked for enormous information on the Internet, but there's no complete one to form. I'm developing Dialogflow to integrate with google sheet as well. Could you please post it on if you had more clear data?
Tool: Dialogflow(have integrated with Line), Google Sheet.
Purpose: It will store users input to google sheet.
This seems to give a complete tutorial:

Google assistant SDK custom commands

Currently following hot word example, I create custom commands like turn screen on/off, how do I disable voice response "sorry I can't help you"
there are multiple ways do it.follow this link and details google assistant
1 - if your using this method/project creation and run it. then you can parse the request/query in event.args['text'] based on which you can perform activity local without sending it to google assistant. problems: google will response with some voice message parallel.
2 - use IFTTT, pretty simple to work with. basic use with webhooks takes little time though. this link is useful and use ngrok for local webhook url
3 - use API.AI this is for advanced projects where you depend on google to assist with questions recognization and response with your answers from webhooks. it's not straight forward to work with, the details and tutorials that are given are with google cloud functions which works only with node.js as of now. if your python programmer or any other languages google has examples in github which are again not stright forward, I guess.

API for Creating/Editing Google Slides

Does Google offer a REST or Javascript API for creating and editing slides? I've been able to figure out how to interact with sheets and most of the other services offered as part of Docs/Drive, but haven't had any luck with Slides.
If there is no API, I'd be willing to create files directly myself, but I haven't been able to find any documentation on a Slides file format.
The Google Slides API was launched on 11/9/2016. It provides the ability to read, create, and edit Google Slides presentations.
I was looking into this too. Looks like it's been a requested feature since at least 2012, follow Issue Tracker Link
Right now the best I know of is to automate making a powerpoint file (e.g. use this library for python) and then upload it to google drive where it will autoconvert. Obviously there are many limitations to this strategy, but in a quick test it worked fine for something simple.
I would also love if Google provided an API that allows making slides like the various API calls for microsoft office.

iOS: Google Calendar Example

Searching around the net for almost 1 day I still did not see any simple good example of an app that implements the Google Calendar API. Or even simple explanation on how to implement the API is still not available. Can someone help me please? I'm a newbie to iOS. I need to learn how to create an event using the Google Calendar API through my app in iOS. I need a sample simple code...
Here are some very useful links when trying to figure out the google calendar api. and mainly I just downloaded the source code from the second link and worked from there. It was great!
The Google Calendar API, like most Google API's, provides a straightforward REST interface. Instead of focussing first on how to create calendar events, learn how to interact with a RESTful web service. Once you know how to do that, you only have to learn what calls to make to accomplish your goal, and that's already well documented.
